Attorney General in Pennsylvania Suspended From the Practice of Law, Exposing Others in Porn Scam!
I was excited, to see, yesterday in the news, on the Rachel Maddow Show, gotta love her, she always exposes the juicy stuff, and I am not sure where she gets her sources, but keep up the good work, because it almost takes, exposing others, for, any of the authorities, to understand what has been going on, in my case, and with my blog, my computer, my phones, and touching every area of my life, with, the full intent of these criminals and characters, to defraud, me and mine, of everything precious, or die trying! Hopefully, the later, is the eventual result! So, from the brief, tale out of Pennsylvania, which is telling and symbolic in and of itself, because I believe, that Shelley, my older sister, working in conjunction with the cops, alleging to be me, and working with the cops to rat, Shelley, or herself, as me, out, she has hooked up with Jack or John King Strode or Ware, of the Pennsylvania water money, from back in the early settlers day, making the Wares, one of the richest families in the state, if not the nation, with money and political connections, with strong Republican roots, loyalties, and connections, that lead, right into the 2012 presidential elections, Mitt Romney, with one heart beat away from my sister's husband, Kevin Schmidt, who, was a Mormon Bishop, in Mitt's Mormon stake, coordinating person and element, between the Southwick family, my clients, Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, also dovetailing with Mormons, Republicans, and the FBI, with both of Hank's parents, being undercover informants for the FBI for over 20 years, in California, during the red scare, or the McCarthy Communist accusations and trials, testing the loyalty of movie stars, and citizens alike.
So, I watched with curiosity and interest, as the state's attorney general, now unable to practice law, has to step aside, and let her chief, or deputy attorney general, second in command take over, while she is examined, inspected, and maybe indicted on charges of corrupt practices, pornography rings, that include, pictures, and many of the most, allegedly respected, circles of government, that the now, debunked attorney general, is pushed aside, by the state's supreme court, while allegations of this porno ring, and looked into. This scandal reaches the very highest levels of the state; however, in my case, it includes, the Mormon Church hierarchy, a former presidential candidate, also a former governor, includes the very highest level of government, not only in the state of Utah, and others, maybe, Montana, but the conspiracy to defraud of money, name, music, multi-million dollar cases, billion dollar blog, with corruption reaching the executive branches in both the state and the nation, bringing in, local and state cops, up to an including, insiders, Mormons, within the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, AFT, etc., reaching, possibly, the President of the United States, including Prez. Obama's secret service, which would include many Mormons, with an inordinate number of Mormons at all levels, being used and sacrificed as pawns in this ultimate game of chess and thrones! The Pennsylvania attorney general is chump change to this crowd, believe me! The truck, Kalispell Kreamery has passed me three times today! Many people in Kalipsell, know, exactly who I am, and who, Shelley is . . . and that Jack Strode, and her are partners in crime, if not in marriage, both stealing money, prestige, power, credentials, and credibility, from family members, Jack from his ex-wives, who allegedly are either nationally know psychologist, Pauline ? and his first wife, something, Ware, whom, I suspect, might be his sister, rather than his wife, but was allegedly, the American ambassador to Ireland, and his son, or his nephew, Scott Ware, who was CNN's, top ten, most influential people of 2012 or 13!
The Dream and the Finley Point Mansion on Flathead Lake
I know, my sister, Shelley, has no way, I know of, other than working with police, or stealing my name, my blog, getting paid for her part in stealing my identity in Utah, followed by Montana, working on the Salish-Kootenai water compact, that I was originally asked by women in the Republican Federation of Women, and also state leaders, to not only do a constitutional analysis of the compact, finding it to be unconstitutional, but in violation of the Hellgate Treaty of 1855, of which dictates the use and benefit, of the water, in the rivers and streams, on and surrounding the reservation, but does not allow for owning or operating the water systems, that serve, over 11 counties, and 300,000 Montanans, who own the ground, surface, spring, and waters of all the water in the state of Montana, with a water right, being, simply, using the water shares for the use and benefit of the land owner, or water right owner, and only, as long as they use the water . . . Indians, had to claim their water rights, as did the BIA, or the Bureau of Indian Affairs, under the 10th amendment, stating that all rights, no given to the federal government, by the states, is retained by the state and the people of the state!
The federal government, does not like, the state of Montana, owning the water rights, and decided to subjugate, land owners, ranchers and farmers, within the state and the Flathead Lake Water System, to the supervision and rulings of the Indian tribes, who already were unconstitutionally given ownership of formerly named Kerr Dam, now the Salish-Kootenai Dam, just recently dedicated, and Hungry Horse Reservoir, also violating treaties, and water law, in addition to both the Montana and United States Constitutions . . . that has been my stand, from the get go, in the state of Montana, having written, testified in legislative hearings and asked, not only by judicial committee members to testify, but to write up my analysis, on many, many occasions, with tons of people knowing full well where I stand . . . feds don't like it, so they brought in the Sista Club, and started the bull shit, thievery, they had already started in UTAH! Mormon Church controls member, cops, and feds, in both states, as around the world, with the Mo agenda, matching the conservative, Republican agenda, and the feds, giving water to the Indians, who were probably fucked over, by the BIA, covering years of abuse by the federal government, to the Indians, so with me, they want anyone, but me, to be ME, because, they know damned well, that I am not going to let this shit happen!
So, needless to say, the first advent of my venture to the Flathead Valley, was noted by me, meeting Jack or John Strode, King, Ware?, actually, on the second visit, the first taking place, just weeks earlier, and shortly before the elections, when I visited the Whitefish Library, watching Code of the West, with several of the men and women, awaiting sentencing, for the raids conducted by the FBI, on legal medical marijuana growers, again, pitting me, against the feds and the FBI, Mo run and controlled in so many ways, even disobeying President Obama and U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder's letter, to follow, what the state legislatures were doing with regard to medical, recreational, and other uses, experiments dealing with marijuana laws . . . the feds, watched as the PTA, probably run by Mo chicks, fought to overturn, the old 2004, laws, allowing for medical uses, with the legislature, rescinding the law, temporarily, for revision and revisiting the law, while actually, being pushed by the feds, FBI, and Department of Justice, all in lower cases, with a hideous new bill, that is terrible and throws in the kitchen sink, leaving the door open, for the feds to come inspect the number of blossoms, on your plants, or digging you for not keeping copious records! Just, days before the 2012, elections, I wrote a scathing critic of the new bill, pointed out the feds role, and that coincided with fighting Mitt and the Republicans! Not hard to connect the dots, the old stand-by, bring in the bitch squad of frauds that worked so well in UTAH! Bury the con law chick, who opposes and has the resume to kick the shit out of the feds! Expose them, their bull shit, their meddling on Montana politics and raiding the legal marijuana growers, the feds intended to use, to get control of all the militia types, the retired military, and the constitutional law guys and gals in Montana! Those little Mo guys and gals! They are everywhere, and so is this blog, that they HATE!!!! LOL!
Joseph Campbell, Signs and Symbols . . . You Ignore Your Dreams to Your Own Determent! Full of All Kinds of Goodies and Directions!
So, now for the dream, and what I think triggered the connections, made in my mind, during the day . . . yesterday, I watched a true crime show, called The Girl Who Knew Too Much, with so many, totally symbolic names, even making the switch, in names, for identity theft, making it look, like victim, Michelle, sometimes the short or nick name connected to that name, is Shelley as in My Shell, or Michelle. I am curious, as to why they called the show this, because, while two men were charged and tried, even went to prison for a substantial amount of time, it was determined, with later evidence and science, that the two formerly charged with the crime of murder, didn't do it; therefore, is it speculation, as to what this murder victim knew, or is it merely symbolic for my use? I would say, I know too much, on the keeping the government in harmony with the Constitution; however, Shelley, on the other hand, knows, too much about the dark side, the criminal side, and could do, exactly what the Pennsylvania suspended, attorney general is doing . . . if she is going down, so are tons of influential people, who have the connections to have her killed!
Shelley, having turned state's evidence against her ex-husband, and her ex-boss, a member of the mafia, working in Salt Lake City, Utah, has probably, been used and abused, knowing that, and also, knowing and connecting through that case,
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