Psychologists, News and Political Pundits, Have Wondered Why, With the Advent of the First Black President, Race Issues, Seem to Have, Gotten Worse, or It Appears So?
By way of analogical comparison, let me tell you about, an incident that happened to me, when I was a first year law student, starting with the opening, greeting, a few days before school started. Now, I went to law school, starting in 1990, so it was not like today, when about 50% of the law school student bodies are female, when I went, I believe, back then, the make up of our class, of 1993, there was, only about 15% of the class, that was made up on women and minorities. Now, that was partly, I believe, because, it was a religious university, in a religion, that encouraged, mothers, wives, ladies, not to work outside the home, after you had children. Most of the females going to law school, were, in fact, single, but I believe there were about three of us, in my class, who were either married, or divorced with children, which would be another consideration by church officials, as a deterrent, from going to law school as a female. I was a good, 14 or so years older than the average law student at the time I attended BYU, and I had 4 children, so I was by no means, the typical female student, or even in general, typical in any way. I started law school, when I was 36 years old, graduated when I was 39, so, I was around, in the early 70's, with the women's movement started, and the Equal Rights Amendment, was being discussed and debated, on what effect women's rights might have on families. Utah still, last I heard, about three years ago, still only pays their females, 55 cents for every $1 a man makes for doing the same job! So, the state of Mormon, is behind, anyway . . . in Montana, I believe the pay ratio is somewhere around 78% of what a man makes, better, but still room to go, but that will give you some idea of the climate in Utah at the time, I went to the church's law school!
I just have to mention this, in my YouTube, recommendations, oh, no, it was looking up the news today, online, NBC, there was a title that caught my eye: Planned Parenthood, is not going to put a Mormon Label on their condoms! LOL! Earlier in this blog, I mentioned that one of the reasons, women get an abortion, is because, they, being religious, think they are never going to have sex, outside of marriage, like the Bible, and their religious teachers tell them, so they don't prepare for that handsome devil, who will tell them anything, to get in their pants, only to leave them, the second there is an inconvenient pregnancy or an unplanned one; the smart, either non-religious chicks, or Democrats who deal with reality better, take precautions, therefore, they avoid, the mistakes, and get on the pill or use some type of prevention, while the more religious, leave it up to what is going on, when the heat of passion, is juicing up the hormones, and revving up, both partners, engines, and in an act that is as natural, as anything, so easy animals do it without thinking, sometimes, we act like animals in the back seat of a car, or on the front room couch, even when our best intentions told us we would react, different than our bodies told us to respond! The reality is, we are all wired for SEX! like it or not! I just thought, I might add this little tidbit, in and let you know, I could not pull up the actual video or article so I hope I am guessing right, and I would like to know, what the label said . . . I was thinking, of the old BYU freshman, saying, stay moral, go oral? LOL! Side bar.
I thought the women's movement was fucking 20 years old, going from the time, I first got married, in the early 70's, having my first baby, Greta, by age, 20, right there at the end of 1975, now, I may look 35, but, I am 61 years old, so that should make sense and date me, all in the same paragraph, life fine wine, I've aged divine! LOL! I had not idea, that, all the way in the early, 1990's, twenty years after the fact, people didn't know, that there was discrimination against women, and I had already experienced it, the first time I came on campus, to the law school, meet the dean, meet and greet, on the patio of the law school, when I had not been there, 5 minutes, and some male law student, from the next class up, so a second year law student, said, to me, without an hello, and with a class that was even less, diversified than, ours, but he went on to say . . . do you think, women, should be here at law school, or, do you really think, they should not be here at all? Maybe, because I was older, he thought I was staff or something, but I didn't think that at the time, and I said, I had a 3.9 GPA, had been honored humanities student, outstanding English major, and published already, so, yeah, I had to sleep with the dean to get in! This guy, had like a 3.2 GPA, and barely got into law school, but he was now, top 10; therefore, I suppose he thought he had room to talk, but I said, so who do you think, they were scraping the bottom of the barrel to get in, you or me?
We ended up, making out, in one of the rooms in the law school basement, after a heated and passionate debate on affirmative action, and his thought, that I must have been a quota, or something, when they let me in to law school! LOL! So, when the Daily Universe college newspaper, reporter, came up to me with 180 other students, in the auditorium, and asked me if I thought women, were discriminated against, here at the law school, I told her of my very first experience as a female law student! I really didn't think, much of it, and spoke my mind, like I am known to do, without any idea of the explosion, my comments, that took up, two and a half, pages, on examples, facts, and statistics, about what my experience was, already, and why I thought that was. I left, law school that day, and went over to my kids, and forgot all about it, but, the ramifications, of my statements, reverberated throughout the law school, when the article came out in the paper, before I got to law school . . . my comments, literally, were like an atomic bomb had gone off! Male law students, were having screaming debates with the female students, there were 10 people lined up at my carrole, or desk, to argue with me, before I got there, and my best friend, who parked her ass next to me, was exhausted, fighting my battles for me! LOL!
Marshal Law at the Law School--Two Weeks of Fights, Debates, Sex-Baiting!
The law school, almost had to go into lock down, for two weeks, until, things settle down, and that took, two male students, getting expelled for copying off Mormon Church authorities, talks in Mormon conferences, about women, being at the cross roads, when their children came home from school, and coming home from the factories, and other places of employment, a talk by President Ezra Taft Benson, who had been a former, Secretary of Agriculture, a John Bircher, and staunch Republican, who said, no Mormon, could be a Democrat and a good member of the Mormon Church! I wasn't really anything back in the day, just a constitutional law attorney, spinning in the middle, in the compromise zone, between, the GOP, Dems, and Libertarians, and I only listened to 6 of the 12 general authorities in any given year, anyway! LOL! These Mormon boys, following the prophet, copied off his talk he gave, like 10 years earlier, used as fodder against female law students and faculty, one of which, was not a Mormon, and the other, had tons of trouble having kids, so she went to law school, and had her daughter, late in life.
The law school, administration, called me in the office, and ask me if I was okay, I guess that they thought, some guy might do something to me. One of the things, I mentioned in the article, was that, the guy, who approached me first, at the patio party, said he had 5 friends who applied to law school, and only 4 of them made it into school, and I had taken his place, by going to law school, instead of staying home making homemade bread and having 6 kids! FIGHT ON, BUDDY, however, we did make out all they way through this fight and beyond, while other students and faculty were fighting upstairs, we were making out in the basement of the law school! LOL! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I was about 10 years or more older than he was, but age is just a number, and that was not discussed, we were too busy, fighting or kissing! I came up, and my poor friend, who took the brunt of the battering from the law school guys, was pissed, when she saw, me surface, with a red and raw, face, because of the 5 o'clock, shadow, this dude had, scratched the shit out of my face . . . she, bet me I could not go a week without making out, with dude! I don't even remember law school! LOL! I focused on the pizza parties, dances, talent shows, and barely skimming my notes, and by the time I hit my third year, people were asking if I was still in law school? LOL!
Finally, with all the turmoil, the dean and administration, at the law school, had to call a special meeting, for all law students, and discuss, some of the issues, with the female law professors, telling students, who they felt about the lame ass, religious article, that, is really a matter of choice, as the next prophet, so inspired said and the prophet at that time, leaving those decisions up to the woman and her family, probably, because the original speech, created as much stir in the general church membership, as it had later, used for the purpose of trying to put, female law students in their alleged place! But, I had, stodgy old professors, that I didn't have until years later, tell my ex-husband, who used to just, planning law projects, as the lead city planner in Provo, that, after learning that, I was, connected to my ex-husband, he said, your ex-wife is right, there are women, who make top ten, who are bumped, because, she doesn't have to feed a family, so the guy, is going to get the spot, or women, made law review, and they were also bumped, and even one, law firm, came to the on campus recruiting day, and offered, female law students, jobs, as legal secretaries, so they could work their way into being attorneys!
The second you pass the bar exam, you are a fucking attorney, but this shit was still going on, and look at the uproar, over Hillary, again, breaking through a glass-ceiling for women, the discrimination, was blatant, but nobody wanted to talk about it, or admit it, until the article came out . . . and I must, say, if not totally fair, people were much more conscious, and got more tricky, in their discriminatory practices! I was interesting, though, how many, female law students, were angry at me for mentioning, what had happened to me, and they took the party line, and submitted an article in defense of the discrimination! No, they just said, it didn't happen to them, or they were jealous and wanted attention, which, I just blew off, as, being something, that happened, 20 fucking years ago, but realized at BYU, it had not, but it will change! Women, can be their own worst enemies! Think, progressively . . .
Just because, no one is admitting, or talking about discrimination, whether it is on race, religion, sex, or whatever, does not mean, all is well, or that it is not happening, or that it is not, to some extent, being blatantly the unspoken policy of this or that organization, and needs to be ratted out, to bring it to the surface, to be dealt with, as is the case, with the, suffering on both sides, with blacks, gunned down, and also, police officers, bringing the Black Lives Matter movement, to the national debate and attention, with the news, politicians, and others, either demonizing the movement, trying to blame the violence of these two loan shooters, as being connected to a movement that got its roots, in Ferguson, and Baltimore. Just tonight, there was a panel on CNN, or rather last week during the convention, with about three blacks, a few white chicks, and some dude from the Republican party, but all were young, except, the pastor, who spoke at the Trump, convention, I think, or so it seemed. But, Ferguson, came up, and the premise was put forth, that, Officer, Brian Wilson, was exonerated or acquitted of the charges, of murder, but, by the grand jury, with a rare, departure, of protocol for grand jury, investigations, that do not traditionally allow, defendants into testify on their own behalf, let alone attend the proceedings! Wilson, was allowed to speak in his own defense for fucking 4 hours, which is unheard of! I saw the whole thing, on two videos, the day it happened, and the two, videos, were not allowed into evidence, the girls who took the pictures were discredited by the prosecutor, as changing their testimonies, and the guy, who saw best, the friend of Michael Brown, also was discredited, because he had some criminal record!
There were so many lies, told, by the time, this all went down, I watched all day, August 9, 2014, or the day it happened, and I saw the news change, the police department, try to demonize the victim, just like in a rape case, or domestic violence case, or in my own case, going from, Officer Wilson, as the total aggressor, hitting, Brown, with his car door, which would piss anyone off, and with all the shootings, of blacks, reaching in the car to grab the gun, was, I would say, in self-defense, like Newt Gingrich, recently said, the black reality on the street, is not what the white reality is! So, what might look one way, to most, to a trained eye, like me, who had not only trained cops, and prosecutors, but, done criminal defense and civil rights, too, would read that whole thing, very differently, and when, the police department, takes, 9 fucking days to release the name of the officer, and any information, one has to wonder what is going on, and, as if this would change anything, Officer Wilson, didn't know, of the cigars, the roughing up the store owner, or any of that, it was simply, in my mind, a case of abuse of power, like when I tell you, boy, to get out of the street, you better move and if you don't . . . well, we saw what Brown, alleged, confrontation, over fucking crossing a street, where his grandmother lived, a residential street without cross walks, or any marking, just a lazy, sleepy street, so no reason, to push the kids around, or even say anything! Then for the prosecutor who had the father, a cop shot and killed by a black man, would not recuse himself, then, the grand jury, kangaroo court, letting Wilson, testify for hours, and so on, leaving, my two, black lovers and friends, whom I was seeing during the time, so depressed, saying it is not even like the civil rights movement ever happened!
If blacks continue to be gunned down, without cause, in fact, there is NO CAUSE, without due process and equal protection. Someone on the CNN panel, brought up Dylan Roof, who killed 9 people and he was heavily armed, and no cop gunned his ass down, why? Because, in this country, we give, everyone, the presumption of innocence, until proven guilty, and then they are entitled to all kinds of rights, appeals, etc. But, that makes the point, the mayor or governor, said, that, had it been a white, things would have gone down, very differently, and he was fucking telling the TRUTH! it would have, and as long as, there is a discrepancy in the application of the law, whether it be on the streets, or in our courts, or in the charging and prosecution, there will be issues, trouble, marches and protests, and even killings, vigilante, out of frustration, or as I believe, happened, these two military men, one with honors, as a Marine, did it, out of a SPIRIT OF JUSTICE!
The simple solution, is to have both sides, just follow the law, and that is, citizens, follow those laws, the state legislature passes, on street crossing, selling this or that, and in the case of the gun owner, being gunned down, that may have been just as simple as the cops, stereotyping the black man, and thinking that any black who carries a gun, or has a permit, it a thug! which is so far from the truth, and even the NRA, supported this man's right to carry a gun, fuck, that even sounds racist, defending, when if a white said he had a gun permit, there would be not questions asked, the officer, would have had him hand it out the window to check with the license and registration. Ordinary stuff, goes fucking crazy ass insane, but, I have to admit, when I first heard, the black guy, Alton, say that he had a gun permit, I had to sit back a second and think, because, I have a redneck stereotype of backwoods, people having gun permits, not blacks, in a residential neighborhood, but then, I thought, why not? He has a right! So, there should have been no big deal! But we all have our preconceived notions of this or that, what is normal and not . . . but here is where dialogue, can bring these issues to light, so we all can deal with our own issues and discriminatory thinking, before, it is an issue. How much better, had the officer, not caught on the spot, known that, 50% of the blacks in the city, carried guns with permits, just like whites. A stitch in nine, saves lives! Like someone says, your notions end up being death sentences for us!
- talk, listen, listen, listen, and don't tell blacks they should not feel this way or that, discounting, their feelings, because they are real to them, regardless of whether, other races, feel the same way, we are all having different experiences and our goal, is a more perfect union, domestic tranquility, common defense, and general welfare, for all citizens in America!
- we need to be open to suggestions, everyone, on the panel, was trying to defend the way they felt, and was saying listen to me, listen to me, and I am not going to listen to you . . . reasonable people agree, even if they are the same color and race, to disagree! We respect them, attack the issue, not the person, these are charged debates!
- the United States Constitution, is the common ground, we all have agreed upon, so, officer, need to provide all the rights, protections, privileges, due process, and equal protections the law provides and affords, all citizens. Citizens, need to, once trust is established, and that may take awhile, respect, police officers! I loved this, but, when, Dallas Police Chief, David Brown, black, told the protesters, to put their posters down, stop marching, and come in and apply for the now, 5 empty positions on the police force . . . in less than a week, there were 5,000 applications turned in . . . now that is AMERICA, we NEVER back down from tough times . . . when the going gets tough, the tough get going!
Signing off, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., attorney for the hopeful . . . we are this good, 9:32 PM, Mountain Time. By, Internet, host, tonight, the every welcoming, Break Espresso Cafe', Montana Culture Club!
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