Rachel, Meryl Streep's, Look-Alike, Big Boned, Big Pancake Face . . . Sorry, Rach, You Could Have Avoided Trying to Be ME! LOL! So, You, Brought This ON Yourself!
True Crime . . . Father, CEO, Murders 2 Daughters, Actually Twins!
This, wealthy and successful, which my father, is not, but will appear to be, and actually is, now, after trying his whole fucking life, but actually did succeed, not on his own efforts, but that of his, daughter, the least liked, and the grand kids, least liked, because they dared, depart from the Mo program, the one he screamed at for going to law school, having wanted to go to law school, himself, yelled at her for three years, then was pissed as hell, after, 9 years, battling a terminal brain disease, allegedly, lol, the only time my father showed any affection for me, was when he thought I was going to die, but really, was in on the, special op, to take down, JoAnn S. Secrsit, J.D., before she took down the government! LOL! But, they say, there are three things that stand in the way of a person becoming successful . . . one is being LAZY, and I can't remember the other two! So, the now, rich, Daddy Warbucks, made on the back of the Secrist Family, was actually, the one, who orchestrated, participated, and lead the efforts to destroy this, most valuable daughter, to the country, that is, and favored his lazy housewife, Mo Mom Chicks, who did what daddy and mommy dearest told them to do . . . and could not tolerate, this independent, thinking, educated, excellent child, that you would prefer, didn't exist.
People may say, that one of the 10 commandments, is to honor your father and mother, and your days will be long upon the land . . . I have done nothing but bring honor to my parents, and provided, at least 7 other women and sisters, enough honor, to have great resumes, and enough money to fucking take over the world, with the Mormon connections! I would say, if you go back to junior high school, you will see an encapsulation of the differences in the Richard and Helen Southwick daughters, the son's never, really factored much into the equation. I was a 7th grade class officer, student of the month, Valentine's Queen; 8th grade cheerleader, until I realized that I would rather watch the sports, rather than try to get a bunch of people to cheer for the team, having broken my leg, during my 8th grade year, using my leg cast as my campaign slogan, Cast Your Vote for JoAnn!, Valentine's Queen, Presidential Fitness Award, and record holder for the softball long throw or toss, going on to being, student body, V.P., Valentine's Queen, for the third straight year, not one other girl in my class coming close, LOL, boyz club, LOL, and whatever else, I can't remember. And the rest of the 7, Southwick children, Sue, bringing up the rear, as 8th grade, cheerleader, blaming, jealous classmates of mine, for heckling her, as she competed . . . and what connection does that have to ME? I didn't do it, you are a jealous of me as the rest of my classmates were! LOL!
And, the rest of the family, has been eating my dust, ever since . . . LOL! You can see all the roots, of whom I am today . . . I had the personality, the politics, the looks, and the brains, what the fuck else do you want? Kay, was a homely, pixie cut, girl, who was from the wrong side of the track, who saw me, a class officer, student of the month, and Valentine's Queen, and said, she had to meet me, and then we became, friend, with her riding my popularity and name, into, becoming a cheerleader in 8th grade, growing her hair out, and being brought into my circle of friends . . . by high school, much of the allure of the popular crowd, was long gone, and I started to pursue boys, and the brainier side of life. Who knows where Ms. Kay Burningass, would have been, without me, either, in junior high, to NOW! LOL! She decided, riding my coat tails was not enough, she decided as did my sisters, the prestigious life I cut out for myself, was in deed, much nicer, than was their shitty life, so they stole my life, and declared, in every aspect from my career to my children and grandchildren, that they were ME! LOL!
Just like being a governor, is a microcosmic representation, of the way, someone might run the microcosmic system of the government, as president, is the early years of a person's life, indicative of what that person might do later in their life, as I have done, with every indication, that what I am saying is true, from the jealousies, and envy, to the lies, to achieve their goals! My father, didn't just kill, two of his daughters, as this bank CEO, did, but he killed, 5 of his 6 daughters, and maybe, Jared, and generations of Southwicks, who learned that cheating, being lazy ass, and lying, is the way to succeed and make money, all under the guise of doing the Mormon Church's bidding's, allegedly, coinciding with the goals of the government, but really, having an agenda driven by Republicans, cops, and Mo Mafia, using the truly successful sister, of the 6, and banking on her, allegedly, using her son's band money to recoup, the illegal gains, under the flawed and shitty, Patriot Act, and asset forfeiture laws, that Elliot's mother killed, before his mother ever bought his first guitar and started driving him and his two other band members, Isaac, the Ingrate, and Tyler, around, 300 miles each weekend for at least 3 years, to facilitate, Elliot's musical interests. And ironically, I took heat from my father, the beneficiary of the money, I have never received, asked or expect, one fucking dime from Elliot or his music and bands! This was an effort of love and support, unlike, Aunt Shelley, Isaac's mother, who has also jumped on the JoAnn, bandwagon, to cone to the notice of the government, being a government rat, at best and trying to do their bidding, to gain favor and preference, in her sick game of big sister, with the help of BIG BROTHER! LOL! SHIT? LOL!
What the Fuck, Ever! LOL! It is SOOOOOO Easy to See!
P.S., I am even a better home decorator than any of my sisters, taking the house, I won in the lawsuit, of Rachel's, where everyone said she had a nice home, a beautiful home, to people referring to it under my care, cleaning out her shit, Chris' and the kids, that it was a mansion, palace, castle, estate or museum! With lawyers and judges, envious of what I made it into, with Judge Michael G. Westfall, keeping me in, the real, Allan Rex Bess' trial, until, 1:00 A.M., on the Friday night, I was having a Halloween Party for over 250 guests, working my ass off, on the time off, after taking care of Shelley, Rachel, and their kids, and a few strays, with possible, three pregnancies, had this hard necked mother, not Rachel, that is a late characteristic, of hers, trying to imitate ME! Every stick of furniture, plants, rugs, other than a piano, and the rest of the hundreds of pieces of art, that I showcased the night of my party, with music, art, food, class and style, that Shelley, tried to act, like she was the host, seeing that I was not there . . . after 2 months, hauling, furniture, art, statues, etc., on my time off, from taking care of kids, house, yard, law practice, kids and grand kids! And these totally, LAZY ASS BITCHES, are acting like I am the lazy one? Ha! LOL! NOT ONE OF THEM COULD ACTUALLY, WRITE ONE OF THESE BLOGS! LOL! I will challenge them to a WRITE OFF! ANY SUBJECT!
P.S., III, I attended, Millcreek Junior High, Bountiful, Utah, 1967 to 1970. Rachel was 7 years younger then me . . . check out the pictures, not even close! Horning Junior High: A Tradition of Winning! From a true crime show, with a 12 year old girl, a junior high student, who was taken into the woods, by two of her best friends, after a sleepover, and the other two girls, tried to stab her to death. Due to her determination, she dragged her blood soaked body, with 19 stab wounds, to the edge of the woods. Sounds like her friends were similar to mine, Kay and others, just waited, 50 years! LOL!
Killer Symbolic Names in True Crime Episode, Called, "The Girl Who Knew Too Much" . . . Shelley on the Lawless Side . . . Me on the Side of the Law!
P.S. IV, God's Intel, kills me, it is so good . . . the Sheriff in the "Michelle Angel Lawless", is Rick Walter, my mother's father's name was, Walter Chamberlain! And he is the Sheriff of Scott County! Rachel's youngest son, is Scott, not Elliot, like everyone wants to to believe, Rachel, is not Me, nor am I the mother of Ty, or Scott, but Elliot . . . and Ty is Shelley's shit, not mine, although, Tyrone Southwick is the poor son of Shelley, maybe he is an FBI agents, Shelley uses her connections to get her lazy kids jobs! There is a song, out now, written by Rachel Plant, with the lyrics, This is my fight song, take back my life song, with a lot of fight left! She, and all the mothers, who took the last 4 years, to be ME, will have to pay for their choices, what they did to their own children, choosing to claim my children, and trashing their own, for money, fame, positions, men, or whatever, or to cover former theft of music, cases, and whatever . . . another name is, Don Pierce, Donald Anderson, is the ex-husband of Shelley, and father of Isaac, maybe, who knows who Shelley's liter's fathers are? Judge Richard Callihan, call I hand, or Richard Secrist? or Richard Southwick, both benefited from the lies, so could be either. Another name is Melissa Gains . . . everyone gained, except me! Gain is motive, enough money involved, to kill! Leon Lamb--start of stealing from the Red Jesus or the lamb, brought to the slaughter . . . Elliot, who's bands were taking off in 2000, when both dad and mom, Secrsit were taken out, is another name, Leon Sorenson, my boss at the Utah Medical Association, where a lot of this took root, after I was poisoned, with my father, collecting, a letter, written by the Association, thanking me for fighting the federal fraud units, that went after the doctors! Now in the "Girl who knew too much", DNA, was taken to the Netherlands or the Dutch to a place called, The Crime Farm! Richard or Zeke went to Holland or the Netherlands on a mssion . . . Elliot's cousin, Craig Secrist, did the art work on "Little Black Horse" CD, went and worked on the tulip farms in Holland! They want to kill me, and say, I am Shelley, symbolic of the girl who knew too much . . . I am the lawful girl who knew too much . . . Shelley, is the girl who knew too much on the criminal side of the lawless side! Jane Williams, is the social worker, who helped on of the suspects, who spent 16 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, I think . . . going in and out, and I guess they never proved who killed, Michelle (Shelley) Lawless, born, September 13, 1953! Same day as, Michael Leavitt, former Governor of the state of Utah, while I, JOANN S. SECRIST, was an assistant AG, who pulled the limelight, ways from the gov's office, and it landed on, Utah Attorney General, Jan Graham, because of ME, who was a sort of default AG! I was hired as Jan's double, to do her speaking engagements for her! I always covered her ass, and she took credit for all I did! Michelle (Shelley) went to Kelly High School . . . the goons, probably got, Kelly Ann Booth, the criminal defense attorney, Misty and Dennis Cheeks, brought on, to steal the Cheek case, a $56.7 million lawsuit! Judge Westfall, let Shelley, practice law in his court, as ME, as witnessed by one of the jail inmates, in Iron County Jail, back when the sheriffs, who worked for the feds, Dixon or Dickson, from NORAD, brought in with Frank, aka, Allan Rex Bess . . . or Kay, allegedly trained the fake bitch sisters, she had been a torts attorney, for about 30 years at this point! Judge John Walton, let Shelley, work on stealing the Bloomington, or St. George home, sitting in court with her mouth shut . . . Shelley's favorite name, was, Loose lips, sink ships! Tons of symbolism here, Shelley was completely lawless, but always working with law enforcement, as me! While cops were chasing me, either, paying me back, or thinking I was literally, lawless Shelley or giving the girlz club, all the credit for what I was doing, and chasing me, because of earlier work, starting in 1997, with asset forfeiture legislation . . . a Wicked Web, Charlotte Web, Shelley the Hacker, the Reader, symbolized by the first book I saw Shelley reading, constantly reading, but always expecting something for NOTHING! This story, and death is amazingly symbolic, names, places, and even faces, and I am sure, that as Joshua Lawless, symbolic of Jared Lawless Southwick, most likely a cop, with Shelley's aid, with anyone dealing with the bitch, lying hag and good riddance, and I am sure, that the Southwicks, would long mourn, Shelley's death, just typed, "U", far more than their stellar, and lawful sister . . . vehicle with the symbolic truth on it . . . Univision . . . in harmony with the Unified Police, the Southwick family, the Mob! Mo Church . . . Tyrone Southwick, got his Duty to God Award, and that counts more than the millions or billions, my family made . . . so give them Ty, not Elliot!
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