Chick Quarterback In Hamilton--She's Smart, Cool, Pretty, a Good Student, Keeps the Boys Under Control, and She is Good At The Game!
Little Layne Kearns of Hamilton, is playing youth football, in Hamilton, loves the game . . . they guys dig having her on the team, and she is doing great, not winning every game, which is generally, impossible, male or female, but she seeing game time! I love it! She is my kind of gal! Sorry about the very cute, Halloween pictures, I took 18 of the parade the other night, but, it is just not worth it to me, to figure out, just how to get them, from my new phone, the old one I could do it . . . maybe, it has something to do with, what just happened to me, all the sudden, my computer, kicked up, strange, text, program, that was running concurrently with this blog, and I had to stop, it, dismiss it, and trash it, to continue . . . I think, there were unseen, evil ghosts, NSA, access to rivals, who got a spanking yesterday with my pic of me, the real bad ass, and Kay, the fake, whatever, ME. but, they were working, extra, over time after Halloween, to stop those pics from coming through!
There was absolutely no reason, the very same phone, being replaced, only because, the model was still, on the shelves, at Walmart, after my other new one, replacing the old one, I left in Grand Junction, Function, Colorado, was compromised, with agents, attempting to steal the phone in Kalispell, and later, to be completely compromised, when I tried to put more money and time, on my Straight Talk phone . . . refusing to show my numbers, trying to get my serial numbers, stating that my service was turned off because of that, and all kinds of shenanigans, to get control of the phone number, that I not only wrote about in this blog, but have this blog tied to, and had applied for hot jobs with, as my return number . . . like with Nixon and Watergate, covering this CRIME, perpetrated against Me, is fucking huge, and I generally, WIN! PROOF beyond a reasonable doubt, I am, just fucking in FACT, who I AM . . . sitting right here, at McDonald's, at 9:03 A.M., Mountain Time!
Blame the Mormon FUCKS--for denying me, the right to control my OWN phone, to share some great pictures with YOU . . . systems that are controlled and run by, the NSA, in UTAH, and the fuckers they give access, not only to my blog, my computer, but my phone! REMEMBER those PRISM PROGRAMS, the spy gear that Edward Snowden ratted out . . . yeah, the shit that should have been cut back, for obvious reasons . . . these dumb asses are using tax payers, money, time, and equipment, to further, MO shit, AGENDAS! that are not, in the best interest of AMERICA, nor the tax payers, nor the public, nor sanity! FUCK THESE BASTARDS!
The Halloween Party and Parade, was actually, a celebration, we got from Mexico, much more fun than, Memorial Day, Honoring the Dead, with the inclusive town, Missoula is, and the ART department, maybe the MUSIC department, for scholarships, at the University of Montana, or some other theater group, are, and incorporating, fun festivals, from other countries, in this melting pot, country, mini-UN, here, sponsored and took charge of the ghoulish night . . . . passing on good reviews, I asked someone, if this was the first time there was a Halloween parade, because, I had never seen one before, and they said, no, but, this year is soooooo much better! KUDOS! But, there were 2 great pictures of the Monday night's fun and parade, in the local rag, the Missoulian! I took 18 very fun, colorful, pictures of individual families--dressed to scare, masked seniors, the parade itself, the over sized skeleton, and all the cool, banners of ghosts, goblins, witches, werewolves, zombies, monsters, and the kind of sickos I am going to write about . . . only, their portrayals, were awesome, cool, fun, and colorful. THANK YOU, LOVED THE FUN!
Strange Dream, With Good and Bad Interpretation
I have been on this obsession with true crime shows, because, not just one, episode has been relevant, but every fucking one, educates me on my family, the sister club, the psychopaths and sociopaths, I have been dealing with, over the last few years . . . I just typed, the word, rather than last, I typed, late . . . and my dream would somewhat indicate this, which is disconcerting to me, at first thought, but, a win, on second thought. Okay, so, I woke up with this saying or thought on my mind, after this dream, and it was something like, when all is said and done, it is the result, that dictates the outcome . . . and at the end of everything you did, you never committed a crime; however, at the end of everything they did, they committed tons of CRIMES!
So, it was with that, thought, going through my mind, as I sat, half asleep and half awake, pondering the meaning of my very disturbing dream, feeling, actually, depressed, which is something I don't do much, nor do I go there, being the total optimist, that I am, always finding a silver lining, in life, the lessons, I seem to go through, that, a second interpretation, more, one I could live with, that actually, ends up, being, while, not what I want, but, something I can live with, started to take shape, and as I thought over the morning, the dream, in light, at the events of the night before, which, had much to do with my mindset, and thinking, just what my goals, in life are--certainly not, money or fame, just wanting to make a difference, leaving the world a better place, being true to myself, to my oaths, being that of marriage or to the Constitution, when all was said and done, I think, that I have accomplished that . . . falling somewhat short of justice, that if it were to happen, of justice, I refer, it would be the most beneficial to America, to society, to the government, to the world, by way of example . . . but, in the dirty, corrupt, depraved, and twisted world, we live in, especially here in America, as evidence by our over representative number of serial killers, and many of the people I am writing about, are serial killers, it would be well with us, to bring them down, publicly, denouncing their crimes, their lies, their misrepresentation of truth, their climb to the heights of government, of law enforcement, and reaching the very top levels, in the very agencies, who have the responsibility, to take down, CRIMINALS, like this, that, JUSTICE, just is not going to happen . . . they would rather continue in the fraud, just pretend, this never happened, brush it, under the rug, the incompetence, the lack of skill, knowledge, and the total dysfunction of the responsible agencies, seeing them and their murderous crowd, protected, coddled, and not immune or covered under ANY LAW, I respect and acknowledge, but one, they felonious, have believed to be, while not, the law of false god, false flag, and false rule of law, of the land . . . covering lying felons and murderers! and dissing ME?
Siding with me, they would have to admit they were ALL wrong! They believed the lies, and they are too proud to admit it, fuck, they are the GOVERNMENT, for God sake . . . we never, admit defeat, never admit wrong, and refuse to bow to the RIGHT! to the good. FUCK YOU ALL, GO TO FUCKING, BURNING HELL! ALL OF YOU! Even, my ambitious sons, if need be, they know, who has the money, and they know, where it came from, and they know, who, their mother is, and their days will be short upon the land . . . honor your father and mother, not the LIARS, who hold the power, built on my power, my resume, this blog, and the money generated from my family, cases, etc. . . . they will eventually all pay, and so will YOU!
But, THEIR BULL SHIT, WAS EXPOSED, THEIR SECOND VERSION OF AMERICA, WAS TRASHED, THE CONSTITUTION RULES AGAIN, WHILE THE COUNTRY AND ITS LEADERS ARE DIRTY AND CORRUPT, FROM HEAD TO TOE, AS SCRIPTURE FORETELLS, WE CAN RECOVER, CLEAN-UP, AND PERMANENT DAMAGE, WAS AVOIDED, NEW WORLD ORDERS KILLED--FUCK THE BUSHES AND THEIR BUSHIES, AND A NEW DIRECTION FOR AMERICA, IS BEING EMBARKED ON . . . and in that sense . . . in real time, a bright orange, with blue writing, van, just passed on the street, it said, NEW ERA . . . a new, cleaner, brighter, better, more orderly, honest, focused on the good, trashing evil, liars, is on the horizon, so in this sense, this bad ass con law chick, KICKED THEIR MOTHERFUCKING ASSES! LOL!
It Is All About the WIN, For ME--And It Was Personal For THEM . . . Good, Will Triumph Over, Evil! Mark My Word, And God's Word! For It ALREADY HAS!
The Belgium Tragedy, That Changed a Corrupt Nation!
A second ago, I noticed a truck and trailer, leaving McD's, the brand was, Jay Flight, "J" is obviously one of my signs for me, and that, I believe, is a message from God, in all his power above, he is saying, through that sign and the New Era van, with the very symbolic and visible, sign, that, it is your way, your message, that resonates with the public, and not theirs! So, in this case, of a serial killer, Marc Dutroux, who was first arrested, I believe, around 1985, in an industrial and dirty town, allegedly a married man, unemployed with a wife and two children, for kidnapping and raping 5 women. Eventually, he was let out of prison or jail, and later, after his release, 4 years later, without much crime of this type, all the sudden, the two girls, who went on a walk to wave at the vehicles, passing under a walkway or bridge, suddenly disappeared. Marc was a suspect, at that time, given his passed, and the nature of his former crimes.
However, at the time, there was a competition, between the two police departments, involved, with another two girls, disappearing, two older teens at this time, and so, one department, who actually had access and put, Marc under surveillance, and set up what was called, Operation Othello, and put under the charge of one officer, and I am not familiar enough with the names and agencies of cops involved, so, sorry for that, but, this appears to be, named after Shakespeare's play of the same name, so an educated man, but, he refused to share his information, and knowledge, plus the surveillance, with even others within his own department. At one time, Dutroux, our serial killer, was picked up for stealing a car. So, the personal inspector was given access to his house, and found, tons of pornographic videos, no surprise . . . they feed on this shit . . . and he said, there was nothing really illegal, a bit raunchy, but, he is an adult, with adult videos, and he also, pushed aside, as being of little significance, three videos, of very incriminating content, with Marc, laying on top of young girls, obviously underage, as he raped one. The other films, were of many young girls, who were naked from the waist down, and exposing their genitals. And, I think, there was actually, one with the kidnapped girls, but, that was ignored?
However, at the time, there was a competition, between the two police departments, involved, with another two girls, disappearing, two older teens at this time, and so, one department, who actually had access and put, Marc under surveillance, and set up what was called, Operation Othello, and put under the charge of one officer, and I am not familiar enough with the names and agencies of cops involved, so, sorry for that, but, this appears to be, named after Shakespeare's play of the same name, so an educated man, but, he refused to share his information, and knowledge, plus the surveillance, with even others within his own department. At one time, Dutroux, our serial killer, was picked up for stealing a car. So, the personal inspector was given access to his house, and found, tons of pornographic videos, no surprise . . . they feed on this shit . . . and he said, there was nothing really illegal, a bit raunchy, but, he is an adult, with adult videos, and he also, pushed aside, as being of little significance, three videos, of very incriminating content, with Marc, laying on top of young girls, obviously underage, as he raped one. The other films, were of many young girls, who were naked from the waist down, and exposing their genitals. And, I think, there was actually, one with the kidnapped girls, but, that was ignored?
Had Law Enforcement Gotten Involved At That Point . . . All 4 Girls That, Died, Would Be Alive, As Was Indicated By Later Testimony!
Right around this time, a man was out with Marc, driving around town, and several young girls were walking the streets, and he said to his friend . . . this is how you walk up to a girl, and grab them, around the mouth, and snatch them. Come on, there are some girls, let's go get them, and I will build cages for them, and we can sell them, into sex slavery. The friend, said, you have to be joking? Hell, NO, and he went straight to police, which is what we all need to do, but, on the other hand, with a man, already under suspicion, to refuse to believe this friend who was a first hand witness to crime, is a crime, in and of itself! But, the cops, dismissed it as bunk! Again, these murders could have been stopped. So, Marc (Brett), with the help of, none other than his wife, Michelle and another woman, also named Michelle (Shelley/Kay), this man, starts to construct cages and sex traps for kidnapping young girls . . . the only way, it is possible, for women, to go along with such depravity, is to be that depraved, themselves!
At some point, this man, predator, with accomplices, stopped construction on one home, and moved to another one, with a basement, where he actually accomplished building the cages, and this is where, I put the first two young girls. But, when he got arrested for the car theft, only in jail for a while, one of the women, actually knew the two young girls were in the basement, now without electricity, or food and water, and this teacher, pushed, some food, under a locked door, but it was not far enough to reach them, and so they died, a slow and lingering death in the dark, in a space that was so small, even small girls could not stand up. Oh, and at that same time, when the inspector, came and found the videos, he could hear, children's voices, and someone with him, said, I hear the girl's voices, and he said to his subordinate, who tried to persuade him, to look further in the house, who is in charge here? me or you? and when questioned, the inspector said, he just attributed the noise and voices to children on the streets outside! This guy had been under suspicion and on the radar for a long time!
While the Cops Where Having Turf Wars . . . Prosecutor and Judges Were Doing Little To Hold This Man For Crimes He Had Committed!
As public sentiment against the government, and law enforcement grew, seeing, that another set of young girls, were now missing, looking back at the very short sentence this man, Marc, the monster, got for raping 5 women, and he got, 4 short years--people were getting more and more suspicious of a conspiracy to protect the man, for some reason. But, I am sure, as was the case, back in 1985, with basically, all male criminal justice players, it was the victim's faults! But, among alarmed citizens, concerned parents, there was a cry for corruption to the top levels of government. Finally, due to public outcry, the 6 residence . . . hint, hint, hint . . . this fucker, was UNEMPLOYED? so how in the hell, do you, cops, make sense of this man having 6 houses and properties . . . look at the god-damned earning potential of the person under suspicion . . . if an electrician, could not have acquired, 6 properties, then he is either on the take or earning money, illegally! So, excavation of other properties started, with neighbors having reported previously, that they were suspicious of this man, back when they saw him using, back hoes, and other heavy equipment to do, projects around his yard? Again, the cops blew off the witnesses!
Eventually, the two teen age girls, were located. And finally, authorities, arrested the man, later finding the younger girls, and the terrible cages, used for sex slaves, with the young girls bodies, showing big time rape wounds in every orphace of their small bodies. And between the time, of the arrest, and the discovering of these horrendous crimes, the man, actually, struck AGAIN, taking two more girls! who were later, discovered and rescued, but their tales of their ordeal were sickening and smacked of a government cover up, all the way up to the courts, through the cops, and to high ranking officials . . . were they all, taking part in the sex trafficking of theses girls and perhaps others? Eventually, the judge, on the case, was arrested and taken off the case, with others, replacing him and top prosecutors. The only reason, the last two girls abducted, even after people knew who the man, responsible was, were found, is that after the dirty cops and judge, plus the prosecutor was replace, two men, got in, office, or the bad ones were replaced with good guys, who took this stuff serious and when these girls disappeared, they took action, and Belgium looked like a WAR Zone! That is how they found the girls, going door to door, and turning over every stone!
300,000 People Joined in the March For Innocence!
The Capital of Belgium and the seat of government, was besieged by protesters, who stormed the government, demanding a change! They wanted corruption in the government ousted, cover-ups, protections for criminals stopped, and law and order restored to their legal and criminal law systems, and courts! The man, said, there were no need for signs, no social media at that time, and people just knew, letting the consequences fall, that, they were to be there on that day, to clean up their nation! Now, that is an example, Americans could learn from. In our country, powerful offenders, get slapped on the wrist, even those, who are knowledgeable of the crimes, turn a blind eye, or they just take a few bucks, to make them feel that, they are part of the deal, and anyway, they like the serial killers, the psychopaths, and the sociopaths, better than, the victims, they are in the power, they have the money, they appear nicer, or teach clean, while getting away with murder, or they are seen even as cool, or the in crowd, the popular, the beautiful people . . . well, fucking not in Belgium . . . they were outraged, and they let their corrupt government officials KNOW, this is not okay, it is not going to be business as usual, and they will not tolerate the deviance that had been covered up . . . LIVES, BLACK, WHITE, MALE, FEMALE, JEW, GENTILE . . . FUCKING MATTER!
Is it any wonder, America, has the highest number, by FAR, of serial killers? We FUCKING tolerate shit like this! we cover! we compromise! we kill the good, and foster the EVIL! What the fuck is up with us? Thank you Belgium, for your fine example of fighting to change corruption, fight bad state and national officials, and a huge ass show of support, to those other officials, who were willing to take the fuckers down, who protected, encouraged, and most like participated in this disgusting, hate, exploitation and raping of you girls, trafficking, them merely for the vile, disgusting, ugly pleasure of FUCKING SICK MEN!
And as SCOTLAND Yard Found Out, With the WOLF PACK, Little Girls are Not the ONLY Victims Of Sick, Sadistic, Serial Killers!
Hackney's, Dirty Dozen Gang . . . Sidney Cooke, Robert Oliver, Leslie Bailey, and Steven Barrell, used, homosexual predators, to pick up young street kids, coming from rough, homes, who were adventuresome and out on the Southern part of the District, where the night life was fun, there was plenty to do, and these young men, were lured, bullied, enticed, or forced, into this ring of wolves, who, not only used and abused them sexually, but orchestrated parties, drugging their young victims, against their wills, then sodomizing, using the full range of sadistic sex, abuse and control over these unwilling victims, wanting to control, dominate, and inflict as much pain as they could on these young boys, forcefully, being man-handled, around the room, pushed, shoved, attacked, and later, murdered, and then thrown away like trash!
These men had a secret and strategic means of communications, that went undetected by law enforcement, using underground networks, out of the way locations, to protect themselves from the screams, terror, and cries for help, by their victims! Their goal was to utterly and completely destroy these boys, for their own pleasure! By the time Scotland Yard learned of the three missing boys, and found out, that these men, and a true web of evil--people were getting away with it! This was a gang of murderers, acting in concert, making activities, of sodomy, and pedophilia the norm! The Spartan, CIA, Daddy's Little Lap Buddy? The new order, of anything goes sex? The warrior sex? No, a cover for sick, fucked up, despicable lack of any limits, controls, and with no exceptions for PENIS SATISFACTION and access to the full range of options, from rent boys, to polygamy, to swinging, swapping and sharing, all is a go! YOU SICK FUCKS! You seriously want, the theory of no right and no wrong, predatory, lending to predatory sex? seriously? 'til is happens to you!
I think, eventually, Stephen Barrell's wife, noticed the blood, on his white business shirt, and called police and other authorities, turning him in! Do you think? Fuck yes, this type of deviant and totally sick behavior, is beyond, the rational, reasonable, person's mindset, and we have a hard time, wrapping our minds around the monsters, who would think, that WE will ALLOW them to get away with it. Scotland Yard, said, they literally, had to talk to other pedophile rings and gangs, to get a grasp on what the think is, and who, anyone could do this to another human being, and through these other men, they were able to figure out, the Wolf Packs methods, secrets, communication systems, and how, they pulled this shit off! Eventually, they got the gang and still, I was shocked, by the light sentences . . . only 13 to 17 years? 3 young boys . . . almost a boy, per man? There must have been some, identifying with the rent boy, fuckers in that case?
I think, one of the reasons, this particular crime, upset me so much, is that for some reason, the names were so significant, and the crimes, while, not the worst, I have heard, but, they might have been the worst, due to the fact that the boys were alive, when the monstrous acts, were performed on the boys, when many of the victims, were dead, when the abuse, force, torture, and dismembering took place . . . not here! And, second, the young, actor, looked too much like my own son, Chris! I have four, very beautiful children, both male and female, and not in a feminine way for the boys, because they are both masculine, but, whenever, people would see me, with my four small children, their first comment, would be, you have the four most beautiful children, I have ever seen . . . and that was ALL THE TIME! So, obviously, they are going to be targets, looked at in a sexual way, and could, fall prey to the fuckers, who I am dealing with, that, would marry me, for my children. You know, I never married for 13 years after my first divorce, because, my mother had told me that, many men, will marry, a woman, with teenage daughters to have access to them . . . so, I protected them, never, in a BILLION years, did I think, that would stand true for my son's as well!
But, if you look at the video, of Elliot's concert, with God's Revolver, with my ex-husband, standing in the audience, with the Mohawk, you have to wonder, what the fuck he is doing there, 5 years after, I left him? And with Elliot's, face down, hair covering his face, is Brett there to intimidate, Elliot? Did, a band of pedophiles, see Elliot, in his glowing beauty, with flames of gold and red hair, standing out, among, rock buddies, and want to keep him off the radar screen, for their own use? I would, hope, that, stealing the music was the worst, these FUCKS DID! Like Scotland Yard, it took me, getting in the mind of psychopaths, to understand, their predatory natures, the way they see the world, and new avenues of thought opened up, putting me on a collision course with these FUCKERS . . . and the useful idiots at the FBI and the CIA, DIA, NSA are just as innocent as I am, and don't see the danger, as it is speaking before them, training them, and they think, these people could never commit such atrocities? OH, YES THEY COULD, and they did, at least on the music, but there are other signs of even worse CRIMES!
I typed FIRED, three times, indicating to me, these people were fired . . . do you think that goes far enough? Seriously? THESE ARE SICK FUCKERS, they need to be brought to justice, tried, convicted, and imprisoned . . . just letting them slip into obscurity, is insufficient. I know, Kay has been me, that does not give her a FUCKING GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD! Like Belgium and Scotland Yard, these is the huge ass reason, there has to be a separation of CHURCH AND STATE . . . you have to bit the bullet and fuck these guys . . . they have committed, unfathomable CRIMES, all in the name of the MORMON church, Mitt Romney, and YOU should not be AFRAID to PUNISH THEM to the FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW, regardless of WHO FUCKING LOOKS BAD! If this sham, charade, goes up to the god-damned President, you take them down . . . that is what needs to be done, to clean up this situation . . . have we, as Americans, fallen so low, since Watergate, with a spy op and a break-in, like so minimal to what has happened to me and mine, that, it pales in comparison! And you are going to let this slip under the rug and just go away . . . well that is exactly what my dream, depicted!
YOU SORRY SOPS . . . UNBELIEVABLE! You see, back in the day, before the whole fucking intelligence community, was MORMONS, they could take care of business, they were about their nation's business, but not, when it comes to protecting, Mormons, on far more egregious crimes, constituting, high crimes and misdemeanors! I am sure, my meanness, and my fat, far trumps, high crimes and misdemeanors . . . YOU SOPPY, WIMPY, SWISHY, FUCKS . . . YOU ARE PATHETIC, to say the God awful, least . . . WHAT THE FUCK EVER . . . my dream forewarned . . . we'll slap them on the wrist, because, they were hired, to do at least a portion of what they were to do, curtail me, substitute me, while keeping my NAME AND TITLE, KIDS and their TITLES . . . You sorry fucks, take some fucking responsibility, but then, as I said in the title, you MIGHT HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT . . .
YOU SORRY SOPS . . . UNBELIEVABLE! You see, back in the day, before the whole fucking intelligence community, was MORMONS, they could take care of business, they were about their nation's business, but not, when it comes to protecting, Mormons, on far more egregious crimes, constituting, high crimes and misdemeanors! I am sure, my meanness, and my fat, far trumps, high crimes and misdemeanors . . . YOU SOPPY, WIMPY, SWISHY, FUCKS . . . YOU ARE PATHETIC, to say the God awful, least . . . WHAT THE FUCK EVER . . . my dream forewarned . . . we'll slap them on the wrist, because, they were hired, to do at least a portion of what they were to do, curtail me, substitute me, while keeping my NAME AND TITLE, KIDS and their TITLES . . . You sorry fucks, take some fucking responsibility, but then, as I said in the title, you MIGHT HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT . . .
There is a guy, looking very, MORMON, shit, undercover, FBI agent, going bald, but wearing a blue sweater, oh, they were sweeter than you, damned fucking right, you have given them, a billion times what the bitches deserve or are worth . . . but this nervous dip shit, so MO fuck, looking, wimpy, probably with an hear spy gear piece in his fucking UGLY MUG, that he can hear, real time, while I write this . . . so Mo Foe, in every way, nervous, shifting his ass around, probably got a fuckin' sting opk in the working, but these assholes, only operate, when nobody can see me . . . gotta protect, MO MITT, and all the clowns that should have been on this case, forever ago, like I said, yesterday, U.S attorneys knew about this, attorney generals, knew about it, cops, prosecutors, judges, much like in Belgium, but they reacted, nobly, and Americans, will act, much, like Kay, Brett and Shelley, my father, not any more, who bought the fucking MO church, with MY SON'S BAND MONEY! That ugly shit, is so, Mo, FBI, it is fucking disgusting! YUCK! SQUIRMING LIKE A LITTLE GIRL . . . probably went to BYU, where the girls are girls and the boys are TOO! I better publish this before the Mo NSA makes it, POOF, and disappear! LOL! Nice, I am not!
Sid Squirrel, Was a Name I Gave Brett . . . Some Real Estate Guy in Grand Junction, Colorado . . . Kay's Old State . . . Blah, Poor State . . . but in Our Scotland Yard . . . Oh, I Guess that Was Shelley in GJ . . . She Got the PHONE, from the COPS, the OLD one, I Spoke of Above, NOT! She Got the Phone, But NOT CONTROL OF IT! SHE IS TRULY A DUMB BITCH!
But, the symbolic name of the main, bad guy in the Wolf Pack, was named, SID COOKE, yes, Sid the Squirrel, which could either represent, either Brett, or Frank, aka, Allan Bess, or AB, for Absolute Bastard, and he is, was, and I am sure, hasn't changed on fucking iota, but, both fags, can adopt, this title as a VERY EVIL MAN! or MEN! But, I am sure, these, charming, loved, witty men, to you, have, gained your loving devotion, respect, and loyalty, as they have, allegedly controlled me . . . REALLY? Did you read what I just wrote about you SHITS? LOL! Good God, with all the men, women, spies, agencies, Mormons, missionaries, cops, prosecutors, judges, legislators, backing them, you would think that they have contained me . . . so far from it, it is a fucking JOKE! Public sentiment, has gone MY WAY! not theirs, and while they may lay claim to my blog, or my kids, or my cases, blah, blah, blah, they have lost the battle, for their FUCKED UP SICK, DISGUSTING, PATRIOT SHIT ACT WORLD, COP RULED, NOT! LOL . . . just like the little, FBI, fuck, who was so nervous, eating and with me starring his shit down, he could not eat fast enough and sachet out of here! LOL!
You two clown shit, captains of the Mormon Clown Ship, have steered it a shore! LOL, back to the American shoreline, not your loved and favored, Britain! LOL! Your fag, alleged, Daddy's Little Bouncing Buddy, didn't go over too well, when, the Canadian, Air Force leader of Trenton Air Force Base, was found, wearing girls panties and underwear, and raping and murdering women . . . right down Brett and Frank's line, so, I am sure, they could, MORE THAN RELATE! LOL! God! What a JOKE! But, I think, if you were to be honest, with your loser selves, protected and coddled, as any criminal, found around the world, you have won a few battles, but LOST THE FUCKING GOD-DAMNED WAR!
You may have cooked, E, or stolen his band, their music, bought and paid for, the other band members, pulled of Isaac, pretending to be the rock god, and I am sure, YOU FAGS ALL LOVE ISAAC, he is a effeminate, as you are NOW! LOL, with his retro-sexual hair, fagging stand, mimicking BRETT! LOL! Had Brett's Dong up YOUR ASS A FEW TIMES, I AM MORE THAN SURE, AS YOU HAVE FRANK'S PENCIL DICK . . . HE NEEDED THAT PINCHED, ANUS! LOL! STAY IN YOUR MO FUCK BUBBLE . . . NORMAL SOCIETY, NORMAL MILITARY, ABHOR YOU WHORES!
These Rent a Boy Lovers, Are a Disgrace to Men, and to the Military! I Don't Think, You Guys, Need to BUTT FUCK a Comrade in Arms, To Save His LIFE!
The Scriptures, Old Testament, Obviously, Mo's Have Not Read It, says, that The Women and Children, Shall RULE Over Them . . . WHY? They, Men, Have Lost Their MANHOOD!
These were murders, that took place in America, and they show, the sick, lesbian relationship, that I would think, Shelley and Kay, with no right and wrong, and the bonding shit, with the Spartans, and Spartanettes, LOL! But, in this case, several misfit, chicks, not too popular, in high school, reclusive, dressed different, finally found a crew of like, misfits, and got into the occult, goth, black magic, the Ouija Board, and other satanic and ritualistic cult shit. Shelley, has been into witchcraft, tarot card reading, she was a psychic reader of futures, professionally, is into the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, digs, Skull and Bones, Masons, and all that shit. And, I am sure, given the symbiotic relationship, between her and Kay, and their groupies and followers of weak, people, that think they are smart and cool . . . funny it would be a Mormon following, none of your main players, Shelley, Brett and Kay, Frank, none of them, were active, their whole fucking lives . . . but, they did fool the church, much like pipe bomber and serial killer, Mark Hoffman, who sold, fake Mormon documents to the inspired leaders of the Mormon Church, just as inspired, then, as they are now, not reading who it is, that they are selling the church to . . . check your church records, VERIFY, just who you are dealing with! God! Frank is not a member, and Allan, whom he is claiming to be, so he can collect on the dead man's Social Security and Vet Benefits, is not Mormon at all, and Allan, stopped going to church when he was 5 years old!
But, one night, about . . . oh, before, I forget, there were two main girls in this band of misfits, and one, boy, they also, included as a sister, making three of the sister club, even dressing this guy up as a girl, putting on make up, and whatnot, so Brett! now that I think of it, and they, Shelley and Kay would think that was cool. But, the sista's and the guy, plus, I believe two other guys and one girl, stole one of their parent's cars, all troubled teens, got money somehow, and got a room for the night. They got into their Goth shit, and the girls tied the boys up to the bed, and did kinky sex stuff to them, to get them aroused and they would drink, their semen and blood, cutting them, part of the turn on. Once they were all amped up on drugs, and I was being interrupted off and on, but, they must have committed some crime, or they went out to commit a crime, but they were all going to go to another state and split up, after the crime. But, at one point, the crew, some how, came in contact with a very devout and religious couple, whom I think, they wanted to steal another car or their van from, who had just come from some Jehovah Witness Conference, with their two young children.
Wrong Crowd To Ask If They Believed In God!
So, this couple, pulls up, and I am assuming, that some kids were walking and others driving the other car, but, the couple stopped, and started, in true missionary zeal, asked them, if they believed in God? That touched off the wrong cord with this crowd of misfits, and they pulled their guns, which they had not business having, they were all under age, but, they ordered the couple out of their van, and then they opened fire, and shot the husband, wife, and two kids, one surviving, with 17 bullets. Then they carved a cross in the chest of the husband, put the couple in a human cross, and put their one dead child, and the other, thought dead, two little blonde haired, blue eye little girls, over their parent's bodies. Then they drove off with the stolen van, leaving the deadly seen. What is interesting, and one of those, mysterious, magical, God, moments, when there is no other explanations, for what occurred, as the 6 kids, crossed over the border into Mexico, near El Paso, Texas, there was a computerized, machine, that had not been working all day, but it would somehow, track license plates, and if the vehicle went, further than 12 miles into Mexico, the alarm would go off, notifying authorities, that someone without, authorization, had entered the country.
So, after working on the machine, all day, and as the van, entered Mexico, almost to get away with the killings, the computer started to work, and the APB, all points bulletin from America, hit the computer, and cops, immediately apprehended the van and its occupants! Miracles do happen! But, the kids were extradited back to America, and brought to trial. At the time I was watching it this morning, each child was put on the witness stand, and the defense attorneys, who didn't believe for a second, that God, turned on the machine, that, it was just a spin of science, of course, we are too sophisticated as a profession, although, it was the prosecutor, that literally, out right said, this was an act of God, or they would not have caught the kids, who confessed to the crimes. It is interesting, how many, alleged, educated people, will have faith in science, until it works against them. As is the case, with my family, and their fools, thinking, we better kill JoAnn, before, someone gets smart and actually takes the DNA, connecting her to her children, exposing all the lies, the cover up, the theft of the music, the double, Elliot's, putting Isaac and Ryan Chambers, at risk of prosecution, and we can't have the guilty pay, as if these little fucking shits, don't know the difference between right and wrong! Ignorance of the law, is not excuse, must not apply either . . . don't you know, there are two standards, one for the cops, and one for you and I! NOT!
So, after working on the machine, all day, and as the van, entered Mexico, almost to get away with the killings, the computer started to work, and the APB, all points bulletin from America, hit the computer, and cops, immediately apprehended the van and its occupants! Miracles do happen! But, the kids were extradited back to America, and brought to trial. At the time I was watching it this morning, each child was put on the witness stand, and the defense attorneys, who didn't believe for a second, that God, turned on the machine, that, it was just a spin of science, of course, we are too sophisticated as a profession, although, it was the prosecutor, that literally, out right said, this was an act of God, or they would not have caught the kids, who confessed to the crimes. It is interesting, how many, alleged, educated people, will have faith in science, until it works against them. As is the case, with my family, and their fools, thinking, we better kill JoAnn, before, someone gets smart and actually takes the DNA, connecting her to her children, exposing all the lies, the cover up, the theft of the music, the double, Elliot's, putting Isaac and Ryan Chambers, at risk of prosecution, and we can't have the guilty pay, as if these little fucking shits, don't know the difference between right and wrong! Ignorance of the law, is not excuse, must not apply either . . . don't you know, there are two standards, one for the cops, and one for you and I! NOT!
Satan's Wolf Pack . . . They All Killed Together, They All Pointed the Finger, At Everyone But Themselves, to Confuse the Jury, So They Were All Tried Together, and Sentenced Together--Fine With ME!
I am sure, that at this point, there is a lot of finger pointing, these guys are allegedly the smartest, Yeah, and they are using my work to prove it, fool you, and making up credentials, great jobs, degrees, right and left, as seen in the credits and the names of forensic psychologists, criminologists, attorneys, on both sides, all highly symbolic of the lies, as were the last four mentioned: Dr. Helen Smith, Ph.D., Dr. Julius Smith, Karpynec, Ward, and Woods! Remember Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolene or whatever the fuck her name or spelling are, the husband and wife, spy team, the movie, that Brad Pitt cheated on Jennifer Aniston, with Angela? Yeah, and Dr. Julius . . . Julie Us . . . Smith . . . Julie was a neighbor of mine and Brett's out in Mt. Sterling, who we used to bet, would move, soon, because all she was doing was toting kids in and out of the house, 8 miles into Logan! So, for some reason, that became one of my names for Kay?
I guess, because, she came out to Mt. Sterling and saw where me and Brett lived, and she thought it was Little Tijuana! And it was! LOL! Shakes, sheds, run down, fences . . . the the perfect place for a serial killer to do his crimes! 23 acres of farm land, butt to the mountains, nothing but church farm lands, all 2,000 acres, between, him and wooded places, easy to conceal a body, or bury it up at the gas pipeline, tons of space, little traffic, and at the end of the county road, with, at the time, one house, owned by the Mormon Church, one neighbor across the valley, one on 10 acres next door, but up on a hill, and that was it, just the reclusive psychopath, handsome, charming, but deranged, with tons of equipment like saws, and other tools, to cut a body up, and dispose of it, or leave it for the coyotes, to eat, and distribute the bones, and there were tons of coyotes, we would lay in bed each night and hear them, literally at our back door!
The Sister Club . . . Brett, Mr. Chatman, Included!
I would imagine, that if the guys have to bond, sexually, to be part of this club, gaining alleged, super powers from each other, that the sisters would have to bond, sexually also, and I can totally see, Shelley and Kay doing this, without hesitation and following, sick, male orders, being the obedient females they are, but, together, seemingly invincible, with the powerful offenders, who could cut the red tape, get them through the doors, showing them the ropes, getting them clearance, and once, in, protecting and covering, what they were lacking in skills, knowledge, education, and secretly using me to train them, giving them access to every blog, every email, every conversation, and using eaves dropping, surveillance, and access, access, access, to keep them up to speed on the latest and greatest in my life, with the voyeurs, getting real time information, keeping the sister club, up to snuff! wanting a snuff film of me dead! Party time at the OK Corral, marking the end of me, and the total freedom, with all the money, and now, without someone cramping their style! The millionaires, next door, could, fully, come out of the closet and use the money, they had long laundered and hidden from the eyes of the investigators, much like in the serial killer story, Marc DuTroux, case, where, he was protected, given very light sentences, released early, for good behavior, or bailed out, provided attorneys and defense if caught!
As the sisters, got away with murder, literally, 26, that I know of, the more bolden and brazen they got, bringing in, less willing sisters, kids and grandkids, having tons of success, tons of money, tons of power, and being completely protected by the very agencies, that were to reveal this shit. The Mormons are totally into protecting the image of the Church, regardless of the mounting body count, and knowing full well who was doing it, much like the Belgium case, too many top officials were caught up in the conspiracy, to let the wolf pack of psychopaths, who were pulling this shit off, get detected, or discovered by other agents, who may have grown suspicious, but those, down the line, good family, Mormons, with ma and pa, Southwick, the patriarch and matriarch, so wonderful, nobody could imagine, the Mormons pulling off a stunt like this, and for those who did, they met, unsavory ends, and the cover-up, went from top to bottom and spanned the globe, with the Mormon Church at the center stage!
People Kill All the Time and They Are Not Insane or Mentally Ill
In the Lillelid Murders . . . another very symbolic name . . . Kay's father, owned or had an interest in a Day Lily Business, and I remember, when Kay told me of her father's untimely death, about a very sappy, unnecessary and bizarre ritual, she performed on the beaches in California, doing something on the sand, stating that her father loved the beach, and she loved the Day Lillies, therefore, I believe, Kay even mentioned that, Gary Burningham was going to come visit, or he had just done some travelling, therefore, he was happy, and somehow that took care of Dad? It seemed to me, like, Kay said, with Lisa and Gary dead, that Kyle, her little brother, whom, she seemed to get along with, were the sole beneficiaries of the Day Lily Business? It has been awhile, but, with Lisa's strange sickness, and this inheritance issue, something struck me as very strange in Kay's behavior? I could not quite accuse her of murder, but, I was already wondering about, Bruce Jensen's death, leaving his brother, Wayne . . . there is that name, Shelley's neighbor's son, and Logan dentist, a wind fall, of money, stock, property, a new BMW SUV, and with elderly mother, now stuck in a nursing home, where the average length of time for survival, only two months, this may have been, a core group of murderers, all, benefiting from the deaths of their siblings they didn't like or were jealous of. Bruce Jensen, was opposing counsel, and Kay hated him with a passion! He was also the attorney, for the U of U, where Brett had worked, with Kay, representing the injured patients!
Kay, as was Shelley, in financial trouble, Brett, was just a factory worker, or so he said, but, he could have been, an agent, or worked with the cops, to watch what I was up to, if I was getting better, Shelley met with all the cops, and motorcycle gangs, through the Children's Justice Center, with BACA, Bikers Against Child Abuse, meeting up with her, and later, continuing that relationship, as a member of the Chamber of Commerce . . . and, I am sure, that the FBI could find a picture of SHELLEY, in her matching Chamber, Navy Blue, Business Jackets, I remember her wearing, after I left Brett, and moved in with Shelley! She would have a hard time, covering for stealing that picture! LOL! Much, like all the family pictures, I had stolen, from the 3770 Sugar Leo Road, St. George, house . . . probably, along with my furniture, is somewhere either in Kay's house, or Shelley's house now, with all my FAMILY PICTURES, claiming these are HER children, not mine, and her with a blonde wig on! She would also have, along with my furniture, my 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, certificate, that was, I believe, made especially for me, on the Brock case, with an oak frame, a colored picture of an American Eagle, with I think--American flags, behind it, and lightening! I din't have it long before, my whole house was broken into to get evidence, and to steal my life!
While I was eating my lunch, I was watching the true crime episode, called, the Game Show Killer, who is over in the UK, and who appeared on a game show, national TV, after he had killed 2 people and in the two weeks, between the filming of the game show, and the airing of the game show, this man, had killed two more people, and went on to rob about 45 residents, and he raped, molested and held, 5 teens hostag
e, taking away their virginity and their innocence! This man, went under the radar screen for years, being so violent, that even his own family would vouch for his alibis and state to authorities that they all saw him during this or that time period, where the killings or the fire to mask the killings took place. Remember, these guys are gamers, players, smart, good looking, charming, social, nice, fun, and they could pull the wool over anyone's eyes, as this man, and many serial killers do . . . both of the ones I spoke of in cases, yesterday and today, were very good looking and, like I said, 95% of the women, given Brett's looks and charms would go with him . . . hell, I did, and I don't go with many! But, I was dying, so that changed everything, and Brett did say, had I been normal at that time, I would not have given him the time of day . . . perhaps he tried, earlier?
When All Is Said and Done, At the End of the Day, Whatever Offenses, You, Dear Reader, May Have Against Me . . . Crimes Were Never Committed--Swearing is a Coping Mechanism. But, When All Is Said and Done, At the End of the Day, Everything These Alleged Nice People Did . . . Were Fucking CRIMES!
P.S., swearing is good public policy . . . people who swear, can withstand 75% more stress, and believe me, this had not been a cake walk! I forgot the dream . . . it simply had me living with about 3 other roommates in this older, dirty, messy, dark house, that was so depressing to me, and almost more than I wanted to deal with, and it seems, that there was no room to eat, or cook or dirty dishes, etc. And, it did not seem like I got along with my roommates, too well, and they didn't like me much, however, at one point in the dream, one of them left, and went out into the car, to talk to my mother, indicating, interest in the other side or the opposing team, Shelley and crew, and they came back in, liking my mother better than me, but, eventually, they, started to like me, more and more, and, things started to get a bit cleaner and more bearable, to the point, where I was still depressed, but, I was not so much, so, that I thought it would do me in, or I could not overcome the mess, or get along with the roommate situation, which I hate! But, with the statement on my mind, that at the end of any action, it is the result, that determines, the outcome, and whatever, it is, you did, or allegedly did, like swearing or even an abortion, none of that was a crime . . . while not liked or agreed with, nonetheless, all is legal, and nothing is a crime. On the other hand, while my mother symbolized, a temporary, reprieve, for my roommates, from me, or the Constitution, or whatever I represent, while liking, my mother, which is a likable person, and probably the most sympathetic, really given the choice of siding with 7 of her 8 children, with Kay, substituting in for her lost child, me, she would, and did, chose, the 7, possibly and unwilling participant, but that was not my Intel, but, at least, she loves me, and I know that, and she would have been forced to severe ties, if I had not done it, myself! But, as I thought of the dream and the significance, and what I was in this whole fight for, was actually, the way, I would think it would play out, the whole scenario, with the house, represented by the state of the nation, America, while dirty, corrupt, down right filthy, not the way I like to live, never did, never will, but, it indicated to me, depressed as I am and have been, that, the house was not, so bad that it could not be cleaned, could not be painted, could not buy new furniture, could not be restored to a state of beauty, which is the way, I live, and my houses were, called mansions, palace, museum, castle, in beauty, I shared my clients, art, talent, music, and cooking . . . although the judge, kept me in court, until 1:00 AM, Saturday morning, so I missed the whole fucking party, while Shelley, as planned, played the hostess with the mostess, pretending to be ME! And when all is said and done, at the end of the day, given the fucked up, egocentric government, Mormons, who knowing they have lost their little worldwide ploy, to have the CIA and a military coup take over America, subjecting us to English Monarchy and a Mormon President with the U.S.A. policing the world under the Patriot Act, being funded by the WOMAN WHO MOST HATED THE PATRIOT ACT, POLYGAMY, AND MORMON POLITICS, WITH FUCKING MITT AT THE HELM . . . all would have been sweet revenge for my religious, political, and familial ENEMIES, Frenemies would be PUSHING IT! LOL!
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