The Power of a Social Security Number
Just this morning, I asked the physician's assistant, to help me, by writing me a wet signature, signed document--a secondary form of proof, that I am who I say I am--not to mention that Social Security has my whole life on computer file, all my addresses I can confirm, and a print out of all activity for 16 years, and asked me all the questions, then got some notice on the computer screen even after I signed for the new card, that made the window clerk, refuse to give it to me, slowly withdrawing all the paperwork, I had just filled out and signed--stating, that I had visited the clinic staff to vouch for who I am, with the SS window clerk, who withdrew my paperwork, telling me to get a tetanus shot or something--at the time--I don't think so--but three SS offices and cities later, while under duress, I got stuck--I survived my TB shot, barely . . . I prefer to go through the pain of child birth, than get an IV or a shot!
I told the clinic staff, when they asked me if I was up on my adult immunization, listing off a huge ass number of shots, from flu shots, to tetanus shots, that I could get while I was at the clinic, opting only for the mandatory one, hoping I could also, get the proof I need, to get my Social Security Card Replacement, leaving me, a legal fiction, at this point, having had all forms of I.D., other than a birth certificate, stolen several years ago--replacements a dream at this point, and as of late, I got my backpack stolen, but the thief, either had a conscious, about taking my computer, cell phone, cash, on my birthday, one week before Christmas, and what not, but, returning my mail, which happened to include my birth certificate that it took me a year and a half and several attempts to get, still being unsuccessful, at replacing my Social Security Card, driver's license, etc., all agencies, operated by the government, so no surprise. What is easy for most people, is a monumental achievement for this little, alleged, JoAnn McVeigh, wife of Timothy Nichols, of the Oklahoma bombing fame, somehow, considered an enemy combatant, homegrown terrorist, and enemy of the state . . . you could add, that all the fuckers who think this, all took the same, oath I did!
Curiosity Didn't Kill the Cat . . . Or There Would Be No Doubt Who I Am! Of Course There I NO Doubt, They Created The Doubles!
Anyone who has gone through this nightmare, knows, it is like, a circular argument, doing nothing and getting nowhere, without rhyme or reason. I was in Kalispell, attempting, AGAIN, to get a SS card and at least some I.D., since, cars and trucks, homes and furniture, and such, are totally out of my range now, after this shit going on, stopping me from even having the tools of the trade, a fucking vehicle and a place, that I can accept legal documents! But, FBI, good guys, who are not sworn protectors of the blue code, the day I went to the Flathead County DMV, they were testing the new cameras for I.D. and driver's licenses, and wanted me to be a test agent, so they took my picture, in the system, even though, they still refused me, an I.D. card, telling me, I first needed a SS card, and with me, starting at the SS office, across the hall, telling me, I needed a official government picture I.D., so there you have it folks, I was forced to get a shot, and it took the Billings, Montana Women's and Child Rescue Mission to demand I get an shot . . . so, I have three I.D. pictures of late: (1) what they call a pre-authorized or something like that picture, now on record, but without the proper documentation for an I.D., card, that I have to get a shot and wet signature from a clinic, which I did, but they said, they couldn't state for assured that I am, JoAnn S. Secrist, but (2) they also took a face sheet and I.D., picture, that at least proves the person who suffered through a shot, very professionally administered, was ME; and (3) the rescue mission also took a picture of me; therefore, I would assume, with the picture of me, on my blog, that I have been writing for two and a half years, one might think, between my stories, that match, perfectly the times, dates and locations of my blog, one could safely assume, that I am, exactly who I say I am, fucking bad ass con law chick, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.!
There was also a cop, parked down the street from the Men's Rescue Mission, where I got my shot, who might could testify, that there was a woman, limping, along, 29th Street, heading to 1st Ave, about 9:00 to 9:30 A.M., as I headed, by Neecee's or Knee Sees, dress store, plus, the Billings Public Library, was not quite open, when I got here, around, 9:49 A.M., and there is a surveillance camera, right outside, near the bike racks, I was sitting, on waiting for the library to open. My trail, stories, shelters, all match my blog, that I tell you, I write, with a picture, but, the super mob, made of of Mormons, federal cops, who are Mormons, state and local Mo cops, family, clients, friends, extended family, etc., anyone who would rather lie, and state that I am someone other than I am, getting part of the cut, for the blog gold mine, of at least a million to 5 million, at one penny per hit, reaching somewhere between a billion and 5 billion, probably low ball, because I don't know how many versions of the title, they have, nor what is going through the dark web or deep Internet, going unnoticed, not taxed and under the radar screen, perfect, to steal, and not get caught, or state that I am the one, getting the money . . . so how do you account for staying in all the shelters, and subjecting myself to all the torture of a tetanus shot?
The pain is proof . . . LOL! IT'S ME! FAT AND SASSY! But otherwise the picture of health! LOL! The law is the law, and I am who I am! Not quit the great I AM, but close . . . license plate, I passed just before getting to the library . . . ARLHERO or A Real Hero! And that I am, if I am the only one who, will admit it--the government knows, that is why they prefer big breasted women; they are fucking stupid! and they are fucking too! LOL!
Double Identity Discover Through Social Security Card . . . DA
You, dear reader, know by now, unless you are new, hit maker, that I love, watching true crime movies, based on true events, and this is one such movie . . . and, as is sometimes the case, I can't remember, if I have seen it before, sometimes I know I have, but, wonder why the YouTube Gods are kicking it for me to watch again, as a recommended movie, generally based on what I put in my blog or the keywords I used the day before, or even hours before . . . and it seemed to me, like this one kicked up, from some name I had mentioned, that was part of the movie cast, or some strange connection, but watching this the second time, holy shit, with a few minor changes of characters, and a bit of imagination, this movie, as others have been, is just another layer of helping me, give, the good guys, not part of the blue code, of dishonor, some of the juicy details, it might take them forever if ever, to find, or I can connect the dots, for them, saving them time and resources that speed up the process in this tale of crime, stolen identity, layers of I.D.s, multiple husbands, allegedly married to me, but, actually showing up in public places, as if they were me, even presenting lectures, as if they were me, while the same men, lie for them, and set the troops of cops, and loyalists after me, suppressing MY true identity as the money maker, so they can take the credit, accolades and recognition plus, get the money, I make, or my son's music makes, keeping it all in the mob's control . . . just this morning, some chicks in the shelter, were wondering who the woman who woke us up and is on staff today is . . . heads up, one of Mitt's CIA or FBI army of liars, protecting the guilty and harming the innocent or me. She went around introducing herself to some of the women, including me, but, this is generally the ABC's of it, bring in the feds, and lie, covering, the TRUTH, I am, EXACTLY WHERE I CLAIM TO BE IN MY BLOG, each day; however, they, have access, change, things, so, who knows what version you get?
Act I: Happy Family, Dad, Mom, Two Darling Sons
The movie opens with the all American family, spending happy times together in the woods, staying in the family cabin, dad playing fun games, mom in cleaning, reading or taking a break from her housewife, duties of the week. The adoring father, and husband, just can't tell the family, how much they mean to him, how lucky his is to have them, and loving on them . . . they mean the world . . . remember the psychopath's traits, well a classic example, and based on true events. Shortly after the family gets back, dad comes home, he has been fired from his job at the university, charges of embezzling money from the finances, claiming this or that, check came to this or that professor, never touched by them, intercepted by the father, a well respected and loved man in the community, with him, taking up to $25,000. The case goes to court, dad, is just given weekends in jail . . . those white collar criminals, easy deals, always, seen as so much less, worthy of jail time that some teen who shoplifts from Walmart, even needing the shirt or shoes, being punished, being left in jail, and with fines, double what the cost of the item was . . . I am not justifying any crime, but, the white collar criminal, never gets what they would, had they been a back robber, rather than an embezzler. Dad is so embarrassed and distraught over his crimes and the shame it brings to this family, he leaves a note, claiming he can no longer live, and he is committing suicide, believing that the family will be better off without him, copping out . . .
Act II: Mom Picks Up the Pieces of Shatter Life, Gets a Job, Raises Two Great Sons . . . Until She Gets Notice From Social Security, That Her Husband Was Not Dead, and that She Needed to Repay, the $53,500 in Benefits Paid to the Boys, After Dad Was Allegedly Dead
The little housewife, is now working for the Chamber of Commerce, has connections, and is a bit more savvy than she had previously been, just working and handing her paycheck over to her husband, never questioning what he was doing with it, or who he might be spending it on, leading to the mess at the college. The wife, starts, pondering the thought, that someone must have gotten her husband's Social Security number and they figured that he, was not dead, when in reality, someone else had perpetrated a fraud on the system and this would all be cleared up in a few days, surely he was dead and this was a mistake, or there was some explanation for this mess. Never did she dream in a million years, that her husband, faked his death, and he was still alive, and now, she was not only the wife he abandoned, but he abandoned the sons he claimed to love so much to, and all that he told her and the boys, was a lie? She didn't believe it, until she started searching for stuff on the Internet, and she was shocked at what someone could find on someone, knowing their Social Security number and their name.
Eventually, she finds out, that he is in fact, alive, moved to a new place, is using a new name, and is the pillar of society, living with a new woman, he, I think, met while working at the university he embezzled from. Her husband, Patrick, had been arrested for some more charges, and he was forced to use, his old Social Security number, even though the probation officer, allowed him to use, his fake name! But, as part of the conditions, for some plea deal, the old Pat, had to pay back or pay all the rest of his, original charges, the $10,000, I would assume, what he still owed when he stopped payments on the $25,000. This new charge put him and his Social Security number back on the radar screen, after 10 years of protected peace, living under his new name, in his new community, with his new lady, and just like magic, the new amazing, whatever his new name was, popped up, and again, he was the big man, about the community, helping with charities, and getting honors and awards where he worked . . . remember, the rising star trait of the psychopath, the smooth talker, but eventually, the ruthless, cut throat, bully, with no conscience, emerges again, shocking everyone, that he is a fraud.
Act III: Wife Discovers, Same Old Guy, Full of Lies, Bull Shitting His Way Through Life, No Remorse, No Empathy For His Own Sons, No Offer of Help Paying Back the SS Money, Given Based On His Death . . . She Decides to Prosecute Him. He is Convicted, Goes To Prison . . . Nothing Changed!
This is story about a classic psychopath, and she nails him, totally . . . he tries to feed her the sob story, that, he did it, faking his death, for her and the boys; she is not so naive now, and she, coldly and calmly, tells him, no, you did this for you, this was best for you. The psycho is all about themselves, they fain, love, loyalty, endearment, only as long as it benefits, number one, and that is themselves . . . they have one master, on concern, and that is for whatever their needs are, never looking back or worrying about the wake of fear, dread, responsibility they left behind, never cleaning up their own mess, so to say. And again, the community, they have served, always, a rising star, a community pillar, is connected with these people, that is who they get away with what they do, they have everyone fooled, bought their status, so to say, covering tons of crimes, broken lives, shattered families and destruction, for anyone, who happened to be the unfortunate ones who believed their bull shit in the first part. This man, let his own mother, who battled with cancer, go to her grave, thinking her son committed suicide.
The wife, goes to see her husband, still, legally married, in prison, even supporting him then, having claimed at his sentencing, that he loved his family, never wanted to hurt them, was proud of his boys, and this bull shit was not for the judge to give him a lighter sentence . . . but as the wife, questioned him, she point blank, asked him, if he had ever loved her, and he took the receiver of the phone and hung up. That said it all. His sons, that any father would be proud of, came to see him, the oldest, who knew and loved him the most, having had more time, to be sucked in by his bull shit, had done some research and questioned the father on his suicide note, on his embezzlement, and on his double life, and the oldest son, couldn't stand looking at his father and leaves. The younger of the two, is more pragmatic, and sensible . . . he is there dad, and he is his son, regardless of all the drama. But, again, it is always, more interesting, what the NSA, Shelley or Kay, the ones, who the government gives, equal, if not more access to this blog account, starting just three weeks after the inception, of the blog, fighting tooth and nail, since the beginning . . . I happen to have the Midas Touch, did at the state, did on my cases, and do connected through my kids, and have in this blog . . . all of course, claimed by one or all of the fraud broads, who have managed with the help of the government, to stop, all possibility of connecting me to my own Social Security number, but eventually Shelley and Kay, both in their 60's are going to have to get off my back and soc number, and go back to their own, but, at one point in the movie, while the husband is telling his loving lies, to the court and family, one last time, all in show, he makes the statement, all crimes are not committed in hate . . .
The film or video, stops at that point. As it has in the past, and I have simply been able to either get back on the net, or re-enter the name of the movie in the search box on YouTube, and then the movie will kick back up again, which I did, and it came up again, and stopped again at that same point . . . not all crimes are committed in hate, stopping in the middle of the word hate, leaving me to wonder, is the focus of whomever is watching this with me and had control, saying they did not do these crimes in hate, or, stopping in the middle of the word HATE, twice, making the statement, that they hate me, also being either a family member, friend, or lover or husband . . . very interesting Watson? During the movie, there was an advertisement for another telling movie, I Killed My BFF, possibly Kay, aka, JoAnn, jumping right there, in my place with Brett's help, after Shelley had done the same thing, but Kay and I had been friends since, fucking 7th grade! Go figure, is she telling me, that the crimes were not committed in hate? or telling me that Brett hated me, like the husband who could not admit that he ever loved his wife? But, clearly what was done, crimes committed by all of these, traitors and liars, was not done, for my benefit, they have lived "It's a Wonderful Life" with symbolically named, Jimmy Stewart, Brett Stuart/Stewart, while I have lived, The Hills Have Eyes, dealing with government, family, client, church, etc., monsters, who had the power, opportunity, access, and influence to fucking make my life hell!
Just as the wife, who had been dumped on, and had it much tougher, after her husband left, and even tougher, as her boys were college age, now looking at paying back Social Security, due to the fraud of her husband, even worse. No, these acts were terrorist acts, against, someone, whom they, used to benefit themselves . . . in a strange twist on the movie, it was, Kay, Brett, Shelley, who had the loser lives, capitalized, on my Pick's Disease and then, as I came out of it, or before, for Elliot's music, making a fake band of their kids, all of the sudden with a shit load of money, new identity with a stellar legal career, Shelley having never been an attorney, and Kay, being a below average earning attorney, benefiting greatly from my credentials, with Brett's ego, too large, to be with your average attorney, he needed someone like me, and then did all in his power, to hold me down, so the amazing, JoAnn Secrist Stuart/Stewart, got all the money, all the glory from my kick ass cases . . . and they did it with fucking, malice of forethought, would have murdered me, had they ever been able to catch me!
All Their Crimes Were Committed With HATE, They Were Hate Crimes, Protected by the Blue Code!
Brett refused to sign anything, in our non-ceremonial or non-solemnized marriage, legal the second, you do 5 things, all of which we did, necessitating a divorce: (1) intent to marry; (2) ability to consent; (3) holding yourselves out as husband and wife; (4) gaining a general reputation as husband and wife; and (5) cohabitation, all of which we did for 18 months. Perfect for what these mobsters had in mind--I thought I was going to die, didn't see any need, for paperwork and a county recorder or marriage officially on the books, so, all Brett had to do, when I left him, is move Kay Baby into my place, much as this man in the movie did, he didn't divorce his wife, nor marry the new lady, he just lived with her, and was able to pull off the double life, until reality, age and crime, caught up with him. Even his probation officer was hesitant to question the big man in the community, giving to charities, working a legitimate job, and a pillar, as I am sure, with all the money, these fuckers and hacks, made off me and my family, plus my name and credentials, denying me access to my own fucking I.D. and history, forcing me on the streets, while they lavish in the lifestyle I FUCKING EARNED FOR MY KIDS and MYSELF, they enjoyed, and the dirt ass lives they should have lived, they turned around and benefited themselves and tried to KILL ME! even claiming my own children, when they proved to be, better than the fruits of their fucked up parenting . . . the amazing shit show, everyone covered these pillars of the community for!
As I was walking over, to the library, a truck passed me, it was white with a blue back, that said, something like, We Help People. I dare anyone, who has known me, or read this blog, that can find one shred of evidence, that would prove, had I gotten the money from my cases, my legislative analysis, my blog, in the billions, would ever have not helped people? Are you fucking shitting me . . . I would not need the limo, the high rent districts, the fancy clothes and jewels, the ski trips; it takes very little to make me happy, and the rest would have gone to my children, to set up a foundation, probably, mainly for educational purposes, and the rest for them to decide, having raised them to be loving, compassionate and caring, to help in the ways they saw fit. Chris, having been raised by this mother, when, only about three to five years old, when given money for a church bizarre, took his $5 and didn't spend it on the race cars, the toys, the goodies, he saw that the Hispanic friend of mine, whom, I had befriended, and who had a still born baby, later to just sleep with a guy to have a baby, poor as a church mouse, but a mother, didn't have shoes for her baby, and he went over without saying a word, and used his fun money to buy, this baby, cute little moccussins.
Of course, the NSA or Shelley or Kay, Brett and the fucks that monitor and will claim this blog, as they have my wonderfully loving son, whom I will call this afternoon, returning his call from yesterday . . . verify, verify, verify . . . want my children, not their own, fucked up spoiled BRATZ.
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