Fascinating Dream . . . Smart Friend Helps Interpret!
So, this morning, while I was putting on my make-up, I happened to tell Amanda, who is a sports and fitness trainer, always giving me tips, protecting my exercise equipment, I hide at the Pov., and encouraging me, when I tell her, I fell of the wagon, going to Kalispell, while the Currents, Aquatic Center, my swimming pool, was closed for cleaning and repairs, after the summer beating by the kids, that took 10 days, and me out of my water aerobics, that I passionately love, love looking out the big picture window, at Sentinel Mountain, I think, with the "M", that Amanda, regularly hikes up, some run up, and last summer, I only made it to the first switchback, has challenged, me to get my sorry ass up, either that hill to her, Everest to me, mountain, or try the "L" mountain, she likes more, that stands for Love to me, LoLo to locals, with the "M" representing murder to me, I worry about stuff like that, in my chosen profession, as cops, are cruising up the streets, and the song, the Heat Is On . . . now, what did I write about them yesterday to piss them off, ran into on cop, fully loaded, bullet proof vest, gun pack around his waist, walkie talkie, or some type of communication device, who crossed my path, as I left, Kassie's room, I had been staying in, wanting to drop by to watch the Rachel Maddow Show, and see what fun and games the presidential candidates are up to and Rachel's, always, sarcastic, eye rolling, smug, looks and comments, not unlike my own humor and sarcasm, like, what the fuck? LOL!
Kassie, later came over to see me at the Pov. and she, told me there were, four or five other cops, sneaking around the motel, I have been staying at, renting, half the bed . . . hey, I used to share a bed with my sister, until my mother figured out, that home was just a pit stop for me, and with 7 of the 8 kids, in our family, who hung out at home, they might be more deserving and grateful for some privacy, or a bed alone; I used to always come home from a date, or work at the Pepperoni Pizza Hut, and put my cold, clammy feet, on my sister's, cozy warm body, having been in bed for hours, and just like now, me out on the prowl, working, or on a date, and always pushing the midnight hours, and up early, off to drill team or debate! They say you are most like your true self, being the way you were in high school, and I still only need a pit stop, being the feral cat like, Cat Woman, solving crimes, sneaking around in dark shadows, the women behind the scenes . . . and I, too, love to scratch, Batman! LOL! Then leave him!
My 4th husband, actually, took our wedding certificate out of the cool frame, I had it in, and replaced it with the Cat Woman symbol, when I told him, he was Batman, he took our, strangely symbolic, now debunked, wedding license, totally symbolic, and threw it against the couch, breaking it . . . the marriage was long over, and by that time, I knew he was a killer, was writing over 200 pages of differences between, the now, Frank, of Interpol, and Allan Rex Bess, my client, the one who saved me from total demise, long enough to get me back to Washington, D.C., to become a member of the U.S. Supreme Court, with Frank, loyal to Shelley, fucking Shelley in my bed, while I was gone doing lawyerly stuff, in 5 states, and doing the work of a 5 man law firm, single handed, trying to solve two murders, in the mean time! And, I think, you are starting to scratch the surface of the complexity, complicity, and compliance, law enforcement and others, had to have participated in, to steal my identity, blah, blah, blah . . . help tell me, it would make one hell of a book, but I would have to publish it under "fiction" rather than the reality, of "Non-fiction", but unbelievable!
The Live Cobra, Rachel Under A See Through White Tent, Sitting in the Dirt, Holding a Small Fish She Caught, And the Cobra Sweatshirt!
Dreams are fucking fascinating, highly informative, symbolic as hell, worth more than a thousand words, and something, people need to pay attention to, think about, analyze, decipher, struggle with the meanings, not of the ones we tend to forget, but the ones that stick in our heads, the ones, that bother us, the ones, that are as real in part of in whole, as 10 years later, and stuck in our psyche, just as fresh and telling, as they were the second, we wake from a dead sleep, so that we get the full gist of what is being communicated to us, either from the subconscious, or from God, from our buried super ego, id, or ego, giving us insights into our surroundings, our problems, our issues if you will, as this one, tends to do, along with the discussion, help, understanding of Amanda, whom I suspect, is doing a psychological profile, for the FBI, on the strange make up, of a woman, who has been through what I have been, and still remains, happily optimistic, naive, and delightfully thinking, someone is actually, going to figure this thing out, and bring about the ideal of justice, in what appears to be a top secret, government operation, brought about and perpetrated by the best and the brightest, against the new best and brightest, trying to maintain a country, that is tugging an pulling, in very different directions, that of the Patriot Act, and one world order, President Daddy Bush talked about, continued by "W", and the one, so opposed and opposite, to the country, this bad ass con law chick, took and oath, took it very seriously, to defend, protect and preserve, finding this patriot, pitted against, the false flag patriots, of a new world order, that is in all, and of all intents and purposes, in my mind, contrary to the interests of the United States, void of all that makes this country great, and with me, being seen as an enemy of the state, for staying true, to the basic tenants, principles and concepts, that are contained in the document of the Constitution, itself, with the foundation set for this new free country, based on rights, freedoms, liberties, and protections, unseen, unknown to the greater global governments, the envy of the world! The is the world according to JoAnn, constitutional law chick, and the ugly American!
But really, cute and for the freedom, peace, rights, liberties, human dignity of the whole human race, and willing to fight for it! This dream, seemed to be a two part dream:
Dropping the Cobra . . . Symbolic of a Guy, a Concept, a Shedding of Old Skin, Female Symbolism?
Remember, my admonition to Kassie, the Illuminati sex slave, brain washed and indoctrinated, with evidence of that thinking, coming out in odd behaviors, ideas, and in her very brief, encounters with men, having sex, justifying it, now out of that slavery, I think, and covering up her inability to set boundaries, and seeing herself, as a mere sex object, while priding herself, in the fact, that she is or thinks she is one of the best sex slaves or partners, and even fantasies, being Monica Lewinsky, or being chosen to be selected to have sex, or a secret tryst with President Obama, who, more than just she, thinks in hot, cool, and powerful, a man, she could cut her teeth on, and make a name for herself, which, ah, didn't work for Monica, being played the fool, but, whatever, that is for history, and I think, has been decided, since, Bill and Hillary, power couple are still together, that didn't work, and while on 23, which is the age of Kassie, she knew better, and was not a innocent victim, thinking she had no power to reject advances . . . that is total bull shit, and like other crimes of passion, take yourself out of the situation, don't go there, and don't be forced there, and if all else doesn't work, quit you job, for god sake! But, my challenge to Kassie for 6 months to a year, is to just say No to Men . . . that was simple enough, she thought she could do that, and I told her to stop bringing stray men, back to her motel! YOU DON'T OWE ANYONE SEX! This is a new concept to her, and would be, since she has been used, abused, sexually molested, raped, and taken advantage of, since she was the ripe old age of 14 . . . Parents, we need to do a better job, of taking care of our children, protecting them, training them, and making sure they have shelter, food, and clothing, if not, just a normal home . . . I love the ad, that says, you don't have to be perfect, to be a perfect parent . . . newsflash, they don't exist, but, many parents produce, incredibly wonderful children, in spite of our ignorant efforts to the contrary, not knowing what the hell we are doing!
So, yesterday, I decided to take my own advice, and banish the three guys, I sort of like, see as potential lovers, boyfriends, or husbands, and just focus on what issues are at hand, like staying alive, writing my blog, to inform the voters, inspire other patriots, advocates, oath keepers, and parents, to do the work that needs to be done, and just basically take care of business . . . and I, am happy, with things, pretty much, just the way they are. Nobody, can imagine, from the first kiss, to the honeymoon, marriage or relationship, and breaking up, or divorcing faster than I can, and I am sure, that I have saved both me and my potential partner(s) a shit load of grief, or denied us a ton of pleasure, learning, and joy . . . but, that was yesterday, and this is today. But, in the first part of the dream, I was sitting in the woman's dorm, with almost everyone else asleep, on bunk beds, a cement floor, but, over all, comfortable, at a very basic needs level, which is all you would want to provide, a balance, but not too good, nor too miserable, and the Pov. does that, perfectly, I think.
But, I was standing up, and either dropped a snake, or threw it, or it broke free, but I dropped, about a 4 or 5 foot snake, and a beefy one, making me think, it was either a cobra, given the size and make up, or a python, but those turn out to be monsters, and this didn't strike me as that. But, after the snake hit the floor, it quickly slithered away, under the other beds, with unsuspecting women, who would be rising soon, and might step on the snake, but it left so soon, that I could not, or dared not, grab it by the tail, as it vanished, under the other beds. I was hoping that my actions, did not result in other woman, waking, and stepping on a snake, that seemed to be my fault, for being there, and feeling very responsible, which I am, for the safety and welfare of the others in the room, but not knowing what to do, and where the snake was, conveniently, waking, in and out of sleep, enough to escape, any knowledge or the problems, that might happen, and so that is the long and short of that segment of this dream, that might be one part, and the other a totally separate part, or connected.
Snake Symbolism . . . The Garden of Eden, Temptation, Satan Turned Into a Snake, Offers Adam and Eve the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Man Have Been Called Snakes?
My first reaction was, that the other day, walking to the Aquatic Center, to swim, I noticed a small garden snake, smashed by a car, and while I was, looking at that gruesome scene, I almost stepped on another snake, that was on the asphalt and slithering over to the grass. That snake took me back to a garden snake, my kids, and their cousins found, while we lived in Provo, the one that would disappear, and could climb up my kitchen cupboards, and I would find in coiled under a dish towel, or hand towel, on my kitchen counter, scream . . . get this snake out of here! On day, I heard my daughters, crying in their room, and reading a sad, and very empathetic, but sincere eulogy, about something that had died. I asked them, what they were crying about and reading, and they said, I would laugh . . . only secretly, behind a very tight and control, blanks and stoic look on my face, as they read . . . have you ever loved something more than life itself . . . and then revealed the nature of the snakes, demise, they smashed it in the door, when they closed the door, not knowing where this escape artist was, generally, and that killed it! Your not going to find me crying! LOL! They were right, I would laugh, but not in their forlorn presence, with this being a very traumatic experience. But, you actually had one very happy mother, knowing, she was not going to find, Houdini under her kitchen towels! LOL!
Then, yesterday, Kassie, said she went to a pet store and wanted to buy a snake . . . I told her where she could find on, over at the swimming pool, get an aquarium and that's it. No, she wanted a colorful snake. She also had stated, that Phil, one of the guys, I am at least attracted to, intrigued by, and think is hot, was a white power, or white supremacist, which I have heard, from several others; however, that would be a normal cover for men, in this part of the country, with most having leanings toward that, and a likely cover that a CIA agent might use, in fact, there was something yesterday, an actor's name, connected with a white power symbol, that indicated to me, it was just what I thought, an act, with the very good likelihood, that a guy, like that, down from Tobacco Valley, or a state stronghold for militia, many of whom read my blog faithfully, but, are, standing in the shoes of the government on the other side and find that, I am neither, completely against the government, actually advocate for many things that the government can do better than a private entity, so that throws these type men, and the government, agents, are somewhat taken, when I defend the government, and thrash the mentality of many alleged, constitutionalists, often correcting their misconceptions, and refusing to put ads on my blog, in fear that these, at times extremists, who are no closer to my mindset, being right in the middle, a hybrid, with the Constitution, being an ideal, a compromise, between, actually 12 different political parties, being represented at the Constitutional Conventions, but coming up, with a very balanced, superior, and moderate, position, that is based on principles, sound foundational principles, and concepts, that work to make the majority happy, with everyone getting something and everyone giving up something . . . that is the mean and work of compromise, which is the definition of politics, with competing interests. I am a good bridge, and should be used as one, rather than hated by both sides, with murderous intents, I should be a voice for the middle, for the Constitutional balance, which, I did, last summer, in the stand off between militia, Bundy, and the feds.
The interesting intersect, between Kassie, snakes, white supremacists, is the yellow and black, Don't Tread On Me Flags, that are very prominently and connected with militia, para-military, and backwoods, patriots, so Phil, his cover, and also, who he might represent, me, the snake, and the flag that brings all those together is interesting and very symbolic, indeed. Someone is running down the street for homecoming with an American flag, blowing in the rush of the movement and wind flow, from that movement, way cool, way me. Undercover agents, to me, are like snakes, and cobras, because they pretend to be one thing, and then they are quite the opposite, and they can be deadly. I think, the only way, the CIA, Mo's, family and others have, again, been able to pull this fraud off, is because of the significant men, in my life, who use the attraction, the FBI mating game, and do the very calculated, orchestrated, and often, very observed, interactions, that are intended to rip my heart out, get me to compromise my position, for love, sex, comfort, so at first, there is love and it feel real, and to their, the feds, chagrin, it often is more authentic, on the side of their agents than they are trained to allow, and that they feel safe, in risking one of their assets, as agents are referred to, and so they pull the operation, or suspend it taking the compromised agent/lover, off the case, and that often gets a reaction, denial, and fight from the agent, who with me, is generally, in a lot more hot water, heart wise, than they anticipate, being conditioned, brainwashed, and socially engineered, to think, that the tits and ass girls are what they want, then leave me, later to find out, that I am the keeper of their hearts, even though, they never intended that to happen, and so the agent, is actually the one, who experiences, what they want me to, and I, am in control, causing, friction, jealousy, rivalry, within the ranks a files of the intelligence community, that fail to understand, there are Alpha Women! We are the fewer . . . trouble! Special ops, take on a personal level, and can take out assets, value, and compromise other areas!
So, the special op backfires, and agents, offered more ass sacrifices, lambs to the slaughter, and the level and power of these men, can cause more damage, than the original plan, creating hostility and hatred, much like the jealousy of the one woman, three men, triangled mess, that led to the murder of the victor, by a rival, who ended up working with the fiance' and decided to kill him, framing the old boyfriend, who probably still had thoughts, anger and jealousy, for his old girlfriend who was moving on. I generally don't know the damage and pain, I have inflicted, and the former lover, becomes a mortal enemy, and given the Patriot Act, with the mantra of do whatever it takes, with no exceptions and no limits, murderous plots are planned, and not necessarily for the same reason as the special op, but can be masked as being, somewhat authorized, which is scary! And unsuspecting, rivals, who know of no other lover at all, may even be under a boss, who was rejected, and even running into a female, who sees herself as my rival, it creates a huge ass mess! All the old cheerleader, come out of the wood work at homecoming . . . scream, lost that job, in junior high, never looked back . . .but the one still fits in her outfit, and I am sure, that would be an impossibility for me, and a dream fulfilled for her, forever the cheer queen! LOL! But, her husband, seems very proud of his cheerleader, and sounds like he is used to being seen now, as the one who lifts her on his shoulder! Marriage is good, I have my reservations, on the old cheerleaders, haunting football fields forever!
Amanda, The Mystic, Says, The Snake is a Female Symbol, of Shedding Skin, or Renewal, Becoming a Different Person, Rebirth . . . Maybe!
Amanda is an interesting person, she has two degrees, advanced degrees, connected with psychology, so I value her input and interpretation, and it is a valuable view, seeing that, just yesterday, I wrote in my blog birthday, blog, the second of the day, that I was turning this issue of doubles, identity theft, actually the theft of my whole life, over to the cops, I have basically said all I can say, analyzed, interpreted, told my dreams, that might be helpful, and I was happy, that the cop, in the Dateline, episode, The Shadow happened to rely on his gut instincts, that sometimes can be a fill in for the cold hard evidence and facts, and that some cases are circumstantial, and there is not much more a cop can go on, but his training, even old cases, instinct and gut feelings, or the more feminine side of his psyche, not used as much, but just a valuable, in not only making up the whole person, but bringing in the psychic, strange, the arena of mediums and the bizarre, which, but for several strange connections, luck, fate, and gut reactions, and following those, this man, might have gotten away with murder, or the other, totally innocent, man, might have been framed, with the killer using the innocent, former boyfriend's, I.D. and driver's license, while fake, that was not known by cops at the time . . . which leads me into the next segment of the dream, or the next sequence in solving or having insight and comfort to me, that cops are on the case, and getting it! YAHOO . . . letting me relax for the first time in almost 15 years!
I am at the Break Cafe, front window seat, to write my blog and watch the homecoming parade, and along with that, I have seen some very symbolic t-shirts, like Down with the Foe! Yesterday, I saw the acronym, F.O,E., which stands for the Fraternal Order of the Eagles . . . not connected to the shirt, but, strange to see it, twice in one day, just like it was to have the dream and landing on the idea, that the 5 foot snake, was a cobra, and walking down stairs to breakfast at the Pov. and seeing a chick with a Cobra sweatshirt on, a bit coincidental, but some think there are no coincidences! Another guy, here at the Break Cafe, behind the counter, had a very symbolic shirt for me and one that has infuriated me over the years, being every popular brand of shirts . . . Hurley . . . Her, me, Lee or my connection with Kay and Hershey's candy, or Sara Lee . . . Nobody Doesn't Like Sara Lee! Like, because, we like Kay better than you . . . ah, do you think that might have added to my gnarly personality, venting, temper tantrums? Do you think, taking a normal bitch and giver her all I worked 60 years for, and letting her, with help, positions, adi and abetting a fucking criminal, with my ex-hub, a criminal too, working with my family, stealing my son's music, framing another son, so her son, Christopher, can take credit for my son's music, electronic, an avenue that has been sorely over looked . . . taking my case, my fame, my money, and my life, and you think I should be anything BUT MAD!!!!!!! Fuck you . . . Til it Happens to YOU! But, with this shirt, it is different, the letters are block letters, no the flimsy, cursive writing of most Hurley shirts, but strong, sturdy, and the HUR (red) is separated from the LEY (white), or finally, separating, Me, HUR, from LEY or LEE, or the LIE! Thank God! Maybe we are getting somewhere . . . I knew, I was the most valuable resource, but the cops would not listen, the feds were siding with the thought, that I was her, or Lee, the Lie!
Kay, Shelley, Rachel, and all the chicks, got a great ride and had a great time, the time of their lives, being me, while I was going through HELL . . . what the fuck, did you expect me to do, how was I suppose to act? Good god, someone said to me the other day, I am surprised with all you have been through, that you have not committed suicide, did, slow releasing pills, been in the nut house, did, even up to an including the Utah State Hospital, been locked up, did, several times, but because Shelley, using Jesse, or a rival JoAnn, sanctioned by, none other than COPS, and the usual suspects, cop related personnel, and WHY DO YOU THINK I HAVE TRASHED YOU . . . making more sense? The standard of review, is the the rational or reasonable man or woman . . . they, would have gone ballistic, killed people, shot people, fucked up everything, but my education, my faith, my resume, my former credibility, that they tore down, very time I rose up again, I GROW, THEY MOW, I had to start over to have anyone LISTEN!
Rachel Catches a Little Fish, Sitting In the Dirt, Under a See Through White Tent, Near a Small Pond!
UpTop . . . guy wearing a gray shirt, with gold and orange letters, block, strong, symbolic, of smart, money! Now, this hostile take over of my life, didn't start, even in 2000, when I was poisoned, it started, I believe, the day, I announced, shocking my family, during Easter Break, 1989, that I was not only getting a divorce, but I was giving Zeke/Richard the kids, and going to law school! All hell broke out, under the guise of concern, my children, . . . parade break, rockin' music, dancing mountain men and squaws, Winter Fest Carnival, Whitefish, joining in the fun, all Griz Country and U of M supporters! FUN! Miss the Flathead Valley! Fun parade, colorful, lively, and rockin' just like Montana! That is why I live in the state, at least, still have not landed, or am wanted, in just one jurisdiction! LOL! That's okay, I am not ready to settle down! LOL! Love the whole damn state, still have not made it over to the eastern part much!
Divorce, parting with the Mormon woman norm, and law school, with a sister who had dreamed of going to law school, and a father who had also, wanted to be an attorney, and the sister, least liked, and in the families or sisters' eyes, the one assigned in the family pecking order to be the social sister, not the smart sister, and certainly, not the RICH sister, was not going to be tolerated, and came with a warning, that shocks me to this day, the energy, lies, contorting, fabrications, family plot, that the inception came back, what, almost 26 years ago . . . the hatred, is amazing, the sinister punishment, for doing what . . . daring to step out of the Mo Mold, daring to be smart and pretty? And for that, as warned, if my kids, ever became famous, or noteworthy, as they ALL have, I would not GET CREDIT! At the time, I thought, what the fuck are they talking about, divorced fathers, even President Obama's father, whom he never met, until he was 10 for god sake, surely gets credit for the DNA, the genetics between Ma O and Pa O, making up, Jr. O! Come on, that is ridiculous, and I am not going to ditch my kids for law school, I am just smart enough, and researched enough, to know, what difference a father can make in a child's life, especially, serving as a GOOD TO EXCELLENT ROLE MODEL for my two, sons . . . I knew the girls had a great role model, committed mom, going nowhere MOM!
But, as I look back, remembering, that while I was either working, or after poisoning, not able to for one reason or another, go back and see my daughters after the births of my grand kids, and appreciating the fact that Rachel, a flight attendant, and Sue and Marcie, both bored house wives, had the time and money, to go visit my daughters, never dreaming, in my wildest dreams, this was all part of the family plot against ME, from back in 1989, when the sisters all took me to lunch, telling me the results of my actions, without me giving one second of credibility, rational thinking, or serious thought, to their then alleged, threats . . . and even now, being SHOCKED to say the least, at the malice of forethought, that would take my murder to premeditated or first degree murder! I guess you never know the deep anger, revenge, darkest thoughts of sisters, family, church members, cops, never giving them more than a moment's thought, never jealous of success, awards, honors, and just congratulating them, with NO reflection on my worth, or being on competition with any value at all . . . and certainly, I would never, never, never, think of taking credit for their children's successes, and being so much more removed, than their mother, are you kidding?
I am looking across the street and see, this guy wearing a straw farmer's hat, holding a bouquet of SUNFLOWERS . . . reminds me of JAMES KENNEDY, whom, I always felt the sincerity, or he seemed void of really any other agenda, than getting into my pants! LOL! Very simple, very straight forward, and forward, lol, but with my mind, and not so quick to jump, into bed with this hunk, willing partner, who seemed genuinely shocked that any woman would refuse, or put the breaks on, just in the name of you are woman, I am man . . . so? I am learning to appreciate the differences in men and women, more and more! My darling daughter, Greta, who has matured enough, to not think her mother is a total wash, male bashing bitch, like her brothers and very Mormon sister, . . . break, relax, go to it, when you want to get to it, relax, when you want to come! For some reason, the appropriate song and lyrics come on, every time, like, Kennedy, signing, relax, when you want to come, when you want to come . . . one track mind, sex, I get it! LOL! Women are like cats, that is why men hate cats, they are more mysterious, even suspicious of their owners, intents, hiding, sneaking and men are like dogs, their best friend, both, as Greta puts in, like to be fed and petted, all over! LOL! Not just under the neck and back, LOL! In all her wisdom, she said, after about 15 years of marriage now, under her belt, beating her mother's record, she said, I think men, just wants someone who is nice, and will have sex with them! LOL! In my experience, I think she is right, I am so, complicated, I could never, just reduce relationships, to that simple, lowest, denominator! LOL!
Someone just walked by with a Bayern sweatshirt on, indicating, that there are many men, out there, and maybe, many either listening to this or me type, simultaneous, and in real time, or seeing what I am typing, as I type it, with God, my INTEL, man, sending me messages, on the back of shirts, as they go down the street, this one has caused me much fucking grief too . . . how, in the fucking hell, does, Kay, Brett's fake wife, and my substitute, much more his type, and, he will say, as others have, that Kay is so much like JoAnn, and with JoAnn, or in Kay's case, Joann, at least some respect for MY name, that through some fucked up, game, these fuckin' bull shit men, are playing . . . PRESS BOX . . . another sign, yeah, you are all curious about what I write, and you should be, I am writing about, your boss, using my name, resume, credentials, claiming MY children, all 4 are hers, so you think she is the cooler than cool mother, who had girls that went in the military, and rock stars, and future president of the U.S.A. . . . no, that was accomplished by your, MORTAL ENEMY, ME!
KAY, WILL NEVER EARN BEING ME, WILL NEVER BE COOL ENOUGH . . . thinner, maybe, WEAKER FOR SURE, but, she can't fucking EARN, being ME! You are FUCKING STUPID TO THINK THAT . . . have Kay start kids from birth, her's suck, have Kay, whom I trumped, on my first job, right out of the get go, hitting top of the AG's office, have Kay teach, on her own credentials at three colleges, really write a grant, manual and get a REAL award . . . not claim mine for god sake, that is fucked up! Start a blog, from scratch, not take what I have written and make it better, sending it through a scanner, computer, and doing waht, no original IDEAS OF HER OWN . . . and even then, she can't be me, BECAUSE, I WILL NOT LET HER BE ME . . . she is lowly, weak, frail, cheater, bad mother, bad attorney, Kay, just like she was, when you picked the poor little girl up, who just happened to be thin . . . I saw Brett's dick and criminal mind start ticking the week end, he and Kay arranged behind my back, I saw it them and I see it now . . . Sorry for hurting you so bad, Brett, when I left You, that you needed to try to not just get someone close to me, but MAKE HER ME . . . I'd be PISSED if I were Kay! You just happened to get a bitch who was jealous of me, from the first second she laid eyes on me in 7th fucking grade, riding on me then and the only time she is a good attorney, mother, blogger, is on MY WORK . . . prove to me, prior to 2000, that Kay ever even mentioned the United State Constitution! Show me that Christopher and Danny, are rock stars, SHE DOESN'T GET TO CLAIM ELLIOT!!!! NOT SNUGGLE BUGS . . . genetics alone, tell the thinking person, two brown eyed parents, don't make BLUE EYED children! LOL! And for those of you who have faith in science . . . DNA, DNA, DNA, DUMB ASSES . . . she can't earn being me, FUCKING EVER!
Rat Pack Shuttle is Going Down the Street!
Just like Sinatra, Davis, and the other members of the Hollywood Rat Pack, the next generation of Rats . . . Brett, Frank, aka, Allan, Jack, Tony, Mike, maybe Kennedy, bros-in-laws, Kevin, Mark, David . . . all just a bunch of fucking rats, dumb ass men, who are not thinking with the rational head above their waist, but the illogical head below their waist, with no clear thoughts, and just a bunch of blood and cum, sickening, for a brain process, thinking, wittle Kay Baby can ever take my place . . . If she really were ME, I would want to be Hur, rather than the other way around . . . Kay and all the female member of the Rat Pack, all combined, can't earn being me, don't deserve, and if they are so cool, let them be themselves, surely that should not bother them or the men, they are SO COOOOOLLLLLL! Which is total BULL SHIT, or you would want her to be herself, not ME! Little Kay and all the girls . . . same guy with the t-shirt, Bayern, has a little princess, young girl, dark haired, like baby Kay, riding on his shoulders, and the wife, with the symbolic orange shirt, walking next to him, my color for smart, the color of the burnt rust orange carpet, in my Ogden home, home of Christian and Elliot, where SMART kids, was the GOAL!
In my blog, yesterday morning, when I wrote about an episode, true crime and all the symbolic names, there were two James . . . Rachel may have thought that she had the real, James Kennedy, or at least stole the one, I met, but, I think, she got the look-alike cop, who is a low level, stand in for the real Kennedy, or the famous cop, fed, or just one of the 51 cousins, I am not a name dropper, although, JFK, did influence my life, and I have screamed more than once, that a conspiracy, not so unlike this one against me, reaching the very tops of the government, allegedly, to protect the country, in Big Brother/Sister's Eyes, not in the true sense of America, where all I have read from or about President Kennedy, was, dead, ass, spot, right on! for where we needed to go then and where we need to go now! Sop, my love for the Kennedy's came long before I even laid eyes on James and will not be diminished one bit, by his actions, as seen as separate from that of his alleged, famed, loved, honored, and forever young, Uncle, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, whom said, among many, other great statements and quotes, including, loving Montana, Ask not what your country can do for you, but for what you can do for the country . . . mantra and driving force in MY life and service to my country!
Kissy, Kissy, Smoochy Smoochy, Lover Boy! LOL! At Least For A While!
I'm not ready to get old with, even a Kennedy, yet . . . so many men, so little time! LOL!
Few symbols I forgot--outside dream:
- whole apple . . . on bar in the bathroom . . . legal teacher, bar, symbolic of bar associations, and apple connected and sign of a teacher; also, an apple a day, keeps the doctor away
- half eaten apple . . . same position, on bar, in first stall of bathroom . . . partaking of the poisonous fruit, fruit of the tree of knowledge, snake in the garden, offering Adam and Eve, to disobey God, and eat of the fruit, you will not die, but have wisdom, become an adult, not an innocent child in the garden; also, could be members of the Rat Pack, turning on their leader, or whom has been considered, God in the intelligence community, and I am guessing that that is Frank, aka, Allan, among others, maybe legends in the pioneering efforts of the Company or the Bureau, CIA and FBI, seeing that the knowledge is worth more than the lie, and stealing the money, or the product of others, my family, and take the knowledge and use it yourself, in the agencies, bag the immunity and just follow the Constitution, also providing citizens and WE THE PEOPLE our God given rights . . . or, it could be, partaking of the forbidden fruit, actually accepting, Me, not as an enemy, but someone who is a teacher and can give you the agencies, the knowledge that has been forbidden and eviscerated, by the one world order or loyalties to the Brits, with the agreement that America will police the world and England will rule the world . . . the MONARCH PROJECT, the MIRANDA PROJECT, rid the U.S. of the Constitution and replace it with the monarchy, as in Britain! Wisdom is APPLIED knowledge!
- brand new, clean white, bra, on blue jeans . . . since it was on the floor of the Poverello Center for the Homeless, I am guessing, that clean bra, symbolizes ME, that I am clean, I haven't done what I am charged or believed to have been charged with, alleged to have done, or the cops are told I did, and they are finally, realizing that, yes, it is actually, me, the writer, the mother, the con law attorney, the one who killed asset forfeiture legislation, has a U.S. Supreme Court bar license, has climbed the legal Mt. Everest without men helping me, or even another attorney, legal researcher, assistant or secretary, and it is the same woman at the Pov. that you see, young cowboy cop, going over to the motel, maybe looking for me, said hello, as we crossed, and is the mother of God's Revolver, Little Black Horse, Ditch and the Delta, vocalist, guitarist and bass guitarist, Elliot Secrist and my other amazing kids, who are all going to ROCK this world, in their own way! Don't Let the POVERTY, falsely imposed, stolen and dirty treasures in the hands of others, but don't be BLINDED by my circumstances . . . I would never have been the teacher I am now, had none of this happened . . . and I am not, brown haired, flat nosed, flat ass, brown eyed, 5'4", attorney, Kay, with a background in torts, never used the Constitution, til she became ME! My mother's name is Jean, or her nick name and I am the only, clean, daughter of Jean . . . I haven't seen any of my sisters at the Pov, nor Kelly, Kay, Hope and the Girls, girls, girls, that the boyz want to believe did all that I DID . . . just me, and me alone!
- a pink knit baby glove, was up on the towel dispenser, near the drinking fountain and wash sink, near the dining room bathrooms, symbolic of hands, or the dirty baby who is claiming that it is her that wrote the blog . . . Mary Kay, make-up mogal and millionaire, but with the name "Kay" in it, with the pink Cadillacs, as part of the Mary Kay package, and symbol, so the color, Pink, is symbolic of all the pink gals, Kay, Rachel, blah, blah, blah . . . baby girls, get and wear the color pink! Foo Foo Dolls relate to the color pink . . . I hate it! But, I found that symbol, completely telling . . . and maybe finding it at the Poverello, is symbolic or a sign that many have been forced to state that, it is Rachel, the closest look-alike, in this game of thrones, with me being the producer, the creator, the writer, the lawyer, the bad ass con law chick, and the mother of great kids, I did it all, like they used to say, women could not . . . liars, can't claim, they sacrificed their children . . . I never did, never will, and never have, even if I gave custody to Zeke, that worked, just like the research showed, before I took that move . . . MY SON'S ARE RESPONSIBLE MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST LIKE THEIR FATHER.
- a pair of maroon baby Levis drapped OVER, a baby stroller . . . the last symbol I saw, was just minutes ago, that reminded me of these other very telling and significant signs and symbols worth more than a thousand words . . . Maroon 5 is a band, with a singer, who could be a young, handsome, Brett, who started this fiasco, or at least was there at the beginning planning stages and can be directly connected to MY son, Elliot, his band, and with Brett, standing in the audience, with a mohawk, a head taller than everyone, watching and rocking, but, turning like Satan, who lies, steals, and destroys, if not kills, looking, jealous of the real band, the real players, the real music, and the REAL MUSIC GENIUS, that told a western in ROCK! Perhaps, Brett was laying the plans to take over the real guys, or at least Elliot, who seems to be the common denominator and in every band that makes it big, realizing that Isaac, Ryan Chambers and the fakes are a flash in the pan, and Elliot is the real thing! But, Brett also, drove a maroon Sonoma . . . symbolic in and of the title, Son o ma . . . maybe that gave him the idea to bring Kay, aka, me, in as the mother, so he and Kay, could claim they were just being normal parents of exceptional kids. Brett wanted it all, my resume, kids, music, law practice, blah, blah, blah and after I left him, he turned to Kay, never realizing, that it was he, who set the break up plan in motion, all starting, number one with cheating with his old girlfriends, then Kay, thinking that due to Picks Disease, alleged terminal brain disease, that I didn't know what was going on, or that I was responsible for the break up, leaving him . . . no, I loved him but I was at my worst, no make-up, did nothing with my hair, was still waiting to die, used to lay in bed, stroking his goatee, but not his ego, and silently saying over and over again, I love you, I love you . . . and fully understanding, his need to be with Kay; however, fully not getting the substitute, for me . . . but, Brett hatched a plan where he could get it ALL, with way more access to women, sex, music, money, than if he were just with me, and I was still dying in my mind, but I was faithful, while leaving him, for four fucking years! There may be agents, still around, who were one of the 57 screens opened to a love letter, 15 pages, that I wrote to Brett, gave to each of my kids, in about 2008, with a vintage Valentine . . . cheating, not with my husband, polygamy . . . NOT IN OUR HOUSE! The little baby pants, draped over the stroller, symbolic, I think, of the nature of the lawyer, the girls, they are babies, in the world of government, even Kay, maybe, FBI, attorney, but an amatuer, in the workings of the Constitution and the government, that only comes with the type of experience I have, through working there, from many angles and in many areas of law! Torts, trial work, 10 to 15 years head start, may have helped Kay with stealing and presenting before the 10th Circuit, or closing deals that I set up, like with Brock, Cheeks, and Vail, the big money cases, but she could NEVER, EVER, start from scratch and come even close to what I can do, I am, basically, LIMITLESS!
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