This is actually re-posted this morning, at 6:44 AM, Mountain Time, not Pacific Time where, Kay lives, or in Chicago Time, I am at the Poverello Center for breakfast, stayed out last night . . . posted from the Oxford, roughly 1:40 AM, waiter asked me to leave, getting ready for the after club hours when the college kids and others hit the Oxford when the bars close at 2:00 AM. I was worried it was a set up, having been their for a few hours writing, watching news,time to go anyway, but rarely have they ever asked me to leave, and there was a wicked looking dude, with another guy, who almost seemed to follow me into the diner . . . after watching, His Double Life, new release, 2016, on the Russian mafia, that the FBI just landed 200 agents in town to hit, up at the South Hills and about town, so pay attention to the paragraph below, the Ruskies are fucking EVERYWHERE nnd the same guys stealing everything from me, are inbvolved. Some undercover dude, striking me as FBI or CIA, in looks, you get a profile look, after 6 years of following me . . . but, I watched him, ditched his ass, good looking as he was, when I saw him up close and personal, but, he got impatient, and I am very patient, after all these years, and he rounded the corner, going away from me, then, I took the opportunity, to leave while he was leaving, only to hear footsteps behind me, and there he was! Obviously, he could have done that 10 minutes earlier, so the logical conclusion, is he is following me, but he did make an attempt to cover getting caught, and he walked across the street, over where the Pov. guys park, and across Cedar, and he leans down and takes a picture of a pretty new, sedan, royal blue, probably chearper model, Chevy or something like that. Then he walked back passed me, going the other way, while I headed into the Pov. Just when I thought, the local cops, gave up, or someone called of the forces, after a fairly relaxed day, and the lack of rats im the alley behind the Break and CB's, so when I hit the cop shop, bench out front, generally there are 3 to 4 amped up, cops, rolling down the streets, two nights ago, they all headed, left, rather than right and left, buzzing without their sirens, so, logical answer, someone ratted me leaving and they were trying to figure out, distance wise, where I would be . . . always watching, but, last night, after stopping at the restrooms, of course, I noticed shadowy figures, across the very empty parking lot behind the Ox, rare, in deed, but it was about 2:00 AM, so I headed a different way, and there was some black crazy ass, yelling, where, on the corner, going up the streets . . . he was at the corner of the courthouse and bus terminal. He has gone after me before, and it sounds like someone was directing him, I had the premonition, to put my baseball hat and hoodie on, my hair was freestyle, so that would have been what he or they were looking for. There were 5 partiers, walking up Ryman, I joined, as the only guy, with 4 gals, being cool and very protective, with the crazy switch guy, screaming as if it was at them, but, I could hear what he was saying and knew he would be looking for something, by way of hair, different, than the waiter would have reported . . . but the 5 were freaking out, and I told them, he is crazy, so ignore him, knowing they were not the targets. Two other dudes, appeared out of nowhere, right as I crossed Spruce, almost over to St. Patrick's Hospital, so I waited on the corner, until they were all the way on the next block . . . the other dudes, sneaking around the trees and alleys, where I normally go, behind the Oxford, were probably these guys. So, the uniformed officers, have backed off, but, either the hit men, and undercover FBI and CIA hit men, are out in good force, alive and well!
U.S.A. Has Gone Too Long Unchecked
The reason for the Russian spies, is that they thought that America, had gone unchecked for too long and there was not country their to put us in check and balance; therefore, they were going to remedy that, and hack their NSA files, and use other countries to put Ameria in check. This movie was based on true events, and they said, since the Cold War, the number of Russian spies has increased in America. They are you neighbors, your teachers, your co-workers, and your husbands! Don't I know it!
Number Crunching--I Am On Freaking Everything
- it. com, bad ass con law chick blog . . . 43,000,000 (0.67 seconds) . . . think a penny to five cents per hit! Top 3 to 5 slots, on each site . . .
-, bad as con law chick blog . . .546,000 (0.72 seconds)
-, bad con law chick blog . . . 452,000 (1.07 seconds)
-, badass con law chick blog . . . 112,000 (0.67 seconds)
-, bad ass constitutional law chick blog . . . 9,830,000 (0.77 seconds) there could be more versions that I don't know about . . . they are collecting on all of them, me NONE! All MINE, ALL SAME STUFF, unless they are scanning and changing? Roughly 54,000,000 hits, snapshot, almost per second, one site . . . I am the top 3 to 5 spots on every site, .com, .org. .net! Start doing the MATH NUT JOBS!!!!!!
-, bad ass constitutional law chick blog . . . 6,060,000 (0.77 seconds)
-, bad ass con law chick blog . . . 6,050,000 (0.73 seconds)
-, badass con law chick blog . . . 40,600 (0.56 seconds)
-, bad con law chick blog . . . 77,800 (0.77 seconds)
-, bad as con law chick blog . . . you get my drift, they stole this, two fucking weeks after I started it, September 25, 2013, so look at what they are getting, and this is snapshots of seconds, think minutes in an hour, then hours in a day! TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
-, bad ass con law chick blog . . . 27,000,000
-, bad ass con law chick blog . . . 5,530,000 (0.31 seconds)
-, bad ass con law chick blog . . . 5,960,000 ().73 seconds)
-, bad ass con law chick blog . . . 2,120,000 (0.67 seconds)
MORMON CIA OR FBI OVER FINANCIAL CRIMES? They are the ones, perpetrating the crimes!
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