Separation of Church and State
I read a great quote, or statement by a religious civil rights attorney, and I tend to agree, whole heartily with him, in this statement, and this is reference to the founding fathers: . . . what they intended to do, was to set up a system so that we could bring religion into our public lives and into our private lives, without telling others what to do! (Appendix A, "And Nothing But The Truth"). By way of a disclaimer, or full and fair disclosure, at times, I will wear my attorney hat, and at other times, I will wear the hat of a scriptorian, or lover of the word; however, one hat requires, on set of rules or laws, and the other, another, the Constitution, was set forth as a secular document, where, the founding fathers, set their particular religious orientations, aside, knowing that all Christian churches, believed, in these five things, as a common ground: (1) they believe in a living God; (2) they believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior; (3) they all believe that he died for our sins; (4) and believe that he was resurrected from the dead, on the third day; and finally, (5) they all believe in the atonement or being a one with Christ. The Constitution is based on Judeo-Christian principles, as you see, most prevalently displayed in the Preamble of the Constitution, and that is also the goal, in the idealistic quest for Utopia, or the ideal world, or the Heavenly world, I spoke of yesterday. Because of these common denominators of beliefs, with those basic understandings, the state shall, not establish a religion, nor interfere with the practice thereof.
Back 20 years ago, in the Los Angeles, area alone, there were 150 or so, different nationalities, races, creeds and religions, so in this United States, the melting pot, and, in order for all of us to get along, having different backgrounds, different believes, and competing interests, whether coming from our religious life, or our business and political lives, we have to have a common set of agreed upon rules or laws, and the mac daddy of all laws, or the Supreme Law of the Land, is the United States Constitution, the agreed upon, rules of engagement, between the governed and the governors, or our elected leaders and officials at all levels of government. This is the basis and foundation for peace, good relations, common welfare, tranquility, justice and prosperity. But, does that mean, that, the 10 Commandments have no room in today's society, just because we can't display them at city hall? Hell, no . . . God wrote the 10 Commandments with his finger on the tablets of stone, and Moses presented them to the Children of Israel, and later, Jesus, who came to not only fulfill the law, but to do away with the law, and that was, like 610 law, under the Law of Moses, said, to take those same, principles and understandings, rules of common decency, societal norms, relationship models, and carve them in the fleshy tablets of your heart!
T.S. Eliot, Early American Poet and Writer, Said: "The Last Temptation, is the Greatest Treason: To Do the Right Thing For the Wrong Reason"
I am going to take one of the most controversial, hot topics, and has been for 40 some odd years, that of abortion, because, in some minds, this goes to the heart of their religious beliefs, having to do with the 10 Commandments: Thou shalt not kill. These are general rules, common understandings, but, do we, ever, kill, or are we involved, in issues related to killing, as in war? Are there gradations of the wrongs, perpetrated, by the act of taking, someone's life? I find it highly ironic, that, and I am not taking sides, I have been on both sides of the abortion issue, having worked for Americans United for Life, in Chicago, Illinois, and fought, all summer, to stop, abortions, through doing research, for amicus briefs, or friend of the court briefs, for the nations leader, in public interest, law and education, and the clearing house for life issues, with all attorneys on board, being very pro-life, and religious. But, in my mind, as I ponder, this issue and the 10 Commandments, with a blanket command to not kill, I have to ask myself, in this very diverse country and world of ours, where some countries have literally, used abortion as birth control and limit families to one child, are they going to be held to this same standard, and are those who get America, into wars, just or unjust, excused from this commandment, not to kill, and often the very same ones screaming to kill ISIS, being the same ones to volunteer to protest at an abortion clinic? Complicated issues . . . and something to ponder.
We have a United States Supreme Court, with 9 justices--with 40 law clerks each, is what I understand, 6 of which are Catholic, with strong feelings about abortion, killing, and the taking of innocent lives, that are given the lofty and almost sacred, responsibility, to carry the fire of justice, and at times, quell, vitriol issues, that go the heart of peoples secular and religious beliefs, often caught, between interpreting the law, and making new law, through the interpretation, but that is our system, where, a pro-life person, never, has to have an abortion, seeing it as killing a person; however, the High Court, dealing with a multiplicity of beliefs, relied on scientific evidence, to rule, that, the mother has a choice, to either terminate her pregnancy, as a right to privacy and due process, in the first trimester, with competing demands, it is only the woman, and possibly her physician, who can, determine, her preference, seeing things, differently, or given the circumstances the support network, or lack thereof, whether the baby's father is involved, and many times they are not, given the age of the woman, and only she and God, or just her alone can tell. Many have a graded, or gradation of what they see as a human being. I have heard, from pro-lifers, that every egg and sperm that joins is a baby, and to abort it, is to kill a human being . . . which, just is not true, or taken to the extreme, should women, save all their eggs that are sloughed off, during menstruation? or when a man ejaculates, because, that could result in a human being?
The U.S. Supreme Court, decided, that viability is the determining factor, that when the baby can be sustained or can live, outside the woman's womb, they are then a person, in and of their own right, and that is when the state legislatures have an interest in the unborn child. Now that may not be your personal view, but it is of the Court, and can you not, allow, in this multi-faceted and complicated world, let this woman, personally decide, what she wants to do? How does that change you belief system, is she exercises her right? NSA is bringing on the DITZ! turned spell check off! So immature! LOSERS!
Reasonable people, in a complex world, with many views, opinions, and rights, can, co-exits, side by side, while, differing on opinions, wildly, but respectfully. My family, would kill me, and mother, a grandmother, a contributor, a living, breathing person of note, letter, education, experience, that can benefit the whole world, and KILL ME, while punishing me for an abortion, which was my right to do, whether they agree or not, you see they want to take responsibility and credit for this writing, but they will scan it and doctor is, but not one of them have the sophistication to write it, but, they can take a finish product, and in their minds, correct the spelling and claim they had the brains to write it, when in reality, it is again, a gradation, of good, better, best and they are doing, what they think is the right thing, for the WRONG reason, $$$$$$, power, access, persuasion, and appearing smarter than they are! That leads me right into the 10 Commandments, to another, commandment, that is a bit less complicated, Thou shalt not bear false witness . . . claiming you wrote this blog, is bearing false witness, even is you change it . . . get your own brain!
The U.S. Supreme Court, decided, that viability is the determining factor, that when the baby can be sustained or can live, outside the woman's womb, they are then a person, in and of their own right, and that is when the state legislatures have an interest in the unborn child. Now that may not be your personal view, but it is of the Court, and can you not, allow, in this multi-faceted and complicated world, let this woman, personally decide, what she wants to do? How does that change you belief system, is she exercises her right? NSA is bringing on the DITZ! turned spell check off! So immature! LOSERS!
Reasonable people, in a complex world, with many views, opinions, and rights, can, co-exits, side by side, while, differing on opinions, wildly, but respectfully. My family, would kill me, and mother, a grandmother, a contributor, a living, breathing person of note, letter, education, experience, that can benefit the whole world, and KILL ME, while punishing me for an abortion, which was my right to do, whether they agree or not, you see they want to take responsibility and credit for this writing, but they will scan it and doctor is, but not one of them have the sophistication to write it, but, they can take a finish product, and in their minds, correct the spelling and claim they had the brains to write it, when in reality, it is again, a gradation, of good, better, best and they are doing, what they think is the right thing, for the WRONG reason, $$$$$$, power, access, persuasion, and appearing smarter than they are! That leads me right into the 10 Commandments, to another, commandment, that is a bit less complicated, Thou shalt not bear false witness . . . claiming you wrote this blog, is bearing false witness, even is you change it . . . get your own brain!
Write These in the Fleshy Tablets of Your Heart
For those of you who just want to know where to find the 10 commandments, Exodus 20: 1-17 . . . And God spoke all these words saying: I am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, or out of the grave, the prison of your sin . . .
- You shall have no other gods before me.
- Money, gold, oil, drugs, false gods, as in Paul's case, he went to Mars Hills in Rome, and looked at all the Greek and Roman gods, Zeus, Poisiden, Aphrodite, etc., and he said, I speak of the Unknown God, or a father in heaven
- You shall not make yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them, for I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting in the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.
- any parent, feels this way about their children . . . I did this and that for you, and they did not, and therefore, there is an expectation of loyalty, and jealous, if a child strays or hates their parent, who has done so much for them, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments.
- I watch a lot of true crime shows, and I don't know how many of them, show a devoted parent, who loves their child, while not perfect, has done the best they could, given the challenges of their own lives, and whatever the child is going through, and there is nothing more horrible, that say, a child hooking up with a lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband and wife, who then, turns the child against the parent, and in many of these, the child, has actually stabbed their mother, father, up to 70 times, in a very personal manner . . . you don't get to chose you parents, especially, if it is the very people who damaged you and your parent in the first place--loyalty goes both ways . . . I am a jealous mother! I am right there with God, there are 7 things the Lord hates, and the worst of them, is GRATITUDE!
- You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
- the only example I can think of, is, when someone is extremely angry, and says, Jesus Christ . . . you blah, blah, blah!
- Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all you work. But the seventh day, is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work; you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in sex days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
- the 7th day was set aside for a day of rest. This is not only wise, but it is needed. We think we can just keep on truckin', but the rules and laws of health, tell us otherwise. Last week, my daughter was sick and said she pushed her exercise routine too far, and realized that she needed rest, her muscles and body, was weakened, not strengthened by her efforts. They are finding, more and more, exercise physiologists, that, you almost need, every other day, to rest your muscles, and that is much more beneficial, that working out, even 6 days a week and 7 is crazy.
- I never studied on Sunday, all the way through high school, college, and law school, up to and including the bar exam, and I found, that one day of rest, carried me through the week, and the extra time, did more harm than good. When I started trail work, often, I was putting in 22 hour days . . . I am high energy, but, I always, took time off, sometimes adopting the Jewish tradition of starting my Sunday, Friday, night, and then hitting the books or briefs, on Sunday, because I had to be in court, Monday morning at 9!
- I think, in my mind and experience, God knows that it is man's tendency to be workaholics, or some of us, and he has to set aside that day to worship him, and also to be with family, to put our labors aside and focus on family, friends, rest, and enjoyment . . . the day off, is because we all need it, and we need to think on Godly things also! Often those things get lost in the weekly schedule . . . MAKE TIME! REST your body and your mind, get in the ZONE!
- Honor you father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
- I believe, this is the one, commandment that carries with it a promise . . . that you will have a long life, and he is giving you land, whether that is public lands, private lands, or just the promised land, you are rewarded for honoring your parents, and who is God, our heavenly parents, and that is a sacred role, parents are not to honor children, but the converse of that, children, are to honor and obey their parents . . . this is probably the one area, God allows jealousy, and sees it as a natural emotion, rather than a negative, as in being jealous of someone's boyfriend, or house, but that may be more coveting!
- You shall not murder.
- Killing 680 young black men, on the city streets of this country, is not okay! The founding fathers, in this system of ours, wanted justice for all, and due process and equal protection, or uniform operation of law. Baxter, going out and killing people, because it makes him feel good, is not cool, or righteous! Serial killers have a sick and inordinate need to have power and control over someone, and that is not cool! Jesus doesn't set us free, to have you take the ultimate power and control over a person, determining if they live or die, badge or gun, this is NOT OUR SYSTEM!
- You shall not commit adultery.
- Jesus took this one step further and said, he who looketh upon a woman, to lust after her, or she who looketh upon a man, and lusts after him, has committed adultery in their hearts. The Lord abhors divorce, and only justified it in the case of immorality. If we can work on this one, we can cut the divorce rate in half, I would bet! Later we will cover scriptures, on men going after wanton women, and the dangers . . . you get burned!
- I don't know how many true crime shows, where one or the other partner, is already committing adultery, and they take out an insurance policy, on the innocent spouse, and then kill them, so them and their new honey, and it cuts both ways, don't fool yourselves, and all for the lust of their hearts! Marriage is good public policy! Adultery is HORRIBLE public policy!
- You shall not steal.
- People have wondered why I have been so angry over the last few years, when I have had my house, cabin, cars, furniture, law practice, cases, blogs, as we are speaking, stolen . . . newsflash, the thieves that are unjustly enriched, have nothing to bitch and moan about, they can be happy as pie, they didn't earn it, pay for it, nor work for it . . . do you seriously think, or believe the new LIE is seriously the TRUTH? do you think God does? Taking things that don't belong to you, is disgusting, and you are not fooling anyone, who has half a brain!
- two of the basic ideas that the founding fathers took for the Greek, Cicero, was:
- do not infringe on another person or their property . . . the basis for criminal law, property, and constitutional law!
- keep your hands to yourself, respect other people persons and property, DON'T STEAL . . . I am still angry, some 30 years later, about buying my children, new bikes, making sure they had cables and locks, and the first day at school, Polk Elementary School, in Ogden, Utah, having someone cut the lock of one of the bikes, and taking it!
- we were right out of my husband's graduate school, and I was going to school, getting our children those bike, was a sacrifice . . . I would see someone, riding a Diamond Back Gen-Xer bike and drive up on them, to see if it was the one, taken, and it made me furious. The people who paid for it, and their children, got one fucking day use out of it, and nothing, makes me madder, than someone stealing mine, or my children's intellectual property! or turning the spell check off, thus, indicating, that they like this blog, so they are just going to let me write it, then scan it, edit it to fit their ideas, not mine, their political agenda, and claim they wrote the whole damned thing . . . THAT IS STEALING, I can be one with God, but you and I are not ONE! Stay the fuck, away from me and mine!
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor!
- who is your neighbor? everyone, but God! sisters, brothers, parents, children, co-workers, love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor, like unto yourself! That is everyone else!
- case in point, you are bearing false witness if you say you are me, or if you tell someone else, like an FBI investigator, that, I am someone other than I am, or that someone else is me, or the person, here or there, at this mission, or shelter, eating establishment
- later, there is some killer scriptures and the ramifications of taking bribes . . . these are not Godly traits or actions, and you need to know, that someone greater than a judge is watching and noting your actions . . . angels attend us!
- remember the all seeing EYE!
- You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nnor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anthing that is you neighbor's.
- to covet means to want, lust after, desire, think you need, something you are jealous or envious of.
- I talked to this guy, in White Fish, Montana . . . he had an affair with his brother's wife, for years, justifying it, that his brother who worked for the State Department, was not servicing or taking care of his wife's sexual needs! I don't see any escape clauses . . . he was lucky he didn't get shot by his brother, crimes of passion, adultery starts with coveting!
- if you don't covet what someone has and you want, and dwell on it, you are not likely to steal, kill, commit adultery, lie, bear false witness . . . this is the point to stop before, and if you don't, you may hit the point of not return, and go to more serious sins and crimes.
"My Feet is Tired, but My Soul is at Rest." 72 Year Old Civil Rights Protester.
. . . in some not to distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty. Yours for the cause of Peace and Brotherhood.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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