And Jesus said, if any place will not welcome you, leave that place and shake the the dust off your feet as a testimony against them . . . truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of Judgement, than for that town, and the people of that town. Much like the gesture and the common phrase, I wash my hands of it . . . shaking off the dust off the feet is a symbolic indication that one has done all that can be done in a situation and therefore, carries not further responsibility for it. Embedded within the symbolic gesture as the implication that God also was the dust shaking and would "judge his people accordingly!" Often seen in scripture, is the warrior, the super power, the classic, David and Goliath, struggle, with all odds against that side, but, aided by a just God, who hates injustice, things tend to find a way of working themselves out . . . young men, grow bold and strong, old men, weak and small, and only the small are cruel! Jesus taught, that, it is better for a person to put a milestone around their neck, and be drown in the depths of the sea, that to harm one of these little ones!
The young, very young men, in early God's Revolver days, were joyous and filled with hope, to have older, connected, envious, older men, not unlike Amadeaus, who sought to destroy, young, Mozart's music and career, knowing, he would never, ever, in his wildest dreams, be able to play, create, write, music, like the young protege' he watched from off stage, behind curtains, not so, unlike Brett Stuart/Stewart, trying to fit in, disguise himself, in a crowd, standing a head taller, and what 100 pounds heavier, scowl on his face, looking like Scratch himself, turning a walking away, knowing, the young musician, he heard, on a visit to his mother, he used, abused, cheated, stole, controlled, threatened, created a fake substitute, framed him for crimes of another, one who stood in Elliot's shoes, only to come slithering back, years after the worldwide tours ended, the light shows, the ticket sales of the frauds, to find, a band, rockin' and rolling, authentic and real, reaching down in heir young souls, making music like fools, not even realizing the beauty, brilliance, and amazing epic western that would take them, 10 years to grow into . . . but so they have, and, it is you, who will, DROWN YOUR FUCKING SORROWS, AND TAKE THAT LONG AND LONELY DRIVE TO HELL!
God's Revolver@ Crucial Fest 5
I have long, hoped for the day, that God's Revolver, would reunite, with that amazing, kick ass music, that the second, I heard, Elliot's new CD, and know believing my ears, stunned, shocked, and proud, thinking that little, band, of three teens, back in the early 90's, has evolved into this? A rival to the Doors, reminding writers of the thoughtful powerful, music, as man battles, with man, in his journey of life, struggling with salvation, justification, self examination, spiritual decline and incline, like the lyrics, that defined a generation, those of Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell, reminding the listener, of William Faulkner's, tale of a single light bulb, hanging over a table in a dusty bar, thinking it to be a clean . . . well lighted place.
As I stumbled upon, this new video, having every once in a while, generally when I am missing my son, as I am today, and will for Thanksgiving, marking, many passed, holidays and special days, being apart, due to many factors and people, with, criminal intent, hell bent on destroying me and mine, or profiting from our talents, stealing success, fame, acclaim, and riches, as we touch gold, this battle may be worth it, the timing right, the now men, with, I believe all the original band members the same, other than, Adam the drummer, but with a very familiar face, that of the drummer from Maraloka, and even earlier bands, perhaps, the silver lining, is that, as these gifted writers, musicians, vocalists, created, magic, so apparent to others, but so hidden from the band, it self, that perhaps, tragedy was avoided, lives protected, educations, gained, and wiser boys to men, can now, handle the success, that is so richly, earned, with no short cut to success, whether in the law, or in the music.
Almost 20 years have transpired, since Elliot, first asked me for a guitar, with the only condition, to never destroy someone's belief in God, in an ironic interpretation, of that charge, ending with, maybe, a subconscious, naming of this band, with many, spin off bands, even award shows, and many, capitalizing, on the name, of God's Revolver, not only as a tool, to even the score, the great equalizer, as guns are, but to also, turn the tables in injustice, not just for themselves, but as examples, of people who have been, cheated, robbed, assaulted, threatened, abused, in many ways, that there will be justice, and you can rise again!
One Sweet Thrill!

"You thought you could run, you thought you could hide, thought you could leave those skeletons behind!"

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