The Village . . . We Are Community . . . We Are Montana! So.
I had to run to lunch at the Poverello, and I forgot several key symbols and statements attached, one of the first, God signs, was Lynch Insulation, right after, Samuel Adams or Shelley, which to me represents, either the Department of Justice, which houses, the FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office, or it could mean, Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney, herself, or it could just mean, the very, very Mormon, FBI, with Utah connections doing, Mormon shit, while they are suppose to be doing the business and crime investigation for the United States and tax payers, to keep us, safe and free from crimes, not doing the personal bidding and vendetta of a bunch of Mormon, liars, thieves and actors! This is not the Mormon, personal playground. The other symbol or God Intel, was, a truck, large with forest green awning for the trailer, and it said, Alexandria . . . Molding to Your Lifestyle! Shelley's oldest daughter, well, only daughter, is Alexandra Maughn, and she is living in, I believe, Amarillo, Texas, where Shelley, comes and goes; however, with the help of the FBI and maybe even working with the U.S. Attorney General's Office, with my credentials, fuck anywhere in the government, especially, in that office . . . they want to let Shelley, the palm reader, tarot card fortune teller, cabbage patch doll shoes, saleswoman, and working with the mob, on securities fraud, another way she came to the attention of the feds, the Republicans and the Mormons, plus Brock, she cut deals to get, both her and my father, off securities, fraud charges, by ratting out her ex-husband and her mafia boss, Alan Wolfson. Is this like the mobsters, the Grim Reaper, that I wrote about, that in exchange for getting off on armed robbery charges, the mobster, had to do some undercover work with the KKK, and he was allowed for years, to operate, as a gangster of the worst kind and also work with the FBI! Way too cozy, way to close, way, to easy to cross the lines, between, the FBI using the mob, to the mob, making a shit load of money, using the FBI, symbiotic relationships and the local cops all fall in line, because, money, grants, connections with the FBI, and our own sheriff is back at FBI training for THREE months as we speak, and I am seeing evidence of the 200 FBI agents in town, to allegedly investigate the Russian mob, like yeah, they are all working together, to get me . . . get sons' music free and clear, and my blog, total and full, amounts there, EZ prey, EZ money!
Never Let Your Gun Get In The Wrong Hands!
Several months ago, I wrote about NEVER compromising, ever, you standards, as a police man, or an attorney, judge, business person, teacher, whatever, because, once you compromise, take bribe, a favor, get a pay off, of one kind or another, you are toast! And payback is a bitch. Like a new car, or a vacation with your family, for just doing this or that favor, lying about this or that, especially, someone, the cops, hate, and have for years, and who continues to be a pain in the ass, going after cops for this or that, is easy, to justify, just that little white lie, and not unlike the DEA, with my client, who got his whole chemistry plant burned down, when he refused to work with the DEA again, they operated much like the mob, and they were either not going to let him get out of it, or they were going to make him pay dearly, which they did, and even when I didn't do anything, they made me pay dearly, just for doing what I took an oath to do, and they took a similar oath to do, but cops--criminals, I forgot which is which? That is what happened to my buddy, who had the fight with the cops, in Utah, long before I did, well, probably, put me on the look out, because, the fight started the first week, I was a staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, seeing the surcharge and the cops, prosecutors and judges, fighting over all the money, that was nothing but pure incentive, to protect the system, that is suppose to protect citizens, rather than protecting the citizens, directly, and all kinds of abuses, start to come in, from that position on!
Corruption is a slippery slope, and it opens the floodgates to potential, blackmail, for cops or anyone in any system, and the results could be devastating. Let's take my situation, female attorney, clean as a whistle, going from being a housewife to attorney, and into the top positions in the government, no background of any kind, that would indicate criminal activity, not even a fucking driving ticket, clean as clean, but, when someone this squeaky clean, interfaces with a criminal justice system that is rigged to protect the players in the system, more than the citizens who pay their salaries, as we saw in Ferguson, when, they interviewed a very pissed off cop, with tanks, shocking the conscious of the American public, seeing tear gas and gas, used on peaceful protesters, and the cops, said, as if in fear of his life, we are just protecting ourselves? Then, what the fuck are we paying you for? To go after innocent people in your community? Once you are compromised, there is not telling what you can get into, and what you are going to do to cover up the original sin . . . how does in look, if the FBI, allowed, helped, fostered, protected, and lied, to steal my $357 million case, all for political reasons for the Mormon Church, to get attorney's fees, of $118 million, trashing the bureau, the church, the Republican party, my family, my clients, BYU law school, that had to have played ball, the Utah State Bar Association, and the U.S. Federal District Courts? not to mention the U.S. Supreme Court, swearing in, and making me, come all the way to D.C., to take the oath, when, by the rules, I already was a member of the bar, did so by written oath and affirmation, to protect, defend and preserve the U.S. Constitution . . . those are a lot of big shots, looking like shit, criminal, and just one female attorney to handle, and of course the PROMISE to the fraud broads, that they would protect them, if they helped take me down!
The other night, Fox, Megyn Kelly, had a group of blacks and whites and they were starting to have a discussion on race, and one lady, probably, for the first time, hearing that, the system is protecting the system, not us, she made me laugh, being old to this game and to the system, that, what do you mean, the cops are afraid of us, afraid of our skin, they are suppose to be protecting us, not afraid of us! What is this, protecting the system. Well, we saw just that . . . just days before that, the 4th of 6 cops, charged in the Freddy Gray case, were exonerated or acquitted of any wrong doing, that resulted in his death? Megyn, said, well, you had a black state attorney, or prosecutor, a black judge, a black chief of police, so, what is up with that, justice was done . . . like I didn't see, Mayor Stephanie whatever, now a show piece for the national Democratic party, being discovered from that case, in Baltimore, Maryland . . . I am not accusing anyone, but, perhaps, paying the family, the $5 million, alleviated any guilt, or whatever, but that man, was brutally treated, with inhuman, or disregard to human dignity and denied medical treatment, having cops manhandle him, when they threw him in the back of the transport vehicle, for what, looking cross-eyed at the cops, then running? But, this woman, never heard of cops, being chicken shit and running to protect themselves, not the citizens they are to serve and protect, same with Brian Wilson, the officer who shot, 18 year old, Michael Brown, the start of the whole Black Lives Matter movement, who, cried foul, on Michael, when he had the gun, the car, the badge, and was as large or tall as the BOY! I saw the news, starting the day, of the shooting, August 9, 2014, as I recall, and, I recall, that on early news reports, Officer Wilson, had no knowledge of the cigars, being taken from the store, he just was being an ass, telling the kids to get out of the street!
Christ said, Beware, lest all men, think well of you. Being a constitutional law attorney, with no connections really, to any party, or particular leaning, and taking on cops, can leave me, standing in the middle of democratic socialists, democrats, and republicans, with every hating me. And, of course, everyone has sympathy for the cops, she is a bully, using her education, her blog, her cases, to upset the apple cart, when we all have it figured out on both sides of the aisle, but about as unconstitutionally, as possible. When, the cops and mob, were trying to kill me before I left Parowan, Utah, allowing, a total fraud and double, the murderer or co-conspirator with Shelley, in killing Allan Rex Bess and 25 others, the killers were not worried, because, as he laughed in my face, all the cops, prosecutors, and judges hate you, so, good luck, and they knew they could literally get away with murder, robbing the Bess family, worth millions, stealing stocks, bonds, property, land, investments, with no heirs, only with me standing in the way, of walking away with billions, even jewelry, that was, taken right off, Hitler's mistress, rubies so dark, the were called blood rubies and worth a fucking fortune . . . NO ONE FUCKING CARES! Where is LAW ENFORCEMENT? They are all protecting the system against me, and protecting each other! And because, Shelley, Brett, Frank, Jack, Kay, Rachel, Kennedy, are all hooked into the cops, NOTHING is being done on my side, the innocent victim of a billion dollar heist, if not more!
I didn't know the cops, FBI, CIA, prosecutors, judges, had to like you to do their FUCKING JOB? This very cool, smart, but alarmed, woman, in a red dress, cracked me up, and probably reacted the same way, I did, totally innocent, that cops, scratch cops backs, and protect, dirt, in the alleged criminal justice system! It is beyond shocking to say the least . . . after learning that, state crime labs, doctor and lie on the evidence, in almost 10% of the cases, witnessing that first hand in Utah, going all the way up the FBI, on my $56.7 million case, against dirty cops, prosecutors, narc task forces, judges, etc., seeing the FBI at the state crime lab, outright, say they could not distinguish, the voices on the tape, of what three officers, broke into my clients, house, while he was gone and planted 51 pieces of felony evidence against him, and then told the rookie narc cop to go get a warrant! all caught on tape, by another private investigator, whom the criminal justice system didn't like, because she called the on their shit, stood up, and told them where to shove it, so they went after the cases, her friends, and then, me as her attorney! Nice little coppy whoppies! There was a great cartoon, well, depicting, of the state of the nation, and race, showing, a cop on one side of the sidewalk, with his head in his hands, and on the other side of the curb, about 10 feet away and black man with his head in his hands! Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy! Stop protecting, dirty cops, and cops, who just made a poor judgement call, that should all come out in the trial, through witnesses, and the use of body cameras, don't turn them off, they are to protect you and the citizen . . . tempers flare, but, cops can't just expect, like obedience, when, citizens have rights, and if you don't follow them, they are going to ask for them, and you have taken an oath to give them to them!
I loved it, but, noted, that when the Orlando chief of police said he, was giving people their constitutional rights, and to me, he sounded a bit, begrudged at having to provide those rights, that have not been seen as something cops have had to do for what, 16 years, since the advent of that fucking Patriot Act! The force of will . . . like I said, I may have lost everything I own, well it got stolen, by cops, or cops surrogates, and they were protected, looks pretty bad, but, at least, there is some satisfaction, to hear cops, prosecutors, judges, realizing, that if they want PEACE in their streets, and to PROTECT THEIR OWN, or cops, they are going to HAVE to do this . . . I have LONG said, from the very start of this blog:
I got over, giving a rat's ass, that someone liked me or not, by about 8th grade!
Gotta go watch the DNC!
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