Champions for Jesus! Multiply!
It has been several months since I have been to church, so I was very happy, to go to the old haunts, coming back, like Christmas's of the past, attending both, Freshlife Church and Hope City Church, formerly Crossfire Church. As much as I cruise around the western states, with rarely a day the same, let alone a week, it is always nice to see familiar faces, common places, and be greeted by people who, sort of know your life, and the bizarre reasons you are hear, today, gone tomorrow. Pastor Dennis, gave me some good advice and told me to go talk to the Kalispell City, Police Chief, let him, know you are in town, not to watch cops, or to criticize them, nor write about them . . . that is a life time ago. I went and talked to a chief of police in Hurricane, Utah, several years ago, because the cops kept, harassing her son, because the neighbors, thought, this, widow, didn't have good enough control over her kids. Rather than to help out, with the challenges, they expected this, now, single mother of 4 children, to do what it takes, both a father and mother to do, and expected the same level of supervision, as if she had a choice to work or not. At first the cops, a sergeant and a chief, were a bit bristly to me, tried to stand tough, get in my face, thinking I was, coming to sue them, or put them in the hot seat, or whatever, when I was just coming along for the ride, with a friend who had issues with the cops.
By the end of a three hour, come to Jesus meeting and understanding of the issues at hand, I was able to put them at ease, and actually alleviate, some of their fears, and up their knowledge level and skills, by distinguishing for them the difference between civil and criminal issues . . . in all cases, cops are not hammers, and people are not all nails! But, by the end of the discussion, we were all better friends, and able to be honest and deal with the issues, rather than attack the persons, in the room. It was very productive, and soon, I noticed cops all over the valley and county, dealing with people differently, and when the call was a civil issue, or all that needed to be done, was to just stand as a peace officer, restoring the peace, rather than a law enforcement officer, thinking you needed to arrest one party or the other in a dispute!
Jesus said, if someone has ought against you, or injured you in anyway, pull that person aside and talk to them, if that doesn't work, bring someone along as a witness, and if that doesn't work, then pull out the legal guns! Christ's approach, generally works with most people, and if not, you can always resort to man's ways, which, don't generally work as well! LOL! So, good advice from Pastor Dennis!
Freshlife Church, Aiming to Take Two Capitals: (1) Helena, Montana, and (2) Salt Lake City, Utah! Mo Ville! Oh, Yeah! LOL!
No one can accuse, Pastor Levi Lusko, of lacking vision and ambition, for the Church of Jesus Christ, or a community of God, a church without walls! Levi and his wife, 7 or so years ago, were passing through Salt Lake City, Utah, trying to decide where to start their ministry, and while in Salt Lake, Levi, got a feeling, that he should call his church, or rather, Christ's Church, as all churches are, and he felt that he should call the church, Freshlife Church . . . which is what drew me to the church, as a new comer to Kalispell, Montana, 3 years ago! As he and Jenny, came with one baby, and another one on the way, they started this church with 6 or so members, counting the baby in Jenny's tummy, I think?, but now there are campuses, in Whitefish, Missoula, Bozeman, or course Kalispell, and one other place, Butte? with several places that do not have full ministering branches and campuses, but interested people. Well, today, Levi started a series, of preaching that focuses on multiplying the ministry, teaching his sheep, helping people to understand the mission and ministry of the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and wanting to set up a church in Helena, which, was not as receptive as some of the other spots in Montana, but I was elated to see that the young, energetic pastor, wanted to take the gospel, through, Freshlife Church, to the center and headquarters of the Mormon Church, in Salt Lake City, Utah! LOL! I THINK IT IS GREAT!
It is interesting being raised in the Mormon Church and indoctrinated, brainwashed, and baptized in the Mormon way, and being told that, the gospel would roll forth from the mountains, as a rock, rolling down hill, gathering speed, as it rolls. As one of the only churches, claiming origins in America, claiming it to be an American church, and one of the fastest growing churches, or was, last I heard, a few years back, or cared to know, but, after finding, other non-denomination Christian churches, and digging the total focus on the Bible, and man's relationship with God, later, in the New Testament, and Jesus doing away with the old law of the Old Testament, being refreshed, so to say, that, it is grace, not works that would save, although the scriptures do qualify that with, faith without works is dead, keeping in mind, one has to take that step, of actually accepting Jesus Christ as your savior, acknowledging that Jesus died on the cross for us, and then believe that he raised, after being buried in the grave, and once again, after the resurrection, our bodies and spirits would once more be reunited, as per, Jesus Christ's death, dying for our sins, and making that reunion possible, saving our souls, the combination of our spirits and bodies. The gospel according to JoAnn, and considering the source, you may want to seek a second opinion! LOL!
FUN, FUN, FUN . . . the simplicity of the gospel, taking on the dogma, liturgy and traditions of the Mormon Church. Levi is and should be concerned, that 92% of the people in Utah, Mormons, are not Christians, and need saving . . . AMEN! LOL! Levi, you need to start with the basics of the 10 Commandments for a starter! LOL! Thou shalt not lie, steal, kill . . . just for a starter! I was thrilled to dump, all the shopping list or menu of things I had to do, to be saved in the Mormon Church, temple work, missionary work, genealogy, baptism for the dead . . . Jews are pissed about this one, visiting teaching, home teaching, relief society, priesthood, church callings, and on and on! I think, the closer, we can come to the 2 greatest commandments: (1) loving God; and (2) loving our fellow men, women and children . . . the more to my liking! All scriptures hang on these two, but sometimes the other scriptures, are needed to convince us, that God loved us first and sent his only begotten son, and therefore, we should love him, and in showing him, love, we should love our fellow beings, whom we can see, demonstrating to God, that, we know how to love, him, through loving his other children!
Montana Means Mountains . . . The Place of Rolling Forth the Gospel to All the Earth? Maybe?
It is funny to reflect, just how I got to Montana, and the fact that my church, up in Kalispell, might, go to those heathens in Utah and convert them to Christianity, the 10 Commandments, the Beatitudes, and other principle, like, a bishop is to be the husband of one wife, etc. I was having issues, in Utah, with a criminal and civil justice, or injustice courts, dealing with various Mormons, in all aspects of my law practice, and as things heated up, death threats were made real, and my life, was being stolen right from under my feet, in a state gang rape, not really looking for an alternative state, but, on a trip to federal court, early, 2012, I noticed that Montana was doing, a tourist or state campaign, in Utah . . . I noticed the billboard on I-15, going through Salt Lake City, of a pastoral scene, of three TeePees, out in a lush meadow of green, at dusk, with the mountains, famous blue skies of Montana, and light pink clouds, in the back ground and I remember, how restful that scene seemed to me. I had never, been to Montana, never thought of it, and never entertained the idea of even going there. But, over the course of that, few days I was, driving around Salt Lake, I almost hit a bus, with a wrap, again advertising Montana. As I went to get dinner at some restaurant, of all the cars in 200 or so in this parking lot, a car with Montana license plates, almost backed into me! I thought, God, is this a sign? It soon after, became, life saving . . . escaped with my life!
So, before all hell hit the fan, in Utah, I took a ZipTrip to Utah, and fell in love with Helena, the Capital, Houser Lake, Canyon Ferry, the downtown area, and hooked up with Senator Tester's office, as well as dropping into, then attorney general, Steve Bullock's office, prior to him being elected governor, to see if I could be of help, on the Citizens United case, now all history. But, once in the state, it was love at first sight . . . and the rest is history! I was whisked away, from Utah, like a rival lover, winning, my heart, mind, and spirit! So, it will be interesting, to see, exactly how, Freshlife Church, will be accepted by a generally Mormon population. Pastor Levi, mentioned, the Provo, Orem, areas, strongholds for Brigham Young University, hot spot for mission work, as well, as a recruiting ground for the FBI and CIA. Life, moves in mysterious ways, and maybe, just maybe, this exposure, to the simplicity, will ring true with younger Mo church members, college students, as, in politics, it is found that, the millennials as this generation is called, tech savvy, smart, connected to social media, and tons of information, they are not like their parent's generation, they, like a buffet of options, picking a choosing, what issues that will and will not support, rather than buying a political party, lock stalk and barrel, like previous generations did, and I can't help to think that, these new, much more liberal, yet, raised very religiously, kids, will not embrace this new approach, and see it as, freshlife, breathing new, fresh ideas, into a faith they already had, but, improving it, due to stripping out the excess, and hitting the basics of gospel living, that Christ calls easy . . . and it is!
Crystals, Rocks & Cool Stuff
So, How's That Working For You?
I am pretty consistent, I like the basics, not only when dealing with the Constitution, but when dealing with religion . . . the KISS, system, generally, works, keep it simple, stupid! At one time before the whole, legal system in Utah, decided to gangland style, take me out, say I didn't exist, and then erased me from the earth in their minds, where I never did exist, don't now, and never will, the Utah State Bar Association, wanted me to be a mentor to new, attorneys in the state of Utah, who had just passed the bar, and who were embarking on their legal careers, because, I went right to the basics, starting at the root, or what should be the root of any law, the Constitution, looking at, the plain language, intent and history of the document, taking it in context with the times, and the problems the founding fathers were having, leading to the system of government we have now. The bar attorneys, who made this request, said, so may lawyers, try to stretch the law, get out into the gray areas of the law, changing the original intent of the law, so much, that it no longer, can be recognized as having roots, in the Constitution. And as an attorney, knowing the only thing, I did take an oath to do, was to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, I am just as basic when it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ, in its simplicity and plainness, boiling down, to LOVE! when all is said and done! That is one of the reasons, I go to Hope City Church, Sunday, 1 PM, bottom of the Church behind the library, Central Christian Church . . . it is basic, gospel, and simple!
Pastor Dennis, has been teaching all year, that we can do it God's way, or we can do, our lives, our way . . . and his question is, how's doing it your way working? Many of us, could say, not too well, right now. As, I myself, can say. Two years ago, I felt strongly, that, after getting this blog going, I ought to us this blog, and the power of social media, to teach of Jesus Christ, his saving powers, and amazing life teachings and example, added to his ability to save us from our sins and the grave. Obviously, I didn't do what I felt, very inspired to do. I dedicated, several blogs to Jesus, or his teachings, or to what I learned in church, but, as for, following, purely what he wanted or put in my mind to do, I did not! And it is not working well for me . . . my way, or his way? We are all familiar with the story of Jonah and the whale, and how, Jonah was called by God to teach to the people of Nineveh, and he didn't want to, in fact, he took off, I guess thinking that the Lord, could not find him, and he, I believe, either went fishing, or the whale just came up on the shore, across the pond from Nineveh, where he was to preach, God's word, and after three days, the while took Jonah and spit him out, on the beaches, near Nineveh! Whether you believe in the literal translation of the Bible or not, is beside the point, we all have a calling in this world, we have a mission, whether political, familial, governmental, social, or religious, and I firmly believe, that God will take you to the place you are to serve, humanity! whether you like it or not!
We Are All Of the Body of Christ . . . And Just Like the Parts of a Human Body, Each Part Has Its Function, and Without it, the Body Doesn't Work as Intended, and So it is With the Body of Christ--This is HIS World!
Jesus is the reason for the season . . . Dennis taught from the New Testament book of Romans 12, this is my favorite book in the whole New Testament, due to the practical advise and good suggestions for living. My daughter, Greta, has been reading the Bible, as of late, and she said, there is a lot of good stuff in the Bible, a lot of good things to remember in raising your children . . . I thought, why do you think, you four children of mine, turned out so good?, but I didn't say anything. Children are much like men, when dealing with women, you have to make it seem like it was their idea, or they wound do it. Case in point: I have told my son, Chris, and new father of a two year old, wild ass, baby cowgirl, who is driving him crazy, to say the least, and he said, last time I talked, we need to have another baby for Y. Really? Trying not to be sarcastic, I felt like saying and did imply, that, I had told him that for two years, never have just one child! I think children need siblings, and parents need a little buddy to keep the one child busy, giving them a friend for life. I would always tell my kids, your friends will come and go, but your brothers and sisters will always be with you, or should be . . . I tend to be an exception, my family, ran me out on a rail and replaced me?
But, in a normal family, single children are hard to handle and make life harder for mom and dad, because they are the ones who have to entertain the kid, all the fucking time . . . too much work! LOL! Anyway, life is interesting, and I am sure, had I hounded my daughter about reading the scriptures, she would not read them, or may not, although she has in the past, rediscovering them on her own. Same with my son, when he sees that another baby is to his advantage, not disadvantage and part of making a better family, he will do it on his own.
But, the Book of Romans, is jam packed with great stuff, like that, just simple, thoughts, understandings and ideas, one of which is to change yourself, by renewing your mind! Romans 12: (1) present your body as a living sacrifice; (2) so reasonable service; (3) do not conform to this world, but be renewed by transforming your mind; (4) you have not lost your salvation because you have sinned--if you gave away your salvation, you would not be, reading this; (5) some say, God can't love me because I have sinned too much . . . no, this is a FREE gift; (6) he has dealt each one of us, a measure of faith . . . faith of a mustard seed can move mountains; (7) don't think more of yourself than you should; (8) deal with the problem at hand; (9) we are all of the body of Christ, but all members don't have the same function; (10) we all have different gifts . . . body doesn't work as well, if we all don't do our part; (11) some it is given to prophecy, other to minister, to teach--to extort others to give liberally and generously, and (12) let love be without hypocrisy, cling to what is good!
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