Real Time, With Bill Maher
I loved, it when, Maher, turned to former, RNC, Republican National Committee Chair, Michael Steele, and he said, at what point, will love for America, take precedence over party politics and the GOP hatred for Hillary Clinton? Senator, Lindsay Graham, I think, if I was listening correctly, finally threw in the towel on Trump, who, doesn't want to the work of running for president, who is failing to take advice from fucking anyone, except his children, who are all under the age of 35, without any fucking experience in hack shit, except, promoting the Trump brand, and that is loosing its shine, and more and more facts, are coming out, about the Trump brand, and what that, truly, stands for, so not much, by way of deep, experience and expertise, by way of anything, so . . . after years of knowing, Hillary, a fellow senator, yields, his passion for his party, to the good of America! Graham is being the GROWN UP IN THE ROOM! And, other than, wearing different party hats, this coming New Year, when the new president will be sworn in, there may be more differences, between, Graham and Trump, that there is between Clinton and Graham, just like there is more similarity between Trump and Sanders, than there is between Sanders, who can't even say Hillary's name . . . all he says, is, he will help defeat Trump. That may have changed in the last week as the two Dems, not really, Sanders, has NEVER been a democrat, he gamed the system, by calling himself a democratic socialist, much in the same bent as Trump, who has been all over the board, politically, but this time, he tapped into the fear, the anger, the frustration, of the general public . . . voting for someone with out the temperament and experience to run the government, who is totally, unwilling to compromise on anything, and who is looking more and more, like his is unfit to be president, not unlike his buddy, Palin, bird of a feather, who was board, at government meetings and often had husband Todd at her side, even with the desk in her office in Juneau, Alaska, doing the heavy lifting!
Now Hillary and Bill, might be able to do the heavy lifting, for each other, but Melania and Donald? In the words of John Oliver:
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