Two America's . . . What YOU Can Do About It!
This morning, the same chick that talked to me about the Brady case, bringing up the alleged, analogous comparison between Brady's situation and the horse handlers with owners of the horse being responsible for everything, also started to talk to me about the federalization of the police force, under Homeland Security . . . what is the holding of the case, wrong! NO, cops don't have any power or jurisdiction to make state and local cops, all federal cops . . . not their job, any more than it was the cops job to force a defendant to sell his firearms to pay for his visit to the Hanoi Hilton or jail, with privatization of prions and jails, to me a travesty, and totally unconstitutional, immoral, and taking away citizens' rights to hold government workers, paid and elected to do a job to protect society from hardened criminals, not make money on someone else's misery! If there is a need to cross deputize state and local cops, such as in the situation of helping with immigration, there are memorandums of understanding signed between the Department of Justice, with lawyers, looking at the constitutionality of the deputation of cops who are other than feds . . . defining the relationship, with the potential of challenging such acts, in court, signed between federal and state police agencies . . . there is no right to make state and local cops federal whipping boys and girls, they have no duty to help the feds with anything, unless there is a crime that is happening that crosses states. And in most cases, it is the state and local cops who control whether or not the feds are called in on their cases, or local cases, due to a lack of experience or training.
That is one of the problems with the Patriot Act and many of the 1200 to 1900 executive orders that President Bush passed, during his lame duck sessions, giving state and local cops the same powers as federal cops, which should all be under the penumbra of the United States Constitution and respective state constitutions! This is another area, where the president overstepped his duties and responsibilities stepping on the legislatures toes, moving into the making law, jurisdiction or power, that is not their job! The executive, merely enforces the laws that the legislative branch passes, at the request of the people, as a need to carry out the business of the nation, or the state. If there is a problem with understanding a particular law, the judiciary steps in to resolve differences in the interpretation of the law. These duties are cleanly and clearly outlined in the U.S. Constitution and in state constitutions, that are about the business of the state. The cops, federal or not are not he up line of other cops, either the president, the governor, the mayor, etc. are over the cops, with the one exception, that of the sheriffs who are elected by the people, for the people and of the people, giving the people a say in the workings and procedures of local cops. The best laws and actions take place at the closest level to the people, when working with representatives, elected by the people . . . they answer to the PEOPLE, who created the government, who is to protect their rights!
Knowledge is Power . . . I Am Attempting to Impart it to YOU, so YOU can Take it to the City Council, The County Commission, Use it on the Streets, at Schools, Churches, and Help Put this Country Back, Working Like It
Was Intended to Work!!!!!!!
We will have you all educated in the law, by the time I quit this blog . . . POWER TO THE PEOPLE, TAKING IT TO THE STREETS!
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