Computer History, That is Relevant
- Shelley was on computers, since the day they came out with PC's; I however, was very change resistant, and didn't want one, after taking a computer programming class, I fucking hated it, so when my husband wanted to buy one, I said no . . . I was not much better, with microwaves either, just didn't see the point of either one of them, so as a result of that, I didn't touch a computer again, until, I went to law school in 1990!
- I learned law at the same time that I learned to use the computer, and that was from the computer lab at the law school, torturing everyone who sat near me, or who was out in the hall that I could flag down, and I always seemed to have ghosts in them, fucking everything up, so it was basically a miserable experience for me and I only touched one, when I had a paper due for one of my classes. I think, by my third year of law school, I finally, got some second hand computer for a few bucks, so I had one at home, and that semester, I had like 7 paper classes, so it was imperative that, that I get one
- When I started, working at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecution Council, I had to put out a newsletter to the 350 prosecutors, statewide, so again, not only did I have to learn desk top publishing, but I had to learn my job at the same time. I think this was the first time, I had to use emails, again, torturing Rose, the secretary for the Council, but, I learned, and it helped that I had been a graphic artist for the state of Utah; however, I never learned more than your basics, email, writing a plain letter or something, and the desk top publishing, nor did I care to learn more, not my bag!
- Then, when I was diagnosed to die, I didn't touch a computer for about 8 years, and then, I used my landlady's computer, and that was limited. When I did the Brock securities case, for $357 million, I used, Hank's computers at night, even slept at the office overnight, to get the brief or complaint out by the deadline! Eventually, doing all my work at the Dixie State College, now University, where, the staff looked at me as part of the crew, that is where I met, computer guru, Gina Merrell, who, probably did all the work, crossing wires and mixing IP numbers, she was very smart and had her own following, with a monthly newsletter, but, one of my friends who also taught at the college, sold me her daughter's computer for $50! I used that black computer, up until, 2011, when the Washington County deputy sheriffs and constables, raided my home, when, they said, or Shelley told me that, she and Rachel had a $33,000 judgment against them . . . like, this came up overnight, and I was not a named defendant, nor did they tell their attorney sister about it? Then Shelley said, when everything was stolen, without me even knowing anything, the fucking day before I was to fly to Denver to argue the Brock case, on the record, for oral arguments for three fucking months, cancelled after I got there? No, they thought taking my home and my law practice all my 3 inch thick briefs, would stop me from going to oral arguments, this is where the deals were cut, behind my back, and the clerks of the court, said the brief was so good the judges didn't have any questions. Now I will admit, originally, I wrote a 65 page brief to the government's 7 page, Dick and Jane primer! Hank said the final version, when I had to cut the brief down by 10,000 words, with only a 14,000 word limit, he said the brief was brilliant, and I agreed! LOL! Obviously the United States Supreme Court did too, because, they copied my very new and creative 4th amendment arguments! So, that black desk top computer I loved, was stolen, along with all proof of both the Brock, Cheek and Vail cases, totaling at least $700 million worth of cases, and I had a ton of other cases too, but all contracts, retainers, correspondence and emails, that were killer, right on, politically, at the time, with about two years worth of shit and good stuff on them, so easy steal, after taking all evidence of cases, and who wrote them . . . but this is one point I want to point out!
- now, Shelley was living in the Sugar Leo house, free and clear, and home, 100% of the time, and I was gone almost 100% of the time, all over the fucking western United States and up in Salt Lake all the time, or at jail, visiting all my clients with some up at the Utah State Prison, so Shelley had free access to my computer, I caught Haylee Cheeks, who knew Rachel before she knew me, and she was caught on my computer, several times without permission, as was the fucking Egyptian, Homeland Security sicked on me, whom I caught setting up, surveillance and wiring my basement, in addition to getting on my computer, even after, we lent him one of Shelley's kids computers!
- after that house went up in flames, and I felt raped, gang raped, by the cops, prosecutors, judges, attorney general, and the chief, judge of the U.S. Federal Court, dismissed, and she was forced to write a letter of admittance that she knew, jack shit nothing, about the Utah Constitution, dismissing all 26 violations of constitutional rights under the state constitution, admitting she knew little of the document, and she teamed with Shelley, Mark Shurtleff, John Swallow, the Gov., Francine Gianni, all of whom were the defendants in my case, or the judge . . . Shelley was sneaking around, buying, bribing, promising all my friends and clients! And I hope the FBI or whomever she works for, is doing much more than just firing her sorry lying shit ugly stinky ass! We are talking between music, cases, blogs, about, a billion dollars fucking easy! I want big time prison time, if not execution, for being a spy, using her spies, to fuck me over, using the NSA for personal Mormon business, and to help Mitt Romney, and on and on! We are talking the electric chair bitch, and I will volunteer to pull the fucking switch, on my father, Kay, Brett, Rachel, all of the fuckers, who fucked me and my family, they wanted to fucking kill me . . . YOU MONEY AND YOUR LIFE!
- while I was trying to pull my life back together and scramble to pick up my clients from the dust, and find a place to live, Allan Rex Bess, whom I got from attempted homicide looking at 45 years, down to probation, and the cops, set him up, and he was later murdered by Shelley and Frank, to steal both of our identities, the government had been trying to kill Allan for years, and when he and I hooked up, he was dead, what the next day! But, I moved in to his Parowan, Utah house, and allegedly he was to move to the cabin, at Panguitch Lake, however, he was dead, and I married one of his killer, who cut his body up, after Shelley, fucked him then shot him with a 22 in the head, later the two, cut him up, and burned him in the new furnace, took his ashes and cemented them in the wall, around the wood room! These two fuckers, whom you all love so much, psychopaths, raided, every fucking thing, stock, bonds, property, real property, bank deposits, whatever, and then blamed me and said that I threw them away, using one of Allan's best friends, Joe to lie in support of the murderers and probably the mob, threatened to kill him and his kids, whom he loved dearly! But, once I moved in the Parowan house, I was using my mother's desk top computer, she told me to keep it, because, she knew I had big time issues with the government and she was afraid if the computer was tracked back go her, she would be killed, that is how, scary it was, and she didn't know, more than the tip of the iceberg, with little Shelley right in the middle of it!
- early October, after I got some of the house done, Shelley and Isaac, just showed up at my door, and moved in basically, to my shock, and horror, with Isaac, having stolen $30,000 worth of musical instruments, and blaming it on Jesse, Isaac was the favorite, Brett's son? not sure why? But, I set up a music room for Elliot and his band, to come down and practice and I was buying a dance hall, recording studio, but, Isaac, just moved right in, he and his lazy ass mother, as if they owned the place, because I was not home, so they set the first fire, used all my new comforters and just cuddled up, in front of my new flat screen TV's that I had not used, watched my new DVD's, I had not watched and set a fire in the wood burning stove, even burning the carpet in front of the stove! But, I would leave my computer home, and I would get a notice on Shelley's cases, filed UNDER MY, e-filing account, or in the district courts, and I would tell Shelley, you need to do this or that, and she would say, I already know? how? who was sending her my shit? But, I think, while I was gone, for sometimes two weeks, at the first when Shelley and Isaac showed up, she had total access to my computer and it appeared to me that, she was doubling up on every notice I got from the courts, and I had the Brock case, going to the U.S. Supreme Court, three cases up at the Utah Court of Appeals, was working on settlements on two, $10 million, demand letters, reading to just close the deals, and a shit load of other cases!
- fall of 2011, is when her sorry shit face and shitty son, showed up at my door to take my place, kill me, steal my cases, my son's new CD, and team with killer cop, Frank! It was all downhill from there, suddenly, I had numerous attempts on my life, suddenly, bar complaints that were a year old and handled, warrants, for contempt of court, extortion, for appealing a case? hearings when the case was at the court of appeals, a quick trip to the U.S. Supreme Court when the rules, said, I could and did do it through paper, oath and affirmation, to take the pledge, really for the 4th and 5th, in person, with 4 certificates of Good Standing with the bar, to even go to the U.S. Supreme Court with sponsors too, which I had all of them . . . start of the character assassination, and the exchange of JOANNS! It was rapid fire, from that point forward, with me, basically, taking that computer, once, I knew the federal court, was as corrupt at the U.S. supreme court, small letters, notifying justice scalia, of the fraud on the court! This is when, Mitt and Kay were going to do the documentary in the UK, yeah, no shit, me, Kay, and I knew that the case with everyone's help, had been first a deal then a steal, and I took two cell phones and my computer, up Panguitch Lake and threw it in the lake in the moonlight, pissed and screaming! So, that is where that computer is! That could probably be retrieved, it is right by the dam end, if Shelley and crew didn't read, my blog, telling FBI where to find it, telling the enemy, so she could claim she threw it in . . . FUCK NO, THAT WAS ME, YOU DUMB FUCKING ASSHOLES!
- computers have been fried, sabotaged, and I have had to buy, at least 5 or 6, I think and it is a battle to control the guts of the computer even when I give serial number and it is MY BLOG!
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