Son, Elliot's Band, The Ditch and the Delta, Recording at KRCL Studio . . . The Guy With the Bun in His Copper Hair!
Chastity Kilpatrick
The NSA, or my weasel pop, who wants to claim, this blog, for his own, because, the last blog I wrote on my sons, being, possible, CIA agents, hit the big money charts, just what, this mafia don wants, my sons' money, my money, my daughters' money, and all claims, and rights to the grand kids, he dissed, for not being, the Mo shit Mormon, mold boys, now, wants everything they think, do, write, perform . . . disgusting, at best! So, while I am on the subject of boys, big and small, yesterday, while I was writing about, James Kennedy, distinguishing, my Kennedy, from, the Kennedy, fake, Rachel, the fake JoAnn, would like, the YouTube gods, of recommending miracles, and cool videos and movies, connected to the keywords, I program their very smart computers, that search, the voluminous volumes of true crime, movies, news, and what not, that I love, it is like, getting up, and opening a Christmas present, each morning when I check to see, what my blog, has triggered to be coughed up from the archives of computer land! But, this name kicked up, and I had to laugh, having written yesterday, about meeting James Kennedy, at the Butte Rescue Mission, last January, and again, hooking up, in March, when he was laid up with a gunshot to his ankle or foot, the day after he told me he loved me, and being pissed, I took off without telling him where I was disappearing to for a month! I had to play this guy, different than the rest . . . I was not going to win, him over, with sex, or a great body, but, reversing the games, men play on women, doing it to him, seemed to have, not only gotten his attention, but, actually, hurt this brute! I should not laugh, but James kept, telling me, he was leaving, over and over again, and I would respond, with, A man's got to do what a man's, got to do . . .
Traditionally, it is the man, who leaves the woman, and can come back, go, return, leave, and the woman, will wait for him, I am not the average woman, and I think, he was just getting a taste of a woman, who prides herself, in not only snagging a man, playing with him, gaming with him, stealing his heart, then releasing him, to have sex, be with other women, free to come and go, not being influenced by money, sex, name dropping, or whatever he was offering in his initial contact with me, laying all his hit lines and male, flashing colors, and dancing for the female, much like in the animal kingdom, where, the male, is the colorful one, and the female, sits back, and watches as the men, strut, flash, and show off their manly, skills, or colors, as it seemed, Kennedy, probably just to either, have sex with me, or get me alone to assassinate me, and I was not convinced, that either of those was, his aim and goal, in its entirety, therefore, always erring on the side of safety, I never let the premise with him, just in case, he was a Honey Trap, and me the queen bee, being taken down by the drone or a strike! Not falling for the pick-up lines; however, playing and gaming, enough, to lead him on, in order to catch some heart action . . . and he can say, what he wants, that it was Rachel, or Kay, or whomever, whatever, the boys club, thinks, is sexier, or more, male attracting, the truth of the matter is, he was devastated, when I left without telling him, I was going, not just once, but twice! A role reversal, I don't play harder, or cat fight, I am just smart! LOL!
How Ironic, Catching the Stud King, Without, So Much as a Kiss! LOL!
It has been done before, maybe not to this level, or with, such a famous, man or guy, but, none the less, with a guy, who had 5 women a day, banging on his door, for sex, back in high school, being the innocent, young stud, feeling, innocently, that he had to service all these women, hanging their bra's on the door of his bedroom, so his mother, would not come in unannounced, and find her son, in bed with one girl after another! LOL! And, his main, squeeze in high school, thinking he was too, wild, and not, Mormon, enough for her, when her preference, was for the return missionaries, and getting married in the Mormon Temple, rather than marrying this rough and tumble, rowdy and raw, Marine, cowboy, biker, dude, although, cheating with him, through, 3 temple marriages! LOL! Women, were trying to get this guy, one of my clients, whom, sued the government, after they tried to kill him, four times, ending up in a wheel chair, a few time, being grilled by U.S. attorneys for 16 hours straight, never flinching, and winning his lawsuit against, the U.S.A. and VA, a rare feat indeed! The second, he saw, me, his attorney, he told the jail, he was going to marry me, his attorney, as all, the boys in the orange jumpsuits didn't believe him, nor did the cops, prosecutors and judges, believe it when, I fell in love with him, some months later, as he was just, male, once the glow of the orange jumpsuit, and jail, wore off him, and I was, becoming, another female, being reeled in, by his maleness, with him, confident, in his masculinity, knowing, eventually, he would win, me and my heart over, which he did!
James Kennedy, reminded me, a lot of this man, and he had a perfect in road, straight to my heart, without me knowing his last name, nor anything about him . . . hot types! But, just like, my client, later, alleged husband, Kennedy, also very secure in his attraction assets, and sexual prowess, was able, merely, by being, himself, without saying a word, much like, my wild child, Elliot, who is just a chick, magnet, equally hairy beast, with three women in the same day, asking the manager, whom I knew from the time he was a teenage boy, told me, three waitresses at the Blue Moon, came to him, the first day Elliot worked and said, Guess who I think is cute . . . Elliot! Why do you say that, because, you are the third, chick, today, that told me the same thing! Chris is equally, hot, but he is off the market, married! But, woman, after woman, tried to win, Allan, through, sex, cooking, cleaning and whatever, women, do, to get a man . . . I don't play those same games, but, it is funny, because, some, saw his house, the antiques, the land, the cabins, and were actually, also after his assets, in addition to being with him, and he could see right through them, and guess who he gave the house to, without ever touching him, other than, the time, he stuck his very large, masculine hand through my truck window, the day he won my heart, and said, Do you want to shake a real man's hand? I said, Do you want to shake a woman's hand that is more male, than most of the men you know?
He wasn't the slightest bit, challenged, and in one of the most, tender and masculine things, I have ever experienced, he just took my hand, in his very large, manly hands, and I am a hand woman, love, male arms and hands, and voices, for some reason, and turned over, our hand clasped, intertwined hands, locked, together, and kissed the top of my hand, melting my heart, and making me look at him, as much more than a client, whom, had asked me if I would ever consider, liking him . . . at first, the very attorney in me, simply said, NO., end of story. That all changed, a few months later. Kennedy, had that same effect, on me, just simply, by pulling me close to him, while we were in scripture study, and believe me, I was not thinking about the Lord or the scriptures! LOL! Holy shit! Melting, right there, in front of God, angels, and these witnesses! LOL! I am sure, God was amused, from this Ice Queen's reaction, to one of his wonderful creations! LOL! Oh, yeah, I am going to get where I was yesterday, and lose my train of thought, if I don't continue, and stay out of those areas, on brain, thoughts and entertainment, areas . . . I will get in trouble!
Line of Reasoning: (1) Chastity . . . yes, I refused to do anything with Kennedy, Chaste as a young teenage girl! (2) Going to the name, Kilpatrick, girl in the video's last name; (3) Let's assume, that Kennedy, being the hunk he is, was a paid assassin, knowing he can snag about any chick, guaranteed to charm and lure me--good choice, but, I'm too smart to fall for just that; (4) so that takes care of the "Kil" part, and Patrick . . . Kennedy, kept telling me he was leaving, yet he never would leave! LOL! Whatever. The only time, I ventured, into the area of letting him know, I cared at all, was, to recommend, he spend, St. Patrick's Day, in Butte, just for the fun of it! (5) so that is the connection with St. Patrick, and Kennedy's are Irish, so, I thought, that appropriate, even though, he told me he was Pentecostal, I knew better . . . (6) So, he stayed for St. Paddy's Day, then I left him again! LOL! (7) Now, is that smart, or dumb? Only time will tell, an unfinished affair! LOL, my bet is, I see him again, his ego is too big, to not wonder, what happened! LOL!
The Chastity Girl, Kills the St. Patrick's Day, Assassin, Hired to Kill Her? Maybe! Kisses. See You In Green?
P.S., fuckers are not, letting me publish, I can't believe, the depths and lengths, these fucker will go to cover their asses, their crimes, their sins, their hits, their games, their stupidity, they are just, proving over and over, what I say is true, or they wouldn't need to block it! My Walmart Money Card, is still not here, I would bet, that, my father, and old fucking, asshole, so jealous, greedy, wicked, he feels justified, doing everything he can to fuck me over, since, the day, I was born, beating me black and blue, from should to knees, that would have put his sorry, ugly, dick, ass fucking face in prison! He should have been penned when I was three, maybe I can get him, at 61, after 61 tears of child abuse! God, I can't help, that I was your one, true, successful, honestly successful, child, passing that level of excellence, onto my kids, your only cool grand kids, and you hate us, because, you AIN'T Us, so you steal, destroy and kill, you old asshole! Fuck you too, MOM! You should have dumped this criminal, back, fucking 60 years ago! Sorry, Rachel, would have fucked Kennedy, in 2 seconds flat . . . he can fuck who, he wants, as long as I have his heart! Some little skater kid, looking like Chris, your most handsome grandson, by far, just walked through the door, with the words on his skater t-shirt, Dirty Gutter Kids . . . only in your dreams old man, I am sure, that you have made up, the kids, you wish my kids, would have been, giving Rachel, credit for my AWESOME kids, probably giving me, Rachel's or Shelley's little psychopaths! NO THANKS, I take credit, for Greta Secrist Hyland, Nicole Secrist Mayor, Chris Secrist, and Elliot Secrist, bass guitarist, vocalist, and wonderful son, like his big bro!
BRO DART, When He Sees What His Mormon Patriarchal Grandfather Has Done to, Not Only His Mother, But, All His Siblings Too . . . They Turned Out Better Than All Your Other Mormon Trash! Fuck You . . . I Honor My Parents, By Being the Total Opposite Than They Are! Who are my father and my mother . . . he who doeth the will of my Father which art in Heaven! You Never WERE MY PARENTS! Take you fake, attorney, bitches, and get the fuck out of my life, out my kids lives, out of my grand kids lives! You don't deserve them!
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