Democrats Want to Be in Love with Their Candidate
Okay, in the 2008 and 2012, presidential elections, people were in love with the idea of voting in the first black, president, making history, and then, making sure the Republicans, got the idea, that this vote for President Obama, was not just because he was black, but because, they love him! dig him! and admire him! Last night, I was watching a video, on Michael Moore, a documentary film producer, who is quite liberal and has made many films, on Wall Street and other current affairs issues. And I was shocked, to hear him, boil, President Obama's legacy down to the fact that he is the first black president, end of story. Then he went on to give him this or that, and say that they, the Democrats, expected hope and great change, and in this they show their complete and utter, naivety, of the fact, that, President Obama, has to work within the political landscape he is given by the America people, dealing with the Republicans, who can't even agree within their own party, since, 2010, when a group of freshmen, women, members of the Tea Party, came and hijacked the Republican Party, doing nothing more than trying to undue what President Obama, and the Democrats, who controlled the Senate and the House at the time, did, like Obamacare, that was an attempt at universal healthcare, patterned after Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts! or the Dream Act, also, proposed by Senator Hatch of Utah, a Republican. So, with the advent of the Tea Party factor, in Congress, giving control of both houses to the Republicans, nothing has been accomplished of merit, other than 60 votes against Obamacare, and bitching and moaning about the Dream Act and naturalization laws, but with no law, to replace either, nor suggestions for what should be done, with Republican changes, oh, and they did shut down the government, not too many accomplishments.
It appeared to be that the main goal of the Tea Party was to stonewall, President Obama, first until his first term was over, and then when he got re-elected to their surprise, their plan, was to fucking, stonewall, everything, including a Supreme Court Justice, wanting to put the whole fucking government and nation on standby, until, they could manage to get a Republican president in office, and then, as a result of that, we got Trump, rising out the fear, hatred and disdain for the establishment! But, while Hillary has been around for awhile, that doesn't mean, you can't vote out of fucking, down right, respect for someone who has outlasted most political careers and due to the fact that she is the first woman, and men have feared her running, since the first second, she showed up at her husband's side, with, near, equal but different qualifications, status and jobs, including, standing by his side, as Arkansas attorney general, then governor, then America's first lady, later, senator, then secretary of state, and now a presidential candidate. Someone speculated, when, Michelle Obama is going to run? LOL! American power couples, and they tend to come in Democratic colors and sides, because, they have more progressive and modern ideas about women! So, for 25 years, men have been in fear of a Hillary presidency and run, and at least some women, have been jealous of her choices and career, not to mention doing a bang up job on Chelsea, who is now a mother of two herself!
Democrats and their surrogates, the Bernie fans, need to realize, that, while they are another generation, once they get to know Hillary, who is not some bright, shiny, new, nobody, rising up and taking over the limelight, she has been able to stem the tide of misogyny, women hating, attacks, and many don't realize that that fucking, Citizens United, was actually a film called, Hillary, and it was going to be used to trash her and put the fear of God into the Republicans or the Independents, so they would not vote for this force of nature, that men can't control, manipulate, and brainwash, being smarter, with better credentials than all of them put together, making the most qualified, candidate, by FAR, that we have ever had, male or female! I beg one Republican to give us someone who is fucking more qualified to do this JOB! The only one who I know, might actually come close, is Hillary's running mate, Senator Tim Kaine! You may not be in love with the two running mates, but if you look at the service, the time, the dedication, the devotion to all that is good about America, you can find, plenty to fall in love with! While, Bill Clinton, hopefully, first dude, was speaking, starting with a film on his presidency, and now his work, with his foundation, added to Hillary's work, starting way back, when she was fucking 18, now how many of you have substantive key jobs, at that age? not many! Hillary and Bill, have, been there, working, caring, loving on America, and the world, for fucking 25 years, NON-STOP!
Republicans Want to Rely on the Way they "Feel" Regardless of What the Facts Are! Do I Feel Safe, Do I Feel the Economy, Do I Feel Better Off than I did 8 Years Ago? Fox Opinion, Trump, Says I Should Not "Feel" anything but Shear Terror, that Crime is Rampant, that I Am Not Safe!
The tragic flaw in this idea of having to feel, the economy has improved, rather than reading the jobs report, or looking at the increase in building permits, or seeing our standing economically has moved from like 3 or 4 to #1, that we are no longer, reliant on gas and oil from Saudi Arabia, or Iraq, Iran, etc., we have developed our own oil to the point of capping off oil wells, and having a glut in our own country, that other energy sources have been developing, replacing, fossil fuels, with wind, solar, water, clean energy, and when Trump, says that we are living up to our promises to cut, air pollution and carbon emissions, other countries like China are not living up to their end of the deal! Well, who do we have control over? sure as shit not China, and they did sign an agreement, and if their leaders care at all about their reputation in the world, which most politicians do, they will do something about it . . . I saw a huge ass new, electric train, that is made so it can drive over the top of cars, like four lanes of traffic, just because they are not doing things our way, the American way, doesn't mean that you have to feel, that the scientists are wrong about, global warming and climate change! We are safer now, that we were 40 fucking years ago! Reagan, had, like 268 people or Americans, killed in Beruit, Lebanon! He allowed, like 300,000 or 3 million illegal aliens to have complete amnesty, not a path to citizenship, full blown citizenship! Kids were being kidnapped from their parents' yards, crime, drugs, cartels, etc. were running the streets! But, somehow, Mr. America, was able to bull shit the Republicans into thinking, or feeling that all was well in America! and with Obama, while all facts and statistics, suggest, something other than they FEEL, for some unknown reason, called Fox, people don't feel safe, nor that the economy has improved, and that we are going to be victims of a terror attack any second! The three most, persuasive elements are: (1) facts; (2) statistics; and (3) examples!
We have at our fingertips, free, knowledge, free understanding, free news, free political pundits, we can listen to both sides of the political spectrum, free, and at any fucking hour of the day! Don't you think, it is about time, we stopped, using our hearts, and started to use our minds? This is a prime example of why I was victimized, by Republicans, in Utah, Democrats in Montana, and the nation, they want to feel good, not hear the truth, whether it be on law enforcement or abortion, they want to be in love with the ME, they read and hear about, and that means, a Hollywood, fake version of me, a nicer version of me, a taller, bigger boobs, or someone who agrees with them politically . . . Sanders' sons and daughters, feel betrayed, when I tell them to get on with it, do their revolution, but support Hillary, or you will end up with Trump, who will not only NOT be progressive, but the last of the 50's men, who might be president, and who wants to take America back 50 years! I think, women, like me and Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, and others, we just want you to judge us on our ability to do the job, not just us, like Fox, letch, Roger Ailes, judging us on if he wants to fuck us or not, and the reality of real politics and power, is that most of the time, people are older, not as good looking, by the time they have the political clout and acumen, to do the job right! with the credentials, to match the job, making the candidate, for president and V.P., look, somewhat boring, around a long time, not as exciting, and cool, we just got lucky with President Obama, or Kennedy, or Clinton, with smart wives, to help, give them that competitive edge!
We loved President John F. Kennedy, loved Camelot, but, the old guard, the old guys, who waited in line, became V.P., or took jobs, to get them to president, not elected for their looks, remember the debate between Nixon and Kennedy? a 60 year old man, near a good looking what 43 year old? No contest, for cool, looks, beautiful young fresh wives, etc. And we see where that got him, and his very good looking brother! It was not at all that the young bucks could not do the job, nor if they were smart enough, there were other forces at play, that were pissed, who paid their dues, and worked their way up, as well as toes that were stepped on with this new found power and influence, and it did not bod well, and both young leaders, were not respected, nor, liked to some extent, there was professional jealousy, and that did them both in!
Work Horses and Show Horses . . . Have The Show Horse Give Speeches, But as for Doing the REAL WORK OF POLITICAL OFFICE, that is at times, INCREDIBLY BORING, stick to the WORK HORSES!
We see, a Sarah Palin, or Rachel, young, taller, bigger boobs, and we want to love this woman, we want her to be, Ms, America, that every man, can do his feats of courtly or police man love for, that old notion, of the mistress, the muse, the mob girlfriend, who is often, cherished more than the wife, old worn out, and having gone through the ringer, to get where she it, but, we all saw, Sarah, aka, Rachel, tank, dive, be mocked and made fun of, over and over, even by her own fucking party, she is not there at the elections, and she most hardily endorsed Trump, but, she is seen as an idiot now! So, if Hillary, Tim, who is 58, not sexy, says he is boring, but with credentials, and qualifications, that are only a bit less than his boss, or Madam President, if we are so lucky, if we can stop voting for the hair, like Rick Perry, who wanted to drop, three federal agencies, and could only name one, or Palin, who didn't even know, what newspapers she read, all, everyone, anything! Or Trump, who is going to consult himself or his kids, for God sake, and not one has, the slightest clue, how the government works . . . Eric Trump, who walked into the stage after daddy spoke, walked like a fucking duck, just like his Donald Duck father! He actually, called John Kasich and ask him if he was willing to be V.P., and he could do everything, domestic and foreign policy, seeing he was by far, the most qualified, prepared, experienced, but boring, candidate, and he asked, Eric, what his father was going to do? Make America Great Again . . . guess Trump is to be the new Reagan, and just give great speeches, or at least, ones that fire up the GOP base, and have no fucking connection with REALITY!
You have tons of videos, pundits, comedians and DNC or RNC news coverage!
Forget Having to LOVE, or FEEL this or that, and just vote for someone who can and will, DO THE DAMNED JOB AND GET IT RIGHT!
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