Interesting Fun, Political Commentary of the RNC!
- The Daily Show with Trevor Noah--Donald Trump Accepts the GOP Nomination and Ted Cruz Gets Booed at the RNC
- The Late Show with Stephen Colbert--Donald Trump Accepts the Republican Nomination
- The Late Show with Stephen Colbert--Elizabeth Warren On Trump, "He Looked Like a Two Bit Dictator!"
Connecting the Dots, In Allegorical Stories
When my oldest daughter, Greta, was in the 5th grade, she won, the lead role or narrator, in the school play, even over the 6th graders. Her best friend, Kelly Vause, got sick, around the time of the presentation of the play, so, the school, got a substitute and put her in Kelly's place, who also, had a key role in the play. But, when Kelly got better, several days before, the play, the principle, rather than, giving her back, her old role in the play, decided, not to piss another parent off and he gave, Kelly, half of Greta's lines, to be more political. Now, I didn't know, that any of this was going on, but, I did no, that Greta, had the lead, longest and best role, and I was happy, since she was not, in the 6th grade, but, still a year, less than graduating, from Polk Elementary School . . . but, Greta, was called into the principle's office, a man, who was hired, specifically, because, he was tough, and could handle all the very involved parents, who were pushing, the old principle around, so no push over, for sure. But, all alone,without, calling, me, or her dad, she went in and stood up for herself, and said, It was not me, who got sick, not me, who, was given a role late, and I am not going to let you take one line of mine! I was so proud of her, when she came home and told me, that she had handled the situation on her own, and I could tell she was pissed that the principle, would DARE to take her lines, when, both girls were involved in the mess, over the other role! That is MY BABY! Like mother, like daughter . . . nobody is going to take ONE FUCKING LINE OF MY LIFE EITHER!
In this true crime homicide case, there was this, quiet, mousy, woman, whom I would, say, is more like a church or humble mouse, who, was single, a mother, with life, seemingly passing her by. She got a job, at a local grocery store, and one of the assistant managers, a womanizer, who was juggling, several women at a time, the same time, he was married with two children of his own. Like most predatory males, who prey on the vulnerable, who sense the insecurities of woman, whom they groom, and manipulate, using them for sex and to meet other needs, the manager, seeing this new employee of the market, he immediately, hones in on this woman, soon, they are missing work, sneaking out, to have sex, during lunch, to the point, that other employees, are getting mad, having to cover their asses in the store, but, neither one, seemed to notice, and it was common knowledge that this ladies man, known for his elicit affairs, of the past, were not surprised, but, still, while taking it in stride, just let it go! Eventually, the man's wife, getting sick and tired of being stood up for dinner, seeing the kids suffer, wanting their father home, some time, always, making excuses and getting pissed if she, questions, his motives and doesn't believe, his lies! The wife, eventually, confronts, the co-worker at work, with the husband, breaking up the fight, but with neither woman backing down, wife, threatening the girlfriend to stay away from her husband!
The man's birthday is coming up, and the grocery girl affair, again, one of several, woman, but doesn't know, only seeing his wife as the problem, thinking that, soon, this man, will eventually leave his wife, and she will have him to herself. For this man's birthday, after an afternoon, of hot, cheating sex, the woman, hands, this man, a small note, giving her body to him, to do whatever he wants to do with her! When, he learns, how, into the relationship was, and that she is willing to do anything for him, he tells the girlfriend, that what he wants for his birthday, is for her to kill his wife! No problem! So, this woman, sets out, to plan, the wife's murder, all by herself, going from this shy woman, to be empowered by her lover and his desire to have his wife dead, so he can have his way with any other woman, he wants, not just the lover, who knows nothing of the other women, involved. The vamp, goes to the store, rents, a blonde wig, and she gets a police woman's uniform, that looked very official, with handcuffs and everything. The vamp, rents a car, so as not to be seen in her vehicle and placed at the scene of the kidnapping and the crime.
The wife, has just been to the store, and she is taking groceries home, to her children, when the vamp, police woman, pulls up, and jumps out of the car, not even a police car, but, she confronts, the wife, orders her, without, the wife, questioning, into the car, after handcuffing the woman, who just went along with the authority figure. The wife is in the back seat, and finally, she sees the driver, taking her out, of town, onto dirt roads, and notices, that it is, not a cop, but it is her husband's new, girlfriend, and she starts screaming, trying to get out of the vehicle, but the vamp, soon, locks the wife in! Finally, a hostage of this wicked woman, the fake cop, pulls over, and takes an ax and hacks the wife, not to death, but enough to knock her out and so she drags her out of the backseat, on the ground, and proceeds to take out a knife and stab this woman, she hardly knew, over and over again, in a very brutal and personal murder, with the woman, acting, like, it was the wife, stepping into, her relationship with, her already husband, not the other way around, seeing the wife as the intruder, rather than the other way around. Then, that afternoon, the girlfriend, meets the victim's husband, for an afternoon, romp, at her house.
It doesn't take long for the cops, to learn of the girlfriend and they start to put, two and two together, and go over to her house, only to have her open the door, in a sexy, negligee' giving them the hint, that right in the middle of the afternoon, the husband, also must be there. The cops, call the husband's name, and he comes out in his boxers, both denying everything . . . but a search of her house, exposes, the receipts for the wig, uniform and car rental! When both of them are hauled in to police headquarters, and the man, shows his deep and abiding love for his vamp, by throwing her under the bus, claiming that he knew nothing of the murder, and she did it all on her own! Eventually, the truth comes out, that he asked her to kill his wife, and he was charged as a co-conspirator for the murder of this woman, the victim, of two, cheaters! The statement, that the FBI profiler, said, was, that often, when we meet true love, we are brought to our best selves; however, at other times, love can bring out a deadly mixture of people, bringing out the worst in both! That seemed to be the case, with these two!
Alpha Female--Plenty of Fish vs. Beta Females--My One and Only Chance! Big Differences! Men Who Want a Cat Fight! Their Egos, Might Not Handle, the Non-Committed Female, so They Side with the Committed Woman!
Faith and Politics, Desire to Have a "Police State" with Attorney Female, Not Playing Ball(s), Talented Sons, Money, Music, Hits Every Time, Driven by Power, Greed, Perks, and Pussy!
Two Presidential Elections, Wanting a World President, a New Order, With the Constitution, and Christianity, Standing in the Way! Bad Ass Con Law Chick Rival, Carrying World's Largest Market of Political Food Services . . . Of Course, You Are Going to Want, the Bata Chicks to Take Over, Role, Peace for Cops, Get their Way, Worldwide!
Your Money is for Nothing, and the Chicks for Free! We Want Your Money and Your Life!
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