Snib-it of a Dream . . . Shelley In a Cop Uniform!
All I remember of this very, very short dream, actually just a flash point in my mind, just before I woke up, was Shelley, my big sister of only 13 months, was wearing the same, black and florescent green, cop uniform as the officer, I described, yesterday, with the detective or plain clothed police officer, sitting behind, me while I typed my first blog, in the morning, at Einsteins Bros. Begals, just down the street from the cop shop on Ryman, behind the courthouse, in Missoula. However, in the dream, Shelley had her black--not blonde--hair cut short, and it was curled . . . Shelley, always has, curled her hair! I now, wear my wild and free, because I got so sick of getting up each day, in law school, although, I kind of where it the same as I did back them, looking at my law school picture, that I am sure, has either been replaced, or the school, Mo law school, is claiming on of their best and brightest, not while at the law school, but self made after leaving law school, is, Rachel, who looks the most like me, and wore that 80's perm look, while mine is natural curl, as are all my children's hair, more from their father's hair, genetically, than mine, but both contributed.
Frankly, I am shocked that Shelley would ever cut her hair, but, maybe putting a blonde wig on and off, trying to appear to be me, for the surveillance cameras, at like, Tony Ostemeier's ranch in St. Ignatius, helping Shelley to steal the water compact analysis and related jobs, or hanging with Jack Strode-Ware, uup around Kalispell, or with Frank, Mike, or whomever, since all the old boyz club, were originally with me, but, when I dumped all their sorry old asses, the R.E.D.s, Retired and Extremely Dangerous old agents, who used to rule the world, went to second best, one of the guys, Shelley, to perpetrate the lie, that she is me! What a fucking joke, it takes, at least 6 women to do what I do with my eyes closed, while I am chilling, or having fun, cruising around Montana, half lit . . . brain wise, I have enough stuff in this brain, from all my experience, that all I need it a title, a news article, or a cool thought, to write about anything, or to just throw in something about my son, Elliot, and his bands, a killer jump in my hits! LOL! Which I am sure the broad frauds, took not of, just weeks after I started this blog, and long after, the bitches, had Google, key, CIA, NSA connections, redirected my blog account, October 9, 2013! Just over two weeks after I started the blog! Michael McClintoch, one of Shelley's cronies, and sex buddies, always got those legs, spread, knows exactly the ways to his loyalties, with little sis, JoAnn, always rejection, was with me, because he picked up on me at the old Poverello, back in the days before the new building, with me showing up in town, in 2013, November, to be exact, I think, verify, boys and girls, probably old computer records, yeah, the same chick back then, is the same chick now, and the blogger!
Pigtails of Two Sisters . . . Pig Tales, JoAnn, 1997, Shelley, About 1998 . . . I Don't Know Her History, Like I Know MINE!
Shelley was rolling with a very different crowd back in the early days, I was in law school, and a newbie, assistant attorney general, with an office, up on the 2nd floor of the Utah State Capitol Building, and I can see this day, as fresh in my mind, right now, as that day, because, Shelley, just dropped in my office, with what appeared to be a symbolic, like, mafia, sign, that this cop, ratting bitch, was a dead rat. I knew somewhat of some of Shelley's risky business ventures, her tangle with my father's shady deals, Shelley having been his protege' since junior high, and around the time, my parents, moved up on Chokecherry Lane, in Bountiful Hills, back around the time, Sue and Kevin Schmidt got married, so that would have been around, 1975 or so, because, if I can remember, Sue and Kevin had a small dinner, after their marriage in the Salt Lake Temple. Sometime after that, Shelley, surprisingly purchased a huge ass home, just up the road from mom and dad, and at the time, she was working with a Nevada, business man, Chris Wanless, who some claimed was the father of Isaac, Shelley's second son, but I beg to differ from history. But, who really knows . . . Shelley's favorite saying is, lose lips sink ships!
But, at that time, someone, drove past Shelley's house, and shot a few rounds into her picture windows, if memory serves. So, Shelley, has long had ambitions, to run with the boyz clubs, so, turning state's evidence against her ex-husband, David Yemen, and, his mafia, associate, and Shelley's boss, Alan Wolfson, a known mafia member, and securities dealer, now allegedly in prison for securities fraud, because he tried to contact me, when I was still me on the Brock securities case, and wanted me to represent him, up on appeal from, his life sentence, with time served at the Utah State Prison . . . Shelley was living with me at the time, this was, 2010, and I was hot shit, to the securities, field, still am, but you think I am Kay, Rachel, or Shelley! LOL! If Shelley's, oldest son, Jesse, who is allegedly dead, leaving me with doubts, since, I was the only one mourning his death of the whole, frolicking Southwick family, I assumed that this was a CIA, FBI, give him the date rape pill, fake his death, through the funeral, like Frank did, when I visited the funeral, one month after he was dead and had plans to be cremated! LOL!
Frank/Allan, looked much better dead than alive! I wanted the funeral director, Southern Utah Mortuary to give me some wire cutters, so I could cut his toe off, to make sure he was dead! I even got close enough to see if he was breathing, but I was afraid, this monster, would reach up and choke me to death! Right after identifying the body of my so, mourned husband, alleged husband, sham marriages, fake people do not count . . . I was at Wendy's Fast Food, just under the Cedar Exit, freeway, and looked up--A purple McDonald's truck, I think, said, "It is not polite to stare!" LOL! God is rather funny, and has a great sense of humor . . . that made me laugh! New hair cut, for a man that should have been burned, a month earlier? Nice . . . so this stupid, fake death shit, runs deep and wide, with the doubles programs, lies, and fake lives, gets people out of sticky situations. But, if Jesse is dead, which I really hope not, he was a pawn of his mother's and grandfather's, and Jesse and I had gotten very close, when he stay in St. George for a while, even said, I was the only mother he knew besides, grandmother, but, I suspected shit going on with that too . . . the switch, was starting, Shelley never leaving the house, her kids, starting to call her Shelley, rather than mom, and Jesse, hanging out with me, making that statement . . . Shelley is not above bringing her kids into the crimes!
I have often thought, that if Jesse is truly dead, he may have been killed by the mob!
Sister Threatened . . . I Will Get Crime Lab to Dust for Finger Prints!
So, sitting at my desk, Shelley drops in, scared and worried, and without me knowing, at the time, that she had been involved in securities fraud, and she claimed to have warned, David and Alan, her boss, over and over again, that they were committing fraud, I think, but, I believe that the Utah State Division of Securities, was investigating, Dave and Alan, and leaning on the secretary or SEC filer, office help, which Shelley was at the time, and Shelley was very much, either still in love with Dave, or was just, at that time, being pressured by the state, to roll over on him, but she thought that, Dave had been the one, who sent her this nice little package that came in the mail, with plastic lining, and a dead, decomposing, black and white rat . . . and it just dawned on me, that Shelley's kids, later, after I was diagnosed to die, and living with Shelley, always had rats for pets, one such pet, was named, Baxter, a white one, when Shelley was living in a house, she shared ownership with David Yemen, and his new wife, Ann, who lived in Jeremy Ranch . . . the connection with Kay Burningham, maybe, who also, lived there? In fact, it was, allegedly Dave, who wanted to sell the house on 5th North, 357 East, Logan, that led me, to meet Brett . . . a plan from the get go? Maybe.
This tale of twisted crime, goes deep and wide, and I was as niaeve as a school girl, going from being a housewife, student, to lawyer, the only assistant attorney general, in an 11 male division, the Criminal Enforcement Division, along with being on the Prosecution Council, doing double duty, and also considered, an agent and attorney for the AG. But, this black and white, dead rat, may not have just been one, Dave, or whom ever, sent it, but may actually have been a family PET . . . as Shelley is, and always has been, for sure, no doubt, a favorite, with me as an outsider, in so many ways, never bought family system and was, basically, out running around by 5th grade! I was alarmed, of course to see the implied threat against my sister, and took the package down to the crime lab, or did I, Shelley may have actually, decided not to go that route? I know we never got results, and Shelley never bothered me again, or maybe she got the answers, or maybe this was a set up, then?
I had run a foul, hard and early, with Creighton Horton, the Criminal Enforcement Division Chief, pushing for the charging of four Utah State football players, for rape, up, in Cache Valley, with County attorney, Gary, someone, going behind his back, asking a deputy attorney, who end up running for office, based on the fact that all four players were indicted and ended up in the Utah State prison, on a case that I sat in on, because I was doing an externship in Cache County, as part of my training as staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, and Mark Nash, who should not be over looked at a key player in this whole thing, that probably started with this episode and very much in Shelley's home town, so? Early, deadly connections at the AG's office, one sister a government gal, and the other a rebel, with the Constitution and pushing cases, not part of the old boyz club plans! Mark Nash, was good and bad, he protected me against Creighton, who was one of the original 5 who flew to St. George, Utah to make sure that, then County Attorney, Eric Ludlow, who was also interviewing me for his deputy, with Mark, seeing I had taught, needing someone with teaching experience, which I had, and he was not going to lose me to one of his prosecutors . . . plus, I was a golfer and that was almost part of the job, with Mark, cops, and social workers as we trained all over the state and went to conferences, first one being in Huntington Beach . . . neither, Shelley, nor Rachel, were golfers! I had loved the sport, since 7th grade, when I had a crush on the golf pro's son, Rick Mears!
Creighton Horton vs. The Rising Female Attorney Star
Almost from the first few weeks, on being hired, at the Utah Prosecution Council, Horton and I, crossed hairs, I was older than your normal new assistant attorney general, not impressed and cocky enough to take any of the 11 male attorneys to task and with the brains to do, it never going to them, always, leading the charge for justice, early on, being a super star with my domestic violence manual, and a killer speaker, who was fast, replacing Mark, and taking center stage, over Kristine Knowlton, the former domestic violence queen, having been a prosecutor, in Weber County, with Reed Richards, connecting into my cousin, Meg Nesbitt, who was also a classmate of Kay Burningham's at BYU! I didn't need to play the sleep with the senior assistant attorney generals, refused advances, refused lunch dates, was all fucking about business, and that of protecting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. When Gary, lost the county attorney race, to Scott Wyatt, a big Mo, all of whom will lie for the Mo Church, and who, is who he is, because of me, going to him, also right out of law school, and granted he had the guts and the brains to take on the case, but, Scott, I think, took the rape case, when I pushed it a staff meeting, finding that Cache County had not tried a rape case in 8 years . . . now, Shelley, at this time, I believe had moved back to Logan and would have been reading about the high profile case and I may have even discussed it with her, or visited her while staying at a motel, for a week, back in the early days, 1995 or so? I was so busy, just doing my job, I didn't think of doing anything else, and I took this shit serious . . . absolutely, no messing around!
Shortly after that, I crossed hairs with some Salt Lake prosecutors, city, when again, I was attending a DUI trial, and in the other court room, or between the two court rooms, there was a defendant who had just been convicted and charged with like 18 months, for child abuse, going to prison, and yelling, banging his head, and chains rattling, so much so, that the prosecutors, let the jury take a break, while the commotion was going on, transporting the prisoner, screaming that he didn't do it! After the DUI trial was over, the other attorneys, were still in the office, high fiving each other, and laughing, and I said, what the hell happened? They proceeded to tell me that they convicted this guy on child abuse and he was going to prison . . . which by the way, is known as the worst crime, even among criminals that a man/woman can do, and they are sure targets of rape! I was upset by this man's pleas and denials, and asked them is they had enough evidence to convict him . . . and their answer shocked the hell out of me . . . No, anyone can convict a guilty man, the real challenge is to get an INNOCENT man! I promptly, reprimaned the attorneys, with tons more experience than me, but with the wrong ideas, and said, Your job is not to see how many skins you can hang on the wall, nor how many notches you have on your belt, so you can be seen as tough on crime and be named a judge! You are the gatekeepers of JUSTICE, and better have the evidence or decline to prosecute! I am sure that went up the prosecutor news wire!
I was succeeding and pissing people off, all at the same time, so there was not much they could do to this super star, that everyone, thought would be the next attorney general, which worried, cops, prosecutors, and rivals alike! I would have won, easy, and they knew it! During Creighton's SWAP meetings, statewide association of prosecutors, well, a stodgy old Salt Lake Attorney ran the association, but I believe that Creighton was in those meetings, which will make sense in a few . . . but, one time, I must have had a newsletter for prosecutors due, because I was not in the meeting, and I was walking down the hall, and someone yelled to me, and wanted my opinion on raising the age of statutory rape to 18, and they had been discussing it for hours . . . I looked in and simply said, well if you do, then you will be charging, half of the college campuses, including instructors. They all looked at each other dumb founded, agreed, but didn't like my arrogant attitude, of what the fuck are you thinking? LOL! Obviously, they were not! LOL and that was highly apparent! After passing my first year, a probationary period, now vetted, the only complaint against me was, to put it nicely, I WAS NOT HUMBLE . . . not generally associated with attorneys, or at not a characteristic a female should have! I was rockin' the state, within 6 months, right there at the top of the heap, with attorneys who had, allegedly earned their stripes, as I guess I had not! LOL . . . watch those housewives turned attorneys, especially, the ones who are hot too! I didn't need any god-damned man! I have always made it on my own, my own way, and at break neck speed! This blog included!
Telling Dream . . . After Asset Forfeiture, Creighton Gets Off Bus, Smacks My Son, Chris . . . Who Seems to Be the One Punished For MOM's Sins!
After I killed asset forfeiture, with 9 assistant attorney generals, and 2 U.S. assistant attorney generals, arguing and trying to defend the indefensible and unconstitutional government takings without due process of law, right to jury trial, and no compensation, for the thefts of property, seized baby blue mustang, seen my me, this weekend, Utah license plates, going up and down, Higgins Street, Montana, undercover cop, who terrorizes the unsuspecting drivers, between Parowan and Cedar City, Utah, of Iron County crime perps, after me, out of jurisdiction in MISSOULA . . . go figure! But, that seemed to be the real lynching pin for me, with 27 other states, taking away cop, prosecutor and judges, incentives to take property for the cop shops! I was building my investment home in St. George, for two reasons, to have a tax break and to start setting up residency, to run for Congress, the 4th seat, that I was preparing for 16 years too early! LOL! But, when I got back from checking on my house, over the weekend with the attorneys, getting their royal asses chewed up and spit out, with legislators, who had MY legal constitutional analysis, examples, newspaper articles, and deadly denial of rights, with cop and prosecutors hands all over the cookie jar, of taking citizens property without any recourse for getting it back, my name became mud!
Now, Kay, who was a torts attorney, practicing law in San Diego, at the time, I believe, since she was pretty good to get in touch with high school friends, and she was probably the only one, high school friends that is, that I cared to stay in contact with, with her off the list too . . . and you think, Barbara Williams and the Bountiful crew, Bart Weed in tow, would not lie for their class officer, and JoAnn, checking out of that scam of scum, before I even graduated, with no desire, really to touch bases again! LOL! Don't feel bad, I don't discriminate, I don't go to any law school class reunions either, so if anyone has gone to either of those, it most likely is baby sis, Sue, since she, somehow got my invitation to my 40th reunion, a few years ago, to my shock and surprise, seeing I had been practicing law for at least three years, with either mail boxes or P.O. Boxes, as in Parowan . . . instead of mail, I typed, jail? did Sue and others tell my high school scums I was in JAIL? Probably! LOL! Like I said, this scam, fraud, goes deep and wide! But, many of the roots, came and started, long ago, mainly to my rise in power, so fast, so strong, and so not male! not needing them, not dating them, not giving any credence to them whatsoever . . . didn't need to! LOL.
But, the day after I was banned from Capitol Hill, and Reed Richards, who later ended up the Director of the Sheriff's Association . . . one little attorney, female, who made the cops look so bad? No for attorney general . . . all my fault, I am sure! LOL! All early enemies, players in this fucked up game, charade and bull shit. But, I was reprimanded in Reed's office, his beat red face screaming at me, papers being knocked on the floor, him taking away, half of my management position, banning me to the rank and file of assistant attorney generals, who nobody knows, and tried to dock my pay . . . I told him, I didn't care about my staff, sick of that job anyway, but if he touched my pay for defending the Constitution . . . I would got to every newspaper and press in Utah and expose them! They never docked my pay, and wherever I was, the fire in the state was . . . Reed was being pulled around by his nose ring, now having to take on the personal injury defense bar, when I wrote them a letter, laced with the law and my power to collect part of their recovery of damages! How do you argue with success! I had just collected a half a million dollar check from one of the most prestigious law firms in Salt Lake! LOL!
Bad blood, early and fast . . . can't control this attorney! I had a dream about Creighton, one of the attorney, who was made the fool, in front of the Utah Legislature who were eating the attorneys alive, fileting them, like nothing they had ever seen, with all MY great arguments, . . . I warned them I would do it, but on my own time! Just chilling, taking the legislation line by line, bulleting the violation of the U,S. and Utah Constitutions, in direct contraction and with glaring violations, in this new piece of cop cash cow, shit legislation! So, I had this dream that, Creighton took a bus, to Provo High School, in Provo, Utah, and got off the bus, and walked up my son, Chris and slapped him right across the face! Later that following day, I got an alarmed call from, Nicole, my little D.C., daughter, but in high school at the time, saying that Chris had been thrown through the trophy case at the high school, by the Provo Police Chief's son, and about 9 other friends! Now, Micah, Jerry Owen's son, Chris' friend, with Chris just a new 9th grader at Provo High, was gathering all Chris' former friends from Midway and Heber City, and the guys were all heading to Provo to defend Chris' honor . . . or better, his mother's honor . . . Chris has protected his mother and paid, dearly at times, just for being a good son! Luckily, I got Chris before the gangs formed, this is exactly how they start, revenge for wrongs, and talked to him about, turning the other cheek, and doing what the person he is named after did, and told us to do, turn the other cheek, the Christian named worked, and luckily, it was getting close to the end of the school year, we let it drop, because I didn't want to start even more hate between me and the cops, transferred Chris up to Orem High, he later moved to Salt Lake with me, and actually graduated early, from East High School, in Salt Lake City, Utah . . . see if Shelley, Rachel, Kay, with all their envy, studying my life and jealousy, know all these details! LOL . . .yeah the woman at the Poverello Homeless Center, is the same chick that kicked the shit out of the cops and prosecutors in Utah, the same one who saved the doctors from the fed fraud units, and the same attorney who wrote and defended financial planners in securities cases . . . I JUST DIDN'T GET ANY OF "MY" MONEY!
The Sister With the Money . . . Is NOT The Sister That Protected Rights . . . Being a Ron or Rand Paul Supporter, Doesn't a Killer Attorney MAKE!
I think, due to the fact, that Shelley, Kay, Brett, Southwicks, FBI, CIA, and Mo's, plus many more, who shadow me everywhere I go, try to isolate and contain me, and show up, after they have illicited the local cops help, who are and I apologize, because you are not the only simple minded, black and white thinkers, even the best and brightest, are fooled, why, because of there stellar brilliance as attorneys, these frauds, no, first because of the money, and second, because of my former cases, and now, third, they are claiming to be the writers of this very brilliant blog, read worldwide, and discussed, giving my readers, not only the news, but constitutional analysis, or legal history, in a tabloid fashion, teaching the law, in a painless manner, that is not boring or dull, unlike my sista club of boring bitches, who could not write my blogs, have done my cases, other than present them after I have already won! Not hard for a trial attorney with 10 years more experience, not in the brains, but in trial work, and it doesn't hurt that Kay, at least is an ACTRESS, having been born the daughter and niece of well known, debate and drama coaches, Gary and Kim Burningham . . . Kim went on to be a legislator and also a school board member, where he might have connected with Shelley, selling books to libraries, or pretending to be me, up at the Utah Legislature, running interference, even after I was declared, first brain dead and second, now, DEAD! LOL! Whoops, maybe you ought to just admit to the lies, the mistakes and the miss on the death, with cops killing the wrong person, driving a tan/brown Ford Taurus, who as fate would have it, took the accident for me, but the cops must have either done a really good job, mangling the car, after they murdered the person, they thought was me, with me, passing by in a navy blue Ford Taurus, a half hour later, after tricking the aerial surveillance cameras in space, and letting the unfortunate, driver, go early, out the other side, while I waited, under the huge ass awning, knowing they, the cops, were trying to kill me, for my Brock/Cheek/Vail cases, big time money makers, and for my son's bands! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$44
Shelley's Family Hounded By Cops, Cops Deals To Protect, Fuck JoAnn!
Jesse Anderson, had a huge ass stand off, or so it was reported, because, Shelley, who is all about drugs, pushed her son, to get on Prozac, to help with Jesse's depression. As a result of the drugs and a family fight, with his wife, Jesse, who had been the cute father and husband, was now threatening to kill his wife and kids, which resulted in a stand off with the sheriff's department! Jesse lived in Hyrum, Utah, outside Logan. I believe, by this time, I had left Logan, because, Jenny, Jesse's wife, warned me that Shelley had been trashing me, constantly to the point of pure cruelty, and in Jenny's mind, with me being close to her, more so than Jesse, I needed to get away from Shelley, as soon as possible . . . this came in a conversation, after Jenny and Jesse had split up, I think, and I had come from St. George, where my parents, first ordered me that if I didn't voluntarily check into the Behavior Health Unit, or mental health unit at the Hospital, they were going to force me, involuntarily in there, or they would have the sheriff arrest me, for what? Walking on the streets? YES! One time, just before this, with time to kill, just waiting to die, which seemed reason to abuse, in my loving Mo family . . . who had designs on my son's music, and with Shelley using my law degree and credentials already, I met one of my mother's friends on a walk around the block, and she invited me in, so I, knowing her, through my mother and always kind to the elderly, and just killing time, went in her home with her at her request. Her son dropped by, and asked me who I was, and I told him, and mentioned that my parents, lived in the Mormon ward. He called my father, and asked what he should do? But, my father, told him to HAVE ME ARRESTED! This should give you some indication of my families mindset, when I didn't die, as predicted, in 2002.
The Southwicks are a very cruel crew, In deed! Shelley had my license revoked, after I gave her the new car I paid for, and let her borrow for two years, and my father gave the car to Jesse, rather than MY son, CHRIS, who needed a car! Always, even when earned and paid for, giving Shelley's family the goods, that should have belonged to the Secrist family, who didn't count, only if they could be used for money! which has been the history of this family, since, I became and attorney, and Elliot started playing music . . . the slaves to the Southwicks and the losers, payback for being EXCELLENT IN EVERY WAY SUPERIOR TO THE REST OF THEM? I think so. Sue, never once, in 10 years, ever called to see how I was, Marcie bought me a couch, after my father took the equity in my St. George home, and Jared took my maroon couches, never finish paying . . . JOANN, Cinderella, doesn't need money, she makes it and we take it! NOT LOL! Actually the Cinderella Story, is so close, other than I made my own money, but within the family structure, I was the scullery maid, and made the money the rest of the slugs are LIVING OFF OF RIGHT NOW . . . big history of this pattern!
Shocking IRS Tax Claims for 2001 and 2003 . . . I Was Diagnosed in 2000, Never Worked After January of 2000 . . . So, Who Made the Money, Using My Name, My Social Security? Shelley, Had My Social Security Card and Driver's License . . . PROBABLY Working as Attorney!
At the time, after I had left, Shelley, not only at the insistence of Jenny, her daughter in-law, but even her friends, could not stand the cruel Shelley, Ruth Ann, a friend of Shelley's, could not stand how terrible Shelley was treating me, offered to move down to St. George with me, in MY house, just to get me away from the abuser, Shelley . . . still while she was at the fish bowl house, she owned with David Yemen, back in the time before I came back, after my family tried to lock me up in the Utah State Hospital forever, because I refused to take medication, and took off to Las Vegas with a cowboy, to return to my apartment, with cops, arresting me, for not taking meds? really, and sending me up to the state mental hospital, because, the family again, showed up to demand I be put on meds, Rachel with them, also, demanding my license, which Shelley already had suspended . . . with what power? She was long locked into the cops . . . good sister, JoAnn the bad sister, but with the great resume, and credentials, so, I reminded my parents, that Jared, who had wrecked every car in the family, except mine, because I refused to let him borrow it, with me, having 1 ticket? Seriously, but, both Shelley and Jerry, tried to keep me in the state hospital . . . decades of deceit, this was a well orchestrated, well thought out, carried out, theft of identity . . . with cops, already hating me, AGs office already hating me, family already jealous for years, and later judges, the PERFECT STORM(S)!
So, if memory serves, this is the years, all kind of a fog, since my brain was in a fog!
- 2000 poisoned . . . Shelley, biologist, working with the state and federal cops
- 2000, November, family good bye Panama Canal Cruise, 16 members of family, Jerry Owens
- 2001, Shelley talked me into leaving Jerry, and moving to St. George where more family members could care for me, until I died
- 2002, father sold my home, or rather I did, to the first people who came through, family moved me into apartments at the top of 11th avenue, St. George, Utah . . . found God again! LOL!
- 2002/2003 father having me arrested, for nothing, being forced into hospital or state hospital, refusing to take meds, starting a mental health history, criminal history . . . when none existed, and Shelley was checking into nursing homes, group homes to get me out of the way, out of families hair
- Utah State Hospital, staff wondering why I was there? Me too? Didn't take meds! Shelley visited, you have never seemed happier Jo . . . Jerry, came to hearing to get released, was foe, not friend, arguing why I should stay, but I won, staff, never could figure it out, and they saw me as staff, always playing chess, pool and table tennis! Jerry, who I believe, hooked up with Shelley, and that is why, she pushed me to move with family in St. George! Shelley had become me, Jerry, Zeke, and they were scheming to have Elliot's music, stolen by Isaac, with no parents to watch, so Shelley and Jerry, now, JoAnn and Jerry, are the parents, Zeke new wife! After I got out of the hospital, Jerry and Shelley, kept joking, or wink, wink, when Jerry said, JoAnn thinks I have a new girlfriend . . . yeah, it was Shelley, patterns, same ones with Brett, Shelley moves in on ex's, then Frank or Allan, following me to Montana, first with Jack, then Mike, Tony, with Miles, and Howard, lying . . . she may have been with Howard, but as I got younger men, Rachel got in on the picture, Kay moved in on Brett, and so the sister/friend covering . . . going back to the taxes!
Actually, I Believe The Plan Was To NEVER Let Me Out of the State Hospital . . . But for the Staff's Recommendations! I Was Suppose to Die, 2002, From That Point On . . . I Was Dead To MY FAMILY . . . Shelley Became ME!
- after I got out of the hospital, the first thing Shelley warned me about, that I was not to take, or let them in, was PROCESS SERVERS! Shelley, had bills, and warrants, out for her arrest, and she gave me this big lecture, about, not talking to anyone! By this time, Jesse and his new wife, Tiffany, were living on the other side of the house, on 357 East, 500 North, or that seems to be the address that sticks in my mind . . . I wasn't getting mail, and my dad was taking care of my finances, and I was living with Shelley, who, took over from my father, who was probably collecting my $3,000 per month Paul Revere disability insurance, plus my $800 per month, back then, Social Security, with my father sending Shelley, both SS card and my I.D. . . . Shelley had probably long been using my driver's license . . . cops kept coming up to me, in St. George and asking me, if I remembered them or they would personally tell me about Shelley suspending my license . . . why, I had stopped driving a year earlier?
- 2003/2004, I was just wandering the streets of Logan, and surrounding area, but the strange thing was that, cops would just stop me on the streets, just sitting there, doing nothing wrong, and they would always call Shelley, who had worked with the attorney general's office, served as a chair or was involved, with the Cache Valley, Children's Justice Center . . . or maybe that was earlier, don't know her history, like she knows mine, too busy with my own life, but I remember being shocked that Jan had hired her . . . I think that was because of her work, rolling over on the securities case, but, as I recall, once we went and saw David Yemen, in federal prison, so why did David, later, purchase a house with Shelley or the deal was that Shelley would fix it up, Dave would pay for it, and Shelley and him would split the equity when it sold. Shelley also hooked up with BACA, or Bikers Against Child Abuse, through her efforts with the Children's Justice Center, this may have been where Frank, aka, Allan Rex Bess, came on board . . . there was a Mike, who seems like Shelley's type who tried to hit on me, but, Frank, later claimed that he was a government infiltrator, in the biker gangs, and when I met a bunch of bikers from Laughlin, Nevada, where the biker shoot out, happened, he acted very nervous that they might recognize him? This is what might have hooked, Frank, Interpol, into me, when Allan Rex Bess and me were getting close after his case, with civil issues still and hand, and Allan told the jail mates, he was going to marry his attorney! The real Allan was going to help me iwth the Misty Lamoreaux murder case, against Tristan, who wanted me to represent him and the request of his younger brother, back in the St. George/Iron County days. Allan rode with the Vogos, he and Tristan, respected each other, but Frank, contrary and opposite of Allan, said Tristan was guilty, and Allan was going to help me with the case . . . total reversal with Frank, when he and Shelley killed Allan!
- 2004, Parallax, lead singer, Blake Donner, I believe was murdered! Elliot was always bringing me new CD covers, and they were going crazy, touring the west coast, very popular in Portland, Seattle area, but in underground, smaller concerts, to go big was a sell out! Shelley is actually the one who told me about the Provo Death Cave, and the four concert goers, who had asked Elliot and Chris to go with them . . . the real targets? Maybe, devastated Elliot, and Chris.
- 2005/2006, God's Revolver, comes out with "Little Black Horse Where is Your Dead Rider", Shelley has to move, I meet Brett Todd Stuart, the same day, I am suppose to be out of Shelley's house! Nice the next phase of the mafia, Shelley, dad, connection, keep mom, barefoot and out on the farm! Brett seemed to be in with the cops, I suspected, undercover, but knowing the dirty cops, the hatred they all had for me, the fact that by this time, Shelley was me, and she had credibility with them through the Justice Center, Brett may have been just a cop, or undercover, but, if I ever got in trouble, like once, embarrassed of where Brett and I lived, I had some guy, in a rain storm, who gave me a ride . . . maybe a cop, drop me off at the neighbors, and they saw me, called the police, and they or someone also got a hold of Brett, who was able to get off work and come to my rescue with the cops, talking to him and Brett with his arm around my shoulder. But if we ever got a cop pull us over, he always just got a warning. I do believe that Brett, who tried to get me to smoke marijuana, prove that I did the asset forfeiture for drug use cover-up, or try to get me to drink alcohol, whatever, but I think, the night I was given, zuccinni bread, four pieces, laced with marijuana, I think, it was a cop sting, a set up and I insisted, Brett, avoid the First Dam area, where cops were sure to be . . . he reluctantly did or he at least didn't stop! When I would leave Brett, he would go after me, and tell, whomever was driving that, I was his schizophrenic wife, and bring me back, I became more of a hostage, after I started to heal, and he started to cheat, Ruthie, Shelley, Kay, whomever . . . fuck that shit! NSA spell check is off! Of course, any time they don't like what I am writing, they turn it off . . . fuckin' babies! You can tell they are in on this whole scam to make the MO bitches me! None of them, have ever been as active as I was, Sue, Tiff, but sure as hell, not Rachel, Shelley and Kay, for sure! LOL!
- 2006, I left Brett, Shelley was on the Logan Chamber of Commerce, believe that once I left Brett, Shelley and Brett hooked up, wonder if Isaac, was Brett's son? Ty wanted to be a venture capitalist at this time, of extreme activity in the Shelley Southwick, Anderson, Yemen, House, with Brett and Shelley meeting for sex every morning when Shelley would drop me off at McDonald's to get a Diet Coke . . . haven't changed, LOL! Again, Jesse and Tiffany, Jayden, and the Bandit CD started, right as Elliot, Chris and Isaac came to visit me with my broken leg, and to let me listen to Elliot's new band and CD! Just like with Jerry, Shelley, broke the connection off with me and Brett, turning him in to Social Security, or so she said, taking him off as my representative payee, and having mom do it, or someone did. Signs and evidence of new bank accounts, credit cards, and bank runs every fucking night. Shelley and Tiffany took classes up at the college, USU, Shelley took an economics class, not sure what Tiffany took, and I don't think they finished, making too much money pirating Elliot's music. Signs that Brett was present, all over, he worked at Pepperidge Farms, cookies, gold fish, orange ear plugs, gloves, etc. One night, Brett showed up drunk, knocked on the door, and I was laying near Shelley on the floor, listening to Art Bell, Brett started crying, trying to make love to me, I kept pushing him away, I think we finally went into the bathroom or the hall, made love, I tried to comfort him, put him in the shower, not much experience with him drinking, but, that was after Shelley had been with him and may have been the breaking point, in their alleged, hot sex, and Kay was already in the hopper, so, I think he switched to Kay, but the criminal enterprises kept up. We definitely loved each other . . . long walks, ski hills, thrones of rocks, making love, every where, playing cards under trees, moon light walks telling scary stories, coyotes at our doors, cattle, me waiting every day for him to come home to make love during lunch, waiting for him in the apple tree, in the wheat fields, on the front of the house, he would always yell, hey, country girl, and I would smile, run and yell back, hey, country boy, we would kiss and I would get i the truck with him, to take the short ride home, dinner, fires, making love every night, out watching the stars, gathering wood, playing cards, watching educational videos, reading, shopping, laundry, making love, over and over, I loved you, you fucking shit! Why did you cheat? SOB . . . as much my fault, I guess?
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