For Your Entertainment and Amusement
So, yesterday, I planned on getting to the Social Security Office, to track my deposit and which, of three cards, that payment, that keeps me alive and in Diet Coke, went on, and where? But, as fate would have it, I told the MRM that I was leaving, early Wednesday morning, once I got my monthly allotment, that started back when I was diagnosed with Pick's Disease, didn't see anyone fighting for that one, back then, but, I did notice, people using my name, my social, my work, my law degree, taking credit for my work etc. But, when I discovered that someone had already activated my new Walmart Money Card, and my deposit was not going on the one, I currently had in my hand, ending in 8699, and I was stranded, I had to meet with Rescue Mission brass, to get approval to stay, until my new card, came to Billings, and that, kind of messed up my early venture to the Social Security Office. But, later, again, when I called to make sure, all deposits had been blocked, my card ending in 8699, had been NOT yet been terminated, which it had not been the night before, when I told them to terminate the card, ending in, I believe, 4029, the number, I think, the person I had talked to the night before, speaking in broken English and Chinese, mix, told me, and told them, that I was in Billings, that card was mailed to Missoula, and I was not the one who activated that card! I was most likely talking to an FBI fusion center, because, he actually spoke English, and got very sarcastic with me, when I was trying to clear things up, kind of acting, like, fuck, she caught us! But, I guess they showed me, and fixed my card, that I have, and planned on getting the deposit in, with the expiration date of 02/16, thinking, that I would get this last deposit, and head down to Missoula! They knew that, because I wrote about it in my blog, knowing that my new Social Security Card and Medicare Card, are also going to Missoula!
I was a bit panicked, but having immersed myself in the WORD, and reading several times in the last week or two, to not worry about what I should wear or eat, and God is the God of vengeance, so this morning, doing double work at the Rescue Mission, probably the cops, telling to grind the face of the enemy, I was detained longer than planned, and unable to get to the SS Office around 8:00 A.M., thinking I would have to wait in line all day, and that was not in my plans, so, I decided to take God on his word, and said, in my mind, You are the God of vengeance, YOU DEAL WITH IT! Right at that second, while sweeping the floors in the entry way, the MET, bus went by, around, say 8:45 A.M., with the advertisement, that said, Protect Yourself! I felt like I got slapped in the face for my faith, and thought, that was rude! So much for taking you at your word, God! And just at that second, this work truck, white with RED letters, and the name, RUUD, on it, like God, reading my thoughts, and telling me, that expecting him to do all the work, was me being rude to him, not the other way around! LOL! God has a great sense of humor! I have told this story, but, after not praying for years, still too proud, but I do communicate with him, in my own, stubborn ways, through signs, trucks, bill boards, driver's licenses, that I have seen messages over the years, that are, spot, right on, and so were they this morning, but the way this relationship started, is that, I was going to get a Diet Coke, and the freeway, was near me, in St. George, Utah, and this truck went by with the word, G.O.D., and I said, oh, yeah, I used to believe in you! LOL! The next truck, said, or spell phonetically, CRST, sounding out Christ. A conspiracy!
So, I started, having conversations with God, looking out my apartment window, and the answers seemed to come on the trucks that passed by? I thought, it strange, in deed, but after, spending hours, and getting answers to my questions, a truck went by, that had the word, JERK, on it. I started to laugh, and thought, God is pretty funny and sarcastic. A few days, later, I was walking around in circles in an empty field of June grass, in the heat of a St. George day, drinking, Diet Coke again, and pissing and moaning, about my situation, that after going to law school, kicking major ass as an attorney, and now, I am dying!!!???? And that pissed me off, and I started to rant and rave, I know you, God, you just want me to burn, you want me to burn . . . and just then, a car went by with the license plate, I MAY! LOL! And from that time on, me and God, worked out this whole system, that is a complicated, symbolic, and strange as the federal tax code, but, I have learned, that, if I don't follow it, my escapes, turn into great escapes, or near captures! He is alive, and is aware of our thoughts, our minds, our situations . . . he can't go down, to the Social Security Office and track the payments on my deposits, so he put it in terms I would understand, like a kind parent, and said, do everything you can do yourself, and I will take care of the rest. After I had done my due diligence, and was leaving the library, at 11:55 A.M., or seconds before, there were two cops, outside, talking to a security guard and looking at a bicycle, as I slid passed, wondering what the hell, they were doing, the bike was locked up . . . but, I was happy they were distracted, but, God, sent a Kebbler's Cookies truck down the street, and it said, something like, A Little Magic! I did my part, and God did his! And here is the evidence, that the card ending in 8699, exists!
The bent card, is the one I had, stolen, December 17, 2015, but, one of the thieves, once they learned that I had cancelled the old card, and ordered a new one, after blocking their attempt to steal my card and money, two months ago, magically found, the old bent card in the garbage, two weeks after it was taken and I already had the replacement card! I even have blogs, around January 28, 2015, that I recorded, my purchases, like at the Oxford in Missoula! Fucking dumb asses! LOL! Fuck you! I can just see the cops, fake bitches, fraud broads, pink bra bush chicks . . . YOU SUCK! I love upsetting their plans!
A Thought Or Two On The Death of Justice Scalia
First of all, I had heard a speech or read something, by former, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, retired, Sandra Day O'Connor, when she retired, and she said, being a judge at this level in the country, the highest court in the land, you live a lonely life, because, judges have to worry about, big time conflicts of interest, giving the impact and nature of their jobs, and so, for the years she was on the court, Ms. O'Connor, to avoid any appearance of conflict, influence, or arbitrary and capricious conduct, what is considered when a case is up on appeal, she avoided many social gatherings, dinners, and social engagements, that might, lead her to compromise her judgement and rulings as a Supreme Court Justice. So, the minute, I heard where Justice Scalia was at the time of his death, I wondered, what the fuck, he was doing on a billionaire's ranch, down in Texas, and as a guest of John Poindexter? Right from the start, things didn't sit kosher with me, as an attorney, knowing that judges and justices, in particular, need to avoid the very appearance of evil, so to say, in legal terms . . . don't ever compromise your integrity nor owe anyone anything!
Then the next thing that struck me as bizarre, was this, sort of show of power and wealth of the rich couples who were in attendance, at the dinner and hunting invitation, who are they, what are their political intentions and interests? Allegedly, John P. Poindexter, was the person who found him, claiming, that, Antonin, was "jolly" and "animated" and a "delightful guest?" For some reason, that struck me as someone, who was not a close contact or friend of the Justice, and seemed to be commenting on, someone, he had just met and observed, at dinner the night, Scalia, happened to get up, and allegedly, go back to his room. Don't you think, that had he been in poor health: (1) he would not have been described in those terms; (2) his wife would have joined him, going back to the room . . . there is not much comment from her? (3) where was see overnight? and why didn't she find her husband, before the next morning? (4) was his wife even there? There are tons of questions, that the FBI and U.S. Marshals should have either taken the chance to interview the wife, especially, the other witnesses and the other guests at dinner . . . the way I heard it, the planes and private jets, just swooped and, then turned around and exited the Cibolo Ranch? WHAT? You just had someone, of fucking high power and ranking in the government, mysteriously die, with reports, first that his physicians didn't have any claim that he was sick, later, the cover-up starts, and now, they just were not telling anyone, that he was in poor health, and he had been twice to their offices just that week . . . and this 79 year old, is going fucking hunting? It all sounds fishy to me?
JIGGERY POKERY! Just Like the Guy Next Door Died? In Fact the Guy Next Door, Would Have Been Treated Better! Inquest? Autopsy?
This ranch, seemed out in never, never land, but, with several personal and private jets, someone could have flown to pick up a coroner or a medical examiner, either in the county, or in the district . . . what was the rush? What did it matter, if the body, stayed at the ranch for a day or two, until someone, could come and examine the body? The only way a judge could declare that, was if, there had been a physician attending Justice Scalia? And if there was not an attending physician, then there should have been a fucking inquest or hearing order by the judge! What in the god-damned fuck? This crowd, handled, the Honorable, Justice Antonin Scalia, with as much disrespect, as they did, President Kennedy! Who the fuck did the people at the party think they are? To treat the longest sitting judge on that supreme court bench, like, he was, just the drunk down the street! Come one, the up most care, should have been taken, following every law, policy and procedure of dealing with the death of this magnitude! Seriously, what in the hell was happening down at that ranch? The whole thing is suspicious, and leaves nothing but questions for me?
I am telling you, I had written about Justice Scalia, just the week before, I wrote about him attending the Koch yearly secret convention, also with Justice Thomas, both, very inappropriate actions, for Supreme Court Justices, with the political nature of the Koch Brothers and all their money, going into politics? In the 2012, election cycle, and that was a few years after, the ruling on Citizens United, by about two years, the Koch Brothers, who for sure, benefited from that court decision, that shocked the whole fucking country, spent, some $45 million on the elections! It is highly obvious, that my brief, from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, in Denver, the one, that cancelled my oral arguments, ordered by the FBI, with the government attorneys, not showing up, and Kay or Shelley, being the ones, raced back to the Capital, being sworn in, in my place, Sunday night, when I was, even blocked from being sworn in, with the rest of the military attorneys, I was not under dressed to attend the social before the swearing in ceremonies?
What this forcing me to redo, what I had already done, taken my oath by paper oath, in abstentia, now gave me a month later date, making it look, like the double, was the one, who did the original oath, and me the fraud, always trying to get the first position, and they have mirrored that, even in issuing me, my United States Supreme Court Certificate of Membership . . . Texan, Frank, of Interpol, aka, Allan Rex Bess, originally, my client, murdered, so this fucking bastard, known as AB or Absolute Bastard, I would guess was in attendance that dinner! Becoming a billionaire, on my family money, me and my son's money, making a shit load each time I write, pretending that wifey, Shelley is JOANN, he was fucking her, even before, I got my Supreme Court certificate, and he took his mail out of our, joint PO box, and put it in general mail, so that, he could intercept my certificate that was too big to fit in the PO box, but I found the first one, that was sent, pretending to make a mistake, or maybe it was, but it was addressed or with the name of John S? So, I had to order another one . . . did Shelley get the original or the first? Probably, or she just ordered another one! When Mormons, have top security access to even the U.S. Supreme Court, as FBI members or CIA, or Secret Service, there could be a small number of people, involved in the Sunday night, break-in! I swear, it was like a fucking movie, the white limo, because I beat them, so they concocted the swearing in, and denied me, being included, in the main group, making me sign another paper oath . . . I believe, that my $357 million securities case, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, brief, was stolen by Scalia and the High Court, but the fuckers who got the money, took the credit . . . I can see the American Flag at half mast!
You see, Justice Scalia was notified of the fraud on the Court, but nothing ever came of it, I believe, because, my brief was unpublished and un-precedent setting? WHY? Financial planners, nationwide were loosing their securities licenses? This was a fucking landmark case! Client, Hank Brock and Jay Rice, both at the cancelled oral argument hearing, cut deals, sold out, were bought out, and took bribes, and Scalia, may have too! Hank, said, this is a brilliant brief, and tried to make me, look at a very minor issue, statute of limitations, that would have been turned down for CERT, for certain! There are only three ways, to have a case considered to be heard by the court, and all have to be of federal importance: (1) having a constitutional issue at stake, as mine did, but was stolen, my original 4th amendment argument, used by the court in U.S.A. vs. Jones, the case, Justice Scalia read the day I was sworn IN! (2) or there is an issue of federal question, dealing with a federal statute, as there was the day, I heard, Scalia read the Jones decision, using all my cases and brief!, but it was dealing with using cows, that have either died, or had some type of tipping disease, with the FDA saying, either no or yes, and that was in conflict with, I believe the California, state statute, that said, if the cow, had this or that, it was okay . . .; and (3) if the 13 Court of Appeals, have conflicting rulings on hot topic issues, the U.S. Supreme Court will step in a resolve the issue! Brock wanted me to either us a TEXAS attorney, who had argued in the Supreme Court, several times, or file under the issue of statute of limitations, which I refused to do, knowing it did not fit in the classifications of the types of cases, the Court hears! I believe Kay, and that TEXAS attorney, may have taken the statute of limitations issue to the court, and were denied, CERT! which I knew would happen, but what the fuck does a shinny shitty torts attorney know? NOTHING! WHAT THE FUCK EVER! I might be TOXIC FAT, but, I AM FUCKING SMARTER THAN THE JUSTICES, THEIR ARGUMENTS SUCKED! Right conclusion, constitutionally speaking, shitty arguments to support that conclusion, they wanted to use my work, and take credit, just like everyone else!
Why it is so critical to find out who was on the guest list, is because, to these mother fuckers who stole my kids, cases, money, blogs, identity, with one connection left, my Social Security Check, is that they considered having an abortion, the absolute, worst thing, anyone could do . . . ABORTION IS A VERY DIVISIVE issue, and these guys are into, like the world bankers, the Bushes, and other very rich people, who are only interested in ONE THING, making MORE MONEY, KEEPING THE FIGHT GOING! Dividing the country! Justice Scalia, a very vibrant, smart, sharp, intellectual judge, even at the ripe old age of 79 . . . hell, he could have lived to 100!, said he would like to do all kinds of mean conservative things, on the bench, but, his fidelity to the Constitution, with my case an exception, led him, to conclusions, that were supported by law, precedence, and he, was on the bench, when, Roe vs. Wade, was revisited, back when I was working at, AMERICANS UNITED FOR LIFE, in Chicago, between MY second and third year of law school, in a very PRESTIGIOUS endeavor, that these fucks, would like to steal also, Shelley having kept her baby, when me and three other sisters were all pregnant at the same time, but I ABORTED!
Therefore, like the sociopaths and psychopaths these fuckers are, I don't deserve, the honor, having worked on the other side of the abortion issue!
Scalia may have refused to vote or rule, contrary, to his position on Casey vs. Planned Parenthood, that upheld Roe vs. Wade, 40 years after that decision, and they MAY HAVE KILLED HIM FOR THAT! My case was a case of first impression, but abortion cases, NO, they have been the battle ground for fucking 50 or more years! He may have been taken to death territory TEXAS, and they may have discussed the case, even, and when, he, merely, said, he need to wait and see, that may not have been good enough . . . remember, Representative DAVIS, a female, who did a filibuster, on woman's reproductive rights, with the nation cheering, SHE WAS NOT RE-ELECTED TO OFFICE IN TEXAS! Abortion is a blood sport! These two things combined? DEATH!
20/20 . . . The Big Lie! You Need to See What Type of People Have My Fucking MONEY!
Anyone, concerned with either my case, or discovering what happened to Justice Scalia, needs to watch these episodes:
- Life of Lies: The Michelle McNeil Murder, this is about a man, a UTAH MAN, clue, who claimed to be, both a doctor and a lawyer, but he was a con man, his credentials, were made up! transcripts fabricated, his military service, a joke, his MORMON family, had all been a lie too, beautiful wife, 8 kids, a cover for a sick and twisted man, with a mistress, who plotted his wife's murder, through, plastic surgery, then pain pills, and then being drowned by her physician husband, as he hung up, several times on dispatch
- this man, and his bitch, the nanny, Gypsy Jillian something, is the Ying and the Yang, Kay and Brett!
- these two took Martin McNeil's adopted daughters passport, social security number, and created a new identity for Gypsy, changing the birth date, and whatever, to steal, her I.D., and send her, allegedly on a vacation back to visit family, leaving her in the European Country!
- Gypsy's family, said this woman hurts everyone in her sight, vicious, treacherous, mean, cruel, and willing to do anything, to get her man, the guy who was just as devious as she was!
- these two were a pair, add Shelley, Frank, John, Tony, government dicks, who are just as easily sociopaths and psychopaths, as the guy on the street, and you will see, just who I have been dealing with! In years passed, they may have channeled their sicknesses better, even used them to their advantage, but, when it comes to MONEY, they are ruthless, without shame, no remorse and a fucking DANGER to SOCIETY!
- Nancy Grace covered this case also!
- The Big Lie . . . this covers a chick, engaged, who took off, with another man, authorities thought she was dead, just took her fiance's truck, never came back; LIGHTS OVER PARIS, this is about a dude, that said he had an unlimited bank account, went to banks, an borrowed a shit load of money, $11 million, making up fake stock, fake companies, etc., so he could be a famous rock star! he had lavish parties, rented expensive apartments, footed the bill for rock videos, but he never had: (1) a recording contract: (2) merchandise to sale, connected to the band; (3) he didn't have any concerts, but he did create a rock concert video, paying people to come to the concert . . . he would schedule a concert venue, and then buy all the tickets, and some said, there were more people in his band, that ever came to his concert, or whatever it was . . . you can't buy fans; (4) he didn't have a label; and (5) he didn't have a record! He just wanted to be famous and didn't have the talent for it! Sounds like, Remember the Alamo . . . all fucking FAKE, stealing, God's Revolver music, changing titles of CD, songs, and having a bunch of COP'S kids, in the dumb ass band! The name of this dude's fake band is very significant and symbolic, Rachel, who is most likely with, James "Angel" Kennedy, using the Kennedy name to cover for the money she gets from Elliot, my son, or my blog, and a shit load from my case, being the poster gal, stepping in for big sister, or playing CIA's Sarah Palin, because a fucking flight attendant and a private investigator, don't make that kind of money, but, the Rachel and Chris Hickey, conceived their first child, In Paris . . . Lights Over For Paris! LOL! The next in this short little vinettes of the one episode, was about a man claiming to be the best Navy SEAL in the world, having served in Vietnam, Granda, this war and that war, set up his training schools, and talked several doctors, into investing in his firearms training company . . . he told them, he got a half a billion dollar contract, with Burunda, for protection, and when he took a private plane over, along with his office manager, who actually had served in the military, and the lights went off in the hotel, this big, mean ass, Navy SEAL, not, turned coward, and freaked out! Some real, Navy SEALs, heard about this jack ass, and used the special, computer system, that only SEALS have access to, to look up, this dumb ass, and not only was he, not a SEAL, he was a con, and had a felony, that stopped him from being able to use firearms! The guys name was, Dickin . . . makes me wonder about a SEAL or two I know? The real SEAL said that thousands, lie and say they are SEALS, tough dudes! LOL!
These lame asses, didn't come to their money fairly, they are working for "a" government, but not the U.S. Government, and they have STOLEN $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Jesse Anderson, is Shelley's Son, who allegedly died of a drug overdose, I would see what his, off the radar name is, and I would guess he assassinated Justice Scalia! Keeping it All in the Family, Circle of Friend, SICK FUCKERS, ALL!
Just doing my DUE DILIGENCE!
KISSES TO ANY GOOD GUYS! HEY SON(S)! I love the Chase or Citi Bank advertisement, showing the son, fighting the bad guys, CIA agent or something, and his mother calls, he carries on a conversation, just like he is on the beach, and Mom at home, is comical, probably like I would be . . . LOL, I never know where Elliot is, or if Chris is really where he says he is? LOL! Maybe? My kids are all confidential, but MOM IS NOT! They know better than to tell me anything . . . it will end up in my BLOG! LOL!
Avoiding Identity Theft! Drowned Rat out of the Currents Aquatic Center, Missoula, Montana!
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