Fuck You NSA! LOL! Looks Like the Billings Gazette to Me! LOL!
I took this picture, February 20, 2016 . . . Go figure, I got it today, when, I tried to get the other picture of the money card, addressed at the MRM to me, JoAnn S. Secrist and Elliot T. Secrist--staff was freaked out by this man's name on my mail and card--relax, it just my rock star son!, and the Stella's receipt, that, shows history of being here . . . I have other proof and of being in Billings, February 1, 2016, but I actually checked into the MRM, where I still am, I believe on Saturday night, January 29, 2016--because I got lost the next morning looking for the church, I saw on Saturday . . . I think I should stay, the Mission, makes me save 80% of my check, that would be a first for me! LOL! Someone needs to get me under control, and I want to attend that "Campaign School" at the Big Horn Resort, March 1, 2016! Right down my line of interests--POLITICS! If Billings keeps planning cool stuff, like the "Bucking-Horse Sale Day" or at least attracts the cowboys here, I'm staying! don't tell the cops or the security guards at the Billings Public Library--cowboy sitting right in front of me, at Burger King--smile--his wife just sat down--where one is, there has to be more--wink . . . I missed Senator Tester's "Small Business Opportunity Conference"--attended that last year, in Missoula, Montana--it was great! . . . I also missed the Native Americans--I like Indians better, constitutional reference, "Education for All" Conference at the Crowne Plaza! Scream! Maybe if I stay at the Mission, until May, save my money, because I have to, to keep a roof over my head, get a job, now that I at least have a piece of paper, stating I have my SS card--Pov hasn't sent my SS card yet, I can get a van, and Get Lost In Montana, like I did, the first year and a half I was in Montana, when I had my truck and my car--respectively, both taken out from under me, car blown up with a pipe bomb--my JoAnn Bond Moment, and 4 Iron County sheriff's stealing my truck! telling me the next time I left the state, it would be on FOOT--because, I outsmarted them 5 previous times I got out of the state of Mormon, safe back in Montana! I showed them, I got out of town on the Greyhound! TA truck and bus stop, just down the road from my Parowan house! LOL! Then, I can travel the state in the summer and go to all the fun stuff, concerts, festivals, events, all over the state; I'm missing out by not being able to get to any small towns, not on the bus route! . . . mobile life! Gotta dig this Montana Ride! I love it!
Cool, Hardee's Morning Experience--Gideon Tellman
Yesterday, I am sitting, madly typing away on my blog, and some, older gentleman, about my age, lol, came bursting through the doors, on the atrium side, where I was . . . imitating me typing like a wild woman, smiling, acting like he was typing as wild and crazy as I do--lightening fast, not quite as accurate, especially when the NSA turns off spell check, like, ah, right now . . . but, I was focused and just smiled and kept typing. He had his breakfast, and when he came back out, he saw my Gideon Placed Bible, on top of my dark green and black backpack, didn't interrupt me, and just pointed to the Bible, touched it with, his finger, and smiled, gave me the thumbs up and left, happily out the door! Was he a Gideon? Did he place the Bible at the Mission? I found this one, separate from all the hundred or so other Bibles, over on the bookshelf, this one was all alone, on the piano, across the room, and I most likely would not have grabbed one of the others, off the shelf, but, this one, for some unknown reason, caught my eye, or at least got me to pick it up and see the great reading list, that has cool, simple divisions, making teaching, if I would follow the list provided, very easy and targeted to the new Christian, or someone, not as well versed in the scriptures, as, let say, I am . . . so, if I run out of mental scriptures, I can always go back to the list, and pick up where I left off.
That reminds me of a really great picture, I saw, last night at the Mission, while I was, just picking up children's books, when one called, Marvels of Nature, with a T-Rex on the cover--way cool, terrorizing picture of the beast, leading me to, another large book, called, How Do I Know God Lives . . . in this book there was this pic of a kid, opening the Bible, and looking at it, with lights going on, as if the meanings and the stories in the Bible, were making sense, and becoming real to him! I smiled and thought, I hope my kids are opening the scriptures, because, they have been my strength and my power, through, all this government torture shit, leading me, guiding me, and bearing me up, as if on the wings of eagles, letting me trample my enemies, as if they were lions and cobras, as in Psalms 91, with guys after me, amped up, special forces, from military groups, called Cobras, etc. My God is an awesome God, as real as any earthly father!
One of the things, I loved about teaching, both, high school and at three colleges, or universities, was looking out into a sea of faces, at the U of U, Salt Lake City, Utah, where Elliot, is now a music major, with about the same, GPA, as his mother, when she was an undergrad, some 72 or so, in my family law class, only seniors could take, just before graduating from college, and seeing, one face at a time, brighten, as if the lights went on in their heads, like, hey, I get this stuff! I loved watching their brains at work, not many dared comment in my class, I was a T-Rex type professor, but, without saying a word, someone, would, lay back in their chair, smile, put a pencil to their lips, and a calm, sense of goodness, spilled over their mind, body and soul . . . this makes sense. The great thing about me teaching, was, that, as an assistant attorney general, or staff attorney for the Division of aging, or even working as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, or spending a summer working on life issues, like abortions and physician assisted suicide, for Americans United for Life, was that, I was, actually doing the real stuff, during the days, and teaching, family law at night, with stories that were REAL, RAW and RELEVANT!
I can do that with the scriptures too, with daily examples, who God helps me, guides me, teaches me, deals with me, as a very angry, but, protected, attorney, blogger, mother, grandmother, who has had to deal with stuff, nobody should have, as have my very talented, smart, cool, beautiful children, whom I admire and respect for the grace and dignity, in which they have conducted themselves, taking, everything from, their person protection, and that of their family, in consideration, knowing that whatever they have had to do, I know they love me, and they know, that but for the worst case scenario, I will do everything to protect them, but sometimes, life, issues, principles, concepts, millions of people, in jeopardy, sometimes, things are bigger than we are, even as family members, it goes beyond us . . . just like in the scripture I quoted yesterday in my blog . . . if you are not, willing to take up your cross and follow Me, you are not worthy of ME! or JESUS . . . I would hope my readers, my children, would, realize that their choices, are not just restricted to having consequences in this world, but in the world, in glories, beyond this world, and it matters!
Visual Image of Son-Like Man, Standing Behind Donald Trump--Looked Just Like My Son, Chris, but With Slicked Back, Mafia Looking Wise Guy Hair--He has Great Hair Too! BEAUTIFUL MAN! . . . Whom I Had a Dream, 2 Years Ago, Would be President Someday! How to Get There, When You Have the Brains, the Looks, the Personality, the Wife, Cute Daughter, Knowledge, But, No Money, and Questionable Sources, Want to Back You? Worth Dealing with Mafia? the Super Mob . . . Your Mom's Enemies?
On the back of this dudes, black and white, sweatshirt, it says, Dysfunctional Veteran . . . LEAVE ME ALONE! LOL! That would probably be my son's response. Sorry son, too much at stake to allow, you to get mixed up with the wrong crowd, love you too much, know you can, be president, doing it the right way! through honest means, with donations and money, not dark money, not backdoor deals, not compromising you standards, your principles, your duties, and who you would owe your allegiance to with, deadly strings attached! An EMT ambulance, just went down the road, Joliet . . . Jo Lie Time . . . fuck no, this is not a Mormon Muffin's kid . . . Chris is Elliot's brother . . . why do you think, they blocked my pictures, because, if I can prove, Elliot is my son, which this card proves and can be traced, DNA or no, back before, these fuckers, tore into me and my family . . . then, the possible, president of the United States, now old enough, can be traced to me too! God, my Intel, man, always sends a white Chevy Suburban, wagon SUV, down the street, sometimes, 7 times day, letting me, know, that the bitch ass sister, who is using and abusing my GOOD NAME, with killer great kids, refusing to take credit for her, TWO PHAT or FAT BOYS, with ISSUES, due to an errant, dumb ass mother, putting everything before her kids! She doesn't want to be connected to her OWN PRODUCT, her kids, HOW FUCKING SAD . . . but, MO MUFFIN, CUPPIE LOVE . . . YOU ARE NOT FUCKING ME, NOR DO YOU GET CREDIT FOR MY KIDS--take responsibility, your kids are good kids, and their problems, are BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU HAG! I love your kids, as their AUNT, I am not your kids, mother! and you don't get MINE! Fucking mafia or not! DNA, DNA, DNA . . . why do you think, I am under relentless attack? not just for my work, but for my products, GREAT KIDS, and the FRUIT DOES NOT FALL FAR FROM THE TREE . . . and that is SCRIPTURE!
Don't put your TRUST in the arm of FLESH, PUT IT IN YOUR TRUST IN GOD! If he wants you there, he will get you there, with our without money or backing! TRUST HIM . . . your mother got in LAW SCHOOL, two hours after waking from a dream to go! Another white Suburban, just went by, NO RACHEL, with honkin' fucking fake ass big HOOTERS, is not me! I know, the fucking cops, want any one BUT me, to BE ME . . . but, no one is more qualified, then ME TO BE ME, DEAL WITH IT, FOR GOD SAKE!
Rumor has it that Donald Trump, Ask Sarah Palin (Rachel) to Be His, Madumb Secretary! LOL! Or Secretary of Stupid . . . Same Crew, Created Your Aunt, In MY Image! LOL! All Family Photos of Our Family Were Stolen From My Office, the Day Before, I Was to FLY to Denver To Argue MY $357 Million Securities Case . . . WHAT THE FUCK WOULD THE GOVERNMENT WANT WITH MY FAMILY PHOTOS? To Doctor Them, MAKE it LOOK Like Rachel Was Married to Zeke or Richard, Rather Than, Chris Hickey, Connecting HER to Stephanie, Matt, Emily and Scott Hickey? LOL!
- first, the government destroyed your mother, then someone was attending DIXIE STATE College, now, allegedly a university? under MY name, My Social, My birthday? Why in the fuck would a JURIS DOCTORATE, take fucking undergraduate classes . . . the PE major, learning to write and speak? read a teleprompter . . . Rachel, Shelley, Isaac, all disappeared, between roughly, 2006, right after I broke up with Brett, and moved to St. George, same time, Elliot's band, God's Revolver was Hard Rock Band of 2008, going on their nationwide tour, until I told you grandpa, and in-law, and all of the sudden, sabotage! After I moved to Missoula, summer of 2014, some lady at the Catholic Church, asked me if I was taking communications classes at the University of Montana? No, why? There is a woman, who looks just like you . . . total make-over? . . . who is also an ATTORNEY, in my class? I was a communications major, honored Humanities Student, before law school, why in the fuck would I want to take communications classes? She said, I swear, she is you? NO, I am me . . . Rachel may follow me everywhere I go, shadowing me, but, she sure as HELL IS NOT ME!
- I think, once, the super mob, were not successful, at getting dumb ass bitch, Sarah Palin, into office, one fucking heart beat from the presidency, GOD FORBID!!!!!!!, V.P., for, a 72 year old man? and failed miserably, the mob, phased Palin out, and, in payment for her services, she got to be the REAL ME, amazing what, magnifying glasses, tons of make-up, boob job, and hair extensions can do for, a person, to take Rachel, aka, to Sarah, in the blink of a Hollywood make-up artists magic! LOL! I thought, Rachel was Sarah, way back, due to mom, dad, and the families, venom, if I ever made constructive criticisim of Palin, LOL! But, when she got back into the limelight, due to Bristol's second, if not third out of wedlock pregnancy, that is just as test from God . . . now, it is called, fool me once, your fault, fool me twice, MINE, fool me three times, Trig is probably Bristol's baby too! Where is the labels, the welfare mom, for the abstinence queen, Bristol, I guess it makes a difference, who mommy, allegedly is . . . where are the baby pictures of Sarah and Todd's early family, putting one, picture of Rachel playing basketball, EASY PHOTO SHOP, computer mock up, with 80's hair style, another girl's body, or Rachel in shorts! EASY . . . come on, even WIKI, has really nothing on, Palin as mayor, her whole fucking life, starts in 2008, one month before the elections? or before the Republican Convention . . . the big, secret, John McCain was waiting for?
- Sarah allegedly went to 4 colleges . . . it took me, four kids, four colleges, and 12 years to get my undergrad degree
- Sarah was to be the Republican answer to Hillary Clinton, see you can refuse an abortion, have 6 kids, run a city, skin a moose, and be governor, and be V.P. of the United States . . . if your smart, you and other women can have it all, but six fucking months after you give birth? Did any governors see Palin, pregnant, because she would have been at the alleged, governor's conferences, where she was such a rising star, that, surely, someone, would have noticed a very pregnant Palin? People in the book about Sarah, written by McGinniss, Who is Sarah Palin? which is the question, we all want to know, reported, that, Todd had an office, right in the Gov's office, was always there, even in private meetings . . . a girl from Southern Utah, would not, know, Alaska, like an Alaskan . . . weaving two lives together? like the way, they confuse everyone . . . was there a rising female Alaskan woman, whom Todd was really married to, who, allowed, Rachel, to step in her shoes? and key people were paid to lie, or didn't notice, same hair style, same dress . . . both Palin and Rachel, got artificially enhanced, glamed up, after . . . .Sarah is pretty flat chested when she does her V.P. acceptance speech, Rachel said, she had biafra or droopy boobs, before, sinking, $20K, into plastic surgery after the 2008 elections?
- I literally, came out of NOWHERE, to take Utah POLITICS by STORM . . . being everywhere, in everything and killing cop and prosecutors, legislation, promoted by the attorney generals office, even when in administration, over 13 staff and 1800 volunteers, created an award winning manual on domestic violence and sexual assault, now in use by the Department of Justice, on human body trafficking, I did tons of stuff and went, literally, from being a housewife, to law school, and straight to the top of WHO'S WHO in UTAH POLITICS, LAW, and UNIVERSITIES, way better than Sarah Palin, or Rachel . . . she limited, I am not, but I was the MODEL!
- that same fucking white suburban, Mo family wagon, Rachel hauled her kids around in Southern Utah, just went by for the third time, God, indicating, fuck YEAH, that is Rachel! LOL
- Rachel had four kids, so Sarah had to differ, there could be no connection between Palin and Mormonism, so that fake blessing by the medicine man, or black VOODOO preacher, to so distance, her from her real religion . . . come on . . . I would bet, ever bit of credibility, that Rachel is Sarah . . . you know, when she does her hand gestures, watch the double point, with both hands . . . flight attendant shit . . . you have exits, to on both sides, so easy, that they record the blurb, and have flight attendants, stand and point, both ways at the same time, talented, don't you think, remember when someone trashed, FLIGHT ATTENDANTS, maybe they recognized Palin as someone they had seen on UNITED, and were throwing it out, to see if it stuck, and Sarah, vehemently defended flight attentants? Remember? LOL!
- was Trooper Gate, my asset forfeiture? she's tough, taking on the cops, firing her capital top cop? was bro-in-law paid? I defended Rachel, against Chris's accusations, of child abuse, in a 20 minute protective order hearing, before her divorce was final, or just after, and the 20 minutes turned into 9.5 hours, when I had two baliffs or deputy sheriffs standing behind me, if the judge gave, the order to arrest my ass for contempt of court, as I have been, since then, arrested for by Judge Lyle or Lie All Anderson, in the 7th Judicial Court, of . . . I guess that was Shelley or Kay! LOL. But finally, Judge Shumate, who knew me from my Utah Prosecution Days, AG days, finally, called the hearing and told me and the other attorney, Jim someone? I think, and had us hammer out an agreement, that he would abide by . . . pattern for defending her sister? Just too many fucking similarities!
- Sarah's few buzz words, with always, adding the U.S. Constitution, or just Constitution . . . red, white and blue chick? I took every, constitutional law class in law school, from all three core classes, taught by Professor Wilkins, who asked me to be his con law research assistant, after I scored the highest of 180 law students! to the Bible and the Law, writing a 10 page paper, on the Code of Hamerabi,
Don't Compromise . . . You Don't Need to!
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