Corporatist vs. Vulture Capitalist? Alternatives?
There were approximately, 200 people, in the very peaceful protests, didn't see a cop, but the groups, referred to the watchful eye of law enforcement, so, I will take their word for it, that there were cops on the scene, with some anticipation of confrontation between convention goers and protesters? The Code Pink, chicks, appeared to be all chicks and girls, dressed in very fancy, schmancy, high society dress, of the rich and famous, all pink, sparkles, feathered, scarfs, cigars, indicating, fat cats, glasses with sparkly $$$$$$$ signs, hats, gloves, glitzy jewelry, and fun costumes. As the TYT interviewer approached the feminine felines, they started with the sarcasm, taking back, first me and the interviewer, no more public roads, no more public schools, VA, prisons, we want government run like a business, corporate tax cuts, no taxes for the rich and most wealthy, forget the welfare for the poor, we want welfare for the rich, like farm subsidies, like Rep. Michelle Bachmann, has been on for 14+ years, or no taxes for big real estate developers, like Trump, who have avoided paying taxes for years, or no jail for those banks to big to jail, or bailouts for corporate giants, like AIG, Baer Sterns, and the Wall Street boyz, golden parachutes, for gross, corporate CEO executives, like Fox's letch, Roger Ailes, who will leave Fox Opinion with $40 million, in his pathetic pocket where he kept his red raw, banana in his pocket, and you know, guys like that. Code Pink, is totally throwing down with Trump, because he is a winner, who will make all of us winners, America a winner, never to lose again! You get my point! They were holding signs, like, Corporations are People, Entitled to Free Speech! all those great Republican mantras, for big business! They want Trump, because of his list of 11 very, very conservative appointees, who can, make more wonderful decisions and rulings, like the one in Citizens United, so, those with money have the loudest and most powerful voices . . . money talks! NOT LOL!
How Did America, God's Girlfriend, End Up With This Guy Trump?
The crowd was mixed with mixed messages and goals, groups and organizations, so, in all the confusion, I will try, to put down, some of the names and groups they represent. One guy, was walking around with an inflatable doll, with a Trump-like wig, and the sign, that said, Little Hands + Small Mind + Big A-Hole! There were members of the People's Summit, the Flint Solution, with another Trump minded, Republican Governor, who decided to run, the water system, especially, in the poorest sections of Flint, predominantly black of course, not his voters, or party, like a business, cutting corners, and being a cheap ass, causing, lead build ups in the water pipes, and now, the residents of Flint are going on 3 fucking years, without decent drinking water, making people afraid to drink out of their faucets, and getting sick, when they do! When leaders of the group, asked Donald J. Trump, what he would do to fix the problem, he responded, no comment! This same woman, said that, Hillary and President Obama, gave at least lip service, but nothing is being done!
I liked Rachel Maddow's comments, and idea, she said, just hire the Army Corp of Engineers to come fix the water system, then bill the fucking Governor of Michigan! As press on the issue dwindled, so did the donations, and contributions! Come on, this is ridiculous, we live in the richest nation on earth, with the largest global economy, and we can't declare a state of emergency and dig in and get these people fucking WATER? I would think, one of Trump's rich buddies, or really Hillary's, or President Obama's, could come in and donate the money, to have some local plumbers group, or pipe fitting, organization, do the job, ASAP? Maybe there were emergency funds, but those all dry up, come August 14th!!!!!!!!! If you are not part of the SOLUTION, you are part of the PROBLEM! Some of the young guys, who are local, keep buying water, to get to seniors, disabled, and mothers with small children! Any help would be appreciated!
Trump is Out of Touch With Midwest Values
Here are just a few of Andy's thoughtful comments on Trump:
- terrifies him, totally unpredictable, everything he says, in the last 20 years, is of concern to this thoughtful young man
- some will say, Trump is just loose with his words, but he is a 70 year old man, unlikely to change, and therefore, his words matter, even when he takes them back, once elected, who knows?
- in America, these days, you can't be straight out racist, so, he thinks that, Trump is more covert, and just, egging people on, bringing out the racist in them, while washing his hands of white nationalists, KKK and other white power organizations that wholly support Trump, which is scary, he is giving them license to act and speak out, like in time in recent history!
- Trump is so polarizing . . . the nation, is not that divided, and we need to come together, not, go further into our respective corners, and battle it out in the political arena, but work together!
- this young intelligent man, said, he looked at the fact that Trump is radicalizing whites!
- Andy felt that, while the Republican Party or GOP, is giving lip service or acting like they don't endorse Trump, but they created him, and they just look the other way, when he makes his insane and asinine statements, that are archaic and stupid, if not, total hate speech!
- he felt the whole GOP is radicalized, getting more and more, extreme, more to the right, and the GOP platform, shows that he is right, and they are promoting, blatant discrimination, in their platform issues, and racism, sexism, and discrimination, under the guise of religious freedom, is nothing more than a mask for outright discrimination against gays, especially, and other suspect classes, of minorities!
- he mentioned that he just basically didn't like conservative politics! nor do I!
- Trump pretends to be, a populist, the candidate for the working man, the average Joe, the struggling man, but when, has Trump, being up in his towers, ever, related to the working man? as a young boy, living on the streets of New York? or did he just learn to be a slick, street thug, who is dressed in a pin-striped suit?
Trump Has a "Cult-Like" Personality . . . Like Other Charismatic Leaders, Hitler? Charles Manson? Napoleon? Stalin? Mao?
I think these comments are still from, Mr. Smarty Pants, from above? I just have his name on my notes, so, sorry if I am wrong?
- Trump has created systemic racism, symbolized by building the WALL! (I think I heard, some Fox, Opinion, commentator, say that Congress had already approved building the Trump Wall, and that the funds had already been appropriated? propaganda to help Trump? after Jeb Bush, said, Trump will NEVER build the wall! Now, some, GOP, stalwarts are saying that it is only a virtual wall?)
- Trump has been able to fool the people into thinking, that while he has been in his towers, totally untouched by the streets below, the economic needs of the average man, the populace, when in reality, it is exactly people like Trump and his ilk, who have caused many of the problems, leading to where are right now, like making a shit load of money on other people's misery, like losing their homes!
- he is seen my Andy, as just a very slick con man, who has bilked people out of a ton of money, and talked them into believing in him? Where is the proof, he can make good on his promises?
Show me the way, wipe the illusions away . . .
John Beacham is another smart guy, and I am sure, I am combining, some other guy's comments with his, and I am sorry, I didn't get his name, he is the young guy, I think, who takes water still to Flint, not because the press is covering the crisis, but because he cares, blonde, tall, black t-shirt with green letters, but, I kind of merged these statements together, so, I am going to just like them:
- referring to the fact that Trump calls himself the law and order candidate, he says, no, Trump, is not gong to bring jobs to the inner cities and the places where factory jobs have left, overseas, like to China where Trump hats and ties are made, but he is going to bring, police and more police to the cities, he is bringing, Marshal Law, or putting people under total control of cops! or creating a police state, something I am also concerned about!
- the Trump revolution, has done nothing more than take us back, in race relations, going back to the old southern strategies, of bigotry, hatred, and racism, slaves, chains, of an invisible kind, is his agenda, but, We as Americans will not stand by and let hit happen, the PEOPLE will revolt and say, THIS IS NOT THE AMERICA WE WANT!
- John went on to mention other issues he didn't think, Trump would address that are of concern to him, like climate change, ignoring science and fact, ending police executions, mass incarceration, police brutality, real jobs . . . his socialist group, I didn't catch the name of, want an alternative to capitalism.
- he said we need to say no to Trump legitimizing racism and no to both Trump and racism!
- we need to say, no to the Pentagon, no to war!
- he went onto say, we have plenty of money, to fix, critical infrastructures, and needed things in America, and WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO PUSH BACK, STAND UP, AND FIGHT BACK!
- racism, division, hatred, won't work, we need to bring people together, and work for justice, social services, education and the other things the people need, rather than fighting foreign wars, that we have no need being in! The people need to mean it this time, and show it with their votes, time and efforts!
- the system is not working for the PEOPLE, and people need to start forming groups, taking back America; John went on to say that he thought, Trump was an idiot, putting forward a fighting program, that people will not stand for! He is using a campaign of racism, to bring about this fighting program, and the people will rally against that program, opting for a peaceful program, where we work together . . . he felt that Clinton could not fight him, alone, so people need to activate and make programs, that are based on respect, anti-discrimination, acceptance and love!
Brandon's group, is about 500 strong, fits his name! I think this was the guy, I thought, I didn't have his name down? When asked if he felt that, Bernie, somehow betrayed his supporters by endorsing Hillary Clinton, he said, he felt that, since he has not seen, Sanders out, fully campaigning for Clinton, yet, but he did get the point, that Bernie said, that he thinks, Sanders, believes, that Trump would be horrible for the country, and that he would do anything, to defeat Trump. He said, that he felt that eventually, his people would also get behind Clinton, but slowly, and cautiously. Brandon, felt that, Trump, pushes you back, if you have to deal with right winged stuff, like his court appointees. Like I said, earlier, that, Brandon, is one of the good guys, who is continuing to help the citizens of Flint, Michigan, simply because he cares about the people, like we all should, a good example of a caring young man, to keep, buying water from his own money, and he is rather young, early 20's, I would guess? so no excuse for the rest of us! The Night Owls for Bernie Sanders, did not see, business men, like Trump, and the Governor of Michigan, would be good for anyone! Because they cut costs, on the regular stuff, like water, something we all need, just to live and survive, none the less, to thrive! He doesn't even know what Trump would do, to fix the problem, if anything . . . no comment! We need someone that will give more than lip service!
There is going to be a march on the RNC, a mass movement in this country, and they are going to make the 1% terrified, guillotines anyone? remember the French Revolution? he said he was sick of the politicians, protecting the rich and powerful, and treading on the faces of the poor, needy, and they are going to end all this, and get equality, access, and bring it to the masses! We do not have a poverty problem in this country, we have a GREED problem! There will be blows rendered to Trump and the rest of the 1%, who have, denied, sharing and spreading the wealth with the other 99%! The 1% is really hurting all of us, not that we don't think, people should be judged on merit, but, paying CEO's, 350% of what their workers make in the company they oversee, is just not right! Hillary is looking to encourage and give incentives for companies, who share more profits and co-op with their employees, to get a share of the increases for their efforts, rather then giving the fat cats at the top, all the bonuses and benefits of their hard work!
Some ask the mother founder of the group, if she is afraid of Trump? FUCK NO! Nothing will stop me from the love of my son! She is becoming a voice for the poor, the homeless, those who live in their cars, taking care of kids!
Rebeldiaz Rappers, People Power!
- these talented inner city, rappers, who live, in the South Bronx, just across New York City from the Trump Towers, said they are not waiting for the politicians, to do anything for them, they are going to start making a Better Tomorrow, for those people in the neighborhoods they grew up in, and rather than leaving, once they make it, in the music field, they have decided to stay in the hood, and give a helping hand to the younger kids, and those stuck in poverty and situations they need help to get out of . . . he didn't think, either, Hillary or Trump, or the two party system, could do much for them, so they were supporting, Jill Stein, I think of the Green Party? These two rappers, said that we vote, every day, by what we do and say, what we support, give our time and money to, so their vote is with the South Bronx, and I am betting these to can make a great difference in their community! All these people have great hearts, and that is what they need + passion!
- they said, that New York City, is like a Tale of Two Cities: One for the Rich, and the Other for the Poor! They said, police brutality, murder, mass incarceration, living with poverty is an everyday, issue for most of the people in the Bronx, and things have to change! They believe, that whether there is a local or national struggle, they are going to focus on building local solutions . . . local is best, making a better life!
- these rappers, felt that the media might as well, say they are representing the establishment, when they make, Black Lives Matter, look, like anything but what they are! non-violent, protesting and marching against all the cop killings, starting with Ferguson, Baltimore . . . they all just want to STAY ALIVE! Shit! Is that so bad, so threatening? This uprising, started, with the deaths, the lack of justice for those who shot and killed unarmed, black people, without cause, sometimes for stuff so stupid as a traffic stop, a tail light out, tax on a single cigarette, that had already been taxed when it was purchased? or a kid with a toy gun, playing in a park, like kids his age will do! Just today, the 4th officer in the Freddie Gray case, was acquitted? So where is the justice, the responsibility for the death? the lack of humanity, the lack of medical attention? Perhaps, cops will get it now that a few of their officers, have been shot down! It HURTS! We all BLEED RED!
- the state has a monopoly on violence . . . Cleveland looks like a city, ready for a WAR! The random shootings of cops, are NOT CONNECTED TO THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT! He, as, well as me, felt that, these deaths, will be used to further an agenda by the state, to further justify, the militarization of the cops, making them standing armies! If they would take down, the Twin Towers for their agenda, what is stopping them from taking out a few cops, for their AGENDA?
- they want to set forth an idea . . . defeat the system, with a powerful idea!
- right now, blacks get killed, and they protest, they get killed again, and they protest, and nothing happens; therefore, we need to do more with POWER IDEAS, Force of Wills!
- you can help, those in the inner city, South Bronx, through, purchase of, music! The same idea, as contributors, giving an average of $27 to the Bernie Sanders, almost worked miracles! BEING PRESIDENT IS NOT THE ONLY WAY TO BE A MIRACLE WORKER . . . GIVE WHAT YOU CAN, ORDER A CD! THE BERNIE REVOLUTION HAS JUST BEGUN TO CHANGE THE WORLD!!!!!!!
Kisses, Hugs, Loves, Forever!
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