Aberrant Behavior--Creates Abnormal Children!
Last night, I watched, the crime stories, serial killers, David and Fred, killer cousins. I was particularly shocked by the sick behavior of one of the cousin's mother, who used to taker her young son, place him on her lap, wearing only underwear and a bra, then read him the scriptures? Now, that seems like a rather strange combination of activities, a bizarre combination, of almost polar opposites, and while sex is alluded to a talked about in the Bible, and either Lot or Noah, had daughters, who came in a slept with their father, after getting him drunk, so they could bear children. Believe me, the Bible is not child's play, until maybe the New Testament, but in this case the children, for some odd reason, like they had no access to men, or something, but very odd behavior, not the normal course of affairs. In the story of, man, I need to reread my Bible, it has been awhile, but a father, fell asleep, naked, and one of his sons, strikes me goes and gets his other brothers, and laughing points out their father's naked body to them . . . the other two, who didn't find this funny, went in and took a blanket and covered their father's nakedness.
Bodies are sacred, and not be be exposed to everyone, especially children . . . I don't recall a time, that I ever was naked with my children, never took a bath with them or in front of them, and my husband was lucky to see me, walking around in a nightgown. If fact one time, I was steeped in a deep conversation, with my husband, and took my nightgown, pulled it over my head, and got dressed while were were talking, generally going in the bathroom to change clothes, and he said, Jo, we have been married for 12 years, what are you doing? I don't care if we have been married 120 years, I am not going to stand in broad light, and get dressed in front of you. I am a very modest, private, and consider the fact that two people are married, does not give license to run around, butt ass naked, and I have heard and believe, that familiarity breeds contempt . . . I knew my marriage was over, when I saw my husband, while we were talking, go squat on the toilet in front of me, that he had never done before!
I found my three year old son, Chris, under the bed undressing his sister's Barbie Dolls! I don't think, I need to expose him to either my body, his sisters, or anyone, at that age, the Barbie thing, and curiosity, is normal, but we don't have to encourage, undressing, intimate exposure, even between siblings, and putting our children in compromising situations, that would elicit sexual ideas or fantasies, because, we all develop our own sexual ideas, thoughts and functions, at our own rate, as we can handle it, and young children, just do not need to be prematurely introduced to sex, either by parents, who should be careful, and boyfriends and girlfriends, especially after divorce, need to be cautious, even newly married, formerly divorced couples, need to be aware of placement of bedrooms, noise levels, and the ages of the children or young adults in the two situations, I came into contact with, talking to a nephew and hearing one of the reasons, a custody battle ensued, was the then 13 year old son, who had requested to go live with his father, and with the mother, agreeing, since he was moving into manhood, and needed his father's love and support, male bonding and male launching, that fathers to better than mothers.
Even in Remarriage, Couples Need to Watch Exposure, Readiness!
In this first case, my client, on very good terms with her ex, and trusting him, allowed their 13 year old son, Cody, who had not spent much time around his father, but for summers, since he was 4 years old, was wanting a better and closer relationship with his cowboy father, so the couple worked out all the details, and the trade was made on a temporary basis. However, in the coming months, dad meets, a new woman, and she literally rocks his world, and soon they are married. Cody is displaced from his bedroom, that he had been in since birth, but with a new step-mother, and her two kids, space was limited, so they moved Cody, being a boy, into some sewing room, or a bedroom, that was next to his dad's room, that he now, shared with his new wife, which is good, marriage is a good thing, but, putting a pubescent teen, next to your room, being kept up, half the night, listening to wild, crazy sex, is not really the best thing, nor is it something he should be listening to, and it kept him from getting enough sleep, and that started to show up in his grades, and eventually, mom, my client, decided this arrangement was not making Cody happy, dad's attention, had turned to new wife, and her kids, and left him exposed to sexuality, way beyond, what should be normal for his age, development and timing. Marriage is good public policy, going in the right direction, but rockin' the bed and walls all night with your 13 year old son, very bad public policy . . . curiosity is already, enough alone at that time and age. Needless to say, this attorney, social worker attorney, and family law instructor, got Cody back from dad! Even after the problem was brought to his attention, the dad, refused to change, or move Cody into another room, or insulate the old family farm house, with paper thin walls!
My sister, Rachel, was in a sexless marriage, ending in divorce. And in this day of social media, Facebook, and ways to connect up with old flames, she matched up with an old boyfriend from high school, his dream come true for 20 years, so the passion was hot, sis loved it, and she was being cherished, loved, and rewarded for her years of taking care of herself, and staying in shape, the guy digs her, being with her, and is just having fun, fixing up the house, he had previously built for first wife, who didn't appreciate the new house, so he divorced her or she him, and took custody of his children, hooking up with Rachel, who had several of her own children, with plenty of room for his, hers, and theirs, to each have their own rooms, and they were slowly fixing up each kid's room, painting, redecorating and having a great time, just being with each other.
So, one night, Rach and Kay, showed up, at Rachel's old house, then, mine, and came tripping in, carrying on the fun and games, with Rachel, showing off the adult fun and games, with the red paint, for Em's room, appearing, in living color on her white t-shirt, with two huge, ass hand prints, of Kay's where he had grabbed her boobs, from behind, with both sides, having evidence of the sexual play for the day . . . nothing wrong with that; however, leaving evidence on the shirt, driving 7 hours, from Cove to St. George with teenage kids, boys and girls, is a problems . . . save the shirt for a memory, not setting a bad example, or at least, making a statement that may not be the one you want, teens, who have raging hormones, and are having the damn worst time keeping their hands to themselves without seeing mom and step-dad, basically saying touching each other, even though married, is perfectly okay . . . and it is, in the right place, right time, and in the right audience . . . teenagers, in the their dating years, is not the time and an all day trip, showing off your trophy day, is just not appropriate!
I was shocked to see the two new couple, coming in, right in front of me, let alone the kids, wearing two blazing hand prints, of red on her boobs . . . Rach, what are you doing?! She didn't think at thing about it, and when I explained why I would not wear that in front of the kids, she seemed as shocked as I did, that there was a problem . . . yeah, and but for me, under court order, taking care of her two oldest kids, and a few strays, while the new could took off to Cove to start their lives together, I probably stopped, three pregnancies, shooing young boyfriends, hot to trot, off the driveway, forcing girlfriends, out of bedrooms and setting rules, that no members of the opposite sex could be in bedrooms, and going ape shit, when that happened! I know the teens, all thought I was a bitch, but, with the guard dog, they all made it under my watch, without any unplanned pregnancies, thank God . . . not under my control! Their parents were their worst enemies, and worst examples, and when I first took over parenting duties, so the newly weds could get their lives started together, without staying to the end of the school year, I set, firm, fast, rules, that even teenage boys, all over 6'5" obeyed, with many being too scared to come over, for a year! LOL!
But, when I first ventured into this out of control situation, literally stepping in the middle of a divorce, with the kids, being left to fed for themselves, and Lord of the Flies, taking place up in the guest house, and mom only coming home long enough to drop food for the growing herds of male teens, moving in the upstairs, garage, with neither mom or dad, having the energy, fight, or power to stop this phenomena, but a teenage girlfriend, was almost living there and calling Rachel her mother-in-law, looking for wedding rings, making me think that she was already pregnant, with sibs, telling me that Matt, had given mom the ultimatum that he either wanted a dog or a baby! He was fucking 17, with mom still cutting his meat at dinner! Scream . . . the dog came, Tara, hated my guts, when she was no longer, Queen Bee, and was forced out of the guest house, as were the boys, and Matt was brought under the main house control, rules posted and talked about, with the kids, coming to me and thanking, me for getting control of an out of control situation . . . PARENTS, YOU ARE PARENTS, UNPOPULAR AS THAT IS, NOT FRIENDS, NOR BEST FRIENDS!
Be A Good Example of Normal Behavior, Age, Audience Appropriate!
Again, my nephew, complained about the constant sex he was hearing all night, across the hall from the newly weds, rockin' and shakin' the bed, so much so, that the sounds echoed across the hall . . . and he also was having trouble getting up for school, a bit of a distraction, and probably while hating hearing it, made this 14 year old, curious too! GRADUATION MATTERS! My 35 year old daughter, and her 43 year old husband, when I gave them a copy of a love letter, with mere innuendos of intimacy, thinking it wise, given my children, were either married or moving in that direction, letting them know, that as you age, love, sex, intimacy continues, or it should . . . but, after receiving a copy of my letter, done in a very tasteful and implied love, my daughter, with her Navy SEAL husband, said, together, Mom, we don't even want to know, that you ever had sex! LOL! I thought my kids could handle it, since, this one in particular, had been married, at least 8 years! LOL! Maybe I went too far to the other extreme! Chris is very private, and the only evidence I have that he has had sex, is the beautiful, little "Y" that is just barely two!
So, cute . . . Elliot, is the product of a very liberal father, who is married, so good example, but there are no inhibitions with this kid, even shocks his married older sister and husband, one time after Thanksgiving, at their house! LOL! The rock star lifestyle? dad? surely not mom! LOL! Probably a good balance for boys, turning into men, and El was pretty innocent, until well into his 20's, or so I think! LOL! Good job, fooling mom, if not! LOL! I told my kids, I don't want to know what wild things, they did, the danger they got into, nor their escapades, until they are about 40 and they all turned out okay . . . an my kids are very protective, confidential, and don't tell me too much, that might shock me! LOL! Gotta love the band of bros and sistas . . . all good friends! Support systems! Smart, good, kids . . . just do the best you can with the challenges you have . . . it doesn't take a perfect person to be a perfect parent!
Nip Scary Behavior in the Bud! Signs of Killers, Show Up Early, Stop It!
In the true crime about the two killer cousins, these cousins were close from birth . . . made me worry about Elliot and Isaac, and some of the things I might not know about, but, anyway, I will assume, knowing Elliot's tender nature, and treatment of pets, almost to the tenderness of breaking his heart, when his pet Igauna, taken out of its cage, and put on a tree, by a foster kid, who may have been jealous of his relationship with me, or whatever, took it out of its aquarium, and let it go, to crawl up a plant, and it fell off, and landed on the tree basket or planter, breaking its back . . . and when Elliot, found his dead pet, that he had for a pretty long time, he broke down in tears, and was very, very sad. A year or so, earlier, Nicole, left the house, in Orem, in a hurry, and Jake, El's dog, go out and followed her and a friend--Nicole is a bit more like her mother, and not as tender, with pets being a bother, so she didn't put the dog back in the house, and took off and when she was long gone, the dog, trying to cross a busy street, got his by a car. Nicole didn't tell us about the dog leaving with her, or she didn't know where the dog was, after it left the house, but it was gone for 3 days. Elliot prayed about his dog being found, and I told Zeke, to call the pound, that maybe the dog ended up down there . . . sure enough, the pound, not knowing who's dog it was, was about to put the dog to sleep! Elliot, was the happiest little boy, and hugged his dog, never letting it our of his sight, until one day, we all returned from the library or somewhere, and as the kids walked in the house, a neighbor kid, was riding his bike, and Jake tore out of the door, almost attacking the young boy, we were all shocked!
So Tender Hearted, Son Could Never Hurt a Fly! Cousin?
Dog owners, who don't know their dog is dangerous, get one free bite, but if they know the dog is dangerous, they are liable for anything the dog does . . . that was a bit, so I told Elliot, we had to put the dog down, that the child's safety was more important than the dog's life, and there must have been something that happened to the dog, when it was gone for three days, because that was very abnormal behavior for this child loving dog . . . Elliot understood, and I told the neighbor, who was very understanding, but concerned, of course, which she didn't need . . . and we put the dog down. But that experience, plus the Iguana, did Elliot's tender heart in, totally, and he cried, he was 8, and he said, he would never have another pet, and he has not. Too sad, too sad. But, the one good thing to know, is that Elliot, doesn't have the heart to hurt anyone, and in addition to that, he was a vegetarian for years, vegan for a while--would not eat animals . . . until he took mom, up to Montana, after the sheriffs, stole her truck, and needing to merely get out of Utah, for fear of my life . . . pipe bomb, came after that!
But, we were sitting at a Mediterranean Restaurant, June 2012, on the patio, beautiful fall day, in Helena, Mt. and I ordered a Chicken Parmesan, I think, Elliot, who paid for dinner, so after that trip, decided to start eating meat . . . and he is beefing up . . . big difference between, Maraloka pictures, God's Revolver, and The Ditch and the Delta! LOL . . . all his friends, used to get mad he could drink so much whiskey, and not get a gut, but did you see how much energy he used to put into his music . . . check out, video, Slug Magazine, . . . Elliot, is Mr. Energy, rockin' the music, and head slamming the whole time . . . generally the first video, YouTube, God's Revolver! El is all over the place in Maraloka, but I haven't seen any Ditch and Delta videos, but I want to . . . he got his energy and love of dancing from his mother, love of guitar from his father! Good genes, DNA, combo of contributions from parents. KISS! I love to watch him! LOL! BEAUTY IN MOTION!
Watch the Books On Your Selves, The Movies You Watch, Magazines!
One night, back, after I had left Brett, and I had moved in with Shelley, right about the time Elliot's band, God's Revolver, "Little Black Horse" and I noticed, "Bandit" CDs, new bank accounts, applications for credit cards, and Shelley with my Social Security Card and Driver's License, tons of activity, that as suspicious to me, right after the new CD, had been released, and I got a gut feeling, that something was wrong. I believe that Shelley was off, selling her books to librarians, around the state, Nevada, and Idaho, with Ty at home, sharing the upstairs with me, and Shelley's oldest son, Jesse, his wife, Tiffany, and new baby, Jayden, and so, I got off the couch, that I paid, $350 per month to sleep on, and the sleeping bag, and hid in the corner of the room, by a book shelf, with tons of books, on the most notorious, serial killers in the nation, and videos of the Saprano's and other true crime shows . . . my watching is a late development, even long after, being a criminal defense attorney, after reactivating my law license, it is really, at Shelley's house, that I was exposed to 48 Hours, Crime Stories, Cold Case Files, etc. . . . I have never been much of a TV watcher, never had time to indulge, with law school, practice, kids, teaching, etc.
I was hiding in the corner, and all of the sudden, Jesse, came into the room with a miner's hat on, with a light, attached to a head band, carrying a big kitchen knife! I could see, the shine of the blade! Jesse threw back the covers, and could see that the lumps, I had made to make it look like I was in the sleeping bag, were not me! However, I was terrified, curled in the corner, still very close, within just feet from, this attempted murder, not daring to even breath, hiding behind, a plant, back, between the couch and the entertainment center! After, that he looked around the room, but, magically, didn't look in the closest corner to where I had been laying on the couch, just 5 minutes earlier! Always, always, follow your gut feelings . . . always, error on the side of safety! I would be dead a thousand times, since, had I not heeded the warnings, the feelings and God's Intel! These guys had their teeth in money, and I was, have been, and am, in these fuckers, way, and they have grown, bigger, bolder, more brazen, to a national and worldwide level . . . and Shelley, Brett, Kay, my father, and other huge ass numbers of cops, FBI, CIA, have bought onto the criminals, and tried to kill the VICTIMS, or set them up! I left that night, running down the road, nightgown on, to an old abandoned rental, actually, an old house, that Shelley had rented, several years earlier and hid there for several hours, until almost light . . . back door, luckily was open, and the house was not much bigger than an outhouse! Shelley, verify, verify, verify, lived in three houses, right on 5th North . . . first this little house, next the one, with the big bay window, at about 357 East, later, she, moved up to like 527 East, 5th North, Logan . . . you will not find, any such residence for me, JoAnn . . . Shelley is the one with the money, with the power, with the support system, and the liar, with KILLER COUSINS for kids!
Book Shelves Loaded with Best Books . . . As Opposed to Serial Killers? Come ON! Seriously, the Kids Reflect the Books!
I was trained in the classics, we had the Great Books, with all the great thinkers, writers, philosophers, scientists, etc., Encyclopedia, great western thinkers, dream and symbols dictionaries . . . Greta, wanted an old used, huge dictionary for her high school graduation, and she read the 100 books all educated people should read! The only scary books my kids were exposed to, were stories I read by jack-0-lantern light, while the four listened, laying on blankets, while I red them Edgar Allen Poe stories, The Black Cat, The Tale of the Mask of the Red Death, The Tell, Tell Heart, Poems, like the Raven . . . knock, knock, knocking at your door! Or I read the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, and Chris, the Lego freak as a young kid, probably only 5, brought me a huge, ship, with masts, made of Lego's and told me, this was the ship, filled with ghosts, the dead, and from the story of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner! I took a children's literature class, Weber State, College at the time, now University, as it was when I graduated, in 1986 . . . Shelley, true to her living choices, before stealing El's band's money, was always Logan, where she graduated from Utah State University and lived right down 5th North from the "A." This is so easy, it sickens me that things have gone this far, other than the fact, that the cops, the FBI, and the ones who could help, were all in on this ruse! Pathetic, actually . . .
But, the point I am making is that, kids, can read, they can see what interests you, what books you read, and don't think for a second, but of course in this situation, where Jesse, tried to kill me, less that a foot of two from Shelley's books on serial killers, actually telling him to kill me, because, Shelley, mama, has been the director, the money grubber, and the master mind, behind this scam, for almost 10 years now, stealing, lying, murdering her way to the top, using my name, my life, my son's music, my resume, blah, blah, blah . . . and now, she is respected, like I was and should be, with money, living MY DREAMS! These dumb ass family liars, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, Kevin, etc., and their broods of jealous kids, scheming, plotting and lying, don't have an original thought or dream, I want a ranch, so they steal, and also steal my lifestyle . . . I stated that all I wanted to do was get a pimped out Ford van, trick it our, and pout a bed, customizing it, and travel the country!
Delighting in the Pain of their VICTIMS! Live Their Dreams! On Their MONEY, What Better, What More Exacting Pleasure!
The other day, I saw a Rachel and James, look-alikes, walking down the street, in front of the Break, during the homecoming parade, and thought, they are living my dream, later, seeing the dude, looking like James, sort of, driving a dark green Ford, customized van, tricked and pimped out, just like I said . . . amazing what these lame asses get from my blog . . . easy, they just listen to me, already have my money, and then go buy, with MY money, what I just said, and the life I just wrote about, as if, it were their idea, so people think the person in the van, is the same person as the one writing this blog, with no money and staying at the POVERELLO . . . what the fuck, can't cops, two of which are sitting right behind me, while I am writing, and can plainly see, that it is me, and I am writing something very fast and long, that they most likely will read . . . I AM AT THE CORNER OF RYMAN AND BROADWAY, EINSTEIN BROTHERS, got a cinnamon raisin bagel, with strawberry cream cheese, later a large hot chocolate, because I was freezing and chilled from walking over here, at 6:00 A.M., check the surveillance cameras, those magical cameras, placed at the entrance, near the front desk and right outside the outer door . . . come on, so easy, it sickens me . . . YOU ARE PROTECTING SERIAL KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM Giving YOU Clues, That Will Help You Solve This CRIME, of CRIMES, Worth, BILLIONS!
Do Your Fucking, Jobs, Parents and Cops!
P.S., two local cops, were sitting behind me at roughly 10:00 A.M., posting time, which on my computer, which is controlled by other forces than myself, will say, Pacific time, 9:03 A.M. where Kay, allegedly is, Brett my be there, or in Chicago, which, if my locator is on, will sometimes show, Chicago time, but a burly cop, in green and black, motorcycle cops? strawberry blonde hair, and, what looked like a detective, with brown clothes, medium build and height, were sitting behind me for some time, certainly long enough to be good witnesses, to what I look like, ass kissing size and all, saw me pack up my shit, after being here since about, 6:15 A.M., check Walmart Money Card, purchase time . . . what made me write this post script, is the fact, that just as I was leaving, some chick that walked in, who could look like a Shelley double, walked in, and it made me think of the tons of times, clients, friends, shelter workers, on the payrolls, to report that, Shelley, was actually the woman, they saw, or Rachel, or Sue, or whomever, all but me, since I am allegedly dead . . . WELL, I AM ALIVE AND KICKING UP SHIT, I WANT THIS OVER, AND JUSTICE SERVED, EVEN IF YOU LOVE THEM, the FAKES! PEOPLE LIKE PSYCHOS and SOCIOS, how do you think they manipulate people, lure them to murder them, get them to do their bidding? Think!
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