Kay and Rachel (Southwick-Hickey) Moosman

This is Rachel Southwick Hickey-Moosman, her husband, Kay, daughters, Emily, and Stephanie Hickey . . . you might recognize them, they lived out in Bloomington, for about 7 years! She is NOT ME! Rachel worked for Skywest, while at school, at SUU, with a degree in P.E., going on to work with United Airlines, as a flight attendant, that glorious, waitress in the sky, who brings you peanuts and soda! Stephanie, Rachel's oldest daughter, is about 23, my youngest, Elliot Taylor Secrist, vocalist and guitarist, for the DITCH and the DELTA, is almost a good, 10 years older than Steph, at 32 years old, a music major at the University of Utah, where mommy, ME, used to work! LOL! Attorney? Anyone can get in a monkey suit and perform, claiming anything they want, but she is SURE AS FUCKING HELL, NOT ME!
I am 7 years older--sporting a turkey neck, I don't generally have, but? position, leaning into computer?, and this was taken, on the BLOGGER's computer, or MY computer, right after waking up, not professional at all, the first time I used, my camera! LOL! Careers that fit, me the attorney, professor, business owner, Rachel the flight gal! Close, but NO dice, and my boobs are REAL! LOL! As is MY RESUME! TEETH, TUMMY, and my THIGHS! Secrets and Bombs! LOL! Scent Bombs! She Stinks! Pretty little LIAR! But, definitely, the 80's MATERIAL GIRL! Steph, sporting new boobs, like mommy . . . I create lawyers! Ask McArthur's Jewelers . . . Rachel buys, diamonds and gems . . . I make gold! Mo mafia, through CIA dikes, steal it before it hits my hands, cases, legislation, blog, kids, etc.!
The Rivalry
After I got left on the bus, I noticed, a red, suburban, about the same year, as Rachel's white monster, symbolizing to me, the bus left me, probably, with the CIA, buying a ticket, as if Rachel, aka, made it on the bus, rather than me; however, I am not really scheduled to leave, until, Monday, November 30, 2015--whooops! LOL! A Rach, like vehicle, marked a parking spot in front of Jack in the Box, right where Jack belongs, in the rig--the Kalispell, Finley Point, Montana, Jack the Ripper, King, Strode/Ware, total tits and ass man, but behind that 6'5" man, is a boy lover! LOL! The place reminded me of that fat ass! I am sure he, through, Shelley, knows Rachel, as did Frank, aka, Allan, and so does, James "Angel" Kennedy, the cop coat who, like Rachel, just looks like a Kennedy, but in this swinging Mo mob, girls can do more than one boy, as boyz can do more than one lady . . . there is nothing wrong, nothing right! On the front lines, Rachel appears to be with Kay, kids, but, under the dog pile, she is me, with James! Just like Shelley and Frank, were me and Allan Bess, and like Kay and Brett, are me and Brett, as is Shelley, and Jack, Joann, not JoAnn, is with Jack . . . a total fucked up mess, but, this is the game, those game boys, raised on X-Box, and other videos games, like to do, so you think, you are actually, dealing with ME, mother of Greta, Nicole, Chris and Elliot, when, you are NOT, nor is Rachel, heading up to Montana on the bus . . . but, you are to think, she is, and ticket sales will say she is, but, she, likely to have raced to St. George, when, I ditched out, leaving the bitch squad of frauds, high and dry, in their Montana homes, where they shadow me, or the CIA does, making an occasional appearance, to fool the locals, or to cover their loser, lying asses, from prior lies, sex and video tapes! Sisters, Susan and Tiffany, maybe Marcie, are also, substitutes, for the teacher, the good witch, ME!
But, in this true crime episode as today's bus fiasco is . . . misrepresenting who is on the bus, that I watched, after reading the Sunday newspaper, and eating, I noticed, as always, the messages, that God, my Intel, man is trying to convey to me, through, job titles, symbolic names, and the overall, facts of the scenario of this brutal, true crime, situation, of a young woman, in her 20's, living away from home, was brutally murdered, by a kid, who competing, for the most number of stab wounds, 102 against a girl he never knew, other than, that she lived in his same apartment building, with cops putting two and two together, remembering that this kid, had a brother, who had been convicted, for stabbing a young woman, several years, earlier, stabbing her 97 times . . . at first, both the cops and me, that that, the rivalry was between the girl murdered, and a guy, who was obsessed with her, but also, had another girlfriend, making a lover's triangle, that didn't turn up as the truth, in the facts, but did have some significance to me, including a warning of the amount of hatred, the passion, the conspiracy, possibly the rivalry to take me down, while protecting the preferred twin, possibly with James "Angel" Kennedy, with shit like this, totally destroying, the penis factor, leaving cops, CIA, FBI, my father, all getting their asses kicked, by ME, the attorney, the professor and the blogger, that they hate and have tried to kill, with the rage mounting, getting tired of having to fight me, tired of me trashing the bitch, going into war mode, to save the helpless damsels in distress, the MO BITCH BRIGADE!
Telling Names in the Brutal Murder
- Corey Parker . . . girl stabbed, 102 times, by a total stranger, who just had access, living close to the victim, and wanting to beat, his brother's record of killing a girl, stabbing her only 97 times. The cops, said, this murder, had to have been committed by someone with real rage, someone the victim new, someone who had an ax to grind, with the amount of overkill, this was up, close and personal! The girl was attacked in her sleep, raped, and slaughtered, suggesting a very sick individual, and a deviant mind. I sneezed several times, my God, Intel, for 'tis you! And this will make more sense in a moment.
- Angela B. Corey . . . look at the closeness of the name, and the connection, with Angel, a my sign for "at" and the possibility, that appears to be, telling me, this, state's attorney, which in Utah, would be the equivalent of an assistant attorney general, as I was, and Rachel, has been painted as to the public, and might be with James Angel Kennedy, that nobody, called the James Kennedy, I was with, but . . . and there is a long haired, pony tail, looking guy, sort of Kennedy looking, wearing a blue dress shirt, and tie, blue is my color for Mormons, and the dress shirt and tie, docker pants, could also indicate that Rachel is with a Kennedy look alike, but he is Mormon, as would be the Mo mafia, preference, and also, more likely to be a cop, or a Mormon, since the CIA is filled with them, and I had mentioned that the real or the Kennedy, I was with, allegedly had a drinking problem, long hair, and was a dirt bagger, biker, with a tramp camp, more my style, than 80's shopper, material girl, Rachel, not a hippie, throwback like me and James Kennedy! LOL! But, if this other, Kennedy, with the nick name, Angel, may consider himself, a avenging angel, defending, the alleged, state's attorney, different from Utah, state's attorneys, in name, but claiming to be the double, who, saved financial planners, doctors, worked on domestic violence, writes this blog, and is the mother, of band member, Elliot! so, the Mo mob, can steal the money, and make everyone believe, that Rachel and James, who actually, does have curly hair, and could, look very much like a potential father, even genetically, also a wild ass . . . covering the fact, that this blog explodes, for three subjects, Elliot, James Kennedy, and Jesus Christ! The B could stand for, burn, the fact that I have been exposing Rachel, unmercilessly, making fun of her boobs, plastic teeth, lipo hips and thighs, that would insight a lover, and through him into a rage of revenge, looking at me, as a rival, for Rachel, maybe even believing that, it is I, who is stealing her life, rather than the way it is . . . I believe, that Rachel's deceptions to way back, maybe even 15 fucking years! as Shelley's and Kay's do! Or it could stand for, bitch, putting me in the prosecutor's role, the right role, but victimizing Rachel and the bitch squad. It is rare in deed, that both the victim and the prosecutor, have the same last name! I also, saw a sort of Kennedy, look alike, at McDonald's . . . possibly the real one, the one, I know, but a cop, rather than a Kennedy, hating me from the get go, although, in the presence of a cop legend, such as I have been, taking on the bad boys, for 20 years, making it more real to the older cops, like this alleged, 62 years old, putting him, much more in my peer group, and knowing much more about me, to know it to understand and to understand, as this blog, tends to afford me the opportunity, of putting a cop in my shoes, as I have done with them, trying to understand them better, possibly, coming to a meeting of the minds, once both sides, see and understand the other, working within the constitutional parameters, I require, but understanding the risks, life and death, situations, that merit some exceptions, at times. But, yeah, a lover of Rachel, would be pissed and enraged enough, to take out this type of aggression on me, or a hit, or stab me 102 times, in a manner of courtly love . . . Rachel, is nicer, easier, has to obey the men in power, and is, more like a nice, soccer mom, who was inducted into this, more for the money, getting addicted to the power of being an attorney, but, I am sure, as people pulled her in, being very close to me, the only one, after I left for Montana, were I would cross, back and forth between the two, states, and stay at her home . . . a man, looking very much, like, Kay, Rachel's husband, allegedly, or at least in this game, maybe with Kennedy, just standing in, when Rachel plays me, would be very, pissed, with rage, spilling out of his, already hot temper, and, would definitely protect, his wife, being trashed and thrashed, by big bad attorney sister, but the real, Corey, so to say, but leaving Rachel, bloody and beaten, and dead, after I get , with her, the way I like it, and she, volunteered to be treated, trying to represent, or misrepresent who I AM! She has nobody to blame, but herself, daddy, Shelley, and the Southwick crime family! Sorry, Rach, and this comes, from the only sister, to hold you on her chest, sleeping, being a 7 year, old, holding a 6 month old, because we had an incompetent babysitter, who didn't watch you! Sorry sis, but it is necessary, you have gone after me, and so has this whole fucking family, the church, the counter-intelligence community, cops, prosecutors, judges, and community . . . but, I will verbally, assassinate you, if I have not already! Get the FUCK out of MY GOD DAMN LIFE AND FAMILY, you fucking BITCH, and keep your shit head husband, fucking AWAY from me! I will fucking kill that assfuck, myself, you are encroaching on MY TERRITORY, get the fuck out! Save your life . . .
- Paul Pinkham . . . U.S. assistant attorney general, Paul Kohler! Right here in St. George, whom I wrote about yesterday, and beat, going over his head. This was a detective, but, as has proven to be the case, he is not interested, the real dude, in knowing or devulging the truth, which he fucking KNOWS! he would rather, side with the Company, seeing this murder, as OK, under the Patriot Act, and see me as a domestic terrorist, rather than the opposite, which is the fucking, Godless, lawless, CIA, FBI, and cops, are the true terrorists, I am defending the same OATH, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution as they did . . . that jack ass is, on the take, should be fired, and has taken a shit load, giving the lying fucks tons of protection and credibility, worthy of being disbarred and going to PRISON! KISS MY ASS YOU PINKO COMMUNIST! LOL! FUCK HIM! This next name is connected to his . . .
- Aymee Dudley . . . Kay is a dud! And ley, has come to mean, lie, lay, Lee . . . as in, Sara Lee Bakery, with the motto, of Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee? YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG . . . that hairless feline! I would ring her fucking, ugly, old, shriveled, scrawny neck, shaking like she does! This bitch goes so far beyond, hatred, that I just can't fathom, other than she wanted to be me, since, 7th grade, more of a rivalry, with her, same age, same law degree, her 15 years earlier, but an ambulance chaser, another, sort of pretty, girl next door, little liar, riding on my coat tails for fucking life, stealing, even MY SON, HIS MUSIC and for that I would fucking BUTCHER YOU AND that fag, Brett, watching my son, with his Satanic tongue, hanging out, 5 fucking years after, I left you to butt fucking assholes, to play for stupid games together . . . I NEVER WANTED TO BE IN YOUR CLUB, YOUR triangle of shit, both of you, ONLY, ONLY becomeing successful, after Kay became me, through faggot maggot BRETT! You keep your God damned, hands of my son, both of you . . . one true crime show, had two friends, from their childhoods, meeting up, on successful and into money, and career, and the other lady, with a great marriage, and a very cute son, that, the was 30 years, younger, with the alleged, trustworthy friend, taking advantage of, her best friend's SON! You god damned WHORE, both male and female, Ying and Yang, Bonnie and Clyde, shit face and punk ass . . . I will fucking kill you if you ever, touch either one of my sons' or my daughter . . . fuckin' lesbian whore, no right and wrong, I would trust you with a mummified, donkey, either of YOU!
- Melissa Nelson . . . when I first met Brett, he, like, Mel Gibson, in the movie, What Women Want, study, women, and give them exactly what they want to hear . . . so right on, while, hiding behind a mask of sadism, deviance, and destruction, that few know you have, with a crazy switch from hell, masking a psychopath, charming, but sinister, as seen in this very, very symbolic name, Mel, or Brett, or Brett's girl, Lissa . . . suggesting, Kay's sister, but, with Kay, pretending she is Lisa, maybe after she poisoned her to get more of her father's inheritance money, property, clearing a hated sibling out of the way, or just stealing her identity too, as you have mine, and in your criminal mind, taught Shell Bell, and the rest of the MOB, how to kill a sister, and take all that is hers! including, kids and grand kids . . . no Kay, I am so far from being like you or Brett, who once said, we were so much alike, that if he were male, lol, female, and I was male, we would be each other . . . no, that is not true of me, but of KAY, serial killers, psychos, and liars, birds of a feather, flock and stay together! I was using you, to entertain me, until I died, and when I got better, you were also nurturing, I canned your sorry ass, and left Kay with the pieces, and you have been in murderous pursuit of me, ever since, trying to take everything, near and dear to me, as is Shelley, so jealous, ice runs through her veins! Oh, and for the Nelson, oh, yeah, you fuckers, team of vipers, pack of wolves, did a knock up job, of fucking my son, his music, nailing son, to the cross! then breaking him down, to despair, so you could, then, come in as saviors, pretending, that I destroyed, you by leaving, when, it was they, who, also went after Chris, stop, jobs, breaking all of my children, so they will be begging to come with this, fucking wicked couple(s) finding great pleasure, in causing them, my children pain, then coming allegedly to their rescue, with no mother around and a father, who left or never showed up, bribed to satisfy is dumb ass fucked wife!
- Tim Petree . . . Kay was married to Tim Brown, Kay is Brett's pet dog, and both these fuckers, horrible parents, want to claim, my family tree, my children, because they failed so miserably with their own children! And grandchildren, NONE! In true psycho fashion, it would not be fun to care for your loser, fat ass boys, so you, two, who think fat people ought to die, you already, fucking killed your own flesh and blood, ignoring them totally, rather than fucking changing your shit ass, mentality . . . just go for my thin kids! BUT YOU BASTARD AND BITCH!
- Kathleen Kingston . . . Shelley, detective, with John King Strode Wares ton that he stole from ME and MINE! Kathrine, was a chick at the Poverello, who looked, just like Elvira or Shelley, who looks, like Elvira, or Morticia, like death warmed over! LOL. In the show, this chick looked more like an old Kay, which is probably, just what she looks, like, wrinkles, thin, gaunt, with the same hair do, she had in high school! But, Jack King Strode, who met me the first day in Kalispell, did the weaving, for bringing Shelley, into the area, as if she was me! He went so far, as to try to get me to go to Pennsylvania, back in 2012, for Thanksgiving, on the train. As, I sat, outside the Lucky Lil' or the casino, next to the Asian Buffet, where Jack gambled, just waiting for that gambling fool, to finish, I called, Elliot, thinking he would be going to Greta's house for Thanksgiving dinner, as we always had in the past . . . I was trying not to bring the MOB or cops, down on my kids, so I rarely talked to my children, the first year, I left, Utah, starting in March, of, 2012, with 50 shades of deadly following me at all times! But, when I heard that Elliot, wasn't going anywhere for dinner, I hit the road, without, even telling Jack, I was leaving! I had lunch with El at a Restaurant, went to Chris and Kats, and then on to Greta's house, all in one day, after driving all night long, going from Kalispell at the top of Montana to the bottom of Utah! All these fucking fools, have tried to take houses, cars, trucks, money, so that they can BREAK the mother/child bond, between me and MY children, and now grand children! There is the form of being a parent, and then there is the essence of or the substance of being a parent . . . they took the form, but, home is where my heart and mind are . . . and that is always with my children! Fucking Always! But, Jack, later, with these, evil clowns, thinking, that I am still suffering from, severe mental issues, cropping up for the very first time in fucking 11 years, since, I was almost diagnosed, with dog breath Shelley, or Brett, or Kay . . . all of my inferiors, finding that the only time, they, ever, have felt superior, or remotely in the ball park with me, was when they poisoned me, and I thought I was going to die . . . they fucking refuse, absolutely refuse, in an act of total denial of the facts, at hand, as I wrote yesterday . . . I am a member of the God Damn, U.S. Supreme Court . . . you fucking fakes, ARE NOT! Killing me, cutting my head off, eating my brains, will not make you, members of the high court, nor did you write the Brock case, and you can scream that til the cows, shit on your ugly faces, you didn't do the Cheek case, the Lamoreaux case, the Bess case, the Morgan case, the Braun case, the Clark case, NOTHING . . . YOU DID FUCKING NOTHING YOU DUMB SHITS! Pull your stupid heads out of your asses, and look at the light of day, truth defies, your lack of facts and reason . . . and Brian, was just stating, what, that lazy bitch Shelley, when I was supporting her ass and her whole fucking family even extended family, Rachel's and Chris's kids, and a few extras, for 10 fucking months, while you had your fucked up, psycho brainless, bras for brains, up that, flapping shit hole of your, with male fags, boy lovers, using you like fags do, as they are! And I apologize to gay people . . . using the word, fag, or faggot, is like gays, calling each other bitches!
- Eddie Bounds . . . Ed has lied for years . . . I am Shelley, or Rachel or Sue, or he is me! Shit this game goes upwards, downwards, crisscrosses, backwards and forwards, until, nobody knows what the fuck is going on, and who is who? Edward is over in Japan with his, alleged, hot ass, piece of ass, black, chick girlfriend, kind of wife, kind of lay, but, where the fuck is Edward, getting the money to take him and girlfriend, to Japan, for several months now? From his 6 rentals, that are constantly in need of repair, with only one, really being a money maker? So, how, from who? Elliot, are you setting up tours for the new fake band? Most likely, and George, does it with the Arab countries, Kevin and Sue in Turkey, hell the Southwicks have almost all the fucking languages of the earth, represented in the extended Southwick family! And with Utah, being the network marketing capitol of the nation or world, easy access, to 60,000 Mormon missionaries, FBI and CIA Agents, and 14 million members, with them all cheering the psychopaths, who have no boundaries, take credit for everything, see, me and you, as one in the same, in this bull shit, started with the Patriot Act, so fucked up, trying to erase, private property lines, and rights, erase, familial connections, disregarding genetics impossibilities, matching couples, mating them, breeding them, and mix and match, families, with a Darwinian, predatory approach, having fucked up their own flesh and blood, if they are alive at all, leave no witnesses! I hope to God, Eddy is bound . . . Japanese wife, Australian son-in-law, daughter in Italy, now a black . . . boundless opportunities! That two faced, lying sack of shit, acting like the close cousin, stabbing me in the back, lying out his fucking Jap shit mouth, with, really nothing intelligent to say, that is why he gets, women who are dependent on him, he can treat in a condescending fashion, thinking he is superior . . . he can't get away with that, and when he tries, I cut his fucking dumb ass head off! I am an attorney, have been sworn in to the highest court in the land . . . Edward, like Shelley, my dad, Sue, and my whole family, have brain farts, for brains . . . calling black white and white black, staying in a total ignorant, and stupefied, state!
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