Nobody Stopped to Pray
If you don't deal with reality, reality will deal with you! As, I watch these true crime episodes, the reality of life, is, basically, you can't trust the people the very closest to you, your lover, your wife, your husband, your children, your children's spouses, your grandchildren, your neighbor, your co-worker, your friends, or really, nobody! I think, one of the reasons, I find myself, in the situation, I am in today, having, almost everything but my life, stolen, it is due to a continual refusal to acknowledge, to myself, first, nor to police, or to anyone, that the people you should trust the most, are actually, the very people, you should trust least! As sad as that sounds, it is better start from point A in your life, heading on the way, to Z it is much, safer, smarter, intelligence and to your benefit, to assume that everyone, will fuck you over, if given a chance . . . that tends to be the general nature of people now days, sad as that is. In years past, people trusted each other, by giving their handshake, the ones, closest to them, you could count on, to defend you with their life, feeling a duty, responsibility, maybe, not through love, but, simply, because, they believe, that this is just what family members do, like it or not. I guess, the one thing, that, comes to mind, that, is a terrible statement to make, it that, at least, I am not dead, which, was not the plan! There is no reprieve for holidays, birthdays, or times of sentimentality, of visiting, when you don't get to much . . . the psychopaths, sociopaths, murders, are, in fact, winning! And, don't for one second, believe that you can't be the victim, of the person, you love most in life, but who would, not for one second, if they had something to gain, from your demise, be it, money, property, insurance policies, inheritance, promotions, access to sex, trying to have, or retain, everything, if there is to be a break up . . . and the extent, people will go to, turning cold as ice, is, unbelievable shocking. Protect yourselves at all costs, you have to, because, the only hands you can trust is, the hands at the end of your own arms.
Case in point, my son's band, who you would think, would be safe, from the lecherous hands of family members, was not, nor was his attorney mother, nor his city planner father . . . we are an educated family, and should know, better, should have reacted sooner, and failed to take, protective measures, once, abnormalities, were discovered, thinking, that ones discovered, in their lies, identity theft, and tons of other, actual crimes, would stop . . . is totally wrong, these people are made of different stuff than you and I, and that, has been a mistake, thinking a predator, will change their spots, is a huge ass mistake! The only thing, that will stop these people, psychopaths, psychopathic liars, sociopaths, murderers, is to catch them, and make them pay, it is only, when, they, themselves, are facing jail, prison, being fired, losing something that is of value to them, is when they will change! There is nothing you can do . . . morals, preaching, threatening, doing anything short of absolutely nailing their asses, will work. They seem to be beyond, help, even to stop themselves, being, so driven by greed, pleasure, ego, the target of money, even, liking to kill, they will continue to do whatever it is, they are into, they seem to refuse to stop, on their own!
God's Revolver, in the band's second CD, but first, CD, in a three deal record deal with SONY, they wrote a song, called, if I can remember, Nobody Stopped to Pray, which, if I can recall, is about, a group of people drinking, who get into a horrific automobile accident, with bodies, thrown, all over the place, and the point, being made, is even as terrible as this is, nobody stopped to pray . . . appealing to these people's sense of religion, ethics, morals, duty, responsibility, values, just simply, falls on deaf ears. It is simply, liability, whether liability for money, for crime, for murder, that is going to put the squeeze on them, knowing that pain could be inflicted on them, might, just might work, but even the thought of jail or prison, doesn't do much, because, they think they are smarter than the cops, or they may be the cops, and believe that other cops will never arrest them, or take them to task, or put their feet to the fire, which is often the case, especially, if they are, as most psychopaths, charming, intelligent, even witty, cool, smooth, and seem to be the hot shit, around their work, cop shop, or is a handsome devil, or beautiful, little liar, but dirty as dirty . . . and when they murder, as in the Zodiak Serial Killer, that is playing in the background, the victims, trying to beg for their lives, or their loved ones, find, that these killers are not, like your run of the mill murderer, even, there is simply nothing you can do, to stop them from their crimes, not matter what those crimes are, as I have so, sorely found out!
Of course . . . the server, here at McD's, is down . . . I am writing about a song that is most likely, being played by the fake band, and they are out touring the world, while Elliot and his, REAL band, are just, picking up the pieces, of what was stolen from them before, after, licking their wounds, for the last, 10 fucking years the last time this happened . . . and it is LAW ENFORCEMENT, who is doing this shit! CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA . . . who in the hell, do your think, just turned off the INTERNET? or server! For, some, god-awful reason, these fucking cops, who have been so used to making money, off my son, his bands, and me, or even the rest of my children, who have done some very kick ass stuff, that could, easily have made money, on a ton of projects, making, say Greta, who has a master's degree in natural resource management, applied for a job, in Montecello, Utah, a few years ago, and as an, alleged, requirement for the job, she had to write, a rather lengthy and detailed plan for water in that area of the state . . . and my guess, is that she did such a brilliant job, that, those interviewing for the job, simply, kept her work, and claimed it as theirs . . . much like my 10 pronged test, dealing with family law and divorce law in Utah, in the Levin v. Levin divorce, case, with my client, showing me, the results, of the new law . . . only later, to have the FBI show up, for our all female super bowl party, with my client, found passing a travel flash, or flash drive, between her and the agent . . . stealing my stuff, taking credit for my work, and later, withdrawing her appeal, which is the representation and legal counseling as her attorney, that would connect me to the case and the new law, with her allegedly, going back to her previous attorneys, who were asking $30,000 for further, work, which Hope, allegedly could not afford, and later, claiming, as I had recommended, that she get a Colorado attorney, since, the issues, jurisdictionally, now, involved, three residents, of Colorado, not Utah!
The Dixie State College Printing Account
This is going way back, to about the end of 2008, beginning of 2009, in St. George, Utah, and I was just coming back from the first, murderous attack on my life, when I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, a professor of family law, had my own anger management company and was working for an online, educational groups, writing programs, when dealing with the elderly, so, after that first, 8 years, and coming back, and looking like, I was, not going to die, I started to get back on the computers at the Dixie State College, computer lab, and since I had previous to this time, given two free presentations for the college, they kind of gave me, like the keys to the college, and let me have free access to computers, lab, and teaching staff, one of whom, literally had to resurrect me from the tomb and was instrumental, at first at least to get me back on the computer radar screen, having been all but erased, other than I believe, one PDF file, but a crucial one, where I had written an article, on a holistic approach to domestic violence, including physicians, as part of the community, involved with victims, writing in an annual medical review, for the University of Utah, where my son, now attends. So, that was a step, and I was coming back alive, and not every one was happy with that rebirth, cops, Bush W., family members who had full range of use of my name, credentials and law practice, for almost 10 years . . . and who would guess, you dear family, would take such license, with, a dying women's life, but, a valuable one, and one with a shit load of prestige!
So, to have something printed, at the college, you would get an account, and periodically, put money on the account, so, for the most part, you could just do your work and print too. On this particular, day, I went to put money on my account, at the computer lab, and the lady, said, which account do you want to put the money on? I only have one account . . . and, she was a bossy type lady, and she got pissed, and said, no you have two accounts! I insisted, that I in fact, did not. But, this gave me a heads up, with Shelley, living at Rachel's house, now, that, she might be back to her old game of trying to be me, and, now, I was back, and figured, that she would not DARE . . . and that is a key term, she DARED, because of D.A.R.E. or that old school drug program, that I had essentially killed, back in 1997, when, I killed cop and prosecutor, slush fund, asset forfeiture. But, that was an underestimate on my part to, thinking that Shelley was working alone, but who would have GUESSED, what I know now, that this was a nationwide conspiracy to get rid of me, and bring in a hired, on the payroll, gal, who the feds and the government were going to now, get to not only take my place, but were going to actually make her me, and she had to OBEY THEM!
I told this grumpy old lady, with the two accounts, that I needed to know, a bit more about the other account, which she refused to do, but put my money where I wanted it, and she also made a strange statement, in all this confusion, that, I had to be, either a student or faculty, to have the other account; therefore, she was assuming, that since, I was allegedly enrolled, actually taking classes--WHAT--I have a law degree, what in the world would I be taking classes at this glorified high school for? I told her that, I, not being enrolled or faculty, but with me telling her the circumstances, under which I was allowed to do my work and get onto the computers at the college, that, I was NOT taking classes, nor should anyone else be taking classes . . . she just looked up from under her bifocals, and told me I would have to take that up with the college administration. So, I did!
Someone, Is Using Your Name, Social Security, and Birthday To Take Classes Here at the College . . . You Need to Make a Police Report!
Alarmed by this revelation, I marched across campus, to set the record straight, knowing that Shelley must be up to her old tricks, trying to be me, rather than the fucking bitch, loser, criminal she is, still is . . . nothing has changed, except, she ended up getting a shit load of money off my son's music, my cases, and this blog, giving her a ton of recognition, credibility and status, she had never known before in her life . . . remember that, new Charlie Brown, Peanuts movie, where he gets honored for Peppermint Patty's perfect score, and in the process, gets smarter, just being labeled, having gotten a perfect score, with Shelley, learning way quick, that being a lawyer, gives her a fucking shit load of prestige and privilege, especially as a former assistant attorney general, along with being a professor, and as is the case, when the bar association reactivated my law license, on inactive status, from 2000 to 2009, late in 2009, simply because, I had been general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, no lame ass jobs on this attorney's resume! Obviously, Shelley found it so worth keeping that she had battled for it, ever since, I came back, thinking, she is entitled to my accomplishments, more than I am! LOL! And that is shockingly TRUE! But, psychopaths, are known for taking credit for what is not theirs, and if she is working for the CIA, because of MY Name and CREDENTIALS, this is nothing she is going to give up EASILY, if she can do anything to stop me . . . and murder is not out of the question!
The girl working at the administration desk, was both shocked and alarmed to find out that, I was right, and sure enough, there was a Joann Secrsit, with the Social Security number, 000.00.2353 and I am going to share that, because, I would rather have ANYONE, but her, have access to MY SHIT! But, she was also, using my birth date too! The desk clerk very alarmed at what she saw, and knowing the colleges part in this fraud, told me, I had to go to the police department and file a police report against, may own sister! I had actually, seen, Shelley, with my SS# and my driver's license, and ID! back about the time, I left BRETT! in 2005 or 2006, having come to St. George, sometime, in about 2006 or 2007, as I recall, so the bitch is back, doing her shit, and this time at a college campus. I thought, she is just using my name, to get a scholarship, or something, but it pissed me, off, but not enough to get her in trouble with the law! I felt somewhat sorry for her, single mother, and all, so I never turned her IN! And that was a huge ass mistake, I think I told my mother, thinking she would warn Shelley, and the hag would take her name off my name, and get back to being herself, or it could have been Rachel, both fucking government whores, have used my name, and social and birth dates, over the years! As have other sisters, and other chicks, all, I believe to claim, that they are Elliot's mother, to cover for the BANDIT CDs and underground marketing of not only God's Revolver's music, but starting way back with Parallax and Blake Donner's death!
A Plug For Liberal Arts, as Per the Missoulian Yesterday
Okay, now I am a, well, I am kind of a hybrid, being the last student, at Weber State University, to be allowed to have a BS, bachelor's degree in science, as an English and Communications major and minor, which are liberal arts, degrees, as is music, which, my son, Elliot is getting. So, there you have it, the reason for the fuckin' bitch, biology major, sister, Shelley, or P.E. major, sister, Rachel, to brush up on both writing classes and communications classes, to be able to compete with me, or be me, since I was proficient and got awards in both, the English and the communications departments, as top student, in both, or shared with Mike Brimley, having the exact same degree, and competing with each other, or with both of us, being Outstanding English majors and Honored Humanities Students. And I want to mention the fact, that law school was fun for me, and I don't recall it ever being more than I could handle, nor flipping out, but just, cruising through it on auto pilot, never stressed, other than a week or two before taking the bar exam, that I had stopped studying for, two weeks early, thinking, I would throw up if I looked at my notes, opting for sex, to pull me through the exam to relax me, and it worked! LOL!
One semester, I had, and I don't know how it happened, other than, I never knew the 7 classes I was taking at law school, were all paper classes, and substantial papers at that, two of them between 30 and 40 pages, long, sending me into a tail spin, once I got the syllabus the first day! Due to the fact that I was an English major, I figured I could cut it, rather than to change my schedule. I kicked out the two longer papers, first, about 2 months early, with my professors wondering what the hell I was doing, and both being pissed, that as a law student, I would dare, not, fail to do their assignment, but jump up, the due date, two months, with one, thinking I was scamming him, calling, what he thought was a bluff, and making me do a class presentation on my paper, early, and I got a standing ovation . . . that communications minor, kicking in, and later, he was shocked, that the paper I turned in 2 months early, was not only a great paper, but it earned me a publication and award, for scholarly writing, getting printed in the BYU Law Journal! The other old, Paper Chase, type professor, prided himself, in making students, write and rewrite their class papers, over and over. However, he never handed back my paper, that I turned in two months early, with other students, writing up to 4 versions of their papers, and me, wondering what the hell he was doing. I told me, after the semester, that he wanted me to re-write the paper . . . what the fuck, NO! I reminded him that I turned the paper in 2 fucking months early, and I would take the grade, I would, on the rough draft, and he said, I can't help, it that your rough draft it better than most other student's final paper! I got a better than average grade, for the law school, grading curve.
That is what a liberal arts degree will do for you! And, find me one, science major, or scientist, who can make a cool million, in one blog! I get, roughly, a billion readers, per day, if not, somewhere nearer to 2 billion . . . and every time I write about, Elliot or God's Revolver, or any of his bands, my blog, easily, goes up 100 million hits per about 40 seconds! That is two, liberal arts, majors, at work, here, with the ability of making huge ass sums of cash, and with the biology majors, or the P.E. majors, taking classes to play catch up, to me, as Rachel did, at the University of Montana, or it appears that way . . . some lady at the Catholic Church, last year, asked me if I took, a communications class, and I told her no. She says, I swear it it you, and she even said she was an attorney . . . no, what in the hell would an attorney, be doing taking a lower degree, communications class, when, she, or I, have a communications minor? But, if I were a P.E. major or a biology major . . . and I was trying to pass myself off as an attorney, a trial attorney at that, I would need to brush up on communications classes and English classes . . . and even then, these fucking pukes, will NEVER catch me, NEVER! LOL! You cannot recreate the tons of fucking experience I have giving presentations, my first year out of law school, speaking to literally, hundreds a week! and writing, well, you see, how hard it is for me to write about anything, on God's green earth! LOL!
Crocodile Tears and Obnoxious Displays of Affection!
Now, there are few couples, and call me a cynic, who are still, as affectionate, especially, when people are visiting, hugging, kissing, and dancing together, not alone, in a bedroom, but in a kitchen, for the mother-in-law, to see, knowing full well, that after, 15 years of marriage, those hot flames of passion, where you can't keep your hands off each other, have long died to embers, of mutual, love and respect, but, showy, affection, NO! With each one of these, killers, who either murdered, a spouse, or a lover, one of the tale tale things, they will do, is act, like they have never gotten along better with this person, that they are so in love, maybe having fallen out of love, for a while, but, for sure, working hard on their relationship, with a new found commitment, and love . . . trouble, trouble, boiling bubble! Something is a miss, just like when a couple is first married, and they are not affectionate, something is up, or should be examined! But, never fail, there is generally, something being hidden, that is being masked, with this bull shit, newly found, attention and affection, that has not been present for years! And so it is, with all these murder cases, because, with plans of knocking someone off for insurance money, or to cover the fact that they, male or female, are having an affair on the side, and this is a side show, to fool, those closest to the loved pair of the marriage, only to be on display, while, the mother-in-law is present, can be seen through, in a New York second, and is as see through as a nightie on their whore!
I can't tell you in case after case, as if, these allegedly, loving spouses, read some, play book for murder, they put on a show, with everyone, stating, what a loving couple, so kind, and even some of the friends and visitors, state that they are jealous of the wife, being so doted on, and gushed over, and stating that, it is every woman's desire to be so, desired, making the beloved, wife and envy of the neighborhood or the friend circle, when in reality, there is seething sick acts of, lies, sex and video tapes, generally found, when the murder investigation starts! So, the lesson I would tell you to learn, is, if a couple, or your spouse, or lover, of either sex, starts to put on a air of increased love and attraction to you, you need to BEWARE, there is something UP! As is always the case, when one of the partners, ends up murdered, a few weeks later! As is the case, of the couple I watched on the first crime show, this morning. I am just going to give you, a down and dirty, rendition of the facts in each case to make my point . . . this first one, shocking cops and investigators alike! Simply amazing . . .
High School Sweethearts, Married for 11 Years . . . Murdered On Their Anniversary, To Make It Even Better!
Okay, so, this couple, who everyone, swears, were meant for each other, and happy, while having, the normal disputes, even living separate from each other, at times, had just reunited, and were going to dinner, for their 11th wedding anniversary. The opening scene, shows, hubby, with flowers in hand, walking in, the front room, to find his beautiful wife, in a pool of blood, beyond help, and he calls 911, and is so upset, that he can't even talk, sobbing, being out of control, with unconsoleable grief, head in hands, crying and being disoriented! That is, until he FIANCE, shows up on the scene, hugging and kissing him, not in a friend way, but open mouth, making out way, and the cops, are shocked, that this, alleged grieving man, is wrapped in the arms of another woman! What the fuck? So, this act, leads, investigators, to look closer at the husband, as they always should, being the number one suspects, either spouse, when someone ends up dead or murdered. The cops, also start to suspect the girlfriend, who also has motive to kill her rival, having keyed her, lovers, in her mind, former wife, on the verge of getting a divorce, when, in reality, he was telling the wife, there was nothing going on with this new chick, and in the same breath, leading the girlfriend on that the divorce was pending, at the same time that he had moved back in with his wife, of 11 years!
So, as the evidence starts to unfold, they find, the husband's dog, is not injured, like the wife's two dogs are, and with both of them, ending up dying in the incident too. But the murder weapon is found on the roof of the auto mechanic shop he worked at, and there were marks from the tire iron, on the dead wife's face, and there was not sign of a forced entry, and also, the alleged, stolen diamond earrings, that the husband claimed has been stolen, in this alleged, burglary turned homicide, were found at his own home! And, when his girlfriend, started questioning this man, the loving husband, he attacked her also, and almost killed her with his rage, that was at first, attributed to the stress of his first wife's death? LOL! So, by this time, the cops, could say of this mild mannered man, now, who choked even the new flame, that he did, in deed, have a temper, that as bad enough, to cause him to murder his wife!
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished . . . Husband Living a Double Life!
In this case, you have an older man, an attorney, who falls in love with a new assistant, who is working in his law firm. They are also members of the same church and both very involved in that community and their activities. The couple had two beautiful children, and seemed to be pretty happy; however, the mother was always worried, that the daughter, married this man, way older, being enamored by his law practice and all he could do with it, and she was sure, that at some point the daughter, might regret marrying a man so much older than herself. The wife, for all intents and purposes, was pretty happy, but her younger brother, was a mess, so this good Christian sister, invited him to come live with her and her husband. The couple was feeling like all way well, because the brother was hired to work in the law firm, and one day, some chick from an escort service, allegedly needed an attorney for some legal work and the brother and this chick, hooked up. Eventually, the chick moved in too, but there were problems right off the bat, because she was hooked on heroin, and she got younger brother hooked on it too, making him a raging lunatic, with a terrible temper. Eventually, the sister can't take it any longer, and kicked brother and girlfriend out of the house. A few days later, brother, who had been in the military and still had a rifle, came over and murdered his sister, in a brutal murder, while her husband, the attorney allegedly was working late at the law office.
And of course, as the investigation goes forward, the cops, come to find out, that the happy couple, is not as happy, as most people would say they were, and he was living a secret life, which is really where he met, the brother's girlfriend, who ran an escort service. The guy was going to strip clubs, paying prostitutes to come over to the law firm to service him there, and he was into porn. So, not quit the straight laced, Christian guy, everyone thought he was. And, in fact, he had paid the couple, to murder his wife. The girlfriend, was shocked, but went along with the murder conspiracy, because of the bad temper, the boyfriend had, and she recounted the planning sessions, to the cops, in exchange for getting off drug charges and getting a lighter sentence for being involved in the plotting of the killing. So, this sweet mother of two, was gunned down, very brutally, by the brother she helped, the girl friend she took in, and the alleged, loving husband . . . never, ever, ever trust anyone! Believe me, I have not had one member of my family, not turn on my, not a client, who got tons of free legal work, out of me, a cop, a judge, a private investigator, church members, etc. . . . you name it and I have been betrayed, by blood, and about everyone else!
Sometimes the Hottest Couples, Are The Worst Off!
In this case, you have a single mother with a young son, and she is working a great job, with the Department of Defense, and gets assigned from Washington, D.C., to go work in the Los Angeles office. She meets, a very handsome, self made man, a construction contractor with his own business, and he has many government contracts and is making great money also. So, the couple marries in Hawaii, after a whirl wind romance, and soon the very smart, young, successful couple, are going to have a baby, and they move into a great new home, and everyone, swears this couple is PERFECT for each other, as far as they know! The husband, becomes a great dad to her son, making him, just like his own. Or so it seems. Mysteriously, one day, the wife, ends up missing and nobody can find her. The husband is not a suspect, and seems genuinely distraught, and so the cops, start looking in other directions. Eventually, the wife's car is found, from the discovering of a young jogger, who just got a cop of the wife's picture, and a pic of her car, right almost a few streets, from where the husband is hanging up fliers of his wife and her car.
Nothing seems to be making sense, even after they find the wife, so the case goes cold. The husband, takes over care and willingly, so, of his stepson and their new baby. And for a very long time, nothing happens, then out of the blue, the sister, receives a letter, from an anonymous writer, that states that the wife, had not just been a secretary at the Department of Defense, but she had been a CIA agent, and this case, needed to be closed, or that, there was some confidential information, that should not come out. About, 10 years later, the son of the woman, came to the cops, and reported that as an 8 year old, he remembered a horribly fight, just weeks before, his mother ended up dead. This new information, made the cops take a different look at the husband, they had not suspected, really at all, given all the work he did to find his wife, and that he had been the one hanging the flier, that led to finding his wife's car and body. So, again, as the cops, looked more and more into the case, the more they figured that the husband did it, with new DNA, and whatever.
But, with a 10 year old case, they needed the son, to come testify against the man, who not only married his mother, but treated him like a son, all these years, and so, it was feared that the son would ditch out of court, and not testify against his mother's alleged killer. This very handsome, young man, now 18, came as the prosecutors were afraid he would not, took the witness stand, and told this man, whom he called father, that he loved him, but, in a very unemotional testimony, went on to tell the court of the temper, the abuse, and the fact that his mother was going to get a divorce, that would have left the man, financially devastated with the new home, his life, a new baby, and whatever, and that in a rage, he took the mother by the throat and choked her to death, put her body in the car, and claimed, that the day, that his wife disappeared, she left the 8 year old at home, in charge of the baby, and so the father, not being able to get a hold of his wife, came rushing home, failing to find his wife anywhere, which was not normal, but, his stories had changed, every time they talked to them. But, the son, acknowledged the love and appreciation for the man, he called a father, and then, just told the story of what happened to his mother, all those years ago.
People Change When Money Enters the Picture, Or A Lover, Or When One of the Parties Life is Going to Take a Down Turn, Losing the Spouse!
In addition to being, the attorney, for the Brock/Rice securities case, I was also, general counsel for the financial firm, and I remember going to meetings and Hank, and other financial planners, often talking about the difficulties of dealing with family members, once there was a death, and what was ordinarily a very loving family, with loving siblings, once, a parent or both parents, if they had not planned their estate well, ended up in family feuds, leaving bitter feelings and sometimes, family members, not talking for literally, 25 years, over some inheritance issue, in dispute; therefore, it was a wealth managers, job, not only to invest money for his or her clients, but to encourage people, parents, to not leave one stone not turned over, and all potential problems addressed, so that future issues and problems could later be avoided, and family relationships, protected, and leaving the family intact!
I am convinced, that I was poisoned, in 2000, because, the state cops, didn't want me to be the next attorney general or Congresswoman, but, at about that same time, my son's band was rising and money, would have come pouring in, from this alternative money, from underground music avenues, in the grunge, world, and along with that, attention brought to the family, of a successful rock star, with questions maybe being raised, as to what happened to his attorney mother, with all this going on. So, there was a special operation, that involved, the cops, the government, family members, and a very greedy family at that, not only jealous of my career, but also of the successful rock star son, whom, they would no have approved of, connected to that lifestyle, and the music scene. So, you had a sister, who had been promised, by the government to be me, and now, they needed a son, to take the place of Elliot, in his music, after killing lead singer for the band, Blake Donner . . . money, money, money, and these guys were kickin' it big time and putting out CD after CD, and so the plan was hatched, that was suppose to be easy to control! But was not!
As part of this elaborate but allegedly simple plan, were the other siblings, Greta, Nicole, both in the military at the time I was poisoned, and then Chris, a very involved, older brother of Elliot, and well familiar with the band, and it's number one fan, that was also, going to be a problem.
Neutralize Mother Politically, Go After Father's Career, and Target Son's Music . . . The Conspiracy, Patterns and Plans
- Secrist family power on the horizon . . . can't control mother attorney, dad, successful city planner, two daughters in the military, and another son, thrown in the mix, needing to be controlled . . . I believe, now, to be connected to this Mormon/British, Patriot Act, Monarch Project!
- Mitt was to be the president for the world, a Mormon president
- the world would be under the British crown, as much of the world had been, when it was an empire, and basically ruled the world
- Europe is not, religious per se, so they would not object to being under a Mormon president, if, they in fact, had the crown represented, and the Monarchy
- under the Patriot Act, America was to be the world policing agent, much as was the case in Iraq and Afghanistan, and with the U.S. going in to problem areas all over the planet
- I had already shown my true colors as a constitutional law attorney, with two daughters in the military, mounting achievements, a rock star son, and a very brilliant mathmatician, at that stage, both young, but with what appeared to be the perfect political family, and with a huge ass name recognition, and trouble for the government, as previously seen . . . neutralize her!
- solution: (1) poison brain; (2) attack that area of life, that makes it very hard to overcome, that nobody wants, if it doesn't work; (3) limit and stop, any further, possibilities of elected office; (4) reassign life, going back to birth, to sister Shelley, a government snitch, only one year older, and familiar with sister, her boys, life, and who had worked with the government, and wanted to be a cop!; (5) force her onto medications, that were weight gaining agents, to destroy, and neutralize, men, in her life, making it less likely that anyone would come to her rescue or want to marry her! or help in anyway . . .
- infiltrate family, with Company men, suing the FBI dating service, go into the lives of daughters, who might also be a threat, neutralize them, through, marriage, children, and limiting their money making abilities, keeping them in the home, barefoot and pregnant, until the control, manipulation, and entanglements, were such that the daughters were reliant on their husbands, so stuck they could not get out! And when the boys came of age, control who they were with, again, COMPANY chicks, with Chris already into a relationship, with a child, Katerina Jeleva I, needed to be replaced with Kat II, a CIA agent, with a plan, to get Chris out of the home, by accusing him of sexually molesting Kat's young boy, due to an experience Chris had as a child with a neighbor, thus neutralizing Chris, putting bogus charges, only to be dropped, without merit, the day before trial, but effectively, getting him out of the home, long enough, three months, so new Kat could, bond with Donny, breaking the intense bond between Chris and Kat I, and Donny, weaving the new Kat in, and distancing Chris, later getting rid of Donny, because he was not Kat II's, child, with her now pregnant, never trying at all to get with Donny, because, he was not her flesh and blood! Plus she is older than Chris, making it harder to have another baby.
- I believe, at first, Elliot's band, was a sideline, but as time went on, and the band got better and better, and with me and later his father, getting him fired, on a job, because of someone he supervised, two years earlier who pissed off the new mayor? Or, because he was not, a party man, Mormon, and he might try to help Elliot, with mom out of the picture!
- with the rising fame of God's Revolver . . . hard rock band of the year, 2008, and mother getting back into the law, plans changed again, with Elliot, being the target and goal!
- I strongly believe, that Rachel, Elliot's girlfriend, as God's Revolver took off, was CIA, and was to control him, and as the music was produced, she was to stop any concerts, that might take place, as she and Dallas, would have secret pow wows, at my house in Bloomington, as I started to get my law practice going again, and Rachel could always, come up with a birthday party or occasion for something, stopping me exposing Elliot's band, with Zion's Harley Davidson, after hearing the CD, just took out a blank check, and was wiling to pay any price, within reason, for their hog rally, in the summer of 2010, when my law cases were taking off
- Dallas, and my father, were also the ones, who interfered and stopped, God's Revolver's nationwide tour and also three worldwide music magazine interviews, dead on spot, back in 2008! when the band was hottest!
- son-in-law, George, was involved in marketing and promoting the music to the Arab countries, pretending to be working as a government contractor, but in reality, being on the pay roll of the Southwick, CIA, take the music and use it to fund, the Monarch Project! Substituting Isaac, in for Elliot, but, using Ryan Chambers, as the red head in the group, and setting me up with Shelley, being me, as an attorney, as soon as they could pull it off, going after my clients, bribing, stealing cases, houses and cars, in a second, near death experience, again, putting dog face, Shelley is as me, as was planned originally, back in 2000, but failed when I came back, and started to lecture and got reactivated in the law!
- God's Revolver CD record with SONY, was stolen before it had a title, but it is every bit as awesome as the first, Little Black Horse CD! $$$$$$$$ funding, fame, and elitism for the Mormons, during Mitt's run for president!
- Dallas started showing his true colors, as a cop, right off the bat, and I remember meeting him for the first time, back in 2000, when he and Greta came to Jerry Owen's house, whom is also in this whole mix and the one, who originally, starts the exchange with the band, members, changing Elliot for Isaac, having gotten their start up in Midway and Heber, and he claimed that Shelley was me, and I, Shelley, starting that bull shit, mess, adding a air of credibility to her claims. But, I remember, back when Dallas and Greta, first came from Georgia, and we were driving through Springdale, Utah, after going through Zion National Park, and just the way, he phrased this and in the context, it was put in, as if, Shelley and I were in come kind of competition to be ME! But, Dallas, and probably, I am assuming, playing to the surveillance bugs, said, I am putting my bets on Shell . . . as we were looking for gas, like masking this weird statement, in looking for gas! By this time, Shelley has been me for, what at least 7 years, and it sounded like, as I came back, more and more, that, there was to be a competition, because the government, had given Shelley, probably, made her an agent, and gave her the right to be me, that somehow in their, the Bush Patriot Act, boys minds, that I had to EARN, being ME AGAIN! Like how fucked up it that? LOL! Like they have the rights to my INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, as is the typical, Patriot Act, fucked up thinking, like Hitler, and other psychopaths, they get what they want, and I have to either protect MY PROPERTY FROM THE PREDATORS, or lose it . . . survival of the fittest, but, they are going to do everything in their power, to help her FUCKING WIN! kWhat a bunch of puking GOD DAMNED FUCKS! LOL . . . they did the same with Kay, Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Marcie, and the rest of the bitch squad of fucking leaches, riding on MY LIFE!
- patterns in the men: (1) both George and Dallas had been married before . . . I think, they may have been told to divorce, so they could match with my daughters! (2) both men didn't have children yet; (3) both men were 8 to 10 years older than my daughters, giving them, more experience, and the age factor, always to help with keeping their much younger wives under control; (4) both tried to use their children, against me, poisoning the waters . . . Dallas tried the most, because I was local, but, as I got reactivated in the law, he backed of a bit, knowing I would bit his fucking ugly head off! George seemed to be competing with me, and seemed jealous, anytime I was around, and this last time, after my house, cars, and law practice all basically disappeared, in a FUCKING GANG RAPE, leaving me, again, to dig out of a fucking hole, to gain back my credibility, that nobody planned on me getting so fast and in such style,with the envy of even my father! being so much the better decorator that Rachel, going from a beautiful home, with Rachel's shit, to being a castle, palace, mansion or museum, just too much for these fucks, who went to so much trouble to neutralize me, eating shit again, rising from the ashes, not only winning the home in a lawsuit, but having the nicest yard, the best decor, art collection, custom furnishings, and a fucking thriving law practice worth millions!
- Dallas was actually happy, and it was highly evident, when the cops raided my house, and took everything, allegedly with Shelley, saying, the cops though she was ME? why? allegedly, they took my furniture to pay for a $33,000 judgment against Shelley and Rachel, that neither one of them told their ATTORNEY SISTER ABOUT? Those fuckers all knew who I was . . . this was to stop me from going to the 10th Circuit and later to the U.S. Supreme Court!
- another time, after trashing Elliot's band, stopping all interviews, in one night, with that loving bastard of a BAD grandpa, favoring ISAAC the psycho, over, his very talented, SMART, grandson, who worked for his music and I would kill both fucks if I could . . . what a putrid bunch of KILLERS! Good GOD, PRISON IS TOO GOOD, skinning ALIVE, might be too good, this is a fucking brother in law and grandfather? But, sometime after that, when I knew these fuckers had killed the tour and were stealing MY son's music, in another, fucked, statement revealing whom he favored, not his WIFE's family, but Shelley's, LIARS and mommy's little killers, just a pack of wolves, and a bunch of KILLERS, all of them,he said, well, almost in disgust and resign, that, "Well, he is your son . . . " and like you didn't know that, or cops could not stand the fact that, I not only kicked their asses, a ton of times, but they just could not believe, or stand that this amazing guitarist, was MY SON . . . and like all else I do to these SHIT FACED FUCKERS, it is cute if Shelley or Kay or Rachel, do what I do, or get credit, because they know damned well, they never did it! But, if I do it it is worthy of DEATH!
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