Missoula Moves to Amend
September 2015
Sunday, September 20 at 7pm
UM Gallagher Bldg Room 123, near Arthur and Connell
Missoula Moves to Amend,
UM Students for Peace and Justice,
Transition Missoula,
Jeanette Rankin Peace Center, and
Missoula Central Labor Council
Present a FREE showing on its National Tour
“Shadows of Liberty”
Free popcorn!
Open Discussion will follow
This acclaimed documentary, shows why we need to first save our investigative journalism
from corporate media control if we’re going to succeed in saving our democracy.
Montana needs strong investigative journalism!
How are we going to hear the important the news that corporations and Big Money don’t want us to hear?
This is a crucial time for Montana.
Our State is trying to find out who is buying our elections. Our Legislators passed the Disclose Act that requires that the the names of individuals and groups who donate to political campaigns will be reported to our Montana Commissioner of Political Practices.
But how is that information going to reach the voters?
The Lee Newspapers shut down the State Newspaper Bureau in Helena, retiring Charles Johnson and letting Mike Dennison go. What experienced and respected journalists will help us read between the lines?
We need investigative journalism that is independent and that dares to tell the news stories that can mobilize our voters.
Moves to Amend is fighting for an amendment to the US Constitution that says that Corporations are not People and Money is not Speech. We need to win back our democracy from the corporations and Big Money that are intimidating our lawmakers, buying our elections, and controlling our press and media.
CLUE . . . LEE NEWSPAPER . . . SARA LEE . . . Nobody Doesn't Like Sara Lee! "Lee" is One of the Connections, I Made, for, Ms. Kay Burningham, aka, Joann Secrist, J.D., To Be Confused with JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., Whom You Have Come to Trust . . . Kay is a Whole Other Issue! Is YOU!
Introduction to the Psychopaths and Sociopaths You are Dealing With . . . Let Me Charm You to Death!
- their loyalties and efforts, are toward and one world order, with Americans, under the Patriot Act, being the world policing agents, the British Monarchy ruling the world, world bankers, in London, controlling the purse strings, with all countries, beholden to them, and with the idea of eliminating about 80% of the population, leaving only those 20% to serve the ruling elite, with these dip shits, thinking they are better, smarter, know more, can dictate what should and should not be done to the rest of us, chumps, with leanings much like those of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, grandiose delusions of grander, with the goal of ruling the world, even have showed their true colors, in a BBC documentary, shown, March 27, 2012, just one day, after, a U.S. federal district court, up and terminated my securities case, with double docketing making, Ms. Kay Burningass, ME, signing, forging, the settlement that bribed my clients, Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, pictures can be seen, at, New York Investment News, No Big Love in Utah, mentioning my name, but without showing my face, leaving the option of bringing a double, which they did, and once I won that case on paper, at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, having my home seized, briefs on the case, seized, no warrant, no warning, trying to stop me from making it to Denver to argue, so Kay Baby could get the honor of arguing in front of the court, with the FBI, telling the court, to cancel oral arguments with me--the brains behind the case the fame, the nationwide following, the coach of the clients, and the alleged, Joann argued down the hall, the deals were cut, the night before, when Kay had dinner with Hank, taking my place, making it appear and with witnesses if questioned, that it was her, who did the whole case, and it was Kay, who met Mitt Romney, in London, representing Me, using my brilliance, with London financial planners and bankers, the state of Utah, whom I had sued, aka, Mormon Church, with Mitt Romney, the Mormon President for the World! I know it sounds crazy and they are . . . but, true, nonetheless! I am just a PAWN SACRIFICED and the money maker, as is my son(s), being used to make the money that backs these fuckers, who do not have your interests, nor mine, even though I made the money, about $1 to $5 million per day, from the proceeds from this blog, with the Mo run CIA, FBI, and the computer or box trolls, NSA, with 30,000 Mo spies, watching my every move, hi-jacking my intellectual property, scanning it, for the committee to view, change, edit, after it has gone through computer programs to improve the sentence structure, leaving me laughing when I have seen it, because the changes are so minisule that it is a joke to even do it, but hey, they pride themselves, as they did with Elliot's bands, Parallax, God's Revolver, Maraloka, and now, The Ditch and the Delta, having pride in their performance, taking perfections, and using smoke screens, computer and light games, and making them feel, that somehow, they have improved the performances or presentations, taking huge ass credit, replacing the main players and writers, and really adding NOTHING to either the music or the blog, but KEEPING ALL THE MONEY, using it to buy, bribe, steal, thrill and kill, making you think, like the Wizard of Oz, that they are bigger than they are, when in reality, the true exposure, of say me and the band members, just show, we are just people, either gifted from God, but enhanced our talents, through, fucking hard work, not short cuts, and taking our writing and music, line by line, precept on precept, and steps of success to other and more exalted steps, building our arts on the SURE foundations of success, realizing that there ARE NO SHORT CUTS, paying for each level . . . but these far less gifted, smart, I will grant it, but lazy, insecure, want something for nothing, take great products, and just touch up already great stuff, and want to pretend, deluding, only themselves, and thsoe dumb enough, to buy their bull shit, taking everything, for doing nothing, acting like modern day Robin Hoods . . . hoods for sure, robbing, for sure, but keep the greatest portion, riding in limos, living in castles, shopping at exclusive stores, speaking at elegant engagements, and acting the part!
- BLAH, VOMIT, SCREAM, BARF, ROLL EYES, SCREAM AGAIN, KNOWING THESE FOOLS! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST A BUNCH OF OLD CLOWNS, who could never, ever, ever, ever, do half of what they have taken credit for, trying to RULE THE FUCKING WORLD! They fooled the Mormon Church, actually bought it with Kay and Brett, even being so fucked up, to convince or pay, the Church, Deseret Books, to make calendars, paintings, and other paraphenalia, with Brett as Christ, a whoremonger, Kay fits the woman caught in adultery, because she, figures, she is me, and I am her, so, she is me, and Brett was my husband, so she is not committing adultery, nor he, because, she is ME! This is the type of hypocracy and shit, you are dealing with, with these clowns! LOL . . . so comical, but so sick and tragic that charm, looks . . . well?, my family money, a bit of talent, and the Mo CIA, FBI, NSA, and other government agencies, took these diabolical idiots, meglomanias, and losers, all poor, so getting riches, was a main, goal, going after a mother, ME, and kids, Elliot and Chris, that are so far from materialistic, or they used to be, but I am sure, their money in the hands of these FUCKING FOOLS, thinking they could pull this shit off . . . and almost did . . . which doesn't say much for the fucking cops, law enforcement, feds, who brought them into their inner circles, using sex, polygamy, chicks, Mob, to further, bull shit, UNAMERICAN agendas, and food all of you, using their model, Catch Her/Him, Them, if You Can . . . where some dumb ass the movie was based on, seen by these cheating fools, as the way to go, faked being a doctor, lawyer and pilot, giving them all kinds of ideas, faking being rock stars, lawyers, bloggers, federal agents, CIA, NSA, FBI, even with Kay, Shelley, Rachel, who could never, ever, make it on their own, using my name and resume, to fool the very highest levels of government . . . SHAME ON YOU FOR ALLOWING THIS FRAUD, and many of you, fully knowing about it, liking them better, or thinking they were thinner, prettier, which is a first, having know these no name bitches and sisters, ALL MY FUCKING LIFE, being shocked and stunned that dumb ass men, of the likes in high school, the guys really didn't see much to, not dating half what I did, with jealousy and envy going way back to the 70's, and being reaffirmed, at least to Rachel, who would of course, glory as did Kay and Shelley, trying to take something form me, husband, kids, grand kids, cases, blogs, legislation . . . the ACTS OF PSYCHOS AND SOCIOS! Fucked up shit, if they are not stealing, causing misery, or fucking with some one's life, THEY JUST ARE NOT HAVING ANY FUN! These fools lives are sooooooooo boring, even living vicariously through the lives of others, is much better than their lives! LOSERS!
- they have created, over the past, 15 years, because, I believe that is when the bull shit actually started, a culture, based, on SEX, POLYGAMY, SEX, SEX, SEX, being so much so, that even the agents, who came to help, possibly, seeing there was a problem, based whether they were going to help me or not, based on the chances of having either sex with me, or a relationship with me, or an affair, or even marrying me, as a polygamist wife, for those who were already married. And age didn't seem to matter. SEX was a condition for being on MY side of this, even with me, who, had a propensity of loving and even serving America, the SEX took precedence over their allegiance to their country, which had to be some type of conditioning, so even if men, who saw America the way I did, and were willing to help, change positions, or even divulge the nature of the clandestine activities of this subgroup on lunatics, these men, would, reserve, their position, because it seemed to be based on a vote, or bringing people over to one side of thinking or the other, in this game of chance, with everyone taking a middle of the line stance, regardless of oaths, having been basically raised or come to power, during the Patriot Act period, being between 2001, when it really took root, after 9/11, but starting so much earlier than that, with the very roots, tenants, being started back at the inception of the country, in 1776, when American colonists, declared their independence from England. Remember, Spain, was the one who funded Christopher Columbus and the alleged discovering of America, so they had a stake, the French had a stronghold on Louisiana, with it just being a year or so, the French influences in the law, being based not on British common law, but on Cajun and French legal influences and systems! And then comes the British empire, with holdings all over the world, and a bunch of rag tag rebels, declaring independence from the world power of the time, after some several hundred years, of rule and reign . . . we assume that everyone in America, always was and always has been happy, and is still happy, that America broke from England or other countries . . . newsflash, they were not, in fact, I have heard that only about 1/3 of the people supported the American Revolution! It was finally, Thomas Paine's, Essay on Common Sense, that actually convinced, people to get behind the movement.
- I am a bitter reminder, to people with this kind of sympathy for the old order of things, some thinking the better order, with alleged more sophistication, style, looser morals, free sex, nudity, thinner people, blah, blah, blah, tons of surveillance, no guns, Bobbies or cops, who use billy clubs, rather than guns, is the far superior way of life . . . Darwin's survival of the fittest, is far superior to creationist, with many of these people, either being atheists, Unitarians, Pantheists, worshipers of Ra the Egyptian Queen, certainly, not of the Mormon bent, other than to use them, buy them, or gain influence, given the infiltartion into the upper ranks and files of the military, the intelligence community, through Mo missionaries who serve two year missions around the world, being the base of this operation, using MY name, resume, credientials, cases, legislative wins over cops, as the basis and foundation, for their inroads into the management of the FBI . . . CIA, was already run by the Illuminati, so, didn't need to worry about them, but American speakers, yeah, but SEX, POLYGAMY, SWINGING, but always preferring the married state, as a cover for their illicit affairs, many of them arranged, like my son-in-laws, on both sides of the equation, feds can send Greta to Oregon, while Dallas spends time with wifey #2, Sarah, and George, called by the feds, being a government contractor, using work as a cover for being with his other family, baby too, I believe if my intel is correct, God, all seeing, with Schmidt, daughter #2, Meggie, the alleged attorney/nanny, starting way back, and most likely planned, in about 2000, compromising both military daughters, for credibility, as is Katerina, to do with Chris . . . intere?sting dream last night with Chris, being with abusive blonde, indicating that who he is with, is other than she seems, being dark haired, and coming across as a wife . . . Chris siding with MOM? so bitch switches . . . innocent, until proven guilty, all three have been proven guilty to me, but lovers, husbands and wives, a bit harder to see through! Telling my stellar children the truth at this point, may, in fact, save their lives!!!!!!!! So fuck the in-laws! You have all been fucking the mother of your spouses for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go to fucking hell . . . lose the cool spouses, alphabet soup fucks . . Dallas is AFT, Alcohol Firearms and Tobacco federal cop, so selfish with his money, it is pathetic . . . GRETA deserves a real MAN, hopefully she is CHEATING ON YOUR SORRY ASS!!!!! Have that big boobed, so right, bitch SARAH . . . I knew that back when she married her MO cover, JUSTIN, the useful idiot Mo dumb ass! Susan and Kevin SHIT, so nice, taking in Nicole and George, back 10 years ago with your eyes on George, new convert, for Meggie, who was unlikely to get a husband, as were many of your daughters, without this bull shit going on, but for boobs, think again . . . acting like you were helping while scheming and plotting to take Nicole's husband, that you would have never, agreed to prior to Nicole and Greta, and their liberal thinking mother, allowing in you FUCKING MO ASS FAMiLY . . . you have changed a lot, that jealousy cuts deep, even into encouraging your fucking lame ass maybe attorney, daughter, suppose to be learning, from the aunt, the MOTHER OF THE DAUGHTER, YOUR SHIT IS TRYING TO STEAL or be a polygamist wive . . . FUCK YOUR DAMNED BITCH, BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER WORD IN AMERICA, FOR A SPIRITUAL WIFE, POLYG CHICK! BLAH, you fucks! YUCK! FUCK YOU GEORGE AND DALLAS, DOUBLE KAT TOO! Yes, I am that sure, willing to risk my children's, fake marriages, knowing pending death might be coming if I don't! TRAIN YOUR FAKE ATTORNEYS, WANNA BE JOANN ATTORNEYS . . . and Dallas, listen to that song, LITTLE WHITE LIES, REDHEAD NAMED BERNICE . . . END, NEWS FOR YOU, HOPEFULLY, GRETA'S BEEN CHEATING TOO! LOL, because you handled, what was his name the HOTSHOT FIREFIGHTER? My kids are not assignments, nor am I, Ernest, Phillip, Kennedy . . . Buddies of Brett the sick fuck I am going to analyze below . . . your role model, YUCK, BLAH, BORING, I LEFT THIS STUNNING MAN, YOU THINK IS THE PERFECT HUSBAND, HA!!!!!! FOR CHEATER, FBI, JOANN, YES . . . once cheaters always cheaters, PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER . . . SHE IS NOT ME, NOR IS BRETT MY MAN! Just using him, til I got better, then left his sorry ass, flipping him the bird, while borrowing his bike to get the hell out of Mt. Sterling! LOL!
- selling a Fool's Paradise . . . FOOL's Gold! but for my abortion and weight, talking grace, and poisoning by Shelley and cops, the Republicans, swallowed so much more bull shit, than they could ever imagine . . . this was the hot button issue, that made most of them jump ship, even though, they would be opposed to every other issues, with this team making money off of you on both sides of any Montana issue! But, abortion was the lynch pin . . . Shelley had her bastard(s); therefore, even though, leaders, women, knew, that she was not me, they were willing to let the fox in the chicken coop, and defend a LIE, out right bull shit LIE!!!!! And as the scriptures say, you spit out a nat, and swallow a flee! or fly in this case, even bigger wrongs, like murder of 25 REAL people . . . you know the ones Republicans love to kill fighting for OIL, new TV series, BLOOD and OIL! I guess me killing a zygote, just an egg and sperm, that may never mature, doesn't love, think or feel, at all, just two cells joined, is MURDER, but sending out troops to fight for OIL, DRUGS is NOT . . . dumb asses!
Rhett Butler's People . . . Brett Was Named After Rhett Butler! LOL!
- Brett picked up on me, either an assignment, or whatever, I would never have talked to him, nor gone with him. but for the fact that Shelley, allegedly had to move out of her home, the fish bowl, at 357 East 500 something, or close, right below the building on the U of U, campus, with the "A" for Aggie, which Brett and Shelley both were.
- I was standing outside, Albertsons, back in the day, Brett went in to buy an Architectural Digest . . . plans already in place for God's Revolver $$$$$$$, funding this world take over! Over the year and a half that I lived and was married, under the nonsolumnized marriage statute, that was later changed, so that it was too late, after one year, to get a divorce, protecting Kay, aka, Joann Secrist Stuart, but Brett faithfully read, the Digest and National Geographic . . . a British magazine? But, if you look, any good cop, if there is such a thing, sons, check out all the building boom, and styles in Logan, Park City, and St. George, the major areas, where, God's Revolver proceeds from the fake bands were laundered, with many of the buildings, being symbolic of family names, even family construction company, Bud MaHaas, St. George . . . Kay was my bud, Haas is the married name of Brett's oldest sister, who he is very close to; however, I believe that Ron, if memory serves, a temple cook, up at the Logan Temple, cafeteria, was most likely murdered by Brett or his crew, because he saw through Brett and WARRICK, always hated bro-in-law, because, he would drop hints, that Brett was a scum, and they could get much better, handsome, yes, loser, yes! I would bet, that once, sister, got in her new home, out on the property, that both she and Brett loved, that we lived on, in Mt. Sterling, was built, Deborah, maybe or maybe not, would probably get insurance money and Brett revenge! I guess that I am just making all this bull shit up, Kay is me, and I was never married to him, just know intimate details, like this . . . like the fact, that once Brett got drunk, and told me about his friend, yeah, yeah, that at 17 murdered a kid at a party, slit his throat, but Brett or his friend, got off, because of family connections to the sheriffs department . . . seeing what cop connections did back then, basis for the current fucking bull shit! Great way to cover crimes, go after me, already hated, intimidate and use the dip shits, high school grads with power, selling the rank and file, SEX, POLYGAMY, PUSSY, POWER and PERKS!!!!!! Brett, Kay and Shelley's forte' . . . but not mine, hard work, merit, dedication, and all those things that the rest of America believes in, but the INSIDER CLUB, join and get the perks, pussy, power, polygamy and sex FREE! Red Rock Center, Park City, fits Brett's style, check money behind, Haas Climbing Rock, Logan . . . many strip malls in St. George, every nook and cranny, between 2004 to 2006 . . . Parallax, then God's Revolver $$$$$$ . . . see ABG, Scratch Dealt Me a Dirty Hand . . . what the fuck is Brett, doing at Elliot's concert, disguised as a punk rocker, when nobody else looks like him, a head taller, doing 4 years after I left him? Direct connection between the God's Revolver, Alamo on tour, earlier, GR, still rockin' the great music, western epic, and Brett in the crowd, envious, money didn't quite do it . . . this time, he went after the real musicians! Or it appears . . .
- now, Brett picked me, up, I didn't pick him up, so consider this . . . one time, after Brett begged me the first night, he took me to see his families alleged farm, now where Deborah lives in a new house, and I dig the woman, but, after making love, 8 times a day with Brett actually begging me for mercy to get something done, in between, at least for the first 3 months, til he cheated, figured he had me under his thumb, kept me out on the farm, gave up driving when I thought I would die, responsible . . . but some time after that, Brett made a statement that shocked me . . . given the love we did have, the love we made all the time, not getting out of bed, until early afternoon, with his Uncle coming to wake us or get us out of bed, after listening and laughing together, over NPR radio shows, all morning, making love and just hanging out . . . so, not quite the picture Brett might give . . . but, in spite of all this, at one point, Brett, said . . . I think we should kill all fat people and they should not be allowed to have children! And this is the guy, who now, wants to claim that MY children are his and Kay's kids, with Brett, Kay, Shelley and Rachel all having fat kids, and I have NONE!!! But the sick thoughts . . . I was never fat, until Shelley, biology major, made the poison that was put on my steering wheel, back when I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, a professor at the U of U, had my own anger management business, public speaking for $500 per hour, for a minimum of 2 hours presentation, and writing programs for the Internet on guardianships/conservatorships for the elderly, after leaving my job as staff attorney for the Division of Aging, state of Utah, and fucking gorgeous, with great clothes, etc., so these people cut me down in the heights of my career! And now, they are going to play high and mighty . . . I THINK NOT!!! Brett smoked and I returned the favor, and said, well, next to obesity, smoking causes the most deaths, costs our insurance, etc., I think I should kill you, don't think smokers should have children, second hand smoke kills . . . he shut the fuck up and never said it again . . . but, he still has those thoughts, just for obesity, not for smokers, he is exempt! LOL!
That is Enough About Your Hero For One Day . . . Trust an EX-Wife to Trash Hubby! LOL! Know ALL the GORY Details!
P.S, CRITICAL DETAIL . . . can't leave this out . . . I was the first Mormon Brett had EVER dated! Brett's, mom and dad, divorced, when he was only 2 years old! The Mormon Church, took his older sisters, Deborah and I think Kathy, never met her, she lives in Pocotello, I think, but in Idaho, under their wings, and both women, are very active Mormons, to this day, with boys that have served missions, so that background, even early pioneer roots, exist, and where the 23 acres that Deborah now owns, used to be called Stuart/Stewart . . . the way the Wellsville family spells their name . . . cover? FBI? But, Brett's mother, Donna Christiansen, was a party girl, and had just got reactivated into the Mormon Church, and had gone through the temple, not long before Brett and I got married, and started to live together, with Brett begging me not to leave him, and so I stayed, and called Shelley two weeks later, to tell her that I had gotten married, now, given Brett's ego, hatred for me leaving, and wanting to take over my name, kids, and other stuff . . . he would say, that I am Shelley, or Kay, whomever, everyone, but me! I was the one who got away, and you don't break up with Brett! But, you don't cheat on me either! LOL! Warrick and WARRIOR CHICK! But, Brett took me to a Christmas Party at an uncle's house, very big and nice, and I sat and chatted with Deborah and Brett's mother, while Brett just watched, and seemed very happy, that this Mormon girl, was a benefit and that the Mormon relatives who had probably shunned Brett long ago, with all his non-Mormon girlfriends, were all pleasantly surprised and impressed, and a lawyer too, even a non-active one, probably laying the ground work for his latter need to make all my sisters attorneys, and gravitating to Mo chicks! I got along great with his mother, and Brett often argued religion with her, but I continued to call Donna, who had cancer by the time I left, and I think Dee had died, but after leaving Brett, Brett, demanded I stop talking to his mother! Why? But, Brett found a gold mine in the large Mormon family he married into, but, after meeting Kay, or whatever, I think, that I introduced Brett into a whole new vista of women, he had not tapped into before, and he was ready to rumble! Kay and Shelley, were never active, other than to tap welfare for Shelley, or with Kay, every once in a while when she was down on her luck with men, as at the time when she got on a Mormon dating site and hooked up with, David Buttars, whom she married, 6 years her junior, and he wanted to take her through the temple, and she stormed out of the Denver Temple, hating the fact that she was to obey her husband . . . so she married, or just laid Brett, as me, we are all one, concept, but, when she met Brett, with me, she was jealous right off the bat, as she had been with Greg Erickson . . . I never considered her competition, still don't, cheaters, deserve each other, and Brett was pissed that, not only did I say he could have her, but made him leave my families Easter Week at Zion's Buffalo Lodge and Cabins, forcing him, right into the arms of Kay, that I am sure he stopped back at her house in Jeremy Ranch . . . oh, they will say that Rachel made him leave . . . I forgot I am DEAD! LOL The only time my parents, like any of my husbands, is when they are not MINE! LOL! Then they are the greatest thing since pudding pie! LOL! I just consider the jealous source . . . shitty 65 year marriage! Once Brett got into the Mormon Church, Shelley, Kay, and Brett . . . oh, this will also help, on that fateful weekend at Kay's, Fatal Friendship . . . might backfire, with both cheaters in prison . . . Kay and Brett, acting more married than Brett and I, and maybe, the family secrets, could have been married, before I met him, Kay's comment, upon meeting him, was . . . while Brett parked the truck, the maroon truck, Kay asked, How long did you know him before you married, or how well did I know him . . . they may have met at the U of U, because Brett seemed real interesting in her case? Later the opposing counsel's attorney, representing the U of U, Kay the plaintiff, Bruce Jensen, that just happened to be Shelley's next door neighbor's brother, with the elderly mom, confusing Shelley and me, after I moved in, leading me to believe, later confirmed that, Shelley had been using my name, way back! But, Bruce, ended up DEAD, dying of carbonmonizide poisoning, strange for such an anal retentive, perfectionist with a mansion, up Emigration Canyon, which Shelley's buddy, Wayne, older brother, inherited, all his property and soon, put mom in a nursing home, with Wayne the sole survivor, getting a ton of stocks and bonds, as Mom Jensen revealed to me, and also inheriting mom's house! Wonder if Shelley, got some ideas from Wayne? Kay? Brett? They may have all known each other, because during the time I lived with Shelley, aka, JoAnn, or Joann, Jesse, Shelley's eldest son, called the cops on me, and I found that Shelley was creating a mental health and criminal records on me, having the cops call her, every time, they stopped me . . . why would they call, Shelley? Bad Blood! from assistant attorney general years! Very complicated case, that is why I am telling you all of this, so you can solve it, Readers, just ignore if you are bored, need to get JUSTICE for at least 26, now, dead people, who didn't have a chance against these ass wipes! I at least got the benefit, after the poisoning that took 8 years of my life, to know to what low levels, including MURDER, that these Mo Mob fucks would stoop, to even kill brothers and sisters! Secret combinations, in the Book of Mormon! You are the only ones to read the shit!!!!!!
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