Jacks Also Facing A QB Crisis!
I am so not surprised, that the situation in Pennsylvania, and with the pretty attorney general, with the more plain twin, the supreme court, suspending Kane's law license, with allegations of a porn ring, corruption, lies, perjury, secrets coming out, allegations of obstruction of justice, and other crimes, that the home state, of a major stake player, in my case, is also from Pennsylvania, is a total tits and ass man, all about, promoting, the lesser of two twins, one the evil twin, Shelley, who is a nip and tuck, sex addicted, nymphomaniac, that will do Jack's sexual bidding, now, most likely as his wife, or the symbolic deer, doe, in my dream I started analyzing, yesterday, but was interrupted, by, I would guess, either an FBI or CIA, female agent, over at Good Food Store, after being set up for a sting op on the bus, but as is usually the case, I either sense that something is up, or the agent reveals themselves, without me cluing them in, that I am onto them, and with the bus, failing to come as scheduled, with the sting op, being planned by local cops, who hate me, and absolutely adore, Shelley, aka, JoAnn S. Secrsit, probably playing prosecutor, or something like that, working with the cops, under my bar licenses, four of them, over the years, pretending to be me, but with full cooperation, lies, cover-up, and coordination, with local, state and federal officials, to keep this alleged secret, under wraps . . . just made a typo, "war!" And it literally has been, is and will be, until, these fucking shits, get a clue, that, it is the U.S. Constitution, that is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!
NOT SOME COPS FUCKED NATION(S)! These fucking faggots, know, that as long as I live and breath, I will fight the Patriot Act, and do what I took an oath to do, back in October of 1993, sworn and duly, sworn in, having never faltered, never failed, and never backing down, regardless of the threat, the size and stature of the enemies, to protect, preserve and defend the United States Constitution, and the state constitutions, of wherever I am . . . which, just happens, for good or bad, in their eyes, to be Montana! Formerly, practicing law, in Utah, sporting 5 statewide jobs, three colleges, award winning manuals, legislation, cases, and now a blog, with nation, if not worldwide, recognition, acknowledgement, and honors, in addition to 4 amazing children, primarily, Elliot, for his music, the money, the fame, and changing the face of music, worldwide, as is this blog, having such huge ass numbers, that, Google, Bing, AOL, Yahoo, and other larger sites, can't contain the following, and reader numbers, with the feds, dividing this blog, bad ass con law chick blog, into at least 5 other versions, same author, same picture, same bio, and same info, other than when the fuckers can steal the blog, which may be all the time, with roughly, a half a million hits, ever second, some more, some less, on about 45 search engines, that carry this blog, not to mention, the deep web and dark Internet, that I am sure, steals, far more than their unfair share, numbering in the billions every posting! Not bad money coming out of one, rather, modest, non-materialist family, with another son, a musician, electronic and computer synthesized, who may also have had tons of music stolen, and market or sold to the likes of Rhianna, Beyonce', rappers, Jayz, others, not having any idea, where the music being sold on the black market, or laundered through British Columbia, and other sources, comes from and has for years!!!!!!!
Restoring Hope, Righting Wrongs! Striking NASH!
I graduated from law school, in 1993, from Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School, the Mormon Church university and law school, an envied position, field of study, and dream of many young lawyers, or wanna be lawyers, from around the world, or wherever there are members of the church, with aspirations of doing exactly what I did . . . back 25 years ago, when I attended BYU, law school, there were barely 15% of my class, and that was progressive, who were making up the sum total of that percentage, females, or minorities. In fact, the American law school accreditation committee, while I was attending law school, told the administration, that if the law school, didn't do more to diversify the student body, being made up, 85% of white, male, Mormon, and I would venture a guess, Republicans, the committee was going to shut the law school down! So, as a result of Howard University, an almost all black, law school, with a similar problem, there was a deal worked out, I believe, either when I was a third year law student, or after i left, because, I don't remember it being, any more diversified after than, other than maybe, a student or two, in exchange, if any?
But, the day, I was admitted, without, taking the LSAT, nor even applying, or having letters of recommendation, but with little worry, given my credentials, status, and grades, in my undergrad, and being older at the time of admittance, the, then dean, Dean Hansen, if memory serves, said, emphasizing the importance of the LSAT scores, which after talking, didn't care if I got a "0", after hearing my academic trophies in my undergraduate English and Communications, B.S., yes, bachelor of science, the last one Weber State University, allowed, traditionally, these are humanities and art, majors, but, due to the large number of science credits, and trying to get out of taking any language classes, I was granted a very unique and bizarre combination of degrees, also with a teaching certificate, in addition. But, as has been proven, not only was it a not a risk to accept me, but not only did I shine, somewhat in law school, but I was asked, along with San Fransisco, 49er QB, Steven Young, to address the law school, student body, after landing the job, as assistant attorney general, staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council--working with MARK NASH, the man who hired me, and probably has taken heat, ever since, or the first liar, would have to be on board, Mo,--, within the Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office, as representing female role models in the law . . . NICE . . . and the accolades, mounted, from that point forward! And the rest is history, not attributed to me, but to a fucking, sack of shit, bitch, government whore, rat, and sex slave, Shelley, the cops bitch and cunt!
I am not your normal female lawyer, with normal qualifications, but a lawyers, lawyer, with experience, in just about every area of law, bringing contributions and recognition, not only to the law school, but to the state as well! So, this is not, just one sister, deciding with another sister, under some agreement, allowing one sister, to represent, to stand in for, or to appear for, but a 100% diabolical, criminal enterprise, with a ton of sociopaths and psychopaths, working in concert, even as a church with these attributes, not the lay members, but the hierarchy, so worried, so concerned, so worried about what the world thinks, what their image is, that they will literally, chronically lie, cheat, steal, misrepresent, and kill, lacking any sympathy for victims, any remorse, and limits, exceptions, and with satanic delight, lay in wait, to steal, kill and destroy anyone who gets in their way! The only thing, that would make them feel bad about what they have done is . . .
But for God, as my Intel Man, my keen intellect and faith, and the cops, unending fuck ups, I would have long ago, been either, detained forever, jailed or incarcerated, or dead! And, I am NOT fucking around, with you! For obvious reasons, the cops don't like me! LOL! Because, I point out the OBVIOUS! LOL! I will hand it to the criminal crew, corrupt assholes, that they are tenacious, and don't give up easy, thinking, just give me one more shot at her, one more day, one more sting op, one more bull shit, hit man, bounty hunter, on more set up, like last night, some guy, don't know, his last name, but he comes and parks his ass by me, and starts talking about the privatization of prisons, as in the Shelby Prison, that he just got released from, YESTERDAY! Of course, the orchestrators, the planners, and those granting him a 10 year sentencing commute, know damned well, how I feel about people making money off the misery of others! I have even written the Shelby Prison, when I read about the private prison, back two years ago, and told prison officials and legislators alike, what I thought about making that a money making venture, writing my grievances in an email, that was obviously taken serious by some legislators, probably some of the same ones, who heard me testify, in front of the Montana Legislature, Judiciary Committee, who under the direction of Kryton Kearns, not only asked me out of a room of about 200, just the number who could fit into the room, but at least double that, who showed up to testify, either for or against the water compact, with similar usual suspects, after hearing my testimony, asked for by a committee member, Ellie Hill, I think, no, she was sitting next to her, Jennifer, someone, to comment, seeing that I mentioned that I was a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, seeing that the compact, violated the U.S., Montana Constitutions, the Hellgate Treaty, Montana water law and statutes, etc., and was given, about 30 minutes, to explain what my objections were, again in total contrivance, allegedly, and opposition, to federal positions, duties, and cover-up, for failing to protect Indian interests, as they have many times in the past, but, not a reason to fuck up constitutional and treaties, long ago signed and agreed on, trying to re-write history!
But, some time after I wrote the email, it was reported in some newspaper, that the legislature was thinking of not renewing the contract with the private prison company, whom I would venture a guess, is being run, judged on, Bobby's (true crime show, serial killers, Michelle (called Shelley) and David Knoteck, had lady who looked like Shelley, and her name was, Bobbie Harmer--Shelley's boy, Bobby will harm her, or ME--cops, this is the shit you should be worried about! He followed me to McD's this morning! True crimes, hell, no . . . go for JO! $$$$$$$$, bad ass con law chick!), comments, that the female prison guards, all dress like FOO-FOO Dolls, (just like the multiple JoAnns, no substance chicks, please) none wearing uniforms, dress to the 9's, fashion plates! with . . . the female prison is in Billings, being run by an sex offender, who raped and molested his own sister, for years, but, whatever, who am I to complain, other than the powers that be, actually, with molested sister, Mary and her crone, boyfriend, Bobby, of 27 years, were inducted to set me up on many occasions, from Butte, Mt., to Grand Junction, Colorado, get me into that woman's prison, so the warden can molest me, or kill me, or at least shut me the fuck up, for ratting him out, and blowing his cover, much like, might be, or is, I am guessing, the case with Pennsylvania's AG, thinking they can be state's attorney general, or top law enforcement official, without even having a fucking BAR LICENSE! Believe me, these cops, prosecutors and culture--CIA director, GEN. PETRAUS/BETRAYUS--is all about, SEX, GIRLS, POWER, PUSSY, PERKS, and MORE SEX!!!!!!!!! Prison prostitutes, on the payroll? . . . would not put it past these men, and the stupid women in this PORNO RING, here in MONTANA too, with some of the same players, if not the same, modius operendi! or M/O.
JoAnna Freud, Forensic Psychologist . . . Analyzing Key Players! The ironic thing, is that, while I entertained the idea of going to law school, since having my first baby, back in 1995 . . . is that I never intended to practice law!
Even more ironic, is the fact, that I was going to go to Etheopia, to help some, international human rights, constitutional law group, help rewrite the countries, constitution, after I heard about female circumsizing, which has been exacted on me, getting the idea from an award winning article, that was published in the BYU Law Journal, back in 1993, when I graduated, giving the feds the idea, as part of my punishment for getting 9 federal agents, attorneys, and investigators, fired, retired or transferred, for violating Utah physicians' constitutional and civil rights, during fraud unit investigations . . . just doing my JOB! as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association! And in what, really, only 10 of the 20 years, I could have been practicing law, but for being poisoned, in 2000 for my constitutional crimes I took an oath to commit, as did my persecutors, missing 9 years, due to impending death, and about another 3 before, the attacks started up, after reactivating my bar license, in 2009, being divided and used by anyone, but the one, me, who attended law school, passed the bar, and practiced, for a while, and still paying for law school loans, with all the girlz and boyz, who stole from me, getting the benefits and gains of MY training! Simply amazing!, but, I have done, just about anything the law has to offer, going from small claims court, to the United States Supreme Court, and every court level in between, practicing in both civil and criminal, plus civil rights, family, administrative, securities, patent, doing legislation, training, writing manuals, and working for national public interest and educational law firms, working on Supreme Court cases of national interest!
Just imagine, what I could have accomplished without being punished and almost killed for doing, what I took and oath to do, as did my punishers . . . take the same oath, that is! But, at BYU law school, in the career center, there is a book, that I noticed once, that has 100 different ways to use your law degree, and one of those ways, is to be a psychologist! That offering always, interested me and enticed me, because of my earlier pursuit of a degree, related to and using psychology, that of being a marriage and family therapist, having prior to that considered, a degree in social work, until my husband, at the time's, uncle, Thacker, that may not be the right spelling, but he was in the department, I was thinking about applying at the University of Utah, to attend and get my master's degree, and it was at his bidding, telling me about the statistics and a department or faculty member, who wrote a book called, Let Me Help You Into Adultery, knowing full well, that at the time, hotter than hot . . . just the facts, not bragging, only the facts, mam, Dragnet Detective!
So, I thought, great, having gone to law school, after starting a master's at Utah State University, where Shelley graduated with a biology degree, 20 years before, I went to law school, or about that much, having CLEPed out of her first two years, missing out on general ed, you know, those courses that give you a CLASSIC EDUCATION, like I have, and she lacks, but she does have a hands on sexology degree, that seems to get her further, than any of my degrees! LOL! Even gets her my degrees, kids, law practice and the likes . . . I just never used SEX, to get anywhere, never used that dress for success model, always believed it was my mind that would get me where I needed to go! I never, FAKED it until I made it either . . . SHE NEVER MADE IT, STILL JUST 'FAKING" IT, in fact, when I first learned of the Pennsylvania AG, and her trials, first seeing a snap shot of her on the news, I thought, it WAS, SHELLEY, looked just like her . . . knowing the "Catch Her if You Can" crowd, that fakes everything from orgasms to law degrees . . . and knowing Shelley is with Jack or John, as Joann, it probably was Shelley, and they brought in a prettier, her! LOL! There is always someone better looking, the Hollywood you, for the image mongers of the Mo Church and affiliates! Men, that includes YOU!
Keys and Insights into Personalities of Sociopaths/Psychopaths
I was watching the serial killers of the Bega Schoolgirls, in Australia, I think, with many symbolic names, signs, symbols, as with the one on serial killers, Michelle (Shelley) and David Knoteck, or No Tech! Yass and Gundagal, were cities, or appeared on transportation signs in the show, but, of course as were the names of the parents of the girls murdered, detectives, and places, they give insight and understanding to my whole case, from my, Intel Man, Special Agent, GOD! One such name was, that of the mother of one of the girls, Damiam Ryan . . . this is for my son, Elliot, as fake band member, Ryan Chambers, guitarist in fake band, Remember the Alamo, DAMN I AM RYAN! I have been trying to tell, Elliot, Chris, my other kids, Greta and Nicole, that Shelley, Grandma and pa, aunts, uncles, cousins, were all trying together to put fake band members, Isaac, Ryan, probably, Chris Brown, Kay's son, and some other cops kid . . . Kennedy's? in the band! But Yass . . . our, Y, standing for "YOU" ASS, which shocking to me, that the cops can't see, with many of them, not only seeing me around, exactly where I am writing about, but some even talking to me, but, them shocked to learn, that I am the blogger, the one hanging out at homeless shelters, the one they are chasing, trying to intimidate, harass and fuck over, to put it bluntly!
Gundagal . . . or, gun da, district attorney or assistant attorney, gal! Shelley is the cops' gal, and probably is a cop herself, back in the early days of me being poisoned and waiting to die, with Shelley, hanging like a vulture, and Jesse her oldest son, who is either dead, or faked his death, so he could be an assassin, good training, since on night, back in about, 2005, when Shelley, Jesse and Tiffany Anderson, were starting their Bandit Enterprises, doing nightly bank runs, setting up tons of bank accounts, taking out all kinds of credit cards, most likely on my name and credit, since it was perfect, before, Shelley became me, with my father, giving Shelley, like giving and alcoholic a drink, my social security card, driver's license, both key pieces of evidence, to allow for identity theft! We can't waste that killer resume, worth killing for, even better now, and getting better, daily!
In the last three crime episodes, I watched on serial killers, there are tons of symbolic names, and actually, accurate, personality profiles! But, in the Michelle (always refer to her as Shelley, and totally fits her personality . . . abuse and kill you with a thousand cuts) and David Knotek, there is a prosecutor, with the last name of Smith, nicely dressed, professional, articulate, with Smith, being the name, I used to describe, Shelley and Brett, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, being symbolic, of those two getting together, after I left, Brett, which you don't do! So, one the one hand, you have Ms. professional, using my identity, and one the other hand, in the same crime story, you have serial killer, Shelley, the abuser, the sociopath and psychopath, allegedly, me, now that, the cops, prosecutors, judges, and indicted Utah AGs, Shurtleff and Swallow, whom I got or helped indict, after the FBI Dropped the Probe . . . check Salt Lake Tribune, I think 2 falls ago, with Swallow, stepping down December 3, and the following April, both Swallow and Shurtleff, his predecessor, both cronies and friends of Shelley's in stealing my house, and the Brock and Cheek, multi-million lawsuits . . . with gun attorney gal, Shelley, being substituted in by, Iron County Attorney, Scott Garrett, Judges Westfall and Walton, AG's Shurtleff and Swallow, before being indicted! Ironically, or telling, there was a detective Garrett, in one of the serial killer episodes!
A few other symbolic names . . . to protect the innocent, I am just reading between the Intel lines, and by any means, don't know for sure, but suspect, the connections, I am making with what God, gives me:
- Loren Barry, one of the girl's killed, in Bega Schoolgirls murders . . . Elliot Secrist's, current girlfriend, Lauren bury, honey trap, much like Rachel, his former girlfriend of 4 years, who in my mind, sabotaged all the concerts that I set up, but I suspect is a hand-picked girlfriend, with loyalties for the CIA or FBI, Shelley, family enemies, who are PAID to fuck the Secrists, keep Elliot under control, and rat to Isaac, his enemy and beneficiary of Elliot's hard work, fame, fortune, status as a rock star, and also, I would guess, the one who attended the Berkeley School of Music, in Boston, under Elliot's name and audition, not being able to pull the audition off himself, but with auntie, Susan Schmidt's, Mormon connections with school administration, the family could get him in, and fuck Elliot, whom, due to the theft of my lawsuit money, on Brock, Cheek, and Vail, Elliot stayed at the University of Utah . . . I am sure, Isaac didn't have the talent, the skill, the tenacity to hang in there, even when handed the schooling, he couldn't even get accepted to Utah State University, as an undergraduate student . . . like mother, like son, always want something for NOTHING, and riding on the backs of the SECRISTS!
- Shane Box . . . remember the old movie, of the Montana, I think, cowboy, and movie, Shane? Okay, so it is no secret, that I like cowboys, or at least I think I like them, so the honey traps, set for me, are like, Kennedy, Ernest, or Phillip, all, either farm boys, or cowboys, all on the other side, but, sent to fuck me over, if not kill me, pick me up on a bounty, with, Phil, coming in this morning to McDonald's, long after he was to leave on his welding job, that is was up early, at around, 4:00 A.M., and waiting to leave, riding his bike to a job, out by the airport, but showing up, in different clothes, to McDonald's, probably buying something, like coffee, with his credit or debit card, and there to simply, state that I, am not there, when in reality, I was just getting ready to start my blog, and if he sees me, on the payroll of Shelley and cops, probably either a fed or a local cop, he will at least lie, taking one for the team, and say that he saw, Shelley here, rather than me and so the patterns go, starting with Ernie on the bus in Kalispell, Annie, Kalispell, who text me this morning with the double number, going to Shelley, the cell phone the cops got in Grand Junction, helping the other judge, I hate, and who hates me, that is saying that it is Shelley, who rewrote the cohabitation/alimony laws, representing, Hope M. Carlton-Levin, in the case, I took up on appeal, the one, that the FBI, got a copy of my brief, with Hope, hi-jacking me, on my way back from Washington, D.C., and allegedly having a copy of the bogus, warrant . . . yeah, like not a cop inside job, how, why, because she was the one, who alerted, Frank, aka, Allan Rex Bess . . . dead, but with Interpol and NORAD, aiding Shelley, with Brock Financial Planner, not being able to figure out how to wire gas money, while I was in Kennedy's alleged home state, for 5 fucking hours waiting for money, after the money Hope gave me ran out . . . with me ending up in jail, for 9 days, after Hope, a cop, who is the double for the Playboy Bunny, Hope, the real, dead, I am assuming, withdrawing her appeal, so I could get arrested, once back in Utah, with a bogus warrant, not on the statewide warrant system, because I demanded that arresting officers, show me not the warrant by Lyle Anderson, but listed, officially, on the warrant system, which is WAS NOT! before they arrested me, with one of the narc cops, being an NAMED defendant in the Cheek case . . . Keeping it ALL in the fucking family! I would assume, that all three of these, federal cops, Kennedy, if that is his name . . . two in the crime episode, maybe on legit and the other, double, to hook up with Rachel . . . that part, was just erased by box trolls, maybe Kennedy himself! But, I would guess by observations, that all these guys have access, not only to high tech equipment, but they all know each other and are on the cops side, and against me, but playing the HONEY TRAP, COWBOYS, SHANE, also, the name of one of my defendants, Shane or Micheal Shane Clark, who actually did LOVE ME, and whom I believe is either dead, or was forced into being a cop! Shane Clark, one of my plaintiffs, and the most innocent ones, the guy, who probably got me interested in cowboys, with me and him, spending hours at each visit, laughing and plotting a sting op for the feds, on the next marijuana grows, the cops were planning, just like the alleged, busts on Pine Mountain, Washington County, Shirt's Canyon, Iron County, and Garfield County, Utah, where I ratted the cops out to, then, U.S. Assistant Attorney, Brett Toleman, who, after watching my Brock case, left the U.S.AG's office, and became a defense attorney for financial planners, and really, the only, truly committed, attorney, working for the government, that I have EVER MET! He sent in the undercover military, search and rescue, to take care of the dirty cops, in St. George, Utah, the scene of many of the crimes against me . . . DO YA THINK!
- Garrett Barry . . . how, fucking appropriate! The name of the father of one of the victims! But, what a great last name, and so, symbolic, Shane Clark's former boyfriend, and I think, from, our long conversations with each other, making all of CENTRAL, in jail headquarters, jealous, just like the sheriffs' deputies in Washington County, of Travis Braun and my relationship too . . . but, Shane was set up by his wife, estranged at that time or kicked out of his home, putting her birth control pills next to the computer, with cops, coming in his home, unannounced, after Shane, who was also a mason, and a very successful, smoker, big time pioneer family name, but inactive in the Mo Church, taking all the business in Cedar City the Den of Iniquity, most corrupt county in the nation, but allegedly, this little Mormon Bishop, was fucking, Shane's wife, during the time that his wife's baby from another marriage, little slut, let the baby drown, while she was arguing with ex-husband and dad of the baby, devastating Shane! Garrett, may have exchanged sex with Malory, for not charging her with negligent homicide, like he would have any other person, like Brandon Ardino, of Vegas, who's son, die, when Brandon, got sideswiped by a paint truck, with son, waking, grabbing the wheel and getting thrown out . . . another client, that Iron County wanted to get rid of, but Brandon, hooked up with Frank, aka, Allan, when up for a visit, tracking me down to work on the case, after my house and computer, law practice were attacked and taken . . . with Shelley fucking Frank, being the two who murdered, Allan, or Shelley killed him and Frank was an accessory! Garrett, personally, at 11:00 P.M. the night, Shane came out of the shower, nude, after working all day, since sun up, was greeted not with a warrant, but an arrest, with him begging to put his clothes on, while cops, watched and laughed, as Shane struggled to put underwear on, from his laundry that he had folded on the couch, got dressed with hand-cuffs on, and was questioned with Scott Garrett, his Bishop, watching 4 hours of interviews, with his cousin, narc cop, refusing tons of times to let Shane contact an attorney! Just one of the basic constitutional rights, denied my three clients, in the $56.7 million lawsuit against, Iron County . . . oh, I am sorry, Shelley, was really me, or, now, who am I, if not JoAnn S. Secrsit, J.D.?
- Sarah Brennan . . . Jack the Ripper, most likely Shelley's husband, Pennsylvania money boy, but still after my son's money, and mine, all for the team, the cops, had a hernia operation, in about 2013, and had his gut cut open, about 17 inches, when I was still friends, or at least acquintances, but he was treated in the Brennan House, at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center! Sarah is also the name of my niece, the replacement for Greta, cop chick, to marry Dallas Todd Hyland, fed, ATF cop, married to daughter . . . I have been silenced, since the day, Sarah married, Justin, as a cover, for the dirty double thing, being Greta II! They planned on replacing the whole SECRIST family, hook lying and sinker!
- Detective Stuart Gray . . . 50 Shades of Gray, James "Angel" Kennedy? There are two James in this serial killer show, James Mundy . . . James Money Die! And James Powell, Rachel's new honey, so we have Joann Secrist, Rachel, aka, JoAnn, who hooked up with James in Butte, but, who was ditched, for Rachel, either with the real or the fake Kennedy, or in this suggesting, that there are two James! Current solutions to sticky, current or past, connections, just made a typo, "Y", she is You or ME! So, because I wrote about James "Angel" Kennedy, and just recently posted a picture of myself, Rachel has a fat face, wider, Roman nose, sorry Romans, or well, Rachel's daughter, Stephanie was born or conceived in Paris, while Rachel and Christian Hickey, were on the French Riviera! Just like Shelley and Frank, were suppose to be, JoAnn and Allan, when I hooked up with Allan, but they killed him, with Frank, moving Shelley in while I was up in Montana, and Judy Daly, whom had become friends with Shelley, with Frank claiming that Judy was his sister, when Allan's only sister, Lina was dead, comical really, but, one night, when I appeared back in the state, at about 2;30 A.M. and could not get into MY house, with two murderers and imposters, doubles, sleeping or having sex, probably in MY bed, or the bed that Shelley had sex with Allan, before shooting him behind the ear . . . blood, right where Allan's head would have been, in the 9 or 10 days between Allan telling me, he would give me his house and move to his cabin, and me, seeing Frank for the first time, Shelley did him in, with Frank's help, cut Allan up in the basement with full designs of doing me in! Rachel and Kennedy, are suppose to be Me and Kennedy, but, I haven't seen Kennedy since, leaving Butte Rescue Mission, IN MARCH! So, it is either a double, or the same guy, this would suggest there are two, but, I doubt it, forgive me, if I am wrong, but, 97% of the time, I am right, and the other 3% I don't care about! LOL! Don't want, Kennedy, if he has touched, Rachel!!!!!!! Oh, that reminds me, Stuart Gray . . . one time, I saw something that said, or indicated that Kennedy, was a Maverick Brett! Just a wilder, version of the same, Shallow Hal! You broke the wrong heart baby, the wrong redneck . . . oh, well?
- Richard Huff . . . could be either one of my sons, pissed, seeing what really happened, and they either are just realizing it, or are disgusted! DO YOU THINK? Shit, you would not believe me back in 2008! Or it could be, Richard Clifton Secrist, ex-husband, and KEY player in this CHARADE of names, wives, and with a youngster, and three young college students to support, unlike he never supported his own kids in college, but the kids, said their father had significantly DUMBED DOWN, so he fits clearly in the Tits and ASS Boy Club! Sad, Zeke . . . sell out your own son, or is it all are against, MOTHER SECRIST? Joining the BIG BOY CLUBS, WITH FAMILY MONEY, that should have been ours all the way along! Brett, wittle Kay, Rachel, Shelley, Grandpa and ma, are not doing you any favors, THEY STOLE FORMER BANDS MONEY AND MOM'S MONEY, covering up old SINS AND CRIMES, CRIMES, CRIMES . . .keeping their own asses out of PRISON!
- John Burkoff . . . Jack, John King Strode, or Ware, OFF! Shelley's man.
- Anna Glover . . . wearing my BLOGGER hat, claiming she is the writer, just wearing a glove over the hands that write, and are writing as you read and I speak, Shelley is a vicarious reader type, always has lived through other characters, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN the DOER!
- Russell Sheater . . . Russell Street in Missoula . . . Secrist HEAT her . . . either cops still turning up the heat on me, or Secrist cop is her, Shelley!
P.S., will psycho analyze the crew tomorrow . . . gotta go get a hair cut . . . maybe ought to do a PIXIE cut, hey, PICK's Disease or PIX, symbolic, but so cops, can tell the difference between me and Rachel, which is a disgrace to ME! FAKE BOOBS ASIDE . . . not as pretty in face! LOL! NOT THAT YOU LOOK AT THAT . . . BOOBS, HUGE DISTRACTION! LOL! MEN, DON'T Gotta love 'em . . . cringe!
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