American Justice
This morning, Kassandra and I, took off to McDonald's to eat, for their good breakfasts, cheap fountain drinks and refills, plus Internet access, light, and a staff that basically doesn't harass you for loitering, even if you blog takes you hours, which generally means, that I purchase both breakfast and lunch, so that I somewhat pay for my rent-a-space, office, in this bizarre life I live, having none to few allies, with a ton of enemies, who, not only want me dead, but want to stop this blog, and need to stop any type of DNA samples, proving, with the stroke of science, that I am, not only who I say I am, but my children, are actually mine; however, the cops are willing to spend tons of time, and effort, resources and manpower, in an effort to mask, actual help, and to disguise that they too, are involved in this crazy scheme, starting with family, extending to church, communities, controlled by grants, that are the rewards, of MY family, and divided out to the rest of the recipients, by my enemies, who are actually presenting themselves, based on my credibility, as me, twisting my constitutionally based analysis and efforts, spinning things to benefit, like the feds, Mo controlled, and continuing fights, wars, issues, doing what the world bankers, the Bushes, the Skull and Bones Society, the federal law enforcement agencies, and others are known for, funding, continuing, and promoting both sides of an issue, for monetary gain, greed, power, control, and unparalleled ambition!
So, Kassy and I, sit down, and I start watching American Justice: The Woman Who Knew Too Much, about a beautiful wife, mother, and sister, in a sister of very beautiful women, in a doctor's family, married to a criminal defense lawyer, who got caught up in the dark side of the law, being enticed into the easy money world, of crime, money laundering, tax fraud, off shore banking, and other illegal criminal enterprises, along with and including, the murder of his beautiful wife, who was divorcing him, because of his criminal connections and her up coming divorce, based on her husband's secret business practices, affairs, and poor fathering skills. Gotta love these social media, tech happy, non-conversationalist, young people . . . Kassy is content listening to music, texting, and doing face book, leaving me time to start my daily routine of checking out my YouTube recommendations, based on my previous day's blog, and see if there is anything that interests me, before, I start writing my actual blog for the day, and sometime, or generally, changing the direction of the content of the blog, from my initial thoughts for the day. Just the modern world we live in now, either cling to the old ways, or just roll with the new . . . that is what I do!
Mormon access, access, access . . . through the 30,000 NSA spies, in Utah, who spy on America, in all the western states! This is the shit I deal with daily . . . screammmmmmmmmmm! A man just sneezed in the both next to me . . . what does a sneeze sound like, TIS YOU!!!!!!! My computer settings show that when I publish, I am Kay, not JOANN S. SECRIST IN MISSOULA, MONTANA at the moment; therefore, conveniently, law enforcement, due to the settings on the computer, just attribute MY work to HER! And then, SHE, becomes me . . . I am at fucking McDonald's, on Broadway Street, Missoula, MT! GET IT RIGHT, SO EASY, SEND IN YOUR LOCAL FBI, and verify!!!! OR better yet, check the surveillance cameras, that had a clear shot to me, when I wrote MY blog yesterday, there for hours, then I wrote that I was ordering a sirloin burger and large fries, on my Walmart money card, which I FUCKING DID, for FUCKING EVIDENCE, LAME ASSES, SO VERIFY MY CREDIBILITY, Don't go on your fucking NSA, MO protected access to MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddamnit, you are STUPID!!!!!! VERIFY, CHECK OUT WHAT I AM SAYING AND THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT! A guy, ordering, has a t-shirt that says it all . . . PAINLESS STEEL!!! or PAINLESS STEAL! NO, IT IS NOT PAINLESS . . . IT HURTS, EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET it RIGHT! YOU EXHAUST ME IN YOUR STUPIDITY! Simply amazing . . . to say the least!
Enemy Players, NSA, Mormon Access, Access, Access!
Note: all part of this game, I can't get into MY settings on MY computer and change the publishing date and time, with the NSA run and controlled shit, showing, 9/20/15, 9:42, Pacific Time . . . when it is 10:44 AM, Mountain Time, here in Missoula, Montana where I am, right now . . . Ms. Kay Burningbutt, Burningham, the government favorite, or one of ME, is living, or at least has a bar membership, in California, which I do NOT, and is allegedly living in Santa Barbara, CA! My bar licenses go up, not out . . . Utah, Federal District Court of Utah, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, and United States Supreme Court! But, Kay rides tandem on my name, resume and credentials, when called upon, or applying for hot federal jobs, that she could NEVER qualify for under her own, shitty career! BEING ME IS SWEET!!!!!! Nice ride, Kay, when you could never have done it without me, and I could and did, do everything without your sorry ass . . . that was fortunitous, switching places with me, taking my husband, my career, and claiming MY children! NICE SWAP, HAG!!!! WEARING TWO HATS, JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE SOUTHWICK BITCHES!Mormon access, access, access . . . through the 30,000 NSA spies, in Utah, who spy on America, in all the western states! This is the shit I deal with daily . . . screammmmmmmmmmm! A man just sneezed in the both next to me . . . what does a sneeze sound like, TIS YOU!!!!!!! My computer settings show that when I publish, I am Kay, not JOANN S. SECRIST IN MISSOULA, MONTANA at the moment; therefore, conveniently, law enforcement, due to the settings on the computer, just attribute MY work to HER! And then, SHE, becomes me . . . I am at fucking McDonald's, on Broadway Street, Missoula, MT! GET IT RIGHT, SO EASY, SEND IN YOUR LOCAL FBI, and verify!!!! OR better yet, check the surveillance cameras, that had a clear shot to me, when I wrote MY blog yesterday, there for hours, then I wrote that I was ordering a sirloin burger and large fries, on my Walmart money card, which I FUCKING DID, for FUCKING EVIDENCE, LAME ASSES, SO VERIFY MY CREDIBILITY, Don't go on your fucking NSA, MO protected access to MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddamnit, you are STUPID!!!!!! VERIFY, CHECK OUT WHAT I AM SAYING AND THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT! A guy, ordering, has a t-shirt that says it all . . . PAINLESS STEEL!!! or PAINLESS STEAL! NO, IT IS NOT PAINLESS . . . IT HURTS, EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET it RIGHT! YOU EXHAUST ME IN YOUR STUPIDITY! Simply amazing . . . to say the least!
Hippy Chick Attorney's Family vs. The Material Girls Family!
My birth and pursuits in life, are indicative of the ideological war and loyalties, involved in this battle for credibility oriented family battleground, with the seeds, set up at birth. I was the second child of Richard Glenn and Helen Janeen Southwick, born in California, Ventura County, Port Hueneme Navy Base, California, December 17, 1954, while my father was a member of the Office of Strategic Service, Intelligence arm, working as a spy for the Air Force, before the CIA was established, pulling in all branches of the military and foreign entities, that make up the current intelligence community. The rest of my family and extended family for generations, were born in Mormon, Utah, including both parents. And as fate, luck, or providence, would have it, this family battleground, is very consistent with the boundaries, focus, and ideologies, that, that very symbolic birth established . . . A bad ass constitutional law chick, coming up against the American greed, image conscious, power hungry, Mormon Church, with roots in ancient orders, and with loyalties, that tie into the Yale Skull and Bones Society, the Masons, with Joe Smith, first prophet and organizer of the Mormon Church, a 33 degree Mason, the Illuminate, what was established the exact same year as the founding fathers, sent, England, both the recruiting center, and heritage of most of the early Mormon converts, including my two very English families, Southwick and Chamberlain, who converted to the Church and came to America . . . and if you look back far enough into my geneology, we tie into the Bushes ancestry, and my blood line goes back to Sir Nelson, one of the most decorated Naval Officer of all time in Britain, although from an illigitimate affair . . . not surprising to me, but also tapping into the direct bloodline of the British Monarchy, taking us to a connection with the Monarch Project . . . involving the Illuminati and the CIA, who are so intertwined that you can't separate the two . . . and my current roommate, Kassie, being the one who turned me onto this Project, having been abducted at the ripe young age of 19, when she left her family and went to Kansas!
So, my loyalties, have always been, after about the age of 20, been with the secular world of the government, to Constitution, the red, white and blue, as evidenced by the participation of my two daughters, Greta and Nicole, serving in the United States Navy and Air Force, marrying military men, while possibly, lined up through the FBI DATING SERVICE, matching them with two Non-Mormon men, one a Navy SEAL, and the other one, Army, with both George and Nicole, meeting, as they were pursuing careers as military linguists, after both serving their country for four years, now living outside Washington, D.C. This is not the normal course of action for young, Mormon, born and bred, girls, in fact, my family, especially my father, was totally opposed to my daughters going into the military! Greta cut the way for Nicole, with both daughters having to battle grandpa, to take their places, both distinguished members of the military, not only as Mormon girls, but as a rare set of females, who serve in the armed forces, especially, back in the early 90's, when Greta started, followed by Nicole, several years later. That would be, I would guess, due to the loyalties, they saw evidenced by their mother's allegiances and propensities, as the two, very beautiful girls, watched as mom, cried at Memorial Day and Fourth of July, patriotic services, chuck wagon breakfasts, and town celebrations over the years, and a more and more distant, relationship with the Mormon Church and Southwick family.
Funny . . . one time, when Greta and Nicole, were young, after a Mormon sacrament meeting, fast and testimony meeting, I could hear the girls, in their bedrooms, faking like they were crying and imitating various church members, sobbing while bearing their testimonies of the Mormon Church . . . my daughters, started this heretical step, much earlier than their very active mother, married to a reformed hippy father, who reconverted to the Church after repenting and going on a Mormon mission to Holland (Shelley is claiming these girls, and I would, too, if I had her kids, or her fucking dumb ass lazy ass life!) LOL! I am sure, that at a very young age, my daughters watched me, with attention, at what meant something to me, and what did not . . . cried at Patriotic American events, did not at church . . . the total opposite of the Southwick extended family, which, even in those early years, both me and their father, were often at odds with. And especially, in our chosen lifestyles. In the first 14 years of marriage, Richard/Zeke and I, between us, accomplish, all after marriage, getting two undergraduate degrees and one master's degree, while the other sisters and their husbands, with many marrying older men, about a five year difference, including Shelley, with Don, several years older, and both her and Don having their college degrees, Kevin, Sue's husband was working on a master's degree, and Sue taught school for years, before having children, Marcie, whom I lined up with one of my X's and O men, married Mark, while he was in dentist school, in Oklahoma! Zeke and I battled through college, year after year, but accomplished a shit load, with kids, Greta being born, just 10 months after we got married!
So, my loyalties, have always been, after about the age of 20, been with the secular world of the government, to Constitution, the red, white and blue, as evidenced by the participation of my two daughters, Greta and Nicole, serving in the United States Navy and Air Force, marrying military men, while possibly, lined up through the FBI DATING SERVICE, matching them with two Non-Mormon men, one a Navy SEAL, and the other one, Army, with both George and Nicole, meeting, as they were pursuing careers as military linguists, after both serving their country for four years, now living outside Washington, D.C. This is not the normal course of action for young, Mormon, born and bred, girls, in fact, my family, especially my father, was totally opposed to my daughters going into the military! Greta cut the way for Nicole, with both daughters having to battle grandpa, to take their places, both distinguished members of the military, not only as Mormon girls, but as a rare set of females, who serve in the armed forces, especially, back in the early 90's, when Greta started, followed by Nicole, several years later. That would be, I would guess, due to the loyalties, they saw evidenced by their mother's allegiances and propensities, as the two, very beautiful girls, watched as mom, cried at Memorial Day and Fourth of July, patriotic services, chuck wagon breakfasts, and town celebrations over the years, and a more and more distant, relationship with the Mormon Church and Southwick family.
Funny . . . one time, when Greta and Nicole, were young, after a Mormon sacrament meeting, fast and testimony meeting, I could hear the girls, in their bedrooms, faking like they were crying and imitating various church members, sobbing while bearing their testimonies of the Mormon Church . . . my daughters, started this heretical step, much earlier than their very active mother, married to a reformed hippy father, who reconverted to the Church after repenting and going on a Mormon mission to Holland (Shelley is claiming these girls, and I would, too, if I had her kids, or her fucking dumb ass lazy ass life!) LOL! I am sure, that at a very young age, my daughters watched me, with attention, at what meant something to me, and what did not . . . cried at Patriotic American events, did not at church . . . the total opposite of the Southwick extended family, which, even in those early years, both me and their father, were often at odds with. And especially, in our chosen lifestyles. In the first 14 years of marriage, Richard/Zeke and I, between us, accomplish, all after marriage, getting two undergraduate degrees and one master's degree, while the other sisters and their husbands, with many marrying older men, about a five year difference, including Shelley, with Don, several years older, and both her and Don having their college degrees, Kevin, Sue's husband was working on a master's degree, and Sue taught school for years, before having children, Marcie, whom I lined up with one of my X's and O men, married Mark, while he was in dentist school, in Oklahoma! Zeke and I battled through college, year after year, but accomplished a shit load, with kids, Greta being born, just 10 months after we got married!
College Life is A Stark Contrast to Employment Life!
Of course, 14 years of struggle, is going to make a very different person, that, being a spoiled, housewife, with a husband, already making a good salary. My children, very much, exemplify the course and style, their mother and father, demonstrated. Both Greta and Nicole, as is the case with their husbands, continued college and university pursuits, long after marriage! the life of a student, children, working around mother and father's, educational goals, is totally normal, and in fact, preferred, with an emphasis on knowledge and degrees, taking precedence over money . . . KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! In the early years of marriage, I managed apartment complexes, while Zeke acquired his college degrees, both in undergraduate and in a master's level degree. And later, when Zeke was finished, I started college again, making up for lost time, and took 4 kids, 12 years and 4 colleges, to actually get my English degree. So, college life, was life, for my kids; however, their cousins' lives, were quite different, consisting of globe trotting, Disneyland, free flights, card games, family gatherings and joint vacations, that the Secrist family, was left out of, because we, either were not included in the rich family cliche, or because the family spared us the embarrassment of never having the money to come along, because we were always in school, and most likely schedules for work and college, would not have allowed, these extended family luxuries, the rest of the cousins and families enjoyed.
While my sisters, were talking about Rolex watches, Gucci purses, and Yaudrow figurines, which, I remember, not even knowing what they were talking about, I was pursuing degrees, as you can see evidenced in my rock star son's endeavors right now, Elliot, is enrolled in the music program at the University of Utah, while he trips around on the weekends, playing concerts, around his college classes and schedules . . . he is merely doing what he saw his parents, or at least his mother do, while he was growing up! After I started practicing law, that bohemian type lifestyle, connected to college life, continued, when I taught family law, up at El's choice of schools, being unable to afford the Berkeley School of Music in Boston, because his mother's lawsuits were stolen by the family, Mo Church and my rewards, were given to the Sista Club and Kay, who is one of ME, and Mitt Romney's campaign, just days after the U.S. Magistrate at the time, now, federal district court judge, Clarke Waddoups, terminated the case, when neither he, nor the litigation division, who had defaulted on the Brock securities case, the $357 million, case was up and terminated, just a day before, Kay Burningham, ME, was to team up with Mitt Romney, on the premier of a documentary, on BBC, in Britain, called, A Mormon President for the World! SHOCKING CRIMES!
With My degrees, I had POWER and MONEY, as was about to get MORE MONEY . . . throwing the Southwick family pecking order off! The education brought both! LOL! And so much more than the sum total of my whole fucking family and extended family, that went into the hundreds by this point!
Brother, Jared . . . Why Should Anyone Listen to Marcie?
Essentially, what happened, was that what was cool, and who the family listened to, took an abrupt turn, and as the aging pampered housewives, wasted their time in shopping, travel, card games, and spas, their abnormal sister, the one, who opted out of the family structure and value system, both monetarily speaking and religiously speaking, had upset the apple cart, as my father, would have put, it if he could stand to admit it . . . that the money, no longer had voice, but the education did! And right as my calculated risk, of giving my children to their father, after the divorce, choosing to pursue a law degree, after the divorce, and changing the traditional role of a divorced mother, with my now ex-husband taking over the primary role of the custodial parent, upsetting the Mormon apple cart too, and with much thought, and much family, societal and church male hierarchical disapproval, gave Zeke and the kids, the house, the car and the dog, and took my clothes, a few books, and rode off into the Provo sunset, on my bike! to go to law school, after teaching a year, to pay back my Utah Teaching Scholarship! If you don't think, that set a value priority for my children, you are fucking WRONG! This one act, or several combined, set what is happening today, in motion!
So, once again, with a beautiful house, a husband making a great income for the day and for today, also, making $80,000 per year, mom's venture into the unknown world of education, once again, manifest itself to my very astute and thoughtful children, setting me apart, once again, from the Southwick family value system, the Mormon Church, and the traditional role of a female in Utah, which included, although I didn't know it at the time, the FBI, CIA, and other government entities, that had been totally infiltrated by the Mormon Church, and getting, not only a strong hold in the government, but gaining a majority in those agencies, at that time. Zeke, was a very nontraditional Mormon male, and had always been very supportive of my educational pursuits, even offering, years before, when I graduated from my undergraduate degree with honors, that included Honored Humanities Student, and Outstanding English Major, with 3 of the top 4 English majors, going on to get law degrees, asking me why I was not going to law school, also, which had been in the back of my mind, since 1975, when I was sitting home with a new baby, thinking my life had passed me by! I needed a degree, that would make the Mormon male hierarchy and priesthood listen to me, and a law degree was that vehicle. I believe that I entertained thoughts of law school, earlier than my sister Sue, and my cousin, Meg . . . Meg actually did get a law degree, but Sue never did, until she started to act on MINE! LOL . . . that CIA, Make a Wish Foundation, for the Tits and Ass Southwick sister crew! LOL . . . making law degrees cheap and tawdry!
As I started to act out my loyalties, shame on me, little female attorney, defending, protecting and preserving the United States Constitution, like I took an oath to do, I soon, found out, that was not the course of affairs, in Utah politics, government, nor the Mormon Church, which ran the fucking state, and I soon found myself at cross hairs, with family members, the Church and even the law enforcement system, who had long departed from the Constitutional principles and tenants, that these men and women took an oath to take similar measures to defend! Just two short years out of law school, my resume was one, more worthy of either the Governor or the Attorney General, at that time . . . I remember turning in a resume, to teach at yet another college, and when I gave the guy, a 7 page, detailed resume, he looked at me, and said, Why aren't you the governor? Good question? Again, going back to my qualifications for president, what the fuck, does being an insurance agent or a real estate agent, have to do with running the state? FUCKING NOTHING!
But, that is who was in office at the time, Mike Leavitt, who came from the family connected, shared birth date with sister, Shelley, who gave up the birthright, in her younger years, being replaced, as the most responsible sister, whom mother and father Southwick relied on to take care of business with the younger siblings and house, while they were gone, making me a rare combination, of the Cinderella daughter, taking on the traits of the eldest child, generally the over-achiever, combining, the characteristics of the second child, the wild child, the rebel, and the social butterfly, making up, this attorney, who looks like she is playing, while she is kicking the shit out of the government while she is playing! LOL! Shelley and Sue, fit the generally, stodgy profile of an attorney, much better than this fun loving, dancing fool, of a sister, and mother, who can beat these guys, while playing and chilling for the last 4 fucking years! LOL! So, in my family POWER GRAB, and Constitutional efforts, I ran a foul of the Dixie Leavitt Power Machine! Dixie had been a legislator for 50 years, and he muscled his son into office, and that starts the connection with Iron County politics . . . I was the rebel who took on the government at a state level in the Brock case, and the Iron County power brokers, with my father, having grown up in Cedar City and my mother, having taught school in Cedar City, and Shelley being born on the same day, in the same hospital with Mikey Leavitt! This attorney, was FUCKING UP THE APPLE CART ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
Local, State, and National Politics at Stake . . . Fuck this Bitch! And They Did, But They Needed My Power, to Fuck the American People! Who Knew of Me, and TRUSTED ME!!!!! Use and Abuse . . .
Add Two Musically Talented Sons, And Two Military Trained Daughters, Rockin' the Academic World, Husbands Added to the Stellar Family Dynamics, And You Had a Political Power and Powder Keg With Hippy Chick, Constitutionally Loving, Attorney, Defense Attorney, Civil Rights Attorney, and Family! BLOCK THAT POWER!
God's Revolver Band . . . Easy Money, Greed, Criminal Enterprises! Sabotage That Tour!
With mom and dad, Secrist, nullified, compromised, and taken out of the picture, back in 2000, the family criminals, had total, unabashed access to steal, God's Revolver Thunder, Hard Rock Band of 2008, with little fear of being detected, exposed, and caught, with former ex-husband, and new JoAnn or Joann, Kay, replacing mom attorney, not on the side of protecting the band, but on the side of stealing the band's money earning powers, and reassigning that to the family favorite, the RIGHTFUL, first child, and family welfare, project, who had lived and was continually supported by the family, dumping her divorce and children, smack dab, on the rest of the family for mere survival, with a huge ass need to get a new identity, new career, new life, that would not only benefit her, Brett Stuart, and the rest of the ambitious, but lazy Southwick crew, but with a total family switch! possible, with family infiltrators with loyalties to their dicks, to the government, and to money! Grandpa Southwick had long tried to make a fortune, and now, here was his daughter, the least liked daughter, who opted out of the family control, one who had an abortion, allegedly against the family, church and Republican morals, with her knack for excellence, talent, brains, and ability, moving on to the next generation of Secrists! Screammmmmmm . . . what they family had to tolerate with me, was becoming unbearable, with 4 stellar children, coming into their own, in so many ways, and sitting ducks for the vipers, the money grubbers, the vultures, and the alleged privileged family members, being supplanted and surpassed, in every area from law, to music, to academics, and now to MONEY! Not only, UNACCEPTABLE to the family and church, but to the GOVERNMENT!
There was not going to be one SECRIST, but fucking FOUR, they were going to have to deal with, that no more had the value system of the establishment, but were born free and wild, in the sense, that their mother and father, while providing direction and protection, to some extent, had left the doors wide open, to accomplish or be whatever these four children wanted to be, taking them out of the sick family Southwick system, at a young age, therefore, allowing them to be free of judgement and criticism, and allowed, total open doors, open heights, open avenues to live the American dream and accomplish anything they wanted to, including the freedom to be a starving musician, with that dream about to come true!!!!
Left Unchecked, The Wheels of Fortune, Were In Motion For MONEY, POWER, FAME and MOM's KIDS!!!!!!!!! REBELS WITH A CAUSE!!!!!!!!!
The Battleground Was for the KIDS!
P.S. when I started this blog, two young men, one who looked like Chris, and the other one, who looked like Elliot, but not nearly as good-looking, check surveillance, right around 10:30 A.M., were sitting near the exit, waiting for something . . . but, let me know, the BOYZ are BACK!!!!! I have 100% faith in my children, who will be tossed and torn, but, once the facts, which they don't know, comDrue to light, and they see the evil that was not only perpetrated against their mother, but also against their father, who they might have more sympathy for, and against their sisters, for they have been stopped from getting jobs, and whatnot, trying to minimize these kids, who only the sky is the limit, by way of beauty, brains, skill and talent, goes, have also been injured, as they have themselves!
For the very ones, they are, in bed with right now, so to say, are the very ones, who set this whole thing in motion, but NOT THROUGH LOVE, but through greed and unparalleled ambition, they just could not get away with it anymore, once I exposed the REAL ELLIOT TAYLOR SECRIST, the Red Jesus, they now, and to turn child against mother, at least, and get my kids, as allies, with they anticipated very early on, seeing the value system of their mother so ingrained . . . while living apart and with a conspiracy to keep separate, those early days, values, and love, are STRONG, bonds not easily broken, and alliances, early formed! So, to say the least, and not surprising to the woman who knows her children and sons best, to see, through the grace and Intel of God, my Intel man, two young men, one blond, and one red headed, just like the two close Secrist brothers, symbolically, coming back, seeing full well, what is going on, and what went on, having been separated at 5 and 8 years of age, but very much a part of mom's life, actually spending more time together, than their globe trotting aunts did with their own Mo children, for sure . . . Midway, Salt Lake, driving the band around for almost 4 years, every weekend, and that is this mom, JoAnn S. Secrist, sitting right here, in Missoula, not that errant and lazy ass Shelley, born September 13, 1953, close but no dice, same day as Mikey Leavitt, who would testify under oath, I am sure for Shelley, amazing what and who, is professionally jealous, was back in the 90's when I shared the Capitol Rotunda level of the building, now occupied by his cronies, who followed in the footsteps, hand chosen by the Dixie, Iron County, Machine, tied into the Southwick family and roots that go back before my own father was born!
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