The Master Plan
Like I have always said, people cannot, do anything, but they reveal themselves, symbolically, and this true crime, episode is no exception. Go figure, the king-pin, main player in the mini-mafia of three, main players, is an attorney, named, Alan Masters, thus the play on his name, the master plan, and it was. But, for, one honest cop, the whole, county wide, circle of corruption, may have gone undetected, unnoticed and unreported to authorities, higher up in the cop food chain, going to the FBI, who were actually, investigating, organized crime in the greater, Chicago area, with these, tangential, mini-mobsters, operating, in concert with the larger, gangster organization, that spread its operations from Chicago, to Las Vegas. The opening scene, and I am not sure what the officer's name was, shows, two uniformed officers, sheriffs, who are called in on the disappearance of a prominent attorney's wife. Spouses, are always, the first suspects in any death, of one or the other spouse, as just, good old, plain, smart, police work, and generally, they are the killer. But, as the two beat cops, are interviewing the attorney, who claims his wife, or his suspected his wife of having an affair, and having run off with her lover, as a possible explanation, for his wife's disappearance, and as the officers, get ready to proceed with questioning the husband, for possible foul play, and taking a look around the house, their lieutenant, rushes in, on the scene, and tells them the interview is over . . . the other two cops, look at him, and say, no we have just started. He gives them a stern look, like I am the boss here, and you are done!
The two deputy sheriffs, are not buying this sudden and abrupt demand that they leave the house, before, even taking a look around. So, they start to do their job, following policy, and again the boss cop, tells them, they are to leave the house. Again, they insist they do their job, which, once again, is trumped by the supervising cop, who pushes them out of the attorney's house, into the yard, with these other two cops, refusing to leave, while their lieutenant, takes them off the case, to which the cops, get even more pissed, as they are rushed off the property, but, resisting, every step of the way, turning to get it on, with their boss. Finally, a city cop, who, my gut reaction, is also, in on the dirty cop corruption, suddenly shows up, and separates the two cops, breaking up the confrontation, saying it is not worth it. I am reading between the lines, the attorney, watching that these younger, still, not corrupt cops, are not going along with this bull shit, and so the attorney, calls, another cop, to intervene, until the cops, get back to the precinct, so the Lt. can take care of them, and take them officially off the case, which appears to have happened, but not without them, bringing the suspicions to the attention of the FBI field office in Chicago, who find, that, these three clowns, the attorney and the two top dirty cops, are connected into their mob investigation, and doing some of the work, to further the prostitution and gambling establishments, used as fronts for the mob!
Attorney, Alan Master's, Is a Key, To Unraveling the Master Plan!
I found in my law cases, there seemed to be, one key piece of evidence, that would break the whole case open, giving me, the prime piece of evidence, that allows me to win the rest of the case. When these officers, refused to just, let, this supervisor, bully them off the case, going above his head, to a law enforcement agency, who, can have supervisory, powers over the local cops, if need be, they, in fact, not only helped, solve the disappearance and murder, of their local case, but, gave information, that led to the point players in the larger, mob organization, that the FBI, was in fact, looking into, and the two investigations, dovetailed with each other, as the FBI, set up, a sting op, business, with no ordinary employees, as a front business, for the mob, seeking to put charges for prostitution, on credit cards, of their patrons to the back room, prostitution activities, under the guise of topless and bottomless dancing, that was allowed, enabling, the men, to go from watching to much more. But, through this front, business, run by the FBI, to launder, credit cards, through, legitimate businesses, so that charges to prostitutes didn't show up on home billing statements, alarming their wives, if found, one of the attorneys, recommended by the mob, as an attorney, who can get business done, with cops to protect the illegal activities, and also with judges on the mini-mob payroll, who could always get the mob, through this attorney, favorable rulings on their challenged issues, he was and had become the go to man for the mob!
As the FBI, wire tapped, the attorney's phones, tracking his activities, they were able to go deep into the police departments, and find out who his, go to men, were, inside the police departments, and, come to find out, that as the city council suspected, the chief of police, and forced him to stand aside, it was really, his second in charge, his lieutenant, remember, Nicolas Cage, in the movie, the Bad Lieutenant, but, his power, influence, and tentacles, were far more powerful and long reaching than his bosses. So, with the good intentions of the city council, they had gone from the frying pan, into the fire, so to say, getting rid of a moderately corrupt cop, going straight to the actual power behind the chief, finding, even expanded, protection for the mob, in this new guy. But, as the FBI, got down and dirty, they found, that, attorney, Alan Masters, was the boss, followed by his made men, two cops, one being over the other one, and they were the triumvirate, who was running the Willow Spring, Illinois crime syndicate, connecting right into the Chicago, crime families. Anyway, I have to run catch a bus, so, you could, by just doing your job, the way it is suppose to be done, break open a major criminal enterprise, consisting of tons of people . . . I look at the number of people, organizations, it took to pull of the scam in my case, even masking my whole life, and it is, holy shit, these people know me! But $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks, and it didn't matter, who respected, or how revered the law enforcement or legal entity was, they were all game, and had to be, to pull this shit off . . . but, there was a presidential position at stake and billions of dollars!
The goal of the mob, is always, first and foremost to make money! People say, if the cops, the mob, or others wanted you dead, you would be dead! If you were making a cool, mill a day, would you kill the golden goose? While I have had hits, and do have hits, out on me, I think, the money, is still the prime protection I have, and that is why an assassin, has not just blown my head off . . . but, given the fact that I blame the government, the ones who should be investigating this stuff, they don't want to be blamed if I should get capped!
Washington County/St. George Mortgage Fraud--mini-mob
- Brian Adamson--Justice Law Firm, asset protection, asset hiding, laundering mortgage titles through first the Law Firm, then the Justice Law Firm, also, just trashed me, last week, as giving up my Utah state bar license, due to severe mental issues? Really, I went to the 10th Circuit and U.S. Supreme Court, 4 certificates of Good Standing from the Utah Supreme Court, who supervise attorneys
- insider in the courts, Judge John Walton--he was in my class at BYU law school, knows me!
- was the Judge who allowed, Adamson to take a second shot at my house, at 3770 Sugar Leo Rd., St. George or Bloomington, Utah--won at U.S. federal district court--Adamson had been the attorney, representing, Christian Hickey, former husband of Rachel Southwick Hickey-Moosman, Kennedy?
- allowed my house to be raided by Washington County Constable and sheriffs to take everything, the day before I was to argue in Denver, $357 million securities, representing local financial planner, Henry S. Brock, of Brock and Associates, LLC
- allowed the raid, allegedly under a $33,000 judgement, that I had never heard of, and was not a defendant
- the case, even at a district court level, was nowhere close to being decided!
- Christian Hickey--the straw man, who handled the short sales of the mortgages . . . I believe, that the reason, Judge Walton, allowed the taking of the house, was not only to stop me, or try to stop me from going to Denver, in my case against the state of Utah, with the attorney general and the governor where named defendants, but because, in the Bloomington mortgage scheme, was because Chris had taken out, probably a million loan, from each bank in the St. George area, and had the house, used as multiple collateral, that could go as high as 10 to 20 banks with loans of a million dollars from each bank, not aware of the bank loans from other banks, based on the value of the home--built for about $900,000, valued at 1.4 million, before the Hickeys even moved in the home, so a half a million in market value, right off the bat!
- Bishop Sandberg, was one of the insiders, in the Bloomington, Utah, Mormon ward, I believe was the 52nd ward? But, there were many people in the ward, who were helped, during the economic downturn, to get their mortgages, reduced, but in an illegal manner
- FBI agent, Seth Foote, I would be suspicious, of Seth, whom, I visited, on at least one occasion with Rachel, and he came to one of my court appearances, plus, I also, wrote up a total description of what I could tell was the St. George mortgage fraud group, and how they did it . . . including buying off, someone in the Washington County recorders office, because, I could easily see, the ward members, selling their homes to friends, on paper, then renting from them, staying in their homes, but through the title holders, who were really Chris Hickey, who was the loaning agent, I believe, all going through, the property, that I was then living in, at 3770 Sugar Leo, Chris's old house, now in my possession through a law suit . . . but, as far as I could tell, Seth Foote, never asked me any questions, about my outline, what I had seen, and who was involved, although I did write it out for him, but, he shortly after that, showed up at one of my court appearances? I believe he would be key, and involved somehow
- Shelley Southwick Anderson Yemen ?, Shelley, my sister, was right in the middle of the whole house taking, mortgage modification, and eventually, got, access to my e-filing account, that I used to file my briefs in the U.S. federal district court of the district of Utah, where we had filed the original case, with Brian Adamson, Chris's attorney, who fucked up the case, ending in a default! But, Shelley, seemed to be, working with Judge John Walton, against me, and he was often seen with Brian Adamson, and I did a sting op on the court, and caught them, not filing my briefs, and Judge Walton, was holding secret hearings on the house case, and when I caught him, he along with other state entities, like Reed Richards, AG Mark Shurtleff, and the Governor, to take my house! Shelley showed up in court, as, allegedly an interested party, sat, with her hands, folded, and didn't even respond, to questions, I asked her, and she should have allegedly had an interest in, because her ass, was at risk of losing the house too . . . I think, originally, the goal was to just get me out, steal the furniture, and that I would close up shop, and give up . . . and how wrong they were! Lucky for me, and horrible for him, my client, Allan Rex Bess . . . not to be confused with Frank of Interpol, saved me, long enough to get me to the U.S. Supreme Court, before he was murdered! by Shelley and Frank!
- Iron County Sheriff Mark Gower . . . I don't have time to fill all this in, but these are people who knew what was going on, or should have
- Washington County Sheriff Mike Smith
- Newly elected Washington County Sheriff Pulsipher . . . over Constable Jean Dickson, at the time of the raid on my house . . . she knew damned well, I am JoAnn, and who Shelley was, I worked, Shelley let me, keep her ass, and her lazy ass children!
- Director of the Utah Sheriffs Association, Reed Richards, cost him the elections, in 2000, payback
- Mark Nash, boss at the Utah Prosecution Council
- Scott Garrett, Iron County Attorney
- Shawn Guzman, St. George City Prosecutor . . . BYU, small section torts, I was his TA
- Brock Belnap, Washington County Attorney, Brock knew me, also kept my Domestic Violence 101 manual, award winning
- Bill Walker, boss in the health division, Utah Attorney Generals Office, over bar discipline at the bar
Feds: U.S. assistant attorney, Paul Kohler, FBI agent, Seth Foote, Amy, court clerk, IT personnel at the Frank Moss Courthouse, Judges Ted Stewart, Tena Campbell, Clarke Waddoups
Mob family members: Richard and Helen Southwick, Edward and Althea Southwick, Shelley and Frank, Interpol--Jack, Tony, Michael, Rachel, Susan and Kevin Schmidt, Meg Southwick Nesbitt, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart and Kay Burningham, Alan Wolfson . . . bet he got a get out of free prison ticket, Misty and Dennis Cheeks, key, Tammy and ? Carter, the Braun family of Cedar City
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