Circle in the sand . . . I have come, full circle, in Missoula, started out, first visit, right about this time of year, in fact, watched the Homecoming Parade, down by Hellgate High School, thought it was such and different fun, interesting parade, that I called my daughter, who at the time, had a master's degree, in natural resource management, makes sense for my little hotshot firefighter, who is currently up in Oregon, making sure the dry weather, doesn't spark more fires, like the summer months, when she was up there, but after the fires, babysitting the fat, but protected sage grouse! Too fat to run . . . but, I was trying to entice my daughter and her family, to apply for law school, up here in Missoula, falling in love with the campus, the parade, nature, but not quite a Griz fan, but still going to the homecoming game, back in 2012, and also attending an Elections Law Seminar, at the Student Union, sponsored by the William James Law School, at the time, later, being reported as dying just outside of either Missoula, or Hamilton, actually Hamilton, because I remember the cop truck, that warned me of impending doom, waiting for me just up the freeway, with 5 cops cars, lining the road, pulled up to the white, soft shoulder line, with their brights on, probably waiting to T-Bone me, be the first responders, but no one moved, thank God!
I went back to Missoula and finished the seminar, I had started the day before, but, to my chagrin, and many male attorneys, who came up, noticing, that I was not being recognized and called on, having mentioned MY securities case, and judge on the response from the Harvard and Yale visiting law professors, they had read the case, but someone stopped the professor, from calling on me, sitting so obviously on the front row! My doubles, get to them first, make a big contribution to the law school, meeting Con Law Professor, Stone, I think, it has been awhile, warning that crack pot, crazy sister, claiming to be the attorney who got nationwide attention, was the chicks, brought in as my SHADOW, and trashing the REAL JOANN, so they could take over, MONTANA, like they had UTAH, through bribes, from my son's music, now the case, benefiting Mitt Romney, who I was violently opposed to having stolen MY 1/3rd of the lawsuit, I made popular! THESE MAROON 5, HAVE LIED and STOLEN THEIR WAY TO FAME, FORTUNE, PRESTIGE, AND NOTORIETY, through smoke screens and computer games, and games, like I saw, perpetuated, today, with my alleged colleague and friend! SORRY, I am a bit RAW, and so sick of this, just after writing that I thought, that I was breaking through the fraud, and getting justice! SCREAMMMMMMMM . . . this is exactly how they do it! Just one more reminder of who pervasive this lie, conspiracy, game, misrepresentation is, who deeply rooted the lies, fabrications, and fraud are!
Donated $ For Jerseys . . . Orange Is "MY" Color for Smart, Home, Kids, Focus on Education, Not Money . . . Maroon 5, Fooling AGAIN!
So, this morning, during the parade, I kept seeing people wearing orange, and just figured that was just the opposing teams colors, being no so up on sports, colors, but hearing that the GRIZ had new uniforms, but I guess I just assumed that they were same old, maroon and gray, the only team colors I had seen, either on college clothes, coats, shirts, and sports wear, so, I was shocked, to go watch the game at the Oxford, where I can always get sports, news or politics, at any time, 24/7, which I love and appreciate, and had a killer, Patty Melt, one of my favorites, even on rye bread, so good, but at first, I looked at the colors of the two teams and even thought, maybe it was half time, or a pan to a different game the Cats or something, but I noticed the "Montana" on the Jerseys, under the neck, and the GRIZ on the helmets? What the hell? Then, another guy joined me at the counter, and I said, what is up with the ORANGE uniforms? He shrugged his shoulders and said, beats me? The waitress piped up and said, oh, those are the original colors of the uniforms, back in the early days of the college . . . oh, cool, the new black is orange, and that is totally symbolic, of Missoula, trashing, the fraud broads, who have lied, covered and tried to bury me, since the inception of my early days in Montana, probably starting with the ELECTIONS LAW SEMINAR, with one of the tits and asses, being me, KAY!
Remember she is only 5'4", thin, but may have had plastic surgery to look like me and may in fact, be blonde with blue contacts, sliver of a nose, mine is chiseled and pointed, Kay's nose is a pug nose . . . no, she just stole the case, wrapped up the details after it was clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had won the case, with Brock and Rice, selling out to the feds, Utah official, Mo Mafia, and Mitt's Mutts, that this skinny, wimp of a bitch, weak, head shaking, and couldn't have written that case in 10 BILLION LIGHT YEARS . . . sure a trail attorney, an actress, and a whore, who has wanted to be me, since 7th grade, now showing up with my ex-husband, who could not let go of the money maker, Kay was losing $10,000 per month on her law practice, Jeremy Ranch home, Sandpiper or Sandtrap Circle, and I was the solution, a cheating husband, and a wife, who first made Bonnie and Clyde money through them working with Shelley to steal my son's music, turning to my case, that had been won, and me run, for fear of my life, out of the state of UTAH . . . you see, Kay Baby is not threat to a damned fly, that is her power level . . . every cop in the country knows me, or at least my name, still kicking them around . . . alwasy supporting the dumb bitches! LOL! The most shallow profession or occupation, not one of the original professions, so, the elitist in me, will PULL RANKS, YOU DUMB SHITS!
Newsflash, Dip Shits . . . Skinny Doesn't Make You Smart, Nor Does Being Poisoned, Chased, Stress Eating and Gaining Weight, Make Your Brains Drop Below, My Waist, Like It Does YOURS!
Kay is fucking the girl next door . . . unless that is, she got plastic surgery to look like me . . . they the government pigs under the direction of, ah, two of the defendants in MY BROCK case, being totally made over, on New York Investment News, pulled it up for PAID LIAR BITCH, who was speechless, after seeing my blog, first hand, up close and personal, even denying her OWN FUCKING STUPID EYES, like the fucking cops do, looking right at me, and then at my picture, I posted in my blog, calling it the FACE OF LOVE . . . showing a picture of the ANGEL coin, and MY FACE, with her saying, IS THAT YOU? You are looking at me right now, and her saying, did you diet for the week before you took that picture? Fuck no, your shitting me, you can look me in the eye, look at MY picture, and ask me if that is me? PAID TO LIE, PAID TO DENY, and when I showed her my son's bands, she was speechless, and slowly got up as if she knew damned well, she was dealing with the LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See NO EVIL . . . and she walked out, almost not saying a word! SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE! Simply irresistible is the song on . . . KAY IS A PLAIN AS THE DAY IS LONG????????????????????????????????? CHANGED FACE? They had to, Rachel's face is wider than mine, on her best day, Shelley, I heard lost weight, but this bitch, lying hag, was looking right at my own face and asking me, if I was sure that was ME . . . so what the fuck is up, who stole my face, did they all get NEW FACES, MINE, TOO? God all fucking mighty . . . check the fake boobs, Shelley's stitches around her face . . make over? I heard she lost 50 lbs. but she still resembles me, but looks very different and would thin . . . I am not a guy, and I have always, always, been preferred over Kay, Shelley, Rachel, Marcie, Sue, etc. in the past . . . I am fat, but still HOT! LOL!
Song . . . You'll Be Wrapped Around My Finger . . . No, I Don't Need Men, Like the Bitch Squad Does and I Am Not a Nymphomaniac!
I applied for a job, with President Engstrom, right when I first came to Missoula, stopped by and talked about the job with one of your secretaries, and was not only shocked by the humble office, compared to Utah schools, especially Utah State University, but, that may be on SECRIST MONEY TOO, but I always thought the bitch shadows, used my resume, to at least get an interview, if not the job itself. I think, in the name of justice, given the 640 blogs, that I have written, in my defense and to clear up the fraud, lies, and cover-up, you have to know, that I, JOANN S. SECRIST, have never, ever, made a donation, a grant, a scholarship, purchased a law school, nor bought uniforms for the football team. If a Joann Secrist, allegedly me, the same chick, with several of the Brett maroon 5, taking credit, and all money from MY WORK, that you have to contact, some authority, maybe some NON-MORMON FBI agent, THE MO's Will LIE! Don't trust them . . . I don''t care about the money, I just want justice, you can keep any money you have received, I just WANT THE FRAUDS CAUGHT . . . OR HAVE THEM SKINNED ALIVE AND HUNG FROM THE NEAREST CROOKED TREE . . . I promise that dirty money, will corrupt you school, through the theory of quantum physics, laundered money, mob shit, Mo shit, will eventually seek its level, I SWEAR ON THE BIBLE THE MO'S DON'T READ, NOR BELIEVE IN . . . because if they did, they would know, that one of the 10 Commandments tells them NOT TO STEAL! Proof is in the pudding and the uniforms, if they were donated by the fashion bitches with their lies so far up their asses, they even believe them, themselves! Song, I am going to beg, steal or borrow, long as you follow . . . WICKED ATTRACTION!
P.S., I am sitting at the Break Cafe, just ordered a $4.00 item, put in on my debit card, on purpose, so that, you can verify, where I was when I wrote this blog, most likely while my evil, alleged, twin, is sitting in box seats, probably at the invitation of the President! Walmart card ends in 0192 . . . Diet Coke, Chocolate Chip Bar! EASY, EASY, EASY . . . ARREST THESE FRAUDS . . . DON'T YOU THINK IT IS TIME FOR ME TO LIVE MY LIFE and time for them to go to PRISON WHERE THEY BELONG!
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