The Bostonian, The Utahan, And The Local
What a combination of chums to hang out with! LOL! Sam is the ultimate tour guide, and has been trying to get me to go to Boston with him for about three years, but I can never discipline my money, enough to save the $1,000 which is totally cheap, to go with him, because, I am always tripping around the wild, wild, west, from Durango, Colorado, to Beaver Dam, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada, back up through Utah, Idaho, and back to my adopted state, Montana, that I still, daily renew my love affair with! All roads, eventually, lead back to Montana, and generally, Kalispell, with the Flathead Lake, Valley, and Glacier National Park, the beauty is hard to beat! Just the eye candy I saw, just yesterday, is enough to make me stay . . . the fake cop, sitting in the cop car at the top of the hill, coming down into Lakeside, from Somer, almost tells the story of the state to me . . . with a population of just barely over one million, and the 4th largest state in the Union, the mantra seems to be, Just Get-R-Done! Meaning, take care of business, in whatever manner you can. I laugh every time I drive by, not just one fake dummy in the sheriff's car, but now two, a cowboy cop, sitting in another cop car parked along Main Street, which is all part of highway 93, seems to get the job done, making speeders, hit the brakes, and other drivers, checking to see if the cop is the real one or the fake, and you can't tell, until you are right on it, and a real cop would have nailed your ass, if you were speeding to that point. LOL! FUN, COLORFUL, PEOPLE . . . NEVER DULL! The fake cops, comfy on the city budget, and easy to get along with in the department, at any time, could be substituted for the real McCoy, and you could end up getting a ticket if you speed through the sleepy resort town of Lakeside, that was alive and hopping yesterday, with color, the smell of great food, colorful people, boats, serving as an accent color to the beautiful Flathead Lake, that changes colors, with each season, and is a brilliant display of color, in the fall, simply off the charts gorgeous!
My son, Chris, thinks I ought to be a tour guide for Montana . . . I come about as cheap as the dummy cops! LOL! I love the whole state so much, that I can't help myself, from talking, writing and promoting the place . . . the first place I saw was the state Capitol Building, in Helena, talk about going from the very bland, state Capitol Building in Utah, where I had not just one office, but two, one off the Rotunda, that is now occupied by the Lt. Governor's people now. My other office, downstairs, was stolen by the legislature, who are only around, 45 days a year and kicked the assistant attorney generals out, who work all year . . . still pissed and being kicked off the Hill, and being housed downtown more, far less convenient, when you could slip into a committee meeting, or watch a general session, during a break, or when assigned to track a bill through the session! Oh, well . . . but the symbolic representation of the state capitol buildings alone, tells the truth of the states, and the make up of the state.
Contrasts and Comparisons, People and Buildings
The Utah Capitol Building, which is a beautiful building and modeled after the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., has very muted colors, pastels, all white granite stone work, and there was a tornado, a very rare event in Utah, that took out all the trees, both at the Capitol, and at Memory Grove, in about 1999 . . . which is sad, because, the Hill looked like it had been skinned alive . . . perhaps that was symbolic too! LOL! I would like that . . . but, the Montana state Capitol Building, is both homey, comfortable, down home, with quilts hanging on the walls in the Secretary of States, office, where I stopped to get a copy of the state constitution, to see if I liked it, and could preserve, defend and protect, it, as much as I could the United States Constitution . . . and yes, I can, and have . . . with the Salisth-Kootenai Water Compact; however, other oath taking attorneys, and legislators do not see the constitutions and violations the same way I do . . . oh, well, your loss! The tax payers, water users, farmers and ranchers . . . the Indians, however, are very happy, with Kerr Dam, Hungry Horse, and now the Flathead . . . Nice, but, at least on the last one, unconstitutional as hell, but who am I to say, just a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, oh, well, don't listen to me, just the former, #2 in the nation for civil rights defense . . . water rights, vetted and recorded, are property rights, as long as the citizen, uses them! You can't sit on your property rights!
Anyway, the Montana State Capitol Building is just like the people, colorful, multi-ethnic, hell, during the copper king era, in Butte, there were 30 different ethnic peoples represented in that historic and famous mining town . . . there used to be 4 African American or Black newspapers, 39 Chinese laundries, 1,000 working gals on the streets, a ton of Irish, Finnish, and other emigrants, making up that town that was larger and more modern, the second city next to New York, where e Edison, installed electric lamp lights, that San Francisco, and the largest city, west of the Mississippi. If you are passing through Butte, check out the new, Labor History Museum, up on Park Street, next to the Butte Shop! You can get a tour of the old Miner's Bank, that housed the Great American Fur Store, and other cool stuff, movies, information, lectures on the history, from an author of several books, Richard, someone, who is alleged to know a shit load about the town . . . colorful, history, the story of labor unions, which is the story of America, really, with hanging, government forcing strikers back to work during the war, mining fires and disasters, with Montana leading the nation, with pioneers in the are of workers comp, fighting to protect miners and other worker, in this era of expansive growth, both in the west, Montana, but in the imperial days of industrialization of the nation . . . AMAZING STUFF . . . this is not ordinary stuff, it is Butte stuff . . . and that is TOUGH!
The state Capitol Building reflects this flavor, tenacity, with eras of vigilante justice, tough workers, corrupt politicians, you have it all! I wasn't born in Montana, but I got here as soon as I could! The Dragon Boat Races, the Garden Bar, the Raven, the Sitting Duck, the Tiki Bar and Grill, the vintage signs, the colors, the flavor, the wild stories and caricatures . . . beyond, your normal characters, these are people, stories, histories, and fun, right out of the best movies! Sam told us of the time he and all his hippy friends, came to Montana in the 70's, to have, what he calls, his country experience, rented Forest Land and housing, for, get this, $10 a month, and hung out, near Woods Bay, overlooking the Flathead, the absolutely most beautiful, elegant, lake I have ever seen . . . when the Tamarack trees turn to solid gold, set in between the pines and spruce, along with the fall colors of the orchards and vineyards, on a rainy day, with the purple, white and gray, clouds, in the background . . . fucking, amazingly beautiful!!!!! Oh, I forgot the story . . . but, Sam, used to walk from Woods Bay to the old, Mountain Tavern, in Bigfork, that burned down, years ago, but they would all gather, as the 70's Bohemians would do, and someone would break out their guitar, for music and songs, or another person would read poetry, or a real band would show up for a dance. After hours of fun, frolic, and whatever, the whole population of the bar, would be drunk, as is the sign, out back of the Garden Bar . . . with a sign appropriately named, Sam's Place, and there may be more history to that sign, that I know . . . with the new movie, Black Mass(achusetts) with Johnny Deep, playing Boston gangster, Whitey Bolger, I wondered, as Sam pointed out the plaque on the wood beam, out back in the yard, filled with vintage signs, way cool, but it says, Dedicated by Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, William F. Bolger, Postmaster General, or something like that, my yellow legal pad, got lifted yesterday . . . for Shelley's birthday, September 13, 1953, so she could claim, home turf in my writings, of the area, close to Finley's Point? Maybe . . . I am sitting right here at McDonald's, in Playplace Land . . . not at a ranch or a cabin, that was purchased with my blog money, Shelley claims. Forgot the waitresses at the Mountain Tavern, vintage sign in the yard too . . . but the waitresses, used to wake the drunken crowd and sing, it is time to go home, we are closing down, as they walked around and kicked the feet of the remaining patrons of the tavern! He said, they always did this in good fun, at the end of a long Friday or Saturday night, at 2:00 A.M.!
Local Folklore and Story Behind The Garden Bar Signs
I love law, and stories related to the law, with this one reminding me of an eminent domain case, I believe in New York, near Union Station, where an older woman or man, had a house, on prime down town property, refusing to be bought, frightened, or pushed out of her home, with two skyscrapers, being forced to build around her very humble and modest home! This story is somewhat like that. Some older woman, probably a widow, lived on Main Street in Bigfork, Mt., and the Garden Bar, was housed next door. There is a really cool, outside stage for bands to play, in the yard, which I am assuming from the story, that was out in the open at the time and made a shit load of noise, back in the day, Sam thought, around 1972, and finally, the old woman, had it, with trying to sleep with all the revelers and partiers, that came a calling, dancing and drinking, at the bar each night. So, finally, she said, she was not going to put up with it any more . . . so, i the good neighbor fashion, the bar didn't complain, they built a huge ass wood wall, separating the widow's property from the bar, and continued to serve the drunken population of the city and surrounding areas! LOL!
And as a result of the deal, with this rather high and wide empty wall, other store owners, contributed their old signs, that were either used to advertise their businesses in town, or they were donated, after their doors closed, but the signs are fun and cool to read, and see . . . the bar is completely enclosed, in a yard and wall, with tons of eye candy and history on the signs! I wrote down the best signs, but, as I said, my legal pad with all my notes, just up and walked away; therefore, I will try to remember, from my somewhat photographic memory, some of the more colorful signs: Worm Farm. Nifty Needles and Notions, The Rendezvous Lounge, The Bigfork Hotel, Bigfork Pop 484, Sam's Place--both sides of the door, leaving, The Mountain Tavern Lounge, Something Pub and Eatery, plastic sharks and marlins, neon signs, Wild Montana, Wilderness . . . mountain scene and moon over the pine trees, anyway, you get my jest . . . fun place, great food, as many old photos and signs inside as out, and a vintage bar to match! FUN!!!!! Sam said, I don't show you no junk! Damned right . . . great, fun, cool day!
Perfect Stage, "My Rust" . . . Son's New CD!
And, I want my son's band, The Ditch and the Delta to play the yard and stage at the Garden Bar, and rock the town! the lake, the mountains . . . son, Elliot's band, played Denver last night, music is as colorful, wild, rowdy as this bar, a perfect match. I asked El, if he wanted me to hook him up, and he said, no, he could handle that . . . very competent son, must take after his mother! Bragging rights! LOL! Supernatural music, two musician sons, on western, hard core, southern rock, and the other son, electronic music on the synthesizers and computer, more hip hop and rap stuff! That scratching the record stuff! Daddy Secrist gets that bragging right, sons heard dad, practice the guitar nightly . . . amazing the influences a parent has, known or unknown, tangible and untangible, never to be discounted, nor forgotten! Most hated thing by God, an ungrateful heart! Some fun pictures . . . outside bar, the Garden yard, Lynn and Sam, the prophet, tour director, extraordinaire! Great guys, great fun, totally cool day . . . at The Raven, Sam noticed a hot body, younger man, and asked me if I was ever with guys like that . . . ONLY IF THEY ARE SMART! LOL! I am renting Sam's couch for a few days, and I love to look at this very scholarly man's books, they tell the story of his interests and likes . . . the Intellectual, No Excuses: The Unapologetic Campaigner, Loyalties, books on movies . . . he loves those. Both Sam and I have a passion for vocabulary, he always tests me to see if I know the meaning and spelling of the words he uses . . . generally do! Scored in the 200th% in vocabulary, when friend at BYU, doctoral student in education, tested me . . . I am not much of a reader, but I have a great listening comprehension, and a knack for understanding the meaning of words!
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