Every once in awhile, there is a recommendation on YouTube, that is very revealing, as a source of symbolism, signs, telling names in the episode, and interest to me, as something I need to pay attention to, and a program or episode that is so symbolic and informative of what I need to reveal and write about, to hopefully help cops, who just might be getting a clue, that there are crimes, crimes, crimes, being committed right under their noses, that are both baffling them, and causing them grief, but they don’t quite know what to do about them. Through the psychic realms of the universe, providence, God, or whatever, I am guided to give the next piece of a puzzle, to keep the cops, going in the right direction. The show I just watched, which was first on the list of about 10 true crimes programs, was called, SNAPPED: Jennifer Bowen. I stood up and took note, because, strange as it seems, one of the names, I associate with JoAnn, or me, is Jennifer, and I can’t remember exactly why . . . in true, federal tax code fashion of this brain, dots, and connections, often, I can’t remember why, but just that it is, and go from there, and the rest of the program, seemed to follow suit, as well.
I am sure to some of you, this will seem, like a real bizarre was to solve a crime, but as deep as I have been buried, with as many high powered enemies as I have, many of which, have been husbands, lovers, boyfriends, friends, family members, clients, and people, whom I come in contact with, being under extremely tight control, by the forces that be, starting as early in the morning as I rise, and following me throughout the day, with many powerful people who are going to be heading to prison, jail, questioned, and bringing many well respected organizations, agencies, entities, churches, and leaders, not only under scrutiny, but, with possible charges, and that includes my in-laws, who are near and dear to my children, in addition to my own children, which this true crime episode seems to be indicating.
You have heard the phrase . . . You can’t fight city hall . . . but, I can, and will, and if that includes my own children, they, if they lie, will got down the tubes, along with the side of this fight, they choose to stand with . . . I, the one, true and innocent party in this fight, will not go down! My children are adults now, they make the choices they do, and I understand that this is very complicated, compromising, and complex, involving family, mother and father, loyalties, histories, old hurt, a definite, David vs. Goliath fight, leaving them to lose contact with only their mother, as opposed to their brothers and sisters, depending on which side they decide to be on, being forced to choose between, spouses or mother . . . and I am confident that they will choose or have chosen the parents of their children, who are not only on the other side, but paid to be on that side, and were lined up, to infiltrate my family on a very personal level, way back . . . I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND, and also feel your love, your burden of choice, and absolutely forgive you for whatever you decide to do, but I will inform you that your choices have consequences, and I have tried to warn you of them, and the law will not be as forgiving of lies, that your mother is, even when they are against her. Elliot Taylor Secrist, Vocalist/Guitarist of the Ditch and the Delta Band . . . Taylor City, Williamson County, Texas . . . Where Frank (Interpol or Texas Ranger), aka, Allan Rex Bess, I Believe is From!
Family Made of a House of Cards
In this episode of Snapped, the crime is handled by Round Rock Police Department . . . suggesting to me, that to see the whole life of all Elliot’s bands, one must look at the connection between the music and the cops! A sad commentary, but true, and the next episode of Snapped, was about a Jill Castlerock--obviously, the person who has the money, is not this mother. I would venture a guess, that the burying of me, or the idea to create a double, surrogate, an evil twin, to also, take over, the mother of the bands, came way back in 1997, at the inception of my reign of terror on police, sheriffs, rangers, federal cops of all flavors, and continues to this day, but that is the starting point; however, interestingly enough, I believe, coming on the to watch list, started way back in 1990 to 1993, during which, I scored, I believe, based on the fact that my constitutional law professor, Prof. Wilks, asked me to be his research assistant after scoring top grades out of a class of 180 law students, at the J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah . . . that members of the Mormon Church, would like to consider, the Harvard of the West.
Why, in retrospect, would I say that, because this plot to take back America, started, back in the year 1776, at the very time the rebel forces of the founding fathers, and only about a third of the colonies and population, even wanted to split from England, and the crown. But, I met my second husband, whom I dated, for about, 10 years, before, I married him, and looking back, the meeting was suspicious in the first place, events during the relationship were bizarre, if not orchestrated, as they are now, and looking back, Jerry Lee Owens, tried to get me to drop out of law school, after the first year, meeting him after my first year, right as the summer started, and his continual efforts to try to get me to go in a different direction, leaving my passion for the United States Constitution and this country, of America, as the founding fathers saw it, envisioned it, and projected, it into the future! Needless to say, this Shadow America, is not a new concept, nor is this campaign against me, small, narrow, nor without a huge problem or issue, to this group of British loyalists, including all the notables who are of merit, starting with the Skull & Bones Society of Yale, with many presidents, supreme court justices, senators, representatives, big time businesses, fortune 500 creators, and others who have long, fought, to restore whatever it is they see as more favorable than the current system . . . or is it just ego, power, control, about money, oil, male dominance, or as Freud put it, about pleasure and sex, or survival of the fittest, and in modern terms, that would be the people who have money! At this point, in the early 90’s, Elliot’s band was not even on the radar screen, so, it is safe to assume, that it is I who brought the Secrist family to the attention of the feds, and the NSA to watch list!
Before the Rock, Came the Power . . . ME! YOUR MOM!
Shelley, my older sister, only of about 13 months, but of a devious nature, jealous from birth, and generally, in my shadow, her whole life, until it became, ME vs. ME (Shelley), giving me the only true competition, I have ever had, and that comes from myself! LOL! Maybe in high school, Ms. Kay Burningbitch or Burningham, riding on my popularity, starting in 7th grade, later, was able to compete, but that is short lived, and dependent on men, as in Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, and one of the bitch squad of cops, feds, for they, tried to trump me, by being me, then taking my start, name, reputation, virtue, cases, history, children . . . all four, included, my legislative feets, and this blog, to beat me, using all that I wrote, created, and fought for! Nice, trick, those fucking dicks, cops!
As, I continued to thrive, as did my children, in spite of the shit, that we were put through, the more of the family bitch, and Mo muffins the boyz club, and jealous father, who it is total denial, that I even exist, he is so jealous, based on very obvious statements, from this wanna be attorney, when he said, Jo, I always thought that you would make a good professor? As if that was some lost chance, opportunity that had passed me by, and I somehow missed, rather than the reality, that was stated by me . . . Dad, I have been a professor at 3 universities! We hear and see what we want to, I guess? I firmly believe in facts, evidence, and examples . . . I am the sum total of my life, this blog it, where I am at . . . falsely accused, exiled, persecuted, and jailed! Come on, you don’t get away with spoiling a 330 YEAR OLD PLOT TO TAKE BACK AMERICA, BY THE CIA, MORMONS, FBI, ILLUMINATI, THE BRITS, and supporters! and NOT PAY!
Shelley Followed Me, Man to Man, to This Day!
Shelley, who just celebrated her 62nd birthday, September 13, 1953, is a biology major, as was Brett, or he had his degree in animal biology or science, and they pride themselves on being of the animal kingdom, as did Darwin and Freud, and maybe Elliot, who was for a long time, and atheist, fitting right into that line of thinking, and remember from my blog yesterday, Becoming Freud, man as an animal is concerned, only about pleasure, sex, and maybe the suffering that causes. So, because the cop world, is under the Bush, Patriot Act, all powerful, immune, can steal, thrill and kill, anyone they want, that totally buys into this theme, and selecting women, solely on natural selection, based on looks, body, and obedience for women, seeing men as the more fit, the stronger, the ones most likely to survive, and a very physical type of profession, if you can call it that . . . generally, there are only three, the clergy, the physicians and the lawyers, and well, the prostitutes, as the oldest profession. But, can you see, how this group of, nitwits, who bought into this shit, would trash someone like me, who is all about being from God, being created in his image, and believing that man, is separate and aside from animals, in and of the fact that we can REASON! But, men with the bodies of apes, and the brains the size of walnuts, think with their penis, not their brain, and value it NOT! Nor women, who are driven by power, mind, ideas, over, looks . . . as in Head over Heels, not their version of Heels over Head, both heads! LOL!
Ex-husband, dumbed down, going from Me, as the mother of his children, whom he has distanced himself from, in lieu of a woman, 22 years younger than himself, and only two years older than his daughter, who went to the same high school. Richard “Zeke” Clifton Secrist, I am sure, was paid a fair sum to dis me, and take the money and run, saying that Shelley was me. Zeke, as are all my men, were discarded by me, and all of these hearts, I either broke or pissed off, have bought off on this coup, against me. Whatever! No morals when you have a younger wife, whom you have trashed, your 4 older children for! She is his only hope of taking care of him in his older age, and she is so insecure, that even the sight of my car, sends terror in her, having only met her or seen her once, and talked to her once, she is in fear, for no reason, other than insecurity . . . the dumbing down, came from Zeke’s own sons, who made that comment, with me, wondering what happened to the allegedly smart man, I was once married to, 13 years before he met this girl! But, Zeke has a new house, and I would assume that came as payment, for throwing me under the bus, and the con artist, mafia chick, government whore, simply had to buy Zeke and his much younger spouse, with her three kids, who can magically go to college, when he could not help his own children!
While the men, whom the FBI Dating Service and Game have sent me, may have been matches with the basics, looks, interests, hobbies, location, religiou, backgrounds, and even, possible career levels, they have failed to take this one key point into consideration, that of the basics of who we are, what we stand for, and what makes us tick, and they failed to get to the heart of who I am . . . someone who took my oath of office, as an officer of the court, swearing to defend, protect and preserve the United States Constitution and whatever state, I happen to be in, as serious, as well, as buying the basic contents, principles, and concepts of the documents, that of freedom, liberty, rights, justice, etc., that are so deeply ingrained that any man, who fudges, renigs, alienates, separates, divides, and trashes, any of these principles, especially under the Patriot Act, which, when applied to American citizens, is worse than treason to me . . . it is DEATH to them, as men, as lovers, as potential lovers, as possible love interests, and yes, it is that basic to me . . . Shelley took no such oath, nor has such loyalties, also as seen in her lack of faithfulness to her marriages, with four children, from four men, and with her only, real husband of any merit, Donald Anderson of Smithfield, Utah, telling me at Jesse’s, alleged death from a drug overdose, that he doubted that even Jesse was his! And you want to substitute me with her? Good God, what in the hell are you, they, and my children thinking?
Rundown of the men in my life, as of my divorce, in 1989, from Richard “Zeke” Clifton Secrist:
- Jerry Lee Owens . . . tried to get me to drop out of law school, give up my fight for the U.S. Constitution at the time, run away, end of times shit, and hide in a cave, turn all my money into gold and silver, and basically, just give up on America, a sinking ship, lost cause, and not worth my time! I fought him then, back in 1991 and I fight him now! The last few times I saw Jerry, he was a bitter old man, and he was wearing a blue, shirt, with a white stitching, POLICE! Shelley and Jerry, hooked up, I believe, after I left him, and they both enjoyed Sundance Film Festival, and seemed bonded to each other, during the two years, I didn’t see him, before I was poisoned, because if I had Pick’s Disease, I would be DEAD! Shelley and Jerry, tried to keep me in the Utah State Hospital, after I refused to take medication, took off to Las Vegas, with Shelley saying, Jo, you are so much happier here . . . really, well, that is akin to being happier in prison, Shelley . . . I will do all I can to make you happy! LOL! Jerry, even showed up at my hearing at the hospital, that I was taken to, for refusing to take meds, which is a violation of my 4th amendment rights, an illegal, unconstitutional both, search and seizure, without probable cause, they tried a magistrate or judge, trying to force me into meds, so they could, change from me having a terminal disease to making it look like I had mental illness . . . what in the hell do psychotropic drugs have to do with a brain disease? Jerry did all in his power, to convince a judge, to keep me locked up forever! He was upset, that I convinced the judge, as well as the staff, who were baffled, as to why I was there in the first place . . . good question! I just made a typo, that said, good idea, rather than good question! These two were devious, dangerous, liars, wanted to take my name, resume, Elliot’s music, and give it to Isaac, the sack of shit, that fucked his best cousin, and traveled the world, as Elliot the God of Music, touring with the ALAMO, that was allegedly from TEXAS, hooking into FRANK, my alleged 4th husband, who Shelley, teamed with to MURDER, the real, Allan Rex Bess, my client! I am sure that Jerry was as key to this fraud as Zeke was, because we were, as was Isaac, living with Jerry when, Elliot and Isaac, formed their first band, PURIFICATION! LIke I said, this fraud, the lies, the deceit, the cover-up, goes wide and deep, starting at the inception of both the bands and trying to steal my IDENTITY! After I was released from the Utah State Hospital, which I am sure, had the intent of fuckng with my career even more, doing a character assassination, beyond, just telling me I was going to die, but making people think I was insane to, with Shelley, often, calling the cops, or making me go to the Logan Behavioral Health, on more than one occassion, as did my father, telling me if I didn’t go willingly, he would have me committed, he had me arrested, and threatened to have me arrested if I ever walked the streets of St. George again, at the time, this trade was taking place! But, Jerry took me to Shelley’s house, after the hospital, and he said, smugly that, JoAnn thinks that I have another woman in my life! Wink, wink, nod, nod! I think, that Shelley, saw a $3,000 uncashed check, from Paul Revere Insurance, and her brain, went ape shit, giving her the idea, that money was of no issue to me; therefore, she would take over any money interests, from that point on . . . even trying to get guardianship over me to get the Social Security, as she is doubling getting right now, as is Frank, collecting on Allan’s VA and Social Security, without Scott Garrett, ever determining the cause of death, on the alleged suicide, of Allan Rex Bess! Because if Allan, was dead, Frank could not get his money! Remember, the TV show, RICHES? That is what Shelley patterned her shit after! Mini Driver!
- Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, as the Wellsville family members spell their names, guess, I was brain dead and didn’t notice. I have said, that when I introduced, Brett to Shelley, she said, SOOOOO this is who your new husband is! There seemed to be total recollection and knowledge of who Brett was, and he immediately started arguing with Shelley over 9/11, as if to carry on where they had left off at some other time . . . he left me, and went to Shelley, in the kitchen. I have some suspicion that Brett who is an alumni of Utah State University, in animal husbandry, probably taking classes with Shelley, or at least running into her, over the half a century, Shelley was in Logan, but I saw Brett’s name in an alumni magazine that came to Shelley’s house after I LEFT BRETT! Shelley was the one, who stopped Brett, from being my representative payee for Social Security, and she is also the one, who was the main mover and shaker behind me leaving Jerry Owens! Also the one, who two cops told me, got my driver’s license revoked, back in about 2002, after I left Jerry and voluntarily gave up driving and gave my, Mazda Protege’ to Shelley . . . taking me off my driver’s license, making sure I didn’t drive again, and she also, tried to put me in a nursing home . . . come on, you fucks, and you can’t see this bitch . . . I keep making a typo, with the “Y”, indicating that Shelley is me, and I am Shelley, NO THANKS, SHE IS SHIT! DON’T WANT ANY PART OF HER . . . I know, Brett was fucking her, because, he kept leaving little mementos around her house, like his gloves, after a weekend that Shelley helped a friend move, or orange ear plugs, that Brett used to wear at Mt. Sterling while he used the rotary saw. He also, left, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, sign and symbol of Chris and Elliot’s music, to sub in Jesse and Isake aac. Brett, Shelley and Kay, Jerry too, believed in BIG LOVE, or polygamy, which I fought, tooth and nail, with Jerry over, hating it, and stopping it, through the pocket sized, Utah Constitution and Fun Facts, exposing the section, forbidding polygamy FOREVER!!!! Shelley, showed up in St. George, after I left, Brett, Shelley, and Logan, wearing a gold Topaz ring, on her ring finger, and when I told Shelley that I liked her ring, Marcie, another lesser involved sister, but one, who obviously knew of the identity theft, said, oh, that is not only like YOURS, it is yours! I always, had that ring on for about 20 years, until, I sold it at a pawn shop, in Helena, the first year I came to Montana, to get $40 worth of gas, it may still be there. It is a blue and white building, on Montana and Last Chance, I think. You see, Kay, Shelley, Sue, Rachel, Tiffany, and the rest, are ME, in this fucked up, idea, that YOU are me, and I am YOU . . . and that is exactly what these fuckers did, switched our two identities, and with the Mormon FBI help, using all government agencies, doing MO SHIT! MOB SHIT, MEN IN BLACK SHIT . . . called to Duty or called to the MONEY? I think these ANIMALS, in the DARWINIAN World of the cops, don’t really give a rat’s ass about who they fuck, they just want to fuck . . . sex, pleasure, suffering and they mirror the animal kingdom, with few animals pairing for life! Marriage? Only as far as it works for their lies, schemes, illusions, crimes, and the furtherance of pursuit of their interests! Swingers, polygs, bisexuals, anything goes! Elliot, a single man, would be drawn to this, as most men are . . . about sex, sex, and more sex! Women find Elliot, sexy, so they would take him anyway they could get him . . . he thinks more like these people, he was raised by his father, and therefore, his mother’s ideas and beliefs are more foreign . . . he was only 5 when we divorced, while being around me, he was far more influenced by his father, who is very liberal! Brett and Kay are the Stuarts, and they claim to be Elliot’s parents, for a time, and so do Shelley and Frank, or Allan Rex Bess II, the murdering pair, dangerous couples, both of them!
- Allan Rex Bess, aka, Frank, to be referred to as “Frank” so as not to disgrace the real Allan, whom I did love, and who bled, red, white and blue, just like me, gave his life in my service and for his country . . . murdered after having sex with Shelley, then Frank and Shelley, with the intent of being JoAnn and Allan, you are me and I am you, in this bull shit, make shift family made of a House of Cards, just like Rachel and Kennedy, whether real or a look-alike, I would like to think that a Kennedy, a real Kennedy, would have more class than looking for a cheap thrill with a fake bitch! But, I have written about what I think, happened to Allan, with Frank, now him, and Shelley, now me, even though, they can’t kill me, but for God, luck, and brains, they would have killed me long ago, they did, however, set me up, leaving me running from cops, so that would clear the way for them to take over any new areas or old for that matter, leaving me a ghost to most people, using the local idiots, with these sociopaths and psychopaths, believing that the cops are dumb, and that they are smarter, cooler, more powerful, buying off, for the most part the cops, if they can’t, they either kill, threaten, frame, make dirty, or corrupt, whom they will, and kill the others, as in Shane Clark, Scott “FESTUS” Faddis, and others, who might have been able to help me! 25 dead, and 4 for 4 on lovers. If they are not dead, they compromised, as did my two black lovers, Miles and Howard. Shane and Scott, had too much love, too much style and were too independent, and thinkers, or they hit them before they knew what was going, on, as in Allan Rex Bess, having sex with Shelley, after coming out of jail, then after being shot in the head, blood on the mattress in the pink room of the Bess home, if the evidence has not been destroyed, with me trying all I could to get the new police chief, Kent Carpenter . . . can’t remember his name, brother is a cop in Park City, Wade Carpenter, I think? Last name may not be right . . . former Marine, Intel, and internal affairs, then school cop! Parowan, gave him about 200 pages on Frank, not being Allan, and Shelley, but, I don’t think he believed me at the time, maybe NOW! Police chief has DNA, cowboy hat, but it may be the real Allan’s, mixed in, but I gave the cop, Frank’s dentures, that I am sure he got back, because he was pissed, after I gave them! LOL! But, he is claiming that Shelley is me, so he can say, now that Elliot, being himself, is his kid, not mine . . . if the court records, which Judge Michael Westfall and Judge John Walton, should be disbarred and taken off the bench, knowing full well that I am ME, and Shelley is not ME, with witnesses who know Shelley was allowed to come into their courtrooms as ME! But, because of the thefts of Elliot’s former four bands, music, and now control over, The Ditch and the Delta, I am sure that Elliot, whether he likes it or not, has a choice, of playing ball with the devils or getting his music stolen, once more . . . THEY WERE ALL OVER HIS NEW CD, RIGHT FROM THE GET GO . . . Elliot is even tempered, and will probably do what he is told, just to enjoy his music, FOR ONCE, IN 20 FUCKING YEARS . . . do you think it is about time? I DO! GODDAMN IT, I have written on this to the point I could screamMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! Frank, possibly a Texas ranger, deep southern accent, that I thought was just a local southern Utah dialect, first, teamed to steal, God’s Revolver, and say that the fake band, Remember the Alamo . . . roots in TEXAS, under Frank, or whatever the fuck his real name is, and marketing Elliot’s music around the world, which I am not sure is not happening in double time, with “WE RUST” cd, with the REAL BAND GETTING THE HIND TIT AGAIN!!!!! The goal is for cop kids to be the famous ones . . . they hate the fact that ELLIOT IS MINE . . . . any bitch will do, but me, HELL NO, they all love his music; therefore, to have as much ire for them, and history against the cops and now, not only have the killer resume, but the killer, hot kid, guitarist, is just too MUCH, so Rachel, Tiff, Hope, Annie, Shelley and Kay will do, anybody, But the REAL MOTHER!! YOU FUCKING BITCHES and BASTARDS . . . FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
- now, I have to see if I can beat the NSA, to get this published on my blog, written in Google Docs, to stay off the radar!
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