Trump's Bluster . . . Mormon Agenda
A week or so ago, I wrote about the fact that two Mormon attorneys, wrote the Bush Administration, waterboarding policy, and low and behold, not a week later, presidential candidate, Donald Trump, brings up waterboarding, and hell, yeah, he believes in waterboarding, and in true Trump fashion, he says he is going to use it against terrorists, because it works. Really, I don't remember the name of the alleged Al Qaeda terrorist being held by the CIA, or in Guantanamo detention center in Cuba, but he was allegedly one of the masterminds of the world trade bombing on 9/11, but he was waterboarded, fucking 183 times, and as far as I know, he never divulged information, leading to catching Osama Bin Laden, as proof, taking Osama down, never happened during the reign on terror of the Bush Administration . . . so if torture, was so successful, then why in the fuck, didn't Bush, who had 7 years to get the man, after 9/11, get him, or beat intelligence information or organizational information out of detainees? As I recall, the movie, and I can't remember the name of the movie that dramatized the capture of Bin Laden, and it seems to me, that the two women, attributed with the mental acumen to put together the Al Qaeda structure, and as I recall, these women, were horrified at the tactics, used by their male CIA counterparts, who were shown, waterboarding, using sleep deprivation, torture, and, how successful, are agents beating the shit out of men, who are promised 70 virgins and would strap a bomb on themselves? People beaten, will tell the abuser, in power over them anything they want to hear, to stop the torture, but that doesn't mean, they are giving the right information . . . what worked was women, listening to surveillance and taped interviews, and taking random ideas, thoughts and exposures, masking truth, and then, these bright women, put it all together! There was even some speculation, either at the end of the film, or the question raised, as to whether females made better CIA agents? Brains over brawn, seems to be the battle, and it was brains that won! Where are our FACT checkers? Is Trump right, or is he defending Mormon backers?
You see, most people, don't have the insiders, information, not only on the government, but on the Mormon Church, history, goals and missions, with worldwide, domination, as seen, in teaming with Britain, in the Monarch Project, allowing the British their monarchy, keeping the people entertained, while, America is going to take over the serious leadership, with the documentary, aired, in the UK, March 27, 2012, a PBS or BBC special, called, a Mormon President for the World, and that is evidence, and proof, of what the overall agenda is. The Bushes come in with the Patriot Act, and America serving the world policing role. Now the thing that pisses me off, about this whole Syrian thing, is that world powers are trying to form coalitions to handle ISIS or ISIL, willing to put their money, war powers, and even troops, in Syria to take ISIS out, with the exception of the BRITS! Prime Minister Cameron, has gone to Parliament, to get support for engaging Britain in the fight against ISIS, with more than lip service . . . Cameron was voted down, he tried again, last week, and I am not sure, what the vote was. I just say a Jaguar ad, with a like Google map over shot of England, and it showed, British flag looking colors, down all streets, leading to the center of the circle, and extending on all directions . . . reminding me, maybe even subconsciously, of the statement, all roads lead to Rome, back in the days of the Roman Empire . . . suggesting a future British Empire? coming back?
So, we have the British Kingdom, including Australia and Canada, and beyond, at least two times the size, land wise of America, and now, run it again, why, a country, England, that is right there, near the world crisis, and hot spot, over in Syria, and stands a much bigger threat, than America, for hell sake, being war torn and weary, due to other alleged, super power, world supervision, as in Afghanistan, literally the buffer, between Russia and China, and Europe, and Americans are doing the fighting, and not the Brits? What the fuck is up with that? I just don't think so. If I was president, I would refuse to sent troops on the ground, until Parliament, gets their shit together and puts their money and efforts, where the threats are . . . fuck, America is half a world away . . . you do it! For too long, the world, has let America blood, protect their soil, FUCK THAT . . . until the Brits have skin in the game, I don't think we out to engage more money, time and blood! I mean, really? Come on? Wise up America! So, this leads me, into the reason, I have the ability to see behind the scenes so to say, and track down real motives and who's agenda we are pushing!
Military Members Already Have ID--Wholesale Access . . . I Believe, Mormons Are Pushing REAL I.D., Because, They Have Had Trouble With Visas and Have Been Deterred From Getting Free Access to Mormon Missions and Goals!
Now, more and more countries, are kicking Mormon missionaries out of their countries, denying access and visas, as a means to stop the proselytizing, or missionary work, even from countries that have long given access. I would keep this in mind, as the draft was instituted, and young men, were by law, required to register for the draft by age 18, with missionaries for the Mormon church, having for a century and a half, gone on missions at age 19, all of the sudden, the brethren, lowered the age of missions, for you men, to 18 years of age . . . how convenient, to avoid the draft, like they have forever! All these guys, get a free pass out of serving in the military, because, their religious freedoms and practices get in the way, blocking these men from serving their country, and that, my friends, is one of the problems, with Mormon infiltration, in agencies, like the FBI, CIA, the military ranks and files, is that, their allegiances, are to the Mormon Church, not the country! My parents, and extended family, are totally committed to the Mormon Church, but their patriotism, I question.
My extended family, did all in their powers to stop my daughters from serving their country! They hate me, as a constitutional law attorney, because, as my father and George W. Bush, his hero, said . . . who needs the Constitution! It is only the criminals who need constitutional protections. And we very much, saw, the Patriot Act, Bush and Cheney, do everything in their power, to get rid of all rights found in the document and the Bill of Rights, especially, establishing a religion, church based initiatives, but, taking away, free speech and freedom of the press, as best they could, locking up people who, even asked the dastardly duo, about Iraq war ending dates! As for addressing grievances, with the government, or freedom of association and assembly, that has all come back under, President Obama . . . and why am I seen as an enemy? I am a fucking constitutional law attorney . . . because, I am defending rights, these fuckers don't want! Mormons don't even have the basics down, and therefore, their Mormon teachings, like, when the prophet speaks, the debates over . . . extending that the government, the President, and cops . . . look at Chicago, and Ferguson--if a cop tells you to shit your pants, and you don't, he can gun you down!
I believe, having seen the REAL I.D. machines, in Utah, fucking almost 20 years ago, as I took a tour of the Division of Motor Vehicles, I was shown a REAL I.D. machine, long before that became law! Therefore, I would guess, that with worldwide exposure, and access, seeing CIA and FBI agents, with tons of Mormons, I believe, the great idea came up, to benefit Mormon missionaries, worldwide, using government, or established religion of one religious affiliation, to drive the rest of the country, who would scream if they knew the real reason or right to privacy would be violated, the government would have access to all our personal information, and states, would lose their sovereignty to the federal government, having driver's licences, under the 10th amendment, not a express power given to the feds by the states or the people, as is the structure, of who grants who responsibilities and duties, and it is the opposite of the way we have seen the feds ram and cram shit down, state's throats for too long! States have always been over the health, safety and welfare of the citizens in their states . . . Montana Legislature, went as far as to say, or take a vote, that they will not, install, the REAL I.D., in this state--that is why, along with others, I live in this state--they are protecting rights, privacy, and state's powers, but, they are being ordered to take this shit, and they don't want to, because there is not fucking reason for it!
All military members, don't use their civilian I.D. they are issued, special military I.D. I have seen, Homeland Security issued I.D. that gives, federal jurisdiction to agents and others, to travel as they will worldwide, so who in the fuck, is this new shit, benefiting? Get real, under the 1st amendment, Congress shall not establish a religion, nor prohibit the practice thereof . . . but, if, Mormons are pushing this REAL I.D. for access, but everyone who needs access, visas, already has it, then, who is it, we are worried about . . . and if it is found to be Mormon missionaries . . . then Congress has passed an UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT! Now, you are seeing why these fuckers want me out of the way . . . you don't know the devious acts of Mormons, I DO! And that is precisely, as is the case here, that I will expose their shit, because, I am sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and they are making me PAY for DOING MY JOB, AND BEING VALIANT TO MY OATH! They are the ones who should be punish, and made to pay, for all the shit, up to and including, attempted murder . . . I came, so close to not being able to get a motel room last night . . . surveillance on my phone, knowing my next move, after two, sure living arrangements, went up in smoke, and only the ones, these fuck enemies, approve, like a basement apartment with no DOOR . . . fuck no! easy death, few people knowing I am there, and blocking me or getting me in my sleep, putting me out of the Mo misery!
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