Pennywise, The "IT" Clown From Stephen King, On a Bed Post, Fangs Showing, John Post, Cap Canaveril Picture Hanging, Book, "LOOT", and White Buffalo, On Calendar on Wall! Nice Symbolism! Rachel? Only in Your Dreams! . . . NO, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.! Too Bad, So Sad! LOL!
Welcome to St. George, Utah! The No Rulz, County of the No Rulz, state of Mormon! I arrived in Dixie or Dick See, at roughly, 1:13 P.M., having stopped first at the TA Truck Stop, with a Walmart Money Card, marked, with my order, at Taco Bell, inside the truck stop, at 10:44 A.M., as verification will show, on my card, ending in, 0192! Evidence, evidence, evidence . . . forcing the Mo, run NSA, to actually do their jobs, and verify, who was where, when! Yes, that would be me, at my old stompin' grounds, less that a mile from my house, the old Bess home, at 290 North 100 East, Parowan, if I remember, after 4 years, and rather than the usually, PD welcome wagon, of U.S. Marshals, deputy sheriffs, Parowan cops, high way patrol men, there was an alleged, less noticeable, cop presence, a black helicopter, flying, between the TA and my house, in Parowan! LOL! I guess I was not suppose to notice! LOL! Grab heat and eat . . . fun on the run! LOL! I have been cutting teeth, on the Montana and Colorado cowboys, staying sharp, preparing for the day, I would come back into Utah, to face the PTSD, shell shocked, lame ass cops, who tried to terrorize me, kill me, steal all my property, in both St. George, then Parowan, calling their relative cops, in the other two states, to carrying on, their, state of Mo, mission, to search, seek and destroy me! LOL! Maybe it is I, would should, don the Pennywise mask . . . "IT" is back! LOL . . . come here, little coppy, coppy, and I will pull you down the street drains and drink your bloooooood! Those damn, bad ass con law chicks from the gutter! LOL!
The most interesting thing, that I have noticed, over the years, is that people, over all, can't mask, their true identities, their intentions, their motives, or their true selves, it is literally, written all over the room! office, in what they are wearing, what they drive, what is on their license plates . . . first fucking, license plate I saw, in Provo, Utah, near my son's house, was No Rulz! NO KIDDING! UTAH! I never ran, because I am a afraid of a fight, never, this warrior queen, is not hot wired to run; however, I knew, and know, that Utah, Mo's, cops, prosecutors and judges, in this state, sadly, do not follow due process, the law, nor the rules of engagement, between the governed and the government, run by the Mormon Church, with a Mormon Agenda, conflicting, with this Constitutional Law Attorney! trained at none, other, than the Church's law school, at BYU! The rules of the game, don't simply change, when Mitt Romney is running for president, or there is a shit load of money at stake, and the powers that be, can get their grubby little hands on it, for that benefit, or that my son's money, can be access, through lies, deceptions, flash-bang, light shows and fake ass bands! No, this is not the rule of law, anyone, agrees to . . . THE LAW OF THE JUNGLE! FUCK NO! Do the Mo Jihad, through your missionary forces around the world, not on MY dime, not on MY FAMILY DOLLAR!
Blood Lust, Book of Mormon Vs. Peaceful, New Testament!
As the Greyhound Bus, cruised, along I-15, I think, around, Lehi, I was pleased to see a sign that, pushed the Bible at the Truth, with sound thoughts, living principles, and philosophy! What a refreshing tight! And after being baptized, in the blood of Iraq, Afghanistan, Bush, Cheney, Addington . . . probably a Mo, Black, of the CIA, Mo lawyers, waterboarding, tortures, and the likes of current, CIA secret wars, around the globe, run, promoted, and pushed by the global psychopaths, sociopaths, and greedy American, jihadists, using the search for treasures, gold, drugs, oil, and other national treasures of countries, targeted as prey, for the ravenous predators, engaging in these secret and clandestine, special ops, to topple, foreign governments and leaders, to profit and benefit, this new, British/CIA, Mormon president, British Crown, team op, called the Monarch Project, with ancient grains, in the masonic order . . . Joe Smith, 33rd degree Mason, Illuminati, Yale, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Club Rome, 300 clubs, who want a one world order, BULL SHIT!, I have to reflect, on the basics, the principles and concepts, of Mormonism, through the Book of Mormon . . . and no surprises here, all about War, Wanting Kings, Secret Combinations, Multiple Wives, Concubines, Power and Greed, smattered with a bit of Jesus Christ, and a few good lectures, like King Benjamin . . . the stuff of Republicans, hawks, and Mormons . . . Perfect collection of their views! CIA, FBI, NSA, DNI, and other federal agents, are born, raised and breed on this stuff, forget, that 98th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants, that says, that the CONSTITUTION is for ALL MANKIND, and anything, MORE OR LESS than this, is EVIL!
Well, just like the BYU students, interviewed after Mormon Conference, one fall, and asked, which general authorities, they followed, and listened to . . . students, and in response to this question, to a journalist for the underground, BYU, and Provo, 7th Avenue Press, I believe, during law school, I may have lived on that street, or maybe it was 6th East, but, the student, said, in any given year, I only listen to, or follow the advice of, 7 of the 12 general authorities! LOL! Perhaps that is the ideology and philosophy of the CIA? do you think? does that explain their actions? or do they, fucking pick and choose what doctrines, satisfy their more worldly views, their greed, and their dicks! This is the fucking problem, when you mix, church and state, in the ever putrifying stench of puss and urine, that makes up, the blowing off, of the Supreme Law of the Land . . . IT'S THE LAW! You are also, as Mormons, as I was ONCE, one, that you are to follow, the ARTICLES OF FAITH, found in your triple combination, near and dear, to the D and C, that states, clearly, you are to follow the LAW OF THE LAND! For whatever country you are in . . .
Jesus, admonishes, his followers, in the New Testament, the Bible, that the old law, of the Old Testament, was done away with, replaced by this new covenant, this new law, based on love, peace, charity, kindness, gentleness, meekness, humility, long suffering . . . NOT FUCKING WAR! And there is only one name under heaven and on earth, that will bring, every head to a bow, and every knee to the ground, and it is NOT, Joseph Smith, President Monson, FBI Director, Comey, CIA Mo's, Queen Elizabeth, Putin, or anyone! It is Jesus Christ, who will save your sorry ass! and that is it! So, I think, it behooves, the state of Mormon, to realize that that, long predicted, state of apostasy, where blood will run in the streets, and wickedness, will prevail, with secret combinations . . . shhhh, not the CIA!, wars and rumors of wars, are coming from, war central, Salt Lake City, Utah, headquarters of the Mormon Church!
Some chick, just came in with huge ass boobs . . . what this whole shit show, was and is about! And you call this holy? righteous? with Utah the plastic surgery capital of the WORLD! Shit! What the hell are you thinking? I can prove your errors, not only through constitutional law, but your own, damned scriptures, that I know, having been, inactive for years, not reading or studying for a long fucking time, and you fucks, going to alleged, church, every week and you don't know this stuff!????? At least every 4th year, you study the New Testament . . . try reading IT! This is serious shit, you are blowing off, thinking a little group of shit, ass, non-Christians, of cops, ass, power, think, you can circumvent, all the laws of this country, and GOD, and get away with it? Is there any wonder, why your sorry, ARMIES CAN'T get me? I fucking follow GOD, you are trusting in the arm of flesh, of men, of whatever, greed, pussy, and power? This is so not only disgusting, it is alarming, horrifying, terrifying, and fucked up to say the least . . . remember when, President Benson, used to sing, I am a Mormon Boy? do you have any idea, what horrors that conjures up for me, and many others now, a half a century later?
It is the Mormon boyz, without rulz, that are destroying the very fabric of what President Benson, former, secretary of agriculture, and others, like, former solicitor general, Rex Lee, and men, like Dallin Oaks, clerked for the United States Supreme Court, I believe, stood for, preached about, and taught? So, who is it that you are following, Brett, Kay, Shelley, NONE Of them have EVER been, for a sustained period of time, active in, your alleged, church/turned political organization! Hell, you would be much better for follow a heretic, like me, who still adheres to many of the basics of the Mo Church, than these, predatory, psychopaths, sociopaths, greedy bastards and bitches, that will lead you straight to fucking hell! There are two, True Crime, as these activities, lies, thefts, perpetrated against me and mine, are, that are indicative and telling of the men, you are following, and think are hot shit!
The Cannibal Cop . . . Issue: "Thought Crime?"
In this episode, that was so rudely, blocked, from me watching, while I was on the bus, with Internet and 4 hours to kill, and very interested, as this drama, I have been involved, in for almost 20 years, that of preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution, against the very entities, that I was taught, would save, the precious document, who are the ones, totally destroying it . . . the fucking elders of Israel! In this crime, that is a fascinating, question, of what to do with a cop, hiding behind his badge, with tons of public trust, to cover his crimes, using cops equipment, tools, computers, access, and power, to go after women, he wants to track, hunt, bind and torture, then kill and later eat, working in concert and in a conspiracy, with several other men, and looking at, not only his friends, old high school girlfriends, but co-workers and a list of about, 100 women, he wanted to eventually COOK AND EAT! The legal question, once his wife, a mother of a small baby, turned her husband, in, after the relationship changed, and she feared for her own, life and that of her baby, helping cops, attorneys, and a judge who eventually, acquitted the man, saying he didn't commit the crimes, but with many others wondering, where the entertaining the idea, stops, and the criminal intents, starts, putting in action, the elements of a crime, that further the conspiracy to commit kidnapping, murder, and eating the victim? Is this an adult, fantasy? or a depraved man, who is feeding on a constant diet of this shit, calling it a mere fetish, or will, he like most serial killers, move from looking at pornography, to actually, carrying out, the acts, he is watching and entertaining himself with? It was a fascinating issue, but I tend, as I always do, to error on the side of safety!
My third and fourth husbands, through, hook, crook, and steal, have managed, either to be discovered through, my efforts against the government, either pulled straight out of prison, or rising through the ranks and file of the FBI, CIA, and appearing, to be protected, by these agencies, covering a shit load of CRIMES, up to an including MURDER, and possible, eating me, but definitely, predators, both with crazy switch anger, and I believe, histories, of womanizing, murder, being serial killers and cannibals, hired, contracted, paid, and honored, for their work, dirty deeds, and attempts to assassinate me, with a body count of known murders of 26 people, either near and dear to me personally, or who were connected to my cases, against the government, totaling, $700 million, with a pot of gold, worth about a billion dollars, with all members of my family considered. I am going to describe for my reader, one night, that I felt, still feel, and believe to the bottom of my soul, that was a night, Brett was going to kill me, dismember my body, and eat the evidence, leaving my bones, out for the packs of coyotes, to gnaw on, dragging them, scattering my bones, on the thousands of acres of either farm land, wooded areas, or grasslands, and wheat fields. Tell me what you think? . . .
Randy, Gay Lover, Marijuana Laced Brownies, 666 East 400 South, Logan
Brett was named after, Rhett Butler, of Gone With the Wind . . . and just as good looking as, Clark Gable, charming, smart, but manipulative as hell, and either, bi-sexual or homosexual, by nature, with a troubled past, maybe even prison time, a womanizer, fired from the University of Utah, from a rather, tough background, angry abusive father, over-indulging party girl mother, a bad skiing accident, with a bump on the head, masked personality disorders, predatory in nature, on both, males and females, a sociopaths, who told me, he thought all fat people ought to be killed, telling me he was the ICEMAN, the worst, contract killer of all time, singing Helter Skelter, the song, the Family, Charles Manson's children, and followers sang the night they killed, Sharon Tate and other famous Hollywood personalities, back in the late 60's, also with perfect psychopathic personalities disorders, narcissism, void of sympathy, empathy, and remorse, with the philosophy of Darwinism, Unitarianism and the over all idea, that anything goes, and there is no wrong and no right. I believe, that I have seen, Brett, at the FBI raids, videotaped, at Waco, Texas, when like 268 Branch Davidians, staged a shoot out with the feds, under the direction of U.S. Attorney General, Janet Reno, appointed by President Bill Clinton, a dark spot on our nation, and the beginning of some of the cop tactics we see now, with the militarization of the cops of all levels.
I believe, I had been with Brett, as his wife, under the non-solemnized, marriage laws of Utah, for about a year or more, and Brett, seemed to be in cahoots with the cops, as was Shelley, sister, and I believe by this time, Brett had met Kay, one of the 6 or so, fake, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., in it for the money, the band, my kids, and the glory . . . under the theory of no guts, no glory, mind set, that put these narcissists in power, getting into the highest jobs in Washington, D.C., using my family money, resume . . . blah, blah, blah! Form the first time, I met Brett, he tried to get me to smoke pot, drink alcohol, and seemed to me, to be testing me, to see if I killed, cops and prosecutors', legislation, back in 1997, the beginning of the war, not on drugs, but on ME. I never fell for it, and don't abuse, any substance, other than Diet Coke, and that is legal in every state, except, New York City! LOL!
But, the gay caballeros, Randy was awesome, decided to try a different approach this night, putting the marijuana, in the brownies, masked . . . I love to eat, you will notice, my motto, grab heat and eat--a deputy Washington County sheriff, just left Starbucks, nodded at the guy in the corner with the fake boob chick, oh, she left--spies!, but, I stole, I give credit where credit is deserved, unlike, the sista club and boyz matching clubby cops, but, from the Chevron Gas Station, my bro-in-law, Chris Hickey, formerly married to my sister, and twin, 3 inches taller, thinner, 7 years younger, with huge ass fake boobs, platinum blonde hair, and married to Kay Moosman, the cover husband, and a look-alike or the real, James "Angel" Kennedy, so Rachel can continue to make believe she is me, and because I have written about James, met him, and hung out with him, in Butte, knowing he was a cop, or would be bought off, like all dirty cops, pretending and lying that Rachel, or one of the girlz club are ME . . . yesterday, when watching the cannibal cops episode, I noticed, the cops, sick fetish name was, mhal2, Shallow Hal, what I refer to James as! LOL!
But, the gay caballeros, Randy was awesome, decided to try a different approach this night, putting the marijuana, in the brownies, masked . . . I love to eat, you will notice, my motto, grab heat and eat--a deputy Washington County sheriff, just left Starbucks, nodded at the guy in the corner with the fake boob chick, oh, she left--spies!, but, I stole, I give credit where credit is deserved, unlike, the sista club and boyz matching clubby cops, but, from the Chevron Gas Station, my bro-in-law, Chris Hickey, formerly married to my sister, and twin, 3 inches taller, thinner, 7 years younger, with huge ass fake boobs, platinum blonde hair, and married to Kay Moosman, the cover husband, and a look-alike or the real, James "Angel" Kennedy, so Rachel can continue to make believe she is me, and because I have written about James, met him, and hung out with him, in Butte, knowing he was a cop, or would be bought off, like all dirty cops, pretending and lying that Rachel, or one of the girlz club are ME . . . yesterday, when watching the cannibal cops episode, I noticed, the cops, sick fetish name was, mhal2, Shallow Hal, what I refer to James as! LOL!
Now, both, Brett and Randy, and all their Logan crew, were pot smokers, but this night, not really thinking, marijuana, and certainly, not knowing what the affects or effects of eating these dope mixed, deserts, would have on me, and really, just, seeing it, and actually, not, probably, even remembering, or seeing Randy cook, just hearing a reference, made by Brett about putting marijuana in the bread, that Randy started to cook, once I got to his gargoyle, decorated, cute, hous
e, nicely decorated, with neon signs, a glass globe, like you find, in Saturday Night Fever, along with music and, now, just a nice, little treat, for his guests, but I did mark, kind of after the fact, that Brett only took, a quarter of one piece, and as Randy, offered and Brett encouraged, me, I eat, four pieces! By the end of the night, I was totally so fucked up, that I didn't realize it, until I walked to the truck, and could barely make it, without falling over, barely able to get in the truck! And, I was freaked out, knowing the cops, if they got my ass, after killing asset forfeiture, I would NEVER see the light of day, and I wondered, after the fact, again, not connecting marijuana, which I had tried, once, inhaling, it through a make-shift, pipe, of a Diet Coke, can, that Brett kept hidden, but, always tried to get me to join him in smoking . . . but, after one, puff, I coughed, choked, and felt like it made my lungs dirty. But, I always felt that, he pushed substances, on me, so the cops, could claim that I was a closet drug user and that was why, I killed asset forfeiture, rather than, the true motive, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, just too damned, unbelievable to cops, prosecutors and judges, who lie! partake, and then charge, try, and jail others, who are not of the double standard laws, of the Patriot Act, giving cops a cookie jar to rob, and total freedom from arrest and prosecution, indulging in their own drug habits!
e, nicely decorated, with neon signs, a glass globe, like you find, in Saturday Night Fever, along with music and, now, just a nice, little treat, for his guests, but I did mark, kind of after the fact, that Brett only took, a quarter of one piece, and as Randy, offered and Brett encouraged, me, I eat, four pieces! By the end of the night, I was totally so fucked up, that I didn't realize it, until I walked to the truck, and could barely make it, without falling over, barely able to get in the truck! And, I was freaked out, knowing the cops, if they got my ass, after killing asset forfeiture, I would NEVER see the light of day, and I wondered, after the fact, again, not connecting marijuana, which I had tried, once, inhaling, it through a make-shift, pipe, of a Diet Coke, can, that Brett kept hidden, but, always tried to get me to join him in smoking . . . but, after one, puff, I coughed, choked, and felt like it made my lungs dirty. But, I always felt that, he pushed substances, on me, so the cops, could claim that I was a closet drug user and that was why, I killed asset forfeiture, rather than, the true motive, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, just too damned, unbelievable to cops, prosecutors and judges, who lie! partake, and then charge, try, and jail others, who are not of the double standard laws, of the Patriot Act, giving cops a cookie jar to rob, and total freedom from arrest and prosecution, indulging in their own drug habits!
Brett started to drive down to First Dam, the drug hangout, on the way home, and I was like, what the hell are you doing . . . stating that there was nothing a cop would love more and to brag about, that he picked me up, and just like suspected, I was using marijuana, dirty, like, they thought, using drugs, myself, and that is the real reason, I killed the legislation! I gotta go . . . looks like cops, cops, cops, with the sheriff coming first . . . I will be back, in a while!
Roman Holiday, Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn; Some Like It Hot, poster, here at Grandma Tobler's Bakery, with Marilyn Monroe, being held up by Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon! LOL! If that is not symbolic, I don't know what is! LOL! Fucking feds, followed the sheriff in, about 4 undercover cops, looking like cops do, in Starbucks, fucking with me, so I had to interrupt my blog, and go across the parking lot, to finish it at the very, yummy, Grandma Tobler's . . . wash your hands, Grandma said! I remember this place, got the old vintage movies, names and actors, from the woman's restroom, wall! LOL! The very first movie, Brett, showed me, was, Some Like it Hot . . . Yeah and I AM! LOL! I have perfect confidence in God, my Intel Man, and perfect confidence that I can follow his directions, and perfect faith, that the cops will fuck it UP! LOL! "Grandma is a Mom . . . with Extra Frosting!"
Roman Holiday, Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn; Some Like It Hot, poster, here at Grandma Tobler's Bakery, with Marilyn Monroe, being held up by Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon! LOL! If that is not symbolic, I don't know what is! LOL! Fucking feds, followed the sheriff in, about 4 undercover cops, looking like cops do, in Starbucks, fucking with me, so I had to interrupt my blog, and go across the parking lot, to finish it at the very, yummy, Grandma Tobler's . . . wash your hands, Grandma said! I remember this place, got the old vintage movies, names and actors, from the woman's restroom, wall! LOL! The very first movie, Brett, showed me, was, Some Like it Hot . . . Yeah and I AM! LOL! I have perfect confidence in God, my Intel Man, and perfect confidence that I can follow his directions, and perfect faith, that the cops will fuck it UP! LOL! "Grandma is a Mom . . . with Extra Frosting!"
Back At the Ponderosa, Mt. Sterling . . . Murder Set Up In Shed?
This will give a realistic twist, the play, Sweeny Todd, the cannibal, who murdered people, cut them up and cooked them in his girlfriends, meat pies! playing at the Missoula Community Theater, when I left, a few days ago! Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, and I, finally, got in the truck, with me, having to hang onto the vines, on Randy's house, to steady me, as I neared the truck, having to walk between the house and the truck, on the driveway. So, Brett, even at my protest, and opposition, with criminal cop intent, still went down by the dam . . . and I kept telling him, not thinking he had only had a small taste of the bread, laced with marijuana, that we would both get arrested, and he better not stop! He briefly pulled in, on this set up, then, with me, not a screamer, but being very firm, said, what the hell are you thinking, since he was the regular pot smoker, but with me, looped out of my mind, so bad, I could not even get to the truck, let alone, pass a field sobriety test! My ass would have been toast! and he would, probably, be covered, one way or the other, by the cops! He seemed to have some in, or a special relationship with them, and always got off on tickets, with a warning! So, we made it home, and my head felt like I had the London fog, smashed into my frontal lobes, the alleged, areas, of my alleged, terminal brain disease, that was probably a mask for the real, intent, that of poisoning me, to kill me, much like this night was shaping up to be.
Now, most nights, Brett and I, would make love and both go to bed together. Whether he stayed all night, was a different story, but,. he generally, at least appeared to go to bed and to sleep, with me, like always, even now, more like I am dead, not even turning over, for most of the night, until I need to be relieved or something, go to the bathroom. I think, Brett thought, that I was totally out of it . . . I was, but I could not sleep, and by this time, I was suspicious of him, as I had been since the very first, way back, the night I was suppose to get an apartment, because Shelley was, allegedly suppose to move out, so that David Yemen her ex-husband, also the one she sent to federal prison, at Needles or Nellis Prison, near Las Vegas, could sell the house, and split the proceeds, or she got free rent for a few years, while fixing it up, joint venture? But, I found it curious, that I met Brett that very night, the night Shelley told me I had to be out of the house! And this night, was the night, that, let me know, I was in mortal danger, and needed to get out, ASAP.
I sat up in bed, and wondered what the fuck, Brett was doing, first, not coming to bed, and second, out in the shed, straight out the windows, back in the days, before, his sister, magically, was able to purchase the 23 family acres, and build a new home, only to have her husband, of out 30 years, die, suddenly, and he seemed to be frantically working. Just before that time, Brett said, he was making an outside, covered area, where my family, all card lovers, along with he and me, could get together, have picnics, and play killer Canasta, which, Brett too had become addicted to! One, time when I was kicking his ass, brain disease and all, after about, 7 hours of very competitive cards, Brett picked up his hand, and the deck, and threw all the cards in my face, refusing to ever play me a game of Canasta again! LOL! I am always, competitive! I refuse to lose! LOL! Now, all the undercover, cops, have moved from Starbucks to, Grandma Toblers! with several older gentlemen, who look like my father's crowd, the old Mo patriarchs of St. George, and several young, cop/agent looking guys, second shot, pretending to be with Star Signs, working on this or that . . . hope I don't need to move again.
So, seeing this strange, behavior, I decided, as fucked up as I felt, I was getting the fuck out of the shack and bed, and heading to cover, across the street in the wheat fields. There was a full moon, which, both hurt and helped me. I watched for the opportune time, Brett seemed to be sharpening and testing the rotary saw, and fixing the blades, so as the motor ran, and his attention was in other places, I darted across the street and into the field, so, unsteady, I thought, I was going to vomit, and pass out, with the pounding, throbbing head, filled with fog, over my brain, thoughts and mind! As soon as I got to the field, thinking I would walk this shit out of my brain, all I could do was lay down, and hope Brett didn't hear or find me, until morning. No such luck, he must have gone in the love/hate shack, and found me gone. He came outside, yelling for me, and looking all over. I was too messed up to walk, so I just kept low, until he almost stumbled on me, and finally, I just told him, my brain was so foggy, that I was going to try to walks it off, out in the moonlight, and walk circles in the wheat . . . I think he knew, I knew something was up, and so that night he came to bed, losing that opportunity. I started to sleep with a knife in my bed, right after that, until he found it, once, making the bed, or pulling the sheets over, and he positioned himself, on top of me, and held the knife up, and said, do you think for one second, I could not take this away from you and kill you, if I wanted to? I said, yeah, I still would have taken a few slices at you first!
From that point on, I think he knew, that I knew, something was up, that I put him and Kay, or him and Shelley together, or him and the cops . . . surveillance cameras, slow flying planes, lighting up the night, illuminating the bush I was hiding in with a flood light? Come on . . . I made a break, not long after that and got out of Mt. Sterling and his control. Of course, he went to Shelley, never to someone, I didn't know, and he tried, to let me know, in no uncertain terms, he was seeing her. And, I didn't care, he could have killed me, set me up, or eaten me, who knows, that place is the perfect place to kill someone, and bury their bones. There is a single, city or county, light pole on his property . . . he always said, he wanted to shoot that light bulb out? It was the only light, there was out there, with a billion stars, but, very dark, very dangerous, and deadly, as was Brett! After seeing, none, other than a National Geographic special on The Psychopath Next Door, or in MY BED or something like that, I became convinced, that he would have killed me, then, and is likely stalking me NOW, because, I am the ONE WHO GOT AWAY!
Frank, aka, Allan Rex Bess, Double . . . Hiding a Chain Saw Under My Antique Dresser, Like I Am Not Going to Notice?
The deal was, with me and Frank, aka, Allan, my client, husband of convenience and property protection, but not a husband in the traditional sense, actually a sham marriage, so not one, recognized, by law, but, I don't think he had the physical stamina to fight me, but, I guess he could cut my head off while I slept! He hid the saw, the very first night I brought him down from the cabin, when I started to get cold. Kind of a hard, sell, bringing a new saw, in the bedroom, we had never shared, with three, other places, or rather four, the basement, the garage, the man cave shed, and the lawn shed, all much more appropriate, for storing such an item, rather than, putting in MY bedroom, under a thin dresser, but a high one, and whatever. The reason this saw is so significant, is that the real Allan, while in jail, told me, I believe, that these brothers, from Paragona, were stealing is tools, while he was in jail, or he told me that after he got out, but the saw was a real sore point for him . . . however, later, when I put, two and two together, the fake Allan, may have concocted the story, after jail, having heard surveillance tapes, or I know in the jail, Allan and I were not allowed in the attorney's booth, the closer it got to his trial, and after, I had gotten him off 4 of 6 charges, and I went ape shit at the jailers, putting us in where there is a sign on the door, that ALL phone calls are recorded! This was a man, who had sued the government, they knew he was illegally being held, and I was going to get him off, and I sued the government!
So, this new Frank, acting like a child, kept insisting, that he needed a new saw to cut wood, and he threw temper tantrums, and wanted an orange, can't remember the brand, but, it was about a $400 or more saw, and by that time, I think, I was suspecting him of being a killer, along with Shelley, but not sure, so this must have been early, November, well, October, and I knew something was up, just didn't know what. But, I had seen the blood stain on the mattress, and Allan, had told me about his favorite form of assassination, and two and two, along with Shelley and Isaac's adoring attention, and Frank, showing up and staying around, made me wonder, when I brought him down the first time, before Thanksgiving, and found the saw. I just calmly told him, the bedroom was not place for a saw and I am not sure where he moved it to. But, I know, that he had a temper, that raged, like nobody, I had ever seen, in my ENTIRE LIFE! Was he capable of murder? ABSOLUTELY! AB, the ABSOLUTE BASTARD, WAS 100% CAPABLE, with ever trait, crazy switch temper, sense of entitlement, acting more like a spoiled child, than a grown man of, I would say, 70+, not the claimed, 60+ of Allan Bess!
And, I would not doubt for a second, that Kennedy was part of the Assassins Creed . . . that is why, I NEVER went anywhere alone with him!
Steaming Pipes . . . Pissed Off Cops!?
So, in ending, with, what appears to be, a dream, being brought to fruition, with the uniformed cops, in my dream, then the feds, and a sheriff, who looked mean as mean, followed by what appeared to be either detectives, or feds, both young, old, and retired, all mixing, with Starbucks, right around 10:30 A.M., looking more like Grand Central Station, teeming with people, many men, all at the coffee shop, too late for breakfast crowd, and too early for the lunch crowd, but all gathering and positioning themselves near me, acting like they are just hooking up with old friends, so, I did my normal, ghost, to their undercover, covert operation being spoiled, by this bad ass con law chick, for the billionth time, having to interrupt my writing and book it, out of the coffee shop, to find another place to write, a Shelley op, since she is one of the stage grandmothers, in this Roman Holiday . . . I think, that Shelley, extended dirt crew, are having Thanksgiving, pretending to be, ME, with my kids, so neither of the boys, are coming to St. George, Greta always cooks, but, the joy of a PSYCHOPATH, is not in being a great mother or father to their own children, but to MY children, the victims, inflicting pain, anyway they can, and through the kids and grand kids, the MOST . . . but, I am not a touchy feely traditionalist, and holidays don't mean as much to me, as most people . . . hell, I spent, three years, eating Thanksgiving dinner at the Cougar EAT! Studying for law school finals! Then heading somewhere to dance when they were over, generally to Las Vegas! LOL!
But, after all the sting ops, and whatever, the 1003 great escapes, of the last 4 years, I looked outside, Grandma Tobler's Bakery, and noticed a while pipe in an open field, near the place, and there was steam, coming out, at a very pissed off rate of speed, from a very unlikely sourse! What the fuck, I swear, if you, FBI, or CIA, or cops, or just people, mainly, those of us, who live, lives, of raw, splender, on the edge, risky, and rare, if you look at symbolism, you can read just about any situation, there is some universal law or principle at work, that reveals true intents, hearts, and murderous plots!
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