Daily Inter Lake Thought of the Day!
A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes! Gotthold Lessing, German dramatist-critic (1729-1781)
Fun, Fun, Fun . . . Since Daddy Took The T-Bird Away!
Title of song, courtesy of the Beach Boys! I just wanted to plug the Flathead Transit, your gateway to all the fun events in the Flathead area, students, those without cars, elderly, who just want to take an amazing ride, through the Mission Mountains to Flathead Lake, and the fall leaves are starting to come on. This is one of the most beautiful rides in the state of Montana! I love it, to just go for a joy ride! This transit system is simple, reliable, on time, and fun! The services run 7 days a week, come rain, sleet, snow, or sunshine! The only two times I have memorized, are starting in Missoula, 11:30 A.M., Kalispell, 4:30 P.M., for college students, who want to come to the Dragon Boat Races, join the Viking Ships that have 42 member teams, racing across this gorgeous lake! This is you ticket to freedom, from making mom and dad buy you a car to get out and do some fun activities . . . it only costs, $30.50 to take the ride up the state! I paid more money in the taxi from the drop off site in town to get to my motel! I am not sure, but they, since they are connected with Greyhound, might have student, senior, or vet discounts . . . not sure about that, but worth a try. However, it is the best deal I have ever found. And the Pablo gas station, where we always stop going both from Missoula to Kalispell, or the reverse, and everywhere in between, generally cooks up some good home cooked grub, for travelers . . . lasagna, tacos, soups! And you can always get the normal snacks, sodas and chips. This is a great service, and I am so grateful for it . . . this is called FREEDOM! I made the first maiden run, and have gone back and forth at least 50 times, love the drive, the courteous drivers, and the convenience! TRY IT--YOU WILL LIKE IT! For more information call Flathead Transit at 406.275.2877 or 406.675.2700 ext 1352.
The Great Race! Looking Like Hillary vs. the Trumpster!
The NSA is not going to let me control my own font size (4 paragraphs later, they let me control, or sort of! This blog doesn't belong to a Republican!). . . what a bunch of lame ass babies, ALWAYS!!!!! Good hell, I have free speech, so fuck off! Anyway, last night, I watched the Rachel Maddow Show, on MSNBC, which I generally love, except for the Friday giveaway . . . too goofy for me! Surprised? LOL! But, for truth seekers, and those of us, who truly want to be informed before we vote, that would be a good interview to watch.
Just from a practical point of view, which is the rational, logical and unemotional approach to seeing things through my own eyes, the heretic that I am, Hillary has the best resume for the job, even over V.P. Biden if he should chose to run for the presidency. I think, the fact that Hillary has been Secretary of State, puts her above the V.P. who both have experience in the Senate and Congress.
Knowing the heads of state for foreign countries, is a huge ass plus! And, Hillary, I am glad to see you touting your own contributions to the Iran Nuke Deal, laying the groundwork, and such, giving diplomacy a chance, rather than always going for war! Make love, not war! It is much more enjoyable! LOL! But, the reason that many women, especially in the science and math fields on a university level, get bumped out of the picture for grants, recognition, is that they will not TOOT their own horns, like men do! So, you have to let the public know what you did for that 4 stellar years of serving the country, 24/7 as Secretary of State! We need to know! We are not privy to the nuts and bolts of your work.
The nation, as seen in the interview, are going to have to deal with the difference of a female as opposed to a male president! Let's call it, feminizing the country, or looking at issues through a woman's eyes, a mother, a grandmother, and she will be looking at domestic issues, a bit differently that a man. I believe that is the problem with the email issue . . . she just did it differently that, say Colin Powell did, who had separate private and work emails . . . men tend to compartmentalize their work and home lives; women do not, they dovetail or blend the two . . . just the difference in the sexes! Deal with it, she didn't break policy, nor violate any rules, that were merely recommendations! Her response to Andrea, was honest . . . she is sorry she didn't separate the two, but there were so many MORE important issues, that she just went with what was the most convenient! And that was . . .
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