Fast and Loud; Sweet, Hot and Spicy!
I took a ride out to Bonner, and saw, three, Ace is the Helpful Place, trucks, Brett did not write this, the NSA Prism system, working with the FBI or CIA, cyber spies, did not do this, helpful interpretation of the 4th amendment, for the cops, to help and aid them, in getting back in touch with the U.S. Constitution: (1) cops, 4th amendment; (2) prosecutors, 4th amendment; and (3) judges, 6th amendment . . . that is why we give Miranda warnings to citizens! judicial teeth to 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights and protections . . . then as a catch all, the 14th amendment, dealing with minorities and "due process" and "equal protection" under the law! I just watched, Chris Matthews, a commentator, on the RNC, along with a few other people, but, one was, that stupid, lame bitch, Fox paid, bought and sold, to promote Republican propaganda, spewing forth shit, every time she opens her lame ass, mouth, that makes me wonder if this chick, ever even went to law school, let alone taking, constitutional law? There was allegedly a speaker, at the Republican convention, that, was BOOED off the stage, talking about the United States Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land! And that hag, cunt, said, that's right, we should boo him off, the stage, disgusting, unAmerican, a total lie, and completely a sell out, to Trump the fascist, to the fucking Patriot Act, and the evil geniuses, of which I speak in the title!
Their, Bush, Cheney, Mormon, CIA, cops, new order, is so full of shit, and without a track record! V.P., Joe Biden, just got done speaking and he land-blasted, that fucking, law and order, wanna be despot, tyrannical, liar, who doesn't know a damned thing about, the Constitution, the branches of government, nor running a country, in the FREE world, with a contract between the governed and the government, called the U.S. Constitution . . . Biden said, Trump is the MOST ill prepared, candidate we have ever had, run for office, for the highest office of the land . . . if Trump were hiring for the Apprentice, he would fire HIMSELF! Who would know the condition of the United States of America, the world, better than, someone in the administration . . . he said, Trump and his, 74 minutes of trashing America, is pure malarkey!
Oh, yeah, Lenny Kravitz, One Love, One God, One Planet, One People . . . DNC so much better with soul! JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., Attorney for Give Peace a Chance! Mountain Time, 8:00 PM, signing off from the Break Espresso Cafe', Higgins Ave, Missoula, Montana.
Their, Bush, Cheney, Mormon, CIA, cops, new order, is so full of shit, and without a track record! V.P., Joe Biden, just got done speaking and he land-blasted, that fucking, law and order, wanna be despot, tyrannical, liar, who doesn't know a damned thing about, the Constitution, the branches of government, nor running a country, in the FREE world, with a contract between the governed and the government, called the U.S. Constitution . . . Biden said, Trump is the MOST ill prepared, candidate we have ever had, run for office, for the highest office of the land . . . if Trump were hiring for the Apprentice, he would fire HIMSELF! Who would know the condition of the United States of America, the world, better than, someone in the administration . . . he said, Trump and his, 74 minutes of trashing America, is pure malarkey!
Oh, yeah, Lenny Kravitz, One Love, One God, One Planet, One People . . . DNC so much better with soul! JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., Attorney for Give Peace a Chance! Mountain Time, 8:00 PM, signing off from the Break Espresso Cafe', Higgins Ave, Missoula, Montana.
Yahoo! There is a Sit-In Outside the DNC, Leader Was Holding a Copy of the Recommended, U.S. Constitution and Fascinating Facts! He is demanding all the rights the founding fathers, intended us to have!
Anna, TYT, said the guy had a fucking Constitution in his pocket . . . Good luck if you ever, get arrested, you will be begging for your rights, that you just kissed off . . . BLAH, vote Trump, you piss ass Sanders alleged progressives! Fuck YOU!
Criminal Justice Reform Candidate vs. the Law and Order Candidate? Your Vote MATTERS!
This morning in the newspaper, Opinion section of the Missoulian, there was an article by I think, Rich Lowry, with the title, something like, Why Introduce Clinton, She Never Left? This reminds me of my son, Chris, who at age 17, when I was trying to talk to him and his brother, Elliot, while we were going to a movie, and Chris said, Mom, we know everything about you, and you know everything about us. I said, Oh, so tell me what you know about me? You were born in Bountiful and you are an attorney. Oh, so you know the sum total of my whole life? My sons were action figures, superheroes waiting to hatch, and they were not much for talking, so, I gave up, and never really pushed, getting to know them better, nor forcing them to know me better, and somehow, I just figured, it was an exercise in futility, my daughters, know almost everything, and my sons, absolutely nothing. So, it is not surprising, that, recently, in the last year, at the age of 34 years old, and now, 35, my son, Chris, is starting to wonder, who the fuck his mother was, is, and what she has been up to for 61 years, that has gotten her in so much trouble! LOL! Mom, where were you born? We are finally, making progress! A year later, Mom, where were you and dad married? Oh, end of discussion.
At this rate, I am going to be dead, before my sons, know a fucking thing about me, that is one of the reasons, I am writing this blog, so when I die, they might be interested in knowing who there mother was! LOL! I have a fucking amazing history, career, legacy, that is being attributed to someone else . . . I took the scripture, Do not your alms before men, and God will reward you openly. I am waiting God! LOL! I may not, have taking credit, to all the simply amazing things I have done, but, I, sure as hell, and not going to let, SOMEONE WHO DID NONE OF THEM, get CREDIT, SHIT . . . I look at this as good, better, best! Okay, so, according to scripture, it is best, for me, not to take credit, and to be rewarded, openly by God, himself, rather than to receive the hollow, and short lived, praise of man! But, when you sit back and watch, daily, weekly, hourly, yearly, all you have done for fucking 61 years, including, raising, wonderful children, who are themselves, turning around and raising, brilliant and beautiful grandchildren, and that also, is slipping out of you, history? FUCK NO!
The first night of the convention, there was one of the next generations of Kennedy's, who introduced, his law professor, Elizabeth Warren, and he looked a lot like my youngest, red-head son, who is a rock star, a musician, and just getting ready to graduate from the U of U, plays in several very rockin' bands, famous through mommy's blog on the Internet, who is also considering following in mom's footsteps and going to law school . . . and when, Joseph P. Kennedy, stood up, all the sudden, it dawned on me, why, James Kennedy, refused to look at my red head Jesus, as he is called, or has been, he cut his hair, and looks, remarkably similar to this Kennedy, only Elliot is better looking and more talented! LOL! Kennedy, would not listen to my son's music, nor look at the videos, which shocked the hell out of me, because he was constantly listening to music and I was sure that, James would like the music, about a cowboy, horse, and music telling an epic western, in music, that rocked, like we listened to back in the 60's and 70's, but with a bit edger, lyrics and a touch of modern screaming. James told me, that, all the 51 male Kennedy cousins, were all either, federal cops or bikers . . . he struck me as a federal cop who was also a biker! But, after seeing, Joseph Kennedy, I could see, the game, James meets me, in Butte, Montana, asks me to meet him in Durango, Colorado, I show up, two weeks later, after being poisoned, and no Kennedy, but there was a look alike, so, I might cut him some slake, but, did they tell, me to go there, do a no show, then, have Rachel, my alleged, sister, twin, NOT, she is fucking 7 years younger, has had three fucking honkin' boob jobs, fake teeth, and stands a good 3 to 4 inches taller than I am, all in the furtherance of stealing my life, my kids, my career, my law degree, and my blog!
The first sign I saw, today, out of the Poverello Center for the fucking HOMELESS, was, Scott's Lawn Service, Rachel's youngest, son, is named, Scott, and this has long been a sign for me, of Rachel, the boobie monster! So, since, Brett and Kay, don't have the genetic make-up to have a red-haired, blue eyed, son, because that team was put together for Isaac, to be Elliot's band surrogate, to steal the money and thunder, from the first CD, God's Revolver, Hard Rock Band of 2008 did, but with me writing on and posting on the Internet, pictures of my son, Elliot, so people could see how good looking his is, not to mention who fucking talented he is, now, they needed, someone, a couple who looks, like the genetic make up on me and Zeke or Richard Secrist, and that could easily be, Rachel and James Kennedy! In fact that could be James' son, introducing Elizabeth, right age, almost! Right after I wrote about, cops not compromising themselves, yesterday, because, once compromised, twice, to a hundred times used, never to be let free again! But, the first shirt, I saw, walking into dinner, was, Beartooth, Harvey Davidson! This shirt was loaded for bear, and gave me many messages! You figure it out, everything is symbolic, and God is giving you Intel to your life, second by second, you just are not seeing it! The cops are fucking lying and serving, the boobie trap, Rachel, trying to make everyone believe she is me, and that my sons, is why you need to KNOW YOUR MOTHER!
Young Turks, TYT Online News, Anchors, Dazed, Confused, and Shocked, at Learning Who Hillary Clinton is! These are All Bernie Supporters, Slamming Hillary, for Taking Corporate Donations, and Not Being "Progressive" Enough! LOL! She is Politically Smart, Knows It is All About Compromise! Congress Makes the Laws, Not the President . . . Bernie Far Left, Tea Party, Far Right, Can't REACH!
Former, President Bill Clinton, gave a great speech, humanizing Hillary, telling how they met, and showing a softer side of Hillary, but, first he started with when, they met at law school, proposing to her, and how focused she was, on working for children, defense, needs, services, and I think even working with refugees, and tons of work, she did free, helping, with tons of volunteer, legal services, so busy, that she blew off, Bill, several times, not only on dating, but on marriage proposals, the gal had things to do! Her life, certainly did not revolve around a male Yale law student, nor marrying one to take care of her! But, by the time she was 30, she had done more than most attorneys, will EVER do in their lives! Anna, the soul, female anchor, in a rare, moment of acknowledgement, if not admiration, and a bit of envy, said, Hillary was making her look and feel like a slacker! Women, like me and Hillary, have a problem with doing that . . . I had two solid pages of accomplishments, on a 7 page resume, after just two years at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and I applied to teach, at another college, since I was already teaching at two, in addition to full time work at the AG's office, but the guy, looked over my resume, and he said, why aren't you the governor? because Utah, would rather have an insurance or real estate, man, than a brilliant, attorney, professor! But, Cenk and some of the other men, on the panel of TYT, said they didn't believe that she could have done all of that, and they started to look at Hillary as a bit, more that a corporate, welfare candidate, and Wall Street Junkie, getting paid by the enemies of the Bernie set! LOL!
Conventions are important, you have two nights left, to get to know, one of your choices for president! Person after person, disabled, cops and firefighters, from 9/11, burn victims, dwarfs, with tons of operations, all said how Hillary, had their backs, held there hands, was well aware of operations they were having years, later, kept in contact with them, to see if all was going well, and how, she not only, as a New York Senator, walked around, the sites of Ground Zero, for political reasons, as Cenk, said, well, any politician would have done the photo shoot, so that was a given, but as one person after another, got up and said, how, Hillary, took compensation for the firefighters and cops, who were told that, the air was safe, to breathe, knocked door to door, and senator to senator, to get compensation for these key players, in New York, known as hometown heroes, and rightly so, some firefighter, actually got some 300 or more, office workers out, through the stairs of the Twin Towers, only to succum to the flames himself . . . but Hillary pushed that through . . . I'M WITH HER! During this same time, a representative, in the New York Legislature, said, that Donald J. Trump, was asking for some of the money, $150,000, when he suffered no lose, from a fund for mom and pop businesses who sustained damages from the wreckage! There in lies all the difference between the two candidates . . . one all about himself, as is symbolized by the TRUMP, over the American Flags, and Hillary, who has spent a lifetime of service to the American People!
Just to quail the Bernie Sander's fans, and rhetoric from the alleged, Progressives, who are stupidly going over to Trump, because there little feelers got hurt, at the DNC, so cut off your lame ass noses, to spite your faces, and vote for Trump and you will not recognize this country, four years from NOW! But, those who would tarnish, what was a I think, like 4 star rating by other world leaders, and countries, for Hillary's work as Secretary of State, going to 112 countries, I think, she said, maybe, 123 of the 193, but, whatever, four years of non-stop travel, is a blistering, travel schedule . . . shit, I worked 5 statewide jobs, and had to travel a bit myself, which, other attorneys, Mormons, refused to do, going any more than a day's drive, away and back home, family, church, duties, leaving the southern part of the state of Mormon, fucking lawless, a law unto their own, because attorneys and cops who were to train the fuckers, left it to me, so I had to sue the shit out of them, just to get their attention, that things in this country are NOT FUCKING DONE LIKE THIS! Anyway, comments, aside, shit, I remember doing a 10 day blitz of the state for one of my jobs, I believe when I was staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office, just doing my job . . . you cops ought to understand that one! but, I remember, how grueling that travel was, away from family, home, comfort, and I remember, waking up at home, when I got back and being totally disoriented, wondering where I fucking was? That was 10 days, within a state I am VERY familiar with, not 112 or 124 fucking countries, with different cultures, foods, customs, leaders and you have to fucking be on your game, 100% of the time . . .
Are You Getting a Vision of Who This Woman Was, Is and Will Be? Shit, What the Fuck! YOUTH!
United States Constitution, 4th Amendment, the One Most Critical Cops Understand!
Search, Arrest and Warrants
The rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against "unreasonable searches and seizures", shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon "probable cause", supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person to be seized.
- the "general" rule, is no searches and seizures, without warrants . . . based on probable cause.
- an "arrest" or "detainment" or "interrogation" is a seizure of a person!
- there are exceptions to this rule:
- plain view doctrine . . . if you see a crime in progress, or you see evidence of a crime, in a stop, like traffic stop, you can, question and with permission search, if you see drugs, paraphanelia, pipes, open containers, etc., you can take those things into evidence and arrest
- Terry stop and frisk . . . if there is "probable cause" to believe, that a crime has been committed or is about to be committed, like seeing a long gun or shot gun, under a trench coat, with the muzzle hanging out, you can without a warrant, based on probable cause, stop and frisk or pat down the suspect, you do know where cop a feel comes from, don't you . . . bodies are private, respect bodies, and be extremely careful with touching sexual body parts!
- Exigent circumstances or emerigencies . . . if there is fear, that, going to get a warrant, would result in evidence being destroyed or disappearing, then, under these circumstances, you can, search and seize without a warrant . . . let's say, you are getting a donut, and you notice some guy, acting very nervous and suspicious, who immediately gets up and runs in the bathroom, and he appears to be stoned or tweeked out, you can follow him into the bathroom, to make sure he is not flushing drugs down the toilet! before questioning!
- Detain, question, long enough for what is in question . . . once someone does not feel free to go, they are considered under arrest!
- I had a case, where, it was a Friday night, and a new rookie cops, was letting his buddy ride along with him, small town, no action, and all the sudden, one of them sees a girl, they had a crush on since high school, with a kid out of Nevada, but who's dad, lived local, so they decide to follow them to the local Dairy Freeze, and beyond, to harass. The cop, decides to impress is friend, and pulls this guy, with the crush over, because he is without, probable cause, wanting to harass and question the guy, on his "fucking bright orange, plain as day, license registration" sticker, on his license plate, that shows, JUNE, and it is August! Clearly fine . . . but, 3 fucking hours later, K-9 unit cops, an illegal search and seizure, accusing him of having drugs, in this truck, that he just purchased from his boss in Vegas, finding a baggie, stuffed up, where there used to be a radio, taking, legal guns, out of the truck, that were used for rabbit hunting and all kinds of shit, with the girl leaving, because, she could see, the bull shit, and what the cop and old buddy were doing to her new squeeze . . . of course, this case landed on my lap, civil rights, abuse nightmare! I had already sued the county for $56.7 million, they were just proving my case! No wonder, the cops, tried to kill me on several occasions! Lawless, alleged, law enforcement . . . you have walking lawsuits, if you don't follow this stuff!
- listing with particularity or specificity what is to be searched or seized:
- warrants can go stale . . . you only have as long as the warrant says you have, no longer, and only the place or places listed in the warrant, based on PC!
- the "scope" of the search, is limited, to what you list in the warrant, and your reach, only goes, as far as your arms, or the area around your control! if that item is listed! these are not "phishing" expeditions!
- don't cheap shot it, and get, rubber stamps of a judges' signature, from a prosecutor! you are asking for trouble, check, e-sig, laws
- your city and county prosecutors and attorneys, should be able to answer and train you further, and they may learn a thing or two themselves!
That Should Help You Get Through 95% of Your Stops, Questions, Arrests!
Look at a Civil Rights Attorney, as JAWS!
You are Immune from any lawsuits and responsibility, ONLY, if you followed, department policy, no matter how lame, and long held law, like federal, state, statutory and constitutional rights laws!
All Kinds of Violations of Defendants "Bill of Rights" Other Attorneys, Just Don't Know the Law! But They WILL NOW!
Kisses, Hugs, Loves, for Keeping Us Safe, within the Constitutional Constraints of the Law! The Supreme Law of the Land!
P.S., Missoula Gun and Antique Show!
Now, I can, train, the whole fucking country of cops, however, I am taking credit not only for my blog, genius as it is, but for my intellectual property, that God Intel, showed me through signs, had been compromised by the great liars, the fucks operating under the law and order candidate, Trump, the cops, who have their entourage, of bitches, they use to try to steal every fucking great ass thing I do, which is fucking everything, and this, in particular is worth a fucking MINT, another sign, I saw, on the way over, on a white van . . . so here is the symbolic signs, I saw, leaving McDonald's proud to serve, proud to protect, being licensed to SERVE:
- Genuine Miller Draft . . . Shelley's loser, son, Isaac, liar and chief, brown hair, shit eyes, ugly as fuck, retro gay, butt-fucked by Brett, Frank, and the Spartan boys, had sex with mommy, and pretended to be my cool son, guitar son, Elliot, red-headed, Jesus, but now with short hair, got a Miller Blue Ribbon Beef, Inc., chick prego, in Logan, years ago, dead beat, jail, nick, didn't pay a fucking dime and girlfriend, fuck, didn't want him involved with her daughter . . . this is Shelley's breed, jail, drugs, fakes, overdoses, etc., teen pregnancies, but what can you expect from a mother who had four kids from four different fathers, none of whom she was married to! And, on everything she does, she puts a Draft watermark, because as a non-attorney, faking to be ME, and extraordinary attorney, #2, now, self appointed #1 in the nation for civil rights defense, numbers matter, blogs count!, but, she is never sure, shit, I typed this out, only looking to make sure I had the 4th amendment, perfect, the rest is right off the top of this skull! NO, the bitch, wife of the Old Post, does not get to fucking be me, never, ever, forever! She gets her shit life, her mob life on deceit, insecurity, lies, murders, cover-ups! I was typing the first part of this blog at McD's, now I am Good Food Store! check surveillance cameras, left McD's, roughly 10:00 A.M., got on the #2 bus, 10:20 or so, now at Good Foods, 10:39, but I have been typing a minute or two and it took a few to get into the building from the SUPER WASH Laundry mat where I got dropped of at the bus shelter! The way these fucks, who have given up catching me, it looks like or at least for a day, just lie, oh, well, we have paid everyone in fucking Missoula to cover our lying asses, and you, JoAnn, make sooooooo much, money each day, we can afford to keep, bribing and silencing them!
- Hot . . . a Hilton Hotel, white and green van with the large, "H", is my sign for "hot", so Miller Draft is Hot, justifying the lies . . . lol, the Bride of Frankenstein must have gotten an new face and body make over! her last was, back when she was 37 or so, I think . . . haven't seen her in a while, OH, the cops think, I am Shelley, LOL! NO, I AM HOT, but, I am JOANN, the one who wrote this blog, sleeps on the streets, because, SHELLEY has my money! I have never had a face lift, Shelley has, never had botox, Shelley has, never had a boob job, Shelley has, never had fake teeth, Shelley does, never had my ass sucked, obviously, Shelley has, thighs too, but, fat has to go somewhere, so check, Shelley's Jabba the Hut NECK! LOL!
- Missoula Funeral and Crematory, no, the brain is on Broadway, I walked passed the sign, on the way to the bus sign, crossing Joe's Used Cars, now if that is not symbolic, I don't know what else is! Right as I was walking along, I saw a red, older Jeep Cherokee, my sign or me and God's sign for about 6 years, great escape . . . must have had some sting op, planned by cops, while I was helping a NATION OF COPS, know the law, and avoid, civil rights lawsuits . . . but, NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!
- CRYSTAL IMPORTS . . . Oh, yeah, Elliot, bass guitarist, vocalist, and guitarist, music promoter, and musical genius, along with his bro, Chris, and his electronic music, had a girlfriend, named, Crystal, one of my signs for Elliot, and it should be perfectly clear, about the Kennedy, Rachel, deal, from Butte to Durango, and back to Montana, masquerading as ME, so they can get to my sons, music, and daughters' military careers, husbands, wives, I have the fucking PERFECT political career background, kids and ALL! All imports are fucking cops, or cops kids, or cops bitches! All the top cops, saw me, 20 years ago, Legal Barbie, who kicked the living shit out of cops nationwide . . . love at first sight, until they tried to destroy me, so each took their shot at me, and when they were rejected by me, like Hillary, I have things to do, they inducted, sisters and former friends, into the cops HALLS OF SHAME, and tried to remake, BARBIE! They never counted on me being THIS SMART, but, I had a choice of love or destruction, I CHOSE FREEDOM, WHICH I GUESS MEANT MY DEMISE!
- Your day one (won) our experience . . . maybe feds on sting op, shit, there are TONS of new lovey dovy couples taking midnight strolls, around where my tramp camp is! or on the bus, FBI, let down your hair, have fun with you wife, month, ON MY FUCKING MONEY, TO CATCH ME! and pretend, I am one of the cop cunts! Sporting new beards, shorts, t-shirts, baseball caps, with their wives, ought to maybe take wedding rings off, I see new dads on the bus with three kids, babies, guys with two guys and one gal, all over the place, no as many female agents, like a relay line, 24/7 contact! I can see right through their stupid disguises, they are only fooling themselves and the unaffected, I KNOW!
Congratulations, Missoula, Made the List of 4th Best Run City! Good Job, Mayor Engen, City Council . . . but get some control of your COPS, and stop playing footsie and host to the fucking FBI, unless they really are going after the Russian mob! not covering for all the money laundered, by sis and fuckers, in Missoula . . . I don't mind the money, I am sure, FIGHTING HUNGER, to get to your heart strings, and cover their shit, but Shelley and Crew just need to Go! SAVE YOUR SOULS, FOR GET THE WHALES! LOL! JUSTICE FOR ALL, PRIVILEGE FOR NONE! I am much more generous than this bitch! My latest Intel, Shelley, naturally, grey by now, is usually brunette, as is Kay, or light brown, but, I get the signs, that Shelley has dyed her hair, blonde, which she has done before! Me, change NEVER! Blondes do have MORE fun! Oh, I am at Barnes and Nobel now. It is 2:45 Mountain Time.
- plain view doctrine . . . if you see a crime in progress, or you see evidence of a crime, in a stop, like traffic stop, you can, question and with permission search, if you see drugs, paraphanelia, pipes, open containers, etc., you can take those things into evidence and arrest
- Terry stop and frisk . . . if there is "probable cause" to believe, that a crime has been committed or is about to be committed, like seeing a long gun or shot gun, under a trench coat, with the muzzle hanging out, you can without a warrant, based on probable cause, stop and frisk or pat down the suspect, you do know where cop a feel comes from, don't you . . . bodies are private, respect bodies, and be extremely careful with touching sexual body parts!
- Exigent circumstances or emerigencies . . . if there is fear, that, going to get a warrant, would result in evidence being destroyed or disappearing, then, under these circumstances, you can, search and seize without a warrant . . . let's say, you are getting a donut, and you notice some guy, acting very nervous and suspicious, who immediately gets up and runs in the bathroom, and he appears to be stoned or tweeked out, you can follow him into the bathroom, to make sure he is not flushing drugs down the toilet! before questioning!
- Detain, question, long enough for what is in question . . . once someone does not feel free to go, they are considered under arrest!
- I had a case, where, it was a Friday night, and a new rookie cops, was letting his buddy ride along with him, small town, no action, and all the sudden, one of them sees a girl, they had a crush on since high school, with a kid out of Nevada, but who's dad, lived local, so they decide to follow them to the local Dairy Freeze, and beyond, to harass. The cop, decides to impress is friend, and pulls this guy, with the crush over, because he is without, probable cause, wanting to harass and question the guy, on his "fucking bright orange, plain as day, license registration" sticker, on his license plate, that shows, JUNE, and it is August! Clearly fine . . . but, 3 fucking hours later, K-9 unit cops, an illegal search and seizure, accusing him of having drugs, in this truck, that he just purchased from his boss in Vegas, finding a baggie, stuffed up, where there used to be a radio, taking, legal guns, out of the truck, that were used for rabbit hunting and all kinds of shit, with the girl leaving, because, she could see, the bull shit, and what the cop and old buddy were doing to her new squeeze . . . of course, this case landed on my lap, civil rights, abuse nightmare! I had already sued the county for $56.7 million, they were just proving my case! No wonder, the cops, tried to kill me on several occasions! Lawless, alleged, law enforcement . . . you have walking lawsuits, if you don't follow this stuff!
- listing with particularity or specificity what is to be searched or seized:
- warrants can go stale . . . you only have as long as the warrant says you have, no longer, and only the place or places listed in the warrant, based on PC!
- the "scope" of the search, is limited, to what you list in the warrant, and your reach, only goes, as far as your arms, or the area around your control! if that item is listed! these are not "phishing" expeditions!
- don't cheap shot it, and get, rubber stamps of a judges' signature, from a prosecutor! you are asking for trouble, check, e-sig, laws
- your city and county prosecutors and attorneys, should be able to answer and train you further, and they may learn a thing or two themselves!
P.S., Missoula Gun and Antique Show!
Now, I can, train, the whole fucking country of cops, however, I am taking credit not only for my blog, genius as it is, but for my intellectual property, that God Intel, showed me through signs, had been compromised by the great liars, the fucks operating under the law and order candidate, Trump, the cops, who have their entourage, of bitches, they use to try to steal every fucking great ass thing I do, which is fucking everything, and this, in particular is worth a fucking MINT, another sign, I saw, on the way over, on a white van . . . so here is the symbolic signs, I saw, leaving McDonald's proud to serve, proud to protect, being licensed to SERVE:
- Genuine Miller Draft . . . Shelley's loser, son, Isaac, liar and chief, brown hair, shit eyes, ugly as fuck, retro gay, butt-fucked by Brett, Frank, and the Spartan boys, had sex with mommy, and pretended to be my cool son, guitar son, Elliot, red-headed, Jesus, but now with short hair, got a Miller Blue Ribbon Beef, Inc., chick prego, in Logan, years ago, dead beat, jail, nick, didn't pay a fucking dime and girlfriend, fuck, didn't want him involved with her daughter . . . this is Shelley's breed, jail, drugs, fakes, overdoses, etc., teen pregnancies, but what can you expect from a mother who had four kids from four different fathers, none of whom she was married to! And, on everything she does, she puts a Draft watermark, because as a non-attorney, faking to be ME, and extraordinary attorney, #2, now, self appointed #1 in the nation for civil rights defense, numbers matter, blogs count!, but, she is never sure, shit, I typed this out, only looking to make sure I had the 4th amendment, perfect, the rest is right off the top of this skull! NO, the bitch, wife of the Old Post, does not get to fucking be me, never, ever, forever! She gets her shit life, her mob life on deceit, insecurity, lies, murders, cover-ups! I was typing the first part of this blog at McD's, now I am Good Food Store! check surveillance cameras, left McD's, roughly 10:00 A.M., got on the #2 bus, 10:20 or so, now at Good Foods, 10:39, but I have been typing a minute or two and it took a few to get into the building from the SUPER WASH Laundry mat where I got dropped of at the bus shelter! The way these fucks, who have given up catching me, it looks like or at least for a day, just lie, oh, well, we have paid everyone in fucking Missoula to cover our lying asses, and you, JoAnn, make sooooooo much, money each day, we can afford to keep, bribing and silencing them!
- Hot . . . a Hilton Hotel, white and green van with the large, "H", is my sign for "hot", so Miller Draft is Hot, justifying the lies . . . lol, the Bride of Frankenstein must have gotten an new face and body make over! her last was, back when she was 37 or so, I think . . . haven't seen her in a while, OH, the cops think, I am Shelley, LOL! NO, I AM HOT, but, I am JOANN, the one who wrote this blog, sleeps on the streets, because, SHELLEY has my money! I have never had a face lift, Shelley has, never had botox, Shelley has, never had a boob job, Shelley has, never had fake teeth, Shelley does, never had my ass sucked, obviously, Shelley has, thighs too, but, fat has to go somewhere, so check, Shelley's Jabba the Hut NECK! LOL!
- Missoula Funeral and Crematory, no, the brain is on Broadway, I walked passed the sign, on the way to the bus sign, crossing Joe's Used Cars, now if that is not symbolic, I don't know what else is! Right as I was walking along, I saw a red, older Jeep Cherokee, my sign or me and God's sign for about 6 years, great escape . . . must have had some sting op, planned by cops, while I was helping a NATION OF COPS, know the law, and avoid, civil rights lawsuits . . . but, NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!
- CRYSTAL IMPORTS . . . Oh, yeah, Elliot, bass guitarist, vocalist, and guitarist, music promoter, and musical genius, along with his bro, Chris, and his electronic music, had a girlfriend, named, Crystal, one of my signs for Elliot, and it should be perfectly clear, about the Kennedy, Rachel, deal, from Butte to Durango, and back to Montana, masquerading as ME, so they can get to my sons, music, and daughters' military careers, husbands, wives, I have the fucking PERFECT political career background, kids and ALL! All imports are fucking cops, or cops kids, or cops bitches! All the top cops, saw me, 20 years ago, Legal Barbie, who kicked the living shit out of cops nationwide . . . love at first sight, until they tried to destroy me, so each took their shot at me, and when they were rejected by me, like Hillary, I have things to do, they inducted, sisters and former friends, into the cops HALLS OF SHAME, and tried to remake, BARBIE! They never counted on me being THIS SMART, but, I had a choice of love or destruction, I CHOSE FREEDOM, WHICH I GUESS MEANT MY DEMISE!
- Your day one (won) our experience . . . maybe feds on sting op, shit, there are TONS of new lovey dovy couples taking midnight strolls, around where my tramp camp is! or on the bus, FBI, let down your hair, have fun with you wife, month, ON MY FUCKING MONEY, TO CATCH ME! and pretend, I am one of the cop cunts! Sporting new beards, shorts, t-shirts, baseball caps, with their wives, ought to maybe take wedding rings off, I see new dads on the bus with three kids, babies, guys with two guys and one gal, all over the place, no as many female agents, like a relay line, 24/7 contact! I can see right through their stupid disguises, they are only fooling themselves and the unaffected, I KNOW!
Congratulations, Missoula, Made the List of 4th Best Run City! Good Job, Mayor Engen, City Council . . . but get some control of your COPS, and stop playing footsie and host to the fucking FBI, unless they really are going after the Russian mob! not covering for all the money laundered, by sis and fuckers, in Missoula . . . I don't mind the money, I am sure, FIGHTING HUNGER, to get to your heart strings, and cover their shit, but Shelley and Crew just need to Go! SAVE YOUR SOULS, FOR GET THE WHALES! LOL! JUSTICE FOR ALL, PRIVILEGE FOR NONE! I am much more generous than this bitch! My latest Intel, Shelley, naturally, grey by now, is usually brunette, as is Kay, or light brown, but, I get the signs, that Shelley has dyed her hair, blonde, which she has done before! Me, change NEVER! Blondes do have MORE fun! Oh, I am at Barnes and Nobel now. It is 2:45 Mountain Time.
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