Military Cooking the Books, To Make Things Look Rosier In The Fight Against ISIS?
Let me put it this way, in my life, in my experience, in my law practice, in my government work, in my personal life, and in dealing with my children and grandchildren, I have, honestly, never, found an instance, where honesty was not the best policy! I remember, from my own mother, when I was about 10 years old, I learned, the severity of what, almost happened to me, during my sleep, when I decided to protect some local teenage hoods, who had just toilet papered and hangered, our neighbors house, hiding in our basement, with me, finding them, and having these two older boys, shove me up against the furnace, telling me that, if I told anyone, they were the ones who did this, they would KILL ME! That was a pretty big threat, to a young girl, by two teens, each three years older than me, and standing heads over me. But, the next day, my mother, trying to get to the bottom of who did this to the neighbor, who may have seen the two kids, going down in our basement or into our backyard, or for some reason, my mother was questioning me? But, I lied, and told my mother that I didn't know, who had done the dastardly deed, but, later, being a friend with one of the daughters of the neighbors, having issues with confidentiality, a big mouth, and thinking for some reason, that even while it was the house attacked with this mess, that took tons of time to clean up, my friend would not pass this information on to her mother and father!
I guess, my lie, came to the attention of my mother, the next day or night, because, in the morning, she was so pissed, that she told me, she had seriously considered, coming down during the night and shaving my head! That was a very powerful lesson, as to how strong my mother felt about telling the truth! That one lesson has long, been part of my moral life, and that has dictated, from that time on, as best I can recall, that I have always tried to tell the truth. In this blog, it is more valuable to me, for you to know the truth, being completely as honest as I can with, what I say, mentioning, statements, like, as best I can recall, or if memory serves, or trying to quote a source that I got my information from, or even joking that you should consider the source, when I am pissed, and that every story has two sides to it, and this is my side of the story, based on what I have observed, or what I have gathered and even, be able, at risk of being considered a quack, stating that, God is my Intel man, running the possibility, that you might think, that I am hearing voices . . . no, I read signs, I watch, I observe, and more than anyone who has not done this, I get inspiration, information, help with connecting dots, and seem to be, lead to believe this or that, recognizing that, I may be reading the information wrong, but, this is all the help I have, in exposing huge ass lies, that go to pretty little liars, nice as they can be, taking credit, not only for what I have done in life, for even bearing my own children, achieving my law degree and license to practice, having been the ones to do my cases, my manuals, my legislation, and even this blog, that I have to fight just to breath, even with them stealing the money from my intellectual property, and having the government agencies, given the assignment to handle the very crimes they are perpetrating, perpetrating the lies, and furthering those lies, going to the very heart of my family, with infiltrated, agents, planted, to comprise my children . . . and to me, that is not an excuse to lie!
Oh, just a note of special interest . . . I married, one of those bad ass teens, that threatened to kill me if I exposed the fact that they did the trashing of the neighbors yard! LOL! He became reformed . . . and he looks, almost identical to my son, Elliot, bass guitarist for God's Revolver, as seen @ Crucialfest 5, now that he has beefed up a bit, what those steroids will do for you, over being a vegetarian! LOL! See vocalist and guitarist, lighter version of Elliot, in Maraloka, compared to the new version, larger version, I like! I can't believe, that the pretty little liars and others, can look at Elliot, and not see, ZEKE or Richard in him, and claim that James Kennedy, or John Strode, or Brett Stuart/Stewart, or blah, blah, blah, combined with Rachel, my sister who looks the most like me, genetically, trying to create the closest, look, logically, leaving out, both parents! And these same people, are TRUMP supporters! In all honesty, Rachel has a wider face, flatter face, larger nose, and Chinese eyelids! Her son, Matt, looks just like her, much more like her, than Chris, and Elliot, and all my children, look, much more like the chiseled face, of their mother, than the flatter face of their aunt, or any of their aunts, and surely don't look, like short, brown haired, round faced, brown eyed KAY! or hazel eyed Shelley! GENETICS, DNA, DON'T LIE! Fuck you asshole, dirty assed liars . . . you make me puke!
An Example of Telling the Truth at the Cost or Risk of Losing a Job
This woman, was a single woman, with no husband to back her up, or save her if she lost her job, so this story, has more significant, and risk, than some women would have, but, this woman, and it has been so long, I can't remember her name, but she was a Sunday School teacher, in my Ogden, Utah, Mormon ward, where both she and my ex-husband the teen terror, worked for Ogden City, Utah, if I remember, this woman, was some type of city or county accountant, or recorder, and as, I remember, she made a mistake, that was a million dollar mistake, in her calculation of the numbers on something. I believe, that she was the person, who actually caught her own error, but, going to her superiors, might cost her, her job, if she fessed up and told them, just who far her fuck up went. But, as is the case with most lies, the cover-up, is always worse! ask Tricky Dickey, Richard Nixon! But, she licked her wounds, and went to her superiors, after the quarterly numbers had been submitted for approval of the city council, or whatever the legislative entity was, who was to approve her work, and she admitted, this error, that, appears to me, to have been a clerical error, maybe, misplacing a period, or adding an extra zero, that when looking at it, is an easy mistake to make, but, one that has drastic consequences, if it went undiscovered, making city fathers and mothers, believe they had more money in the budget, than they actually had, and they could have been taken to task by the people who elected them, and the press, so, the ramifications, were disastrous!
I think the woman's name was Donna, but, she was not only on her own, to support herself, but she was taking care of her aged mother, who would also be taken down, if she lost her job. She did admit that it took her some, battling with her soul, her ego, and she knew that the error was large enough, to go to the very heart of her job, making her look incompetent, and might lead to the lose of a great job, with great insurance and benefits, as is the case with most government employment. In her personal battle, between right and wrong, she decided to just bite the bullet, and tell the truth, and let the consequences follow, whatever the hell, those consequences might be. Donna said, she was shaking, sick to her stomach, and worried sick about what this one confrontation with her boss might do to her future! But, to her great surprise, catching the error early, before, there was any reliance, on her mistake, her boss, thanked her profusely, for being honest enough to come forward and admit to this huge ass mistake, and owning up to it! Needless to say, Donna, I believe, not only kept her job, but as I recall, it was even better than that, I think her boss gave her a raise, because, he trusted her now, more than ever! Nice . . .
The Value of a Good Name . . . Priceless!
All it takes is one compromise, to ruin, or devalue your name, one lie, one half truth, one cover-up, one lapse of judgement, that can not only get you fired, but can cost you a marriage, can even lead you to murder someone to cover your sins and your money issues, that you may have been covering up, to spare a husband or wife, from misappropriation of funds, or whatever, the costs of dishonesty always, tend to multiply, complicate, and lead to great and larger, lies, and misery. I have seen true crime after true crime, that shows, a husband, hooked on porn, spending family finances to feed his personal habit, that he knows, his wife is going to go ape shit, over when she finds out, so he kills her to save face to, someone he may even love, to allegedly protect her from his sins. Or a wife, who spends the credit cards up, all to the max, addicted to spending, knowing her husband, who is trying to get the family budget under control, and may, in fact, cut up the credit cards, trying to limit the wife's spending, only to have her kill him, not only to cover the fact that she has spent far beyond what he thinks, may have additional personal credit cards, or fraudulently put his name on the cards without his knowledge, and she knows he is going to divorce her for her spending, and so she kills him!
Life, tends to look much like a slippery slope, when, once, integrity, honesty, or morals are compromised, the rest of the life, tends to go down hill fast in almost every area, with dire consequences, that can lead to all kinds of disaster . . . it is just not worth it. And most of us, are not good enough liars, to cover our tracks, and it is far too hard, to keep track of all our lies, and even if someone is a psychopathic liar, eventually, the facts, evidence, witnesses, or something, will eventually, reveal our lies and lives, who we are, what we are about, and how we got to where we are, and that may lead, a smart investigator, cops, prosecutor, or whomever to get to the bottom of suspicious behavior. Just tonight, I was watching a documentary of the notorious Zodiak killer, and how he played with the cops, mocked them, played with them like a cat, with mice before he ate them. And, I was not paying much attention, but, as I recall, the cops never caught the serial killer, but they did preserve the brain matter of who they thought, but could not prove was the serial killer, to compare tissue with that of other people suspected of being the Zodiak, evasive and intelligent killer. But, to the frustration, of cops and investigators, while they may never have caught the killer while he was alive, through a process of elimination, eventually, his identity would be discovered. Many cases, are closed, 40 to 50 years later, but, with new technology, science, and other means of discovering the truth, someone may get away with a crime for a while, but, most likely, now days, not forever!
Trust is the Biggest Crisis in American Business Today!
I went to a lecture of a Whitefish, Montana, resident, former, Fortune 500 Company CEO, who was, also a writer, and after she retired, she wrote a book on trust, boiling issues related to the economy, down, for people to figure out, what needed to change to start the country on the road to recovery. I am sure that all economic strategists, and economic indicators, never, once took a look at the failings of morals, values, integrity, and honest, as being part of the decline in the economy leading to a recession. So, she took a look at Enron, the lies, the doctoring of the books, the false balance sheets, used to entice investors into risky deals, with basically, and I hate to over use this word, and the characteristics, but, psychopaths, who were predators, preying on the money of their victims, taking their retirements . . . I just looked at the TV, I have Law and Order, playing, and the first word, my eyes focused on, with subtitles on, because the motel, limits how loud the TV volume can be . . . but the word was trust, and Fred Thompson, former Senator, turned actor, was bringing up the issue of trust with the other prosecutors and something they needed to maintain, even when going after murderers, to keep the system pure and clean, as it should be, now something just brought up, someone a prosecutor, giving someone their word! This shit matters!
This author, and former very successful women, said that employees now days, are lied to about, everything from, promotions, to pay scales, to retirement promises, and on and on, until, there are not bosses, representing companies, that many people trust anymore. We have people, allegedly hired or appointed, to help the government pull the economy out of a recession, who simply mask, the lies, theft, and bloated bonuses, and benefits, of bank and insurance, CEO's, Wall Street boyz, who make sure that their retirements their golden parachutes are guaranteed, or taking them before the truth about their organization is exposed to the pubic and to investors, who trusted, financial planner, securities advisers, wealth managers and CPA's with their futures, only to find out, that they had been duped . . . and what is even worse, is that people are starting to think, that it is good to be BAD!
And as was indicated, and sadly . . . the TV is advertising, Now You See Me, the story with Morgan Freeman and several other smart people, do a magic show, and some how, are able to rob a bank of millions . . . we are honoring, liars, getting financial gain without earning it, and giving people the keys to the city, making the thieves, celebrities, for stealing money, rather than earning it, and I am here to testify to the truth of that, and even those government agencies, that are suppose to catch a thief, may in fact, even bring them into the fold, and allow them to rise, unchecked, unquestioned, and not charged, arrested, jailed, prosecuted, or tried, for their crimes . . . praising, people like, the guy who, the book, Catch Me If You Can, even being hired by the FBI, getting him out of jail early. Can we afford a country based on LIES? I say the cost is too high!
The Quantum Physics of Lying Will Destroy This Nation
In Einstein's theory of quantum physics, he explains the unseen connectors, that bind, people together, in a way, that what one person does, actually, can either negatively or positively benefit or hurt the whole of humanity, without knowing them, talking to them, or ever, in the physical world, coming in contact with them. Recently, I heard or saw, some very smart person, in an article, or somewhere, that, if one couple, can get love right, that can benefit, the entire universe, bringing an understanding of love to all humanity. I know that most of us, cannot fathom, the power of that statement, and most would not believe it, but the ripple effect of goodness, or righteousness, or love, can permeate not only those around us, but can indirectly bring that emotion or act, in contact with the unseen connectors! The same is true for, bad actors, bringing energy of negativity, making acts that are destructive to humanity, leave its mark on the spiritual world. We all need to be careful, that what we preach is consistent with what we do, because, actions are louder than words, and even though, our children, may not know, what is actually going on, in a parent's relationship, they can feel it at a gut level. At 5 years of age, my son, Elliot, one morning before school, asked me and his father if we were getting a divorce, and we assured him, that we were not and where would he get that from . . . less than 10 minutes after, our kindergartner went to school, his parents got in a fight that led to their divorce, having been dishonest not only with each other, but with ourselves. Finally, integrity was the order of the day, I could not longer, live with one man, and be in love with another, having thought that, distance, or not seeing him, would take away, what was going on, but it didn't and my son, could feel it, at a gut level, being much, more in tune with what was really going on at a quantum level.
I love, I believe it is Emmanuel Kant, in his very simple philosophy, that a man or woman, should never do anything, that they would not want the whole of society to do. At least a thousand times in my life, generally on little things, like, running out of a bathroom, without washing my hands, due to time crunch, or whatever, I always think, of my food handlers, or shaking hands with someone, or passing germs, and think, that, while I trust myself, and I am generally, pretty healthy, I have no idea about the other person . . . so, I will, turn and wash my hands. My cousin was an ER doc, and he told me that in medical school, he had to drink he own urine, because our bodies are filtrating machines and purify our bodily fluids, and the professor wanted the new docs to be aware that they are not to be alarmed by bodily functions. So, sometimes, in the past, when in a hurry, and I want to rush, out of a bathroom, thinking I don't have the time, gross as it is, I think, of Kant's thoughts, and go wash my hands, battling between what I learned from my cousin, and what I would want to majority of people to do, that I come in contact with. It is kind of close to, do unto others as you would have done to you! or the Golden Rule, not the newer versions, he who has the gold rules . . . that is what got me, fighting for my identity, family, history, and law practice!
Honesty is Not Just a Religious Issue
I love the New Testament, book of Romans, when the apostle Paul, reprimands, new members of the church or Christians, and he says, there are many, people who live without the law, or the word, who are much better people than, those in the church! There are plenty of people, who are just simply living the best lives they can, and that includes, being honest, regardless of ever being raised up and trained in any particular religion, or being Christian, who have adopted, just the rules and laws of good living, learning from experience or the experience of others, or from school, or basic goodness, and they basically, use morals, values, and smart choices to dictate the course in life, that they take, being fair, good, honest, love their families, without anything to cover, protect, or hide anything, behind religion, that so many times people do, and they live like the philosopher king as I call them, suing the basics of a value based life. I know, as a constitutional law attorney, I have bottom line, principles, concepts and tenants, that guide my practice of law, always having roots, in rights, freedoms, liberties, balance of powers, defined duties and responsibilities, and protections, making the government and the governed, held in check by agreed upon, guiding lights, found in the document, governing our country . . . and, I have said this before, that I believe, that, the Preamble of the Constitution, being rooted in Greek and Roman philosophies, and Judeao-Christian principles, is merely God's gospel in law!
I love the Indian analogy, of the good dog and the bad dog, sitting on one side of their shoulders, much like the angel or the devil, sitting on a Christian's shoulder, where someone asked the Indian, if he is a good or a bad dog, and he said, that depends on which dog his feeds! And so it is, if we feed the good dog, listen to the angel, we are likely to make decisions that are better than the feeding the bad dog, or the demons we have, addictions, deadly sins and so forth. There are many ways to encourage ourselves to be more honest. We are where we are! If you have not been honest, start being honest today! Start where you are. You can't go back, and rewrite history, you buck up, take responsibility for past wrongs, and go forward, from this point on, trying to do what is right, and as I have mentioned, being honest is not always easy, but, it is always the best policy!
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