What Happens To A Community When There is No Separation of Church and State?
I want my readers to go to the actual article, in Rolling Stone Magazine, rather than trusting me, and I have already fought the NSA, and I am reading for some release, from the true crimes perpetrated against me, by the Mo Mafia and God Squad, and get some company, watching the misery of others, who have been the targets of criminals, much like the ones, that are alleged, law enforcement officers, working for a government or church, rather than working for "the" government! The law is about definitions and hair-splitting, remember when President Bill Clinton, was asked if he did this or that, and he said, that depends on what the definition of what "is" is. I cannot do justice to the fine article that will en capsulize, not only the current problems, but, take you back to recent history, and even back further, to not necessarily ancient history, but the early history of the United States and Utah, along with the other states, now being considered, as a new starting point for polygamists, like Montana, Idaho, Arizona, etc., as if there is not only Mormons, but polygamists, with Missoula, having a polygamist community, just 30 miles outside of that city, in Montana.
I am hoping that, federal authorities, will, look carefully at what is happening in Short Creek, and that area, and this is not about, being able to practice your religion, but, their practices are and have been ruled, as unconstitutional as far back, as 1886, before, Utah became a state . . . it took Utah, 50 fucking years, due to polygamy, with the feds having to send in appointed governors, armies, and finally, arresting, the Mormon Church, hierarchy, before, the Mormon Manifesto, did, allegedly, away with polygamy, which, we all know, it did not, and that is the scary thing, and modern day, attorneys generals, have done, more to protect polygamy, than to enforce the laws of the United States, that sees, the practice or the principle, in religious terms, as one of the twin, relics of barbarism, slavery and polygamy, being seen in the same light, one is being a labor slave and the other a sex, slave; however, with the large number of children born to a family, there is tons of free labor, and all boys are required to work two years for the church, before they can take a wife or have a home . . . many boys did their two years, and got kicked out of the community, so the old duffers could get their pick of the pretty young girls . . . now if that doesn't make you sick!
Polygamy, A Problem Then, a Problem Now!
The United States government, refused to grant statehood, until, not only involuntary servitude, but polygamy, were forbidden forever! But, the patriarchal priesthood, of the Utah Legislature, in all violation of not only the United States, but the state, took that provision, dealing with polygamy, out of the Utah Constitution, without, the approval of the United States, a vote of the people of Utah, and 2/3rds vote of the Utah Legislature, the proposed, future Constitution, was just put in place. Just like the water compact, in Montana, there was no 2/3rds vote of both houses of the legislature, but it was signed into law, in total violation of the U.S., Montana Constitutions, water law, statute, and the Hellgate Treaty, of 1855 . . . someone, it telling the Indians, they can do whatever they want, like shoot, elk out of Montana state elk hunting season, as scheduled and set up through the Montana Fish, Game and Wildlife Agency! In the Hellgate Treaty as I recall, there is unlimited fishing in, traditional fishing holes, no water rights, just, the use and benefit of the water, and as for hunting, the Indians are to follow the same rules, as other citizens of the state of Montana!
Evidence of this type of Mormon mentality is everywhere, they hate the Constitution, and hate me, because I am one of those difficult women, who should be praised, rather than, hunted herself! You will see, as I did, that what has been done, to disaffected members of the FLDS church, has been done to me, as a disaffected Mormon! My family was not only, reassigned, to other very less faithful sisters, but much more obedient, but, my whole life was sold, on the auction block, because, the CHURCH, wanted to claim, my name, my fame, my cases, my money, my kids, and my son's music as theirs . . . through the same fucked up mentality of the sick, wacko, Warren Jeffs, the Mo Church, either putting them up to it, or followed the same sick agenda, thinking, they own, my indentured servitude, since I was born in a Mormon family, raised in the church, went to law school, at the Mormon College, and was a member of the bar, in the state of Mormon, I am their property, as are my children, and they can be reassigned to other family members, so the family, the church and Republicans, could maintain control of MY FAMILY, probably one of the hottest attorneys, in the state, if not the hottest, with the largest name recognition and the largest number of legal connections, bringing name and fame to the state of Mormon, therefore, they figured, they were entitled to, have someone become me, even if they were NOT AN ATTORNEY, or they could reassign, my assets to whom they decided were worthy, and the ironic, sick, stupid thing about it, is all the people they reassigned to, where NEVER active members of the Church! LOL!
They did buy the church, with my son's music money, however . . . oh, the title for this subsection of my blog, is the title of the section, first an email, to the then, Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, who facilitated polygamy, rather than, stopped it and prosecuted it, as he promised, in his campaign speech, asking me to be his campaign manager, in 2000 . . . but, that request and my Utah Constitution and Fun Facts, has been reassigned to Shelley, fucking bitch, who is not difficult, and obedient, because, she knows, she could NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, do what I have done! It is all about, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, prestige, power, name, manuals, being elite, and that is ME, not her, and I am right here in Billings, Montana, at the library!
Similarities To the FLDS Church and Warren Jeffs
First, I want to apologize to the normal, main, stay, members of the Mormon Faith, who believe and worship, are good families, have good values, contribute to their communities, etc., these are not the ones, that I am speaking about . . . I am talking, the upper eschewing echelon, that replaced their religion with politics, turned their religion, or this faction of the religion, into a cult, and most of you, lay members, have no idea that it is even happening, right under your noses, in plain view, and most of you would argue, disagree, and be insulted, but, I have lived it, just like these former members of the FLDS, a splinter group, who believe in the Book of Mormon, sing the church songs, and believe they are the carriers of the torch of the true, Mormon Church, and so do the fuckers, who tried to silence me! The former leader of Jeff's God Squad, has left the FLDS church, and is now the key witness for the Department of Justice, in looking into the violation of civil rights of the people living in these polygamist enclaves!
I didn't start underlying, until I was half way through the article, so you will have to visit the magazine online, or better, buy the magazine, so you can mark it up . . . I look at this as a God thing, because, nobody, knows, both the law and the religion like I do, and the one thing, that I would disagree with, not so much with the write, because he is not a lawyer, but, I disagree with the interpretation of the two attorneys, who were interviewed, representing the cities, rights to run things the way they want to without interference by the government . . . Short Creek is a part of the United States, and the issue of polygamy, was decided by the United States Supreme Court, in a test case, taken before, statehood was granted, and found, that the practice was unconstituitonal . . . and that each man, cannot, be a law unto himself! nor religion for that matter, and believe, me, the Mormon Church has, done exactly that, violated, not only every civil right, I have, but, been down right CRIMINAL and beyond!
FLDS, Warren Jeff's, Little Community of Whores or Horrors!
Short Creek and Mormons, just legalize adultery, by marrying the women, they sleep with! Wait until you get a load of what these clowns are up to now:
- now, don't think for a minute, that, having more than one wife, solves, your problems, or helps men control their sexual appetite, it does quite the opposite, even the young boys, case in point, my blog this morning about the CIA, Spartan tradition of Daddy's Little Bouncing Buddy, but, Jeffs was sued by one of his own, nephews, because, when Jeffs was the principal of the polygamist school, in Salt Lake City, Utah, he called his nephew into his office and raped him, on several occasions, these fuckers, can have 80 wives, like Jeffs does, and still go after their own sons and daughters, and want more wives, just like King David did, in the Old Testament, going after Bathesheba, when he already had 700 wives and concubines! We always want what we can't have . . . the New Testament, under the new covenant, and Jesus, tells men, and bishops, a calling in the Mormon Church, that they are only to have ONE WIFE! The Book of Mormon, states that having more than one wife is an abomination to God and he hears the tender cries of the wives and the children, coming up to him in Heaven, and the men shall have ONE WIFE, and concubines, NONE! But that cleaver, little Joe Smith, left an escape clause, but, if God or man, wants to raise up an alleged, righteous seed . . . I will hit this in the seed breeder section, disgusting!
- The work of God is a benevolent dictatorship," Jeffs said to the nearly 2,000 people gathered before him. "It is not a democracy." He read the names of 21 "master deceivers," which included four of his brothers and the mayor of Colorado City. These men, he said, would all have to go. And then he slipped out a side door. "It was a shot straight through the church," Jessop says. "That was when it changed from a CHURCH TO A CARTEL!"
- there became tests of loyalty of his followers:
- no one could wear red or drive a red car, because Jesus would return in red
- he ordered everyone to turn in their guns and then their tools
- holidays were banned and books burned
- DOJ key witness, Jessops, former leader of the God Squad, said he believed in his religion, in Jeffs, in the church's values . . . and he didn't believe authorities, who were trying to tell him what Jeffs was up to! He said, "I would have given my life in a heartbeat for him, and he's inside with little girls."
- Jessop went to Texas, after the Utah rape conviction was overturned, no surprise, to review the evidence, trying to help build Jeffs' defense. But he came across something that stopped him in his tracks. A 12 year old girl named Merrianne Jessop, Willie's niece, had told investigators that during her marriage ceremony in the YFZ temple, Jeffs had laid her down on a ceremonial bed and had intercourse with her while someo f his other wives watched. The state also had an audiotape of the encounter . . . which I am sure, jurors in Utah as also, but the Texas jury, took, like no time to convict Jeffs!
- Jessop was incredulous. His niece's statement made reference to the law of Sarah, the FLDS doctrine that allows for plural marriage, though here it had been grossly misinterpreted to cater to Jeffs' sexual perversions. It was so outlandish, Jessop figured the police were lying.
- note the law of Sarah, is when she could not have children, she gave her handmaiden, Hagar, to Abraham, so he could have kids, and the Lord, whispered in Abraham's ear, that he was not happy with this . . . hint, and 2,000 years later, we have warring in the middle east, because of this situation, right here, both the Jews and the Palestinians, claim the Dome of the Rock, as their temple mount! That should be a good warning what, polygamy is in the eyes of God, and should be in the eyes of the world! An abomination!
- Most FLDS members, when faced with a choice between family and the church, had chosen the church. All around their town were broken families where the husband had been exiled from the community and the wives and the children had stayed behind. But Jessop was lucky. His wives and children stood by him, deciding to leave the church with him.
- The retribution was fast and fierce . . . God is going to kill and curse you, Willie. He's going to send fire from heaven and burn you. That was a direct statement from one of my own family.
- "I think the best way to look at this is organized crime, not religion." Jessop says. "This town is basically run by one family, and everyone here has always done their bidding. They've been able to hid behind the First Amendment, claiming religious rights to protect what they do. When you see it for what it really is, the Mafia, everything makes sense." (Not the first time you have heard that!)
- back last fall, in a flash flood, 13 members of the polygamist cult, were killed by the water, and believers and non-believers, joined in, to protect homes and try to save lives . . . eventually, non-believers, who lived in the same community, and anyone who did't belong to the church would hot be welcome at funerals, even if they were family members of the victims. Many of the dead were secretly buried in order to ensure no outsiders were present'
- From prison, Jeffs is further dividing the town by building a cell o f hardened zealots that he has christened the United Order, essentially an elite group with in the faith.
- He says that if you're married to a United Order bride, you can't sleep under the same roof. "So men get put outside."
- Jeffs has made all marriages null and void, explaining to the women of Short Creek that they are the property of the priesthood!
- Even sleeping with your spouse is considered adultery.
- Those who decide to leave, the road can be harrowing.
- Like other people in Short Creek, Thomas, is especially concerned about the rise of something called the seed bearers--perhaps the most disturbing of commands from the jailed FLDS prophet.
- According to former members who still have family inside, Jeffs has decreed that only men of a "royal bloodline" can reproduce, and only with women selected to the United Order.
- To have a child, women must eat a special detox diet and apply to Jeffs in prison. Husbands are made to watch these breeding sessions, a sheet is placed between the man and the woman during intercourse to keep their identities secret. Any children born from these unions are put into hiding, likely at the FLDS network of secret compounds scattered throughout the West. They then become property of the church, with no knowledge of the identity of their parents.
- Several former members tell me they think Jeffs is trying to create a master race, loyal only to him!
- Many members, in this situation, commit suicide. "They call them the Lost Boys, but it's more than that, " he says. "It's lost children, it's lost mothers, it's lost women, its lost men."
- "It's a lot of hurt, and the magnitude of it's beyond my ability to even describe."
I Never Left the Church, But the Church Left Me!
- As strong as Jessop's testimony is, there's no telling what the jury will decide in the next few weeks. If the jury rules in favor of the DOJ, Department of Justice, it is likely that Colorado City and Hildale would go into receivership or possibly under federal control! (this is why we need a strong federal government, and a separation of church and state! The whole state of Utah, needs to be brought under the control of the federal government, for the same reasons!)
- There are rumors the FLDS plans to abandon the town, possibly spreading to compounds in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and the DAkotas. If it does, it would be following a pattern established by Mormon founder Joseph Smith. Polygamy pushed Smith's flock from Navoo, Illinois, to Salt Lake City. IN both places, they tried to establish a theocratic society they called Zion, until it collapsed. (don't fool yourself, the theocracy is still alive, well and breeding!)
- The FLDS appears to be following the same script.
- Even as a boy, Jeffs saw himself as a messianic, believing the blood of Christ coursed through him. Ironically, his lasting legacy may be the destruction of the very cult that gave him birth. (I have mentioned, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, my third husband, he went so far, as to, with my son's, music, money, buy the Mormon Church, and actually, became the new model for Jesus, with, his psychopathic lover, Kay Burningham Brown Buttars?, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist, or Joann Secrist, playing the role of the woman, caught in adultery, with Jesus, saving her, while the men of the community wanted her stoned! . . . Not a bad idea, for what these two fuckers, Bonnie and Clyde did to the Mormon Church, Shelley, Frank, my father, etc., all on me and my families money and backs . . . why the hell do you think they want me dead! Brett was also reading, about Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, master race shit, and he is very much into the polygamy thing! and breeders, master race . . . he just wants to claim, MY KIDS, as his and Kay's, LOL, reassigned? LOL! What a fucking JOKE! Special agents? frauds, a hoax, a fucking pathetic joke!)
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