Having FUN Going on a Head Trip, My Greatest Playground, My Own Mind!
The Masterminds Behind The Crimes: Brett, Kay, Shelley, Etc.
As I was watching the series, called, The Killer Talks, several of the names, surprised me, and caught my attention, being indicative of people related to me and what happened to me, (1) Mike Eck, reminded me of Brett, and him trying to teach me about, Eckart Tolle, a German philosopher, who, believed in and wrote books about, The Power of Now and New Earth, while not being of any particular religion, Eckart's writings were about, guides to spiritual enlightenment, and awakening to your life's purpose of self help. Eckart had a sad childhood, his parents, often fought and later separated, he suffered from depression, then when through a transformation. (2) Gene Meredith, who was a deranged man, who had two personalities, one was Gene, a man who had been bullied, since childhood, he developed an alter ego, one he called, rage and anger, who was the tough guy who protected Gene his whole life, and he was the one, who seemed to control weak Gene, the night he met and stabbed a woman to death, taking out his rage against women, he had his whole life.
The reason the name caught my eye, was that my mother, while spelling her name different, is Jean, and my grandmother, remarried at the age of 78, to a man, named Leo Meredith, and since this is a family crime, of sorts, perpetrated against, me and mine, the story and name seemed to fit, kind of the double personality of family members, on the one hand, my mother Jean is a very loving, mother and grandmother, but in another sense, she can be brutal and cruel . . . for instance, when Zeke or Richard, my husband lost his job of like 17 years, as head city planner in Provo City, Utah, and she said, that if he had been Mormon, this never would have happened to him! What the fuck, does, being Mormon have to do with being a good city planner? In a family and church, with no separation between the two, this type of thinking comes out, and my mother, acted like she had personal knowledge of exactly how this firing, from a newly elected mayor, took place, going against Zeke for the actions of someone he supervised, and who had offended this city council member, seemed like a stretch at best!
And when I brought the music theft to my mother's attention, she didn't say, no that can't be true, or Isaac and Shelley would never do that, she just said, You are going to have to prove it! Shelley, and her kids, were a Southwick family project, I was outside the family circles and basically, opted out of the system and protected my kids from the sick, judgmental family, yet at times fun, and something I wanted my children to experience, cousins, grandmother and grandfather, aunts and uncles, but I rarely shared anything about my children, myself, or my family, to the gossip and twisted interpretations of this closed family system. But Shelley's family was clearly a favorite, and why? Maybe because, everyone had to take care of her and her children, therefore, they grew attached and had a personal interest in their success.
Then, the next episode, was called, "Timothy Thomason: The Perfect Murder" of an Air force man, named, Scott Prince. Both of the names, that of the killer and that of the murder victim, were symbolic. Kay was married to Tim Brown, and one of my names for the CIA, having met with my client, Tom Vail, where I firmly believe that Kay wrapped up the settlement, after my hard work, getting to that stage, and Tom was invited to have lunch with the CIA, and after that, he claimed that we never had a contract, and that was it, after bugging the shit out of me, never wanting to take his case in the first place, but calling me the second the Brock case hit the press, he had his criminal charges for securities violations dropped, and he called and offered me and my husband a week long, expense, paid vacation to Mexico . . . he was like something that I could not get rid of, until I had fought all his battles for him and we were at the settlement stage of two, $10 million demand letters, in lieu of suing the Las Vegas Review Journal and the state of Nevada, having pushed and talked for a while, and coming to the conclusion of those two cases, as we had worked through several others, more as technical issues dealing with the government, over a year and a half blitz, with Tom calling me, at least 10 times a day, with me screaming at him and doing work for him, with the hopes of the millions, and getting rid of the guy!
Brett Controlled Shelley and Kay With Sex . . . He Used Them To Control Other Men, He Didn't Have Control of! Rachel, Sue and Other Woman Came Later!
I am sure that Kay is famous for those cases, too! The new and allegedly improved, JoAnn or Joann Secrist, coming in after the kill, and eating the remains before I could get a taste of my own success! The PERFECT Steal, that I knew happened, but what do you do, when the very agency, who is in charge of investigating and prosecuting financial crimes, is in on the deal? Are you seeing the bigger picture, Mo town cops, a presidency at risk, and a loan, sitting duck, female attorney, that is so busy, taking care of what a small 5 man law firm would have been doing, kicking ass, but being targeted by powers who, were outside their jurisdiction and hell bent on fucking me over! God moves in mysterious ways, you see, Brett, who could not stand the fact that I left him, decided to take everything, of mine, family, cases, children, bands, name, title, in payment and getting revenge on me . . . Kay and Shelley, jealous females, and hungry to make me pay, for making their lives so miserable for years, when I was just being me, and doing my job, whether at the state, teaching or taking cases, but Brett seemed to be the Charles Manson, and had some magical, mysterious powers over these two women, in particular, both sex partners and maybe wives, in this spiritual wifery bull shit of the Mormon church, that none of them were ever active in, except to use, abuse, manipulate and get stuff from . . . evidence of that, Kay and Brett, posing as Christ, Kay as the woman caught in adultery, prostrating herself at his feet, which is kind of the sick, master/slave relationships . . . while the females were more educated and necessary, it was Brett, who controlled the nymphomaniacs with sex, and used them as sex slaves, to keep men under his control!
Grandiose Delusions of a New Earth, With Royalty, Chosen Members of the Family at Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses (Children)
If you look at the things these three were reading, you will see the beginnings of this mind-set, and the goals. I remember early on, Rachel, having talked to Shelley, and she talked about taking over the world, and wanting to control it . . . this thought was totally foreign to Rachel, and she said who would want to rule the world, and as serious as she was about it, Shelley said, I would. Now, the Mormon Church with a worldwide membership, and Utah the network marketing capital of the world, because of the 60,000 missionaries in the field, worldwide, and the high percentage of FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, ATF and federal agents, being Mormons, all of which were inducted into the scam to steal Elliot's band, God's Revolver music, and earlier bands, Parallax and also Maraloka, now the Ditch and the Delta, and with little effort, use these two forces and blitz the world with music, concerts, clothing lines, a fake band, with the flash bang, glitz, light shows, dark stages and make a shit load, all before the real band, gets out the door! And, as a carrot or enticement, Shelley, Brett and Kay, Frank, my father, and others involved in the music scam, made helping with the project, profitable for everyone! Everyone got on the bandwagon, because they got paid.
Now remember, that in 2005 to about 2008, there was a construction boom, a great economy, building going on everywhere, at least in Utah . . . Brett had 4 pages of real estate under his name, back in about 2007, when I left him, and later it disappeared, but Shelley also, joined cousin, Christine, not only a witch, but an architect and was into flipping houses, doing most of the remolding herself, and so Shelley got into real estate too, a money laundering plan, and with building everywhere, especially in Logan, St. George, and Park City, where the three were from, filling up every inch of empty space, also implementing Brett's love of architecture, and it was highly evident to me, because he would point out all the cool buildings and structures in the Architectural Digest he read each month. Most of the building had symbolic names, that would indicate to the insiders, who was building this stuff. Elliot's band, was hard rock band of 2008! It was perfect timing, the fake band, toured, right out of the get-go, with Isaac leaving as lead singer, of Maraloka, and touring with Remember the Alamo, with Frank, and the crew leading the money making and laundering! I used to see them as the Pep Boys! Now, that I have made Elliot famous on the Internet, they had to induct Elliot this time around, or they would steal the music again, which I tried to stop, back in April and May with Kay's or some one's lame ass, heart shit, making people PAY, before they could listen to the music, not Elliot's style, nor did it match the dread, raunchy and sludge the genre of music! They were all over the new music, trying to take their, UNFAIR SHARE!!!!! There is huge market for this music, for anyone 40 and under!
The Type of Books that Fed This Group of Bandits, Cops, Liars!
When I first met Brett, he was reading, always reading, as I Shelley, but he was reading this huge black book, on Hitler, Mousilini and Stalin. I remember being shocked by his selection of books, and what the hell is he reading, books about enemies of America, and the capitalist system. He seemed to indicate, he agreed with them more, and liked their ideas and respected them for trying to rule the world, through socialist and communist principles! Like I said, there seemed to be a theme for a New World! Brett read books on weather control, a lot on climbing Mt. Everest and Italian archetecture . . . he would read to me, each night before we went to bed. And the day after he picked me up, he read, Jane Austin's Fan Club, to me, and made me think he was an agent of some type, knowing, that I was an English major and would have liked Pride and Prejudice! Which I did, and I was kind of shocked that he, as a guy would like a book like that, so, that led me to believe, that the book was intended to interest me, and it did, especially, because it stimulated my mind, while he stimulated other body parts, very enjoyable reads, always, and loving tender moments, each night, when under a single light, he would put his arm around me, and with the other one, read to me! At times, I wondered if he was assigned by the government, to be the agent to figure out if I was getting over my Pick's Disease and seeing if I was going to be trouble for the government again! He also thought I was a constitutional savant of some sort, gifted, yet, not all with it . . . no, just a genius in many things, but due to poisoning, I was temporarily out of sorts. And as soon as I started to come to, and I will credit Brett with a lot of my healing . . . he always told me to just take baby steps, and I took baby steps all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court! After I got my certificate from the U.S. Supremes, I took it up to Mt. Sterling, to show Brett.
His sister and her husband, Ron, now deceased, were at the property, Brett and I lived on, and so I showed Deborah what Brett had helped me do, and I cried and told her to tell him. I called him later and he called me back very fast, but I didn't hear, and when I tried to call back, his wife, I would assume was Kay, he said, Laila, demanded to know who I was, so I hung up! Shit! Well I have to go catch the bus, or I will be walking . . . will get to Shelley and Kay tomorrow!
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