JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., Bad Ass Con Law Chick
20/20 Frenemies
So, there was this chick, named "V" Ly, again, so appropriate for representing Kay, that befriended people all over the place from Seattle to L.A. and she would be their BFF, until they got their trust, and then, she would steal their I.D., take their Social Security Card, their credit cards, and empty their bank accounts, going on a huge ass, spending spree, until she got everything she could possibly take from them . . . and so Kay, but so much worse, we are not just talking, credit cards and Social Security, were are talking, literally becoming me, with the help of that fag Brett, who is a serial killer, Budgy, his dog, the day after I wrote that about Brett and Mt. Sterling, his love/torture shack, on 23 acres, had the ugliest dog, symbolic of Kay, that looked like a dog sized rat, even with a rat like tail, that had been Brett's dog for years, until we finally put it to sleep, along with Danial's dog . . . that was Brett's gay friend, the one he was allegedly suppose to stay with, when Kay and Brett arranged a sleep over, for him and Kay, under the guise of a girl's weekend for Kay and I . . . ha, ha! But, I saw a Budgy double, and about died, in the back of a truck.
Today, I kept seeing this maroon, small truck, like Brett drove before he stole my money, and started riding in limos, with the new, Ms. JoAnn or Joann Secrist-Stewart or Stuart, depending on the situation! I never, ever, thought there could be two dogs in the world, like Budgy, but that fits, symbolically, as all things do, Bud was one of the terms I used for the doubles, Bud Light, then Bug, because, Kay hooked up with me, again, allegedly with fiance, Bruce Bugby, kind of close to Budgy, and Kay, got her eyes on Brett, and was pouting and jealous, vocalizing that, right off the bat, and she asked me how well, I knew Brett, before I married him, indicating a former connection, or that they knew each other and she was letting Brett, know for sure, she was jealous, which is exactly what Brett wanted, me to be jealous, which I was not, I just considered the source, both from Brett's side and Kay's, once cheaters, always cheaters!
"V" Ly or Kay Lie Vs. Taylor Nuness or Elliot Taylor's Mother, JoAnn . . . You Messed With the Wrong Girl, Bitch! LOL!
It is interesting, in the story, the main, young woman, who actually, did look a lot, like I did in high school and college, with full, blonde hair, didn't have the eye brows, but, the same, gullible, vulnerable, innocence, with good qualities, that make great prey for predators, like the gang of psychopaths, made up of sisters, family, former lovers and husbands, and friends, going back to 7th grade, used, good qualities, to lure in, attract, draw in, and trust the vultures of the Den of Lyons! But, "V" wearing the sexy midriffs, the cut off shorty short jeans, baseball cap and the same, god awful duck lip pout, Kay has, and used so readily on Brett, who licked it up, like the dumb ass, half man he is! LOL! That factor in and of itself, drew blood and my ire, from, these two cartoon clowns, reminding me of every lame ass portrayal of the vixens, like, what was her name, Veronica Rabbit, using her feminine wiles to bait and catch her man! However, Veronica, had think blonde hair, and was womanly curvy, unlike the boy-like figure of Kay, a 10 year old boy, no ass, no curves, with boobs!
But, in the story, of true crime, Taylor, had moved in with "V" Ly, and of course, the liar, had no renter history, so Taylor, trusting her, put her name on the lease. Pretty soon, the pretty little liar, a serial I.D. thief, duck face, so we know who we are talking about, stole Taylor's Social Security Card, her credit cards, debit card, and took out, $13,000 of her life savings, and stole a shit load of her clothes, and especially, Taylor was pissed about her $200 red, hair straightener! And, of course, after ripping, Taylor off, leaving her without any money, rent due, and nothing to pay it with, "V" was off, and gone dancing and hooking up with more victims, some, friends, she even was their brides maid or maid of honor before, stealing everything the young friend had. Leaving all of them, feeling, violated and betrayed!
Taylor was so devastated and overwhelmed by the situation "V" Ly, left her in, that she took to social media, giving me the idea, to put, Kay's picture on my blog, working like hell to get access to my own blog, she had stolen, along with sister, Shelley, NSA and other Mo foes, working to steal, the huge ass numbers, and my blog, wanting it for money, and for propaganda use, for the CIA and FBI, and other fucked up, agencies, that just could not figure out, what I was screaming about! DUMB MO FUCKS! Like I have always contended, either the two law enforcement agencies, in charge of financial crimes, were part of the solution or THE PROBLEM . . . were these hags your bosses, your profilers, your MONEY MAKERS? But, Taylor hits the media and the social networks, and two new friends of "V" Ly's, in Los Angeles, recognize the lying bitch, and call the cops, who contact the cops in Seattle, and, V, spends her birthday in JAIL, where she belongs!
Even Older Sister and Husband, Are Not Safe From the Bitch . . . She Took $10,000 in Cash Out of Her Sister's Safe! Then Left!
This chick was Vietnamese, but born in this country, never saw the violence, but her bigger sister did. And when her hard working parents could not handle, V, sister and her husband took her, in as their own. The sister and her husband were hard working and saved for a house. They never dreamed that this sister, they took in, would rob them blind of all their savings! But, like all sociopaths and psychopaths, she did, and those who loved them, and many people do, and I am sure, they all love little Kay, Shelley, Rachel and Sue, because, they are the team players, the sharing girls, yeah, because, they didn't earn anything, and are expecting to rob me, of my life and awards, degrees, and they are dependent on the men, with access to my money, the power, and they are helping to fuck me over, and that makes all these jilted spies, feel better, going after Me, with all their abuse of power, all their corruption, and they dig, putting inferior women, who can't do anything themselves, or they would have done it, and so these semiotic relationships, work, beautifully, and to fuck me, get their hands, on Elliot's money, band, Chris's music and electronic hip hop and rap, and my life's work, including my own children, so much cooler, than the lyon cubs, that they are willing to literally abandon their own young, if not murder them . . . I would not put it past them! The sister, the responsible, hard working sister, just sat their in shock, still puzzled and not believing her little sister would do this to her . . . which is the exact vulnerable qualities, that make them prey to these fuckers!
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