Foundational Background and Information
- I was renting from Julia Warner, living right next to my parents, but I was, getting more and more involved in politics, even with the Republicans, interested, in using me, in some capacity, as were the Democrats, and also the Constitutional Party, if you can call them that. This was, in 2007, and I was starting to realize that I was not dying, so, worried that the government or powers that be would try to kill me again, I jumped in with both feet! I knew, all the way along, Shelley, Jesse, Brett, Kay, my father, and others, Dallas, were involved in stealing Elliot and God's Revolver, Little Black Horse CD, and I was sure that they were marketing around the world. They, Rachel, my dad, and Tiffany, were all very captivated by the TV series, 24, with Sutherland being the FBI hit man.
- Shelley and Tyrone, were living with Rachel, Chris and kids, at 3770 Sugar Leo Rd., and, my family acted very strangely, leaving me out of family parties, only letting me speak for 10 minutes, if I was actually invited, and the more I healed from the poison or Pick's disease, the worse they got, planning on me dying, with my father, taking all my equity in my house, and Jared, brother, taking furniture, etc., but, I was also, thinking, half hearted, that I was still dying, but starting to live, and that seemed to be causing trouble for my family, which is strange, because a loving family, who were not into all kinds of illegal shit and criminal activities, would rejoice in a family member, who was dying, coming back into health, but that was certainly not the case, and Shelley had been using my ID, after getting my driver's license revoked, when I had not been driving for years! I think, as I got better, she got more and more paranoid, about, already using my ID.
- as I started to get back into life, getting more and more politically involved, and started to notice, that as I would do a constitutional analysis, or having a speaking engagement, the more and more strained, family relations became, in fact, I do no see, Rachel, Shelley and Isaac, for almost 2 years, and I attributed that to the fact that, I knew, there was a fake band, stealing, Elliot's music, but I was not in a position, to do much about it, other than, hope, that Elliot, and his band, could catch them, or that someone would listen, but I was very easy to dismiss as crazy or whatever, since I had the terminal brain disease and I had been out of the legal field for almost 8 years at this point. It was late 2008, when the elections were in full swing, that I noticed, my mother, in particular, be very defensive about, anything I would say about, Sarah Palin . . . now, I was basically blocked from all family stuff, during this time and my very elaborate emails, in response to various issues, as the Tea Party, were being sought, therefore, my influence and sphere of friends, and colleagues, expanded, very much, separate and aside from my family or parents, living right next door! Rachel, in particular, seemed to have an attitude, and Shelley, I never saw, and again, for a family gathering, I was to come early, eat, then leave!
- in 2008, I wrote the letter to the U.S. Attorney, Brett Tholman, letting him, know about the new cars, all over, for the cops, he brought in the National Guard, Search and Rescue, they protected me and they got the drugs off campus, and there were 8 cops fired, there should have been DEA agents, fired for the three county, alleged, marijuana grows, that were discovered three years in a row, with family cops day, up harvesting, the shit, sometimes, 13 or more cops agencies, involved, including the National Guard . . . anyway, that started the whole cop thing, but, in addition to the marijuana grows, it appeared to me, that, cop shops were cropping up and my son-in-law, from Georgia, seemed connected, and when a shipment of black and whites, came to town, he commented, so they got them, and I knew that he was involved in stealing Elliot's money, in fact the day, I showed Dallas all these, great music reviews and told him, his bro-in-law, was, going on a nation tour, he got alarmed and was on the phone with someone for 2 hours, my father reacted the same way, and I knew, that Shelley was off with Isaac, because Elliot was trying to find him, touring, around the world, and I believe that Frank and Brett, Kay and my father, were all fully involved, by the way they acted and responded, same with Mom and Sarah Palin, aka, Rachel, who later, became, aka, ME! Once Palin lost, Rachel, came back, to her life, but I was starting to surface, and that seemed to be problematic.
- at the end of 2009, Hank or Henry Brock, contacted me, I believe in August, about taking his case, and Jay Rice, joined in . . . now in retrospect, I believe the cases, from A to Z, were orchestrated, with me the smart, constitutional law attorney, and with the vulture capitalists, just salivating, letting me do all the heavy lifting and then, when the spoils were to be harvested, just like the marijuana, everyone, jumped to take over and bump me out of the way! At times, I think, there was alike this contest, between me, and Kay, my father, Shelley, and other attorneys, to see who would win, writing the best brief, or complaint, etc., and then whomever won, would get the case, but I ALWAYS WON; therefore, to regain control of the cases, something drastic had to happen. October, 1, 2009, I reactivated my law license and my father went completely APE SHIT! Screamed, yelled, carried on, and had no idea, that I was going to reactivate it! Why? I think, Shelley had been gallivanting around the state, for years, being me, using my ID, and using my driver's license, and now, I was coming in to reclaim, my life! I got my license back, reactivated my law license in 5 minutes, when the bar association say my great resume, just had me pay dues, and that was it!
- Hank and I haggled over the employment contract for about a month, several people in the ward, or in Hank's business, read some of my emails and thought that I was, not the right image for his lawsuit, like, because I swear? I told him to take the case and shove it . . . he said, no, I want you, there was a ton of my constitutional writing going fucking all over the U.S., if not the world, back them, so no he wanted me! Like I said, Mormon Glenn Beck, was stealing my shit and ripping up the charts and ratings, guys were taking my emails and erasing my name, and putting their own names, and they went from being a three time loser to people wanting them to run for the SENATE! When confronted with why they were taking my name off my emails, they said, because, they told us to . . . who is they, the FBI, CIA? no response! I was, putting together the Utah Constitution and Fun Facts, pocket sized version, and working with, Dave Clark, and other Utah members of Congress, and this is when, I did the plan for President O, for Afghanistan and Great Decisions! So, I was very busy, but Hank, finally contacted me, December 17, 2009, at like 10:00 PM, on my birthday, and he wanted me to write the complaint, on the $357 million complaint, and file it all by 5:00 PM, the following night . . . I had it done and e-filed by shortly after 5:00 as I recall, having to learn all the Rules of Civil Procedure and write the brief, and then, work with, Derrick Anderson, to e-file it and that was tough, I think we started around 3:45 PM, but it took us until after 5:00 PM, but I felt that Hank was trying to give me an impossible test, with so little time, but, he liked the complaint and so, that was just to get it on the record, December 18, 2009, later to be filed again, as an amended complaint, January 10, 2010, with the article, No Big Love In Utah, coming out of New York Investment News, within days, fucking attorneys from all over the country were calling wanting to talk to me, and Hank and Brock and Associates, quit taking phone calls? 39 and counting, law firms, had signed up to pay the federal court for copies of my fun briefs, making a shit load of money for the courts, for attorneys to get this hot case, right off the press or computer, fresh and fun, with witches, slaves and masters, school ground bullies, etc., so it hit and hit hard, every newspaper in the country carried the news of it! I think Hank and Jay were jealous, because the article was orchestrated to feature them and everyone, including the press wanted to talk to me, so they cut off the phone, messages, and put everything on Hank's website!
- December 18, 2009, after I finished filing the complaint, I went over to Rachel's house, now that she needed my legal services, she started talking to me, for once in about two years, funny how, things like having no money, and your husband, taking the last $24,000 out of you account, forces you to come and treat, your now, licensed attorney sister, better, so you could be represented, having been screwed over by all the male attorney in St. George, who were siding with her son to be EX, husband, Chris Hickey . . . no, I was not married to Chris; however, I do think this was all part of the plan, to switch identities back, to what they had been, before, I surprised my father, and reactivated my law license, new games and let them begin! Rachel hooked up with Kay Moosman, an old high school flame, on facebook, and they were married, within, 4 hours of Rachel's divorce to Chris! I was shocked. Rachel asked me, if I would move in the house, her's and Chris', and take care of the kids, Stephanie and Matt, and Allan, in addition to Shelley, Ty, and often, Jesse, Isaac, Alex and her daughter, McKinsey, so, I moved in, around, January or February 1, 2010, at the same time I was handling the Brock case, and many other cases were starting to come my way and I didn't want them.
- I believe, that this is where, all the identity, shit, started, AGAIN, because, I believe it had been going on for years, so that Shelley could steal Elliot's music, putting together a cop, boy band, with Isaac, being Elliot and Shelley being me, with Brett, and this is where the layers, after layers, after layers, started! First, Shelley and Brett, with her being me, then Brett and Kay, with Kay being me, then Rachel and Kay, with Rachel being me, and them switching me to be the one, married to Chris Hickey, and I felt like I went through the divorce with Chris and Brian Adamson, who Shelley seemed closely aligned with, throughout, me suing Chris, Wells Fargo and American First for mortgage fraud, winning the case, by default, since, Chris and attorney, failed to answer the complaint, and Shelley wrote that original complaint, because, I was so busy . . . so here, again, she is writing, using my name, and my bar number! Eventually, on this case, I gave Shelley, access to my e-filing, having handled the house issues, all but the complaint, like the eviction, I won, we stayed in the house and won, but, August 26, 2010, a federal judge, Brooke Wells, signed the win, to us! We, me, Rachel and Shelley were all going to split the proceeds three ways, because we asked for $1 million dollars in damages. But, other than the complaint, I was the main, player, in all the shit, fighting Chris and Rachel, who kept bringing her two younger kids to the house and creating, all kinds of drama! Eventually, after school was out, and Chris and the kids, changed, the locks to what was MY HOUSE NOW, I KICKED RACHEL'S KIDS OUT, AND SHELLEY WAS GOING SOON, because she never did a fucking thing, never worked, cleaned and I was driving her sorry ass, to her mortgage business and using all my money and gas! including time! Here is where I knew, something was up, Shelley was, later home, 24/7 as my law practice took off, with a fury, and she had all the time in the world and never did a damned fucking thing, but study mortgages, and she started doing all the bribing of MY clients, from Gina Merrell, to Kay Reilly, to the Cheeks, with her home and me, having cases in 5 states, plus, taking a case, of Shelley's, Mac Milner, where I had to go to Salt Lake every fucking week, probably orchestrated, for 5 fucking minutes, with the courts in on it and I was getting wins, when no one else was, Shelley would sometimes go to court, on her cases, that I handled for her, to help her . . . but, eventually, after the win, on, the house, somehow, I no longer had access to my computer and e-filing, account, and had to go through her computer, not thinking, she was stealing my IDENTITY, while, I was gone, and making it look, like she was me, JoAnn S. Secrist, really from about, August 26, 2010 on! Later, taking over, having access to the computer all my mail and shit!
The MERS or Mortgage Electronic Records System . . . I Believe This is Where, Shelley, Got Her Idea, for Having Multiple Me's!
I have to write fast, because the law library is going to close, in about 15 minutes! The way this worked, for mortgages, was, the banks, sold, mortgage back securities, from 9 to 30 times, per house, some even before they were built, in bundles, and they got investors, to back these mortgages, and to keep, all the records of the mortgages, straight, and stop investors from knowing that, their, bundle or investment was being sold and resold, over and over again, to juggle funds, and money, so the banks could make 9 to 20 times what the house was actually worth, and then, use the money and interest, keeping all of this straight, through this electronic system . . . I believe that is the model Shelley used, and I was the product, the mortgage or my intellectual property, was, what was being sold and marketed to investors . . . I was essentially, sold for my brains, my cases, later, water compact, legislation, legal analysis, and now, my BLOG worth, millions a day!
So, here is the progression, to get Shelley, or Rachel, back into my identity and to be an attorney, or all attorneys, it went like this: (1) I reactivated, and they had already been using my name, resume, taking credit for my domestic violence manual and all; (2) when I reactivated, everyone had to retreat back to themselves; (3) as my practice grew, the dollar signs, got bigger and bigger at the same time that, Elliot's first CD with Sony was coming out, and Shelley, needed more and more time to work the clients, friends, and bring them into the thieves, liars, and criminal fold, but money always helps, so Elliot's money, was the seed money, and now big time bucks were coming not only from, Mom but from son, so all the shit started to happen . . . Shelley never left the house for a solid year! She never so much as showed her face out the front door, unless, I was driving, she claimed that Jesse got drunk and hit a dog, and she gave him her car, then she was left without one, but, at times, all her kids started to call her, Shelley, rather than mom, and her kids, started telling me, that I was the ONLY mother they knew, and so I would fell sorry for Ty, or Jesse and I would take them places, because I was bored for them! One time, I forced Shelley to work, and she went ape shit, even though I was paying for EVERYTHING, Rachel's kids, friends, and Shelley's motley crew, about 10 people on and off, with no financial help. I believe this was done, so that Shelley, and I, were seen as the same people, and the goal was to steal the cases, the house, the music, but it didn't go down so easy; therefore we are still, not solidly there, because of my blog. But the computers are key, as is the e-filing, with Shelley being given, access, then sole access, to my accounts, on the Brock and the Cheek case, then the cops, working with Shelley and Frank, aka, Allan Rex Bess, later in the Parowan home, which Shelley and Isaac, October of 2011, just showed up out of the blue, after, we were criminally forced out the Sugar Leo Home, with Shelley saying that, the cops, thought that she was me? I said, how, Jean Dixon, met me several times in my LAW OFFICE! (4) I had to go to California, Shelley and Isaac were alone in my house, for almost two weeks, between, me and clients, from California to Colorado, with all of them, in on this scam! and Shelley, being with Frank, or Allan, and Shelley, being now me . . . I think, Judge Michael G. Westfall was key, in carrying forth the lies, saying and allowing Shelley to come into court wearing a blonde wig, so she was me half the time and her the other half and the cops were used to try to KILL ME ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, with Shelley and Frank colluding with cops, feds, etc., and going for Elliot's CD, that was NEVER NAMED!
I Know, I am the BEST Resource Cops Have to Break This International Fraud Case!
Me vs. the Fucking Intelligence Community, if not the White House! Tons of Dough, and Blogging POWER! Who would not want to be me? At Least 6+ ARE!
Figure this Shit Out, I am Sick and Tired of It!
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ReplyDeleteHey JoAnn, I met you few days ago while visiting the Povrello Center, and I was suppose to meet you there on Wednesday 5pm. Unfortunately I was not allowed to do that because of the center's privacy issues...etc. I still would like get together with you and I was wondering how could we arrange a meet time in a neutral area? Do you have a phone number or email address? Beth