The Natural Man is an Enemy to God! Women Too!
Oh, I got lost, and forgot to finish my dream, I am easily distracted, and taken off course . . . so, in the first part of my dream last night, I was at the airport, and got my money stolen, about a few hundred dollars, and I was looking everywhere for it, running back to the bathroom, talking to security, looking back to retrace my steps, and basically, being damned glad that I am at a homeless shelter, because, now I don't have any money! But, as I woke up, I was given the impression, that this is not talking about your piddly, little Social Security check, we are talking the big cash payouts, that you should have gotten as the attorney, on over $700 million, worth of cases, your blog, worth, fucking billions, not to mention, the other cases you would have picked up, for the big ass case wins . . . hell, I had attorneys from all over the country, and financial planners, signing up and paying to read my briefs, the second, I e-filed them! My case, against the cops, sheriffs, police, narcotics cops, county attorney, judges, Division of Child and Family Services, put the fear of God and me, in the hearts of cops, all over the nation . . . you can be sued, you can be held to that constitutional oath of office you took as a rookie, years ago, and people can kick you back, and it is not fun!
That, leads me to the shocking part of this dream or the second installment, and in this dream, or the next sequence, because, often God will do that, you have one dream, that gives you one idea, and then, in a totally unrelated, or connected dream, you get a second, or continuation on the thought of the original dream, as seemed to be the case here. Now, I have had this 20 year cold war with cops, since, I killed their legislation, back in 1997, at the Utah Legislature, that lead to 27 of the 50 states, seeing to reform, asset forfeiture laws, which was a big time incentive for cops, to go after drugs, but it violated, many of the, to me, sacred, principles and concepts, this country was founded on. So, I think the cops thought, I was a closet drug user, and they really thought that when I switched sides, and started doing criminal defense work, on top of, my big ass, civil rights cases . . . they assumed that I did it for my own convenience, rather than, because, I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, the same thing they took an oath to do! So, over this 20 years, and more so, in the last, 4, since becoming a member of the United States Supreme Court bar or being able to practice law at that level, from January 23, 2012, the efforts to destroy me, have been amped up to the point, I wonder if I was framed for killing a cop? But, I beat the hell out of the cops with my blog, and they continued to beat the shit out of me . . . that is why this new approach, through the scriptures and this dream is so shocking, as evidence by the dream I had.
Bring It To Billings! Okay! Walking Out of the HUB, Talking to a Guy Who Got Hit By a Car, Crossing a Street, and Helping Him With His Insurance Claim . . . After Ditching Him, I Noticed That Just the Other Side of the Guardrail, There was a Blue City Police Car, and As I Headed to the Library, A White City Cop Car, Almost Ran ME Over . . . And I Thought, Different Towns, Same Old Shit!
The staff at the mission, are doing their job, and pushing me to get a job . . . well, I didn't come to Billings to get a job, or even settle here, I saw an article in the Missoulian, the newspaper from Missoula, names that fit, that covered the economic picture of the state of Montana, at about the same time Governor Bullock, does his, State of the State speech, and President Obama, was making his, last, State of the Union address, and I thought, you know, I have been to every major city in Montana, except, Billings, and I really need to get over there, sometime in this next year . . . I never dreamed that as a condition of my rent in, White Fish, Montana, sex was all part of the deal! They didn't give me my money out, and it was not worth fighting them for it, and with my limited funds, that was impractical anyway, and I needed a shelter or mission, I had been in every one, from Durango, Colorado, to Spokane, Washington, except, Billings; therefore, I decided, while I was waiting, for it to warm up (Billings weather is amazing right now, took the right turn in the road!), always, wanting to be in Butte, for St. Patrick's Day, I decided, that perhaps, now would be a good time, to venture over to Billings and see, exactly why it is the largest city in Montana! A funny side note, since being here, I have been looking for the two restaurants I ate at, last March, when I was suppose to go meet James Kennedy in Durango, his suggestion, but I got poisoned in Butte, so I took a detour to Kalispell, so I could die, and someone might know me, since, the government boyz are stopping me from getting any I.D., after having someone steal it, a few years ago!, so I missed Kennedy, by two weeks! His loss! LOL!
When I come to a new city, in ANY state, the alarm bells go off, and the cops, get their undies in a wad, and they want to know, where, what, and who, in my comings and goings in their town. Not necessarily, because they are doing anything wrong, but, they may have missed a thing or two, or given the onslaught of civil rights cases, since, mine, probably with a shit load of attorneys, actually using my format as guide, the cops are just freaked out, anywhere I go! That is understandable, as I have ranted and railed on them, for doing everything from, Ferguson, and the militarization of cops, to shooting black, unarmed males, or citizens, forgot the chick in Texas, the cop, forced out of her car, ended up, allegedly hanging herself in the jail cell, she never should have been taken too . . . you get my jest, that I am all over this stuff and constantly, riding cops, and they are constantly, paying me back, for critiquing their actions, in this blue brotherhood or fraternal order of the police, slamming them for being eunics, a biblical term, for, having their dicks' cut off, and being marshaled into, being one big happy cops family, going from the feds to the locals! Basically we have been bitter enemies, or perceived enemies, me, beating them up with my weapons, and them, using what is at there disposal, squad cars, guns and badges! But, I carry the big stick, the blog, read the world over, with over a billion readers a day, while I call them, anything from keystone cops, to Boss Hogs, and me, Daisy Duke! I don't think they have much of a sense of humor, but I don't when they go after me either!
A Library Security Guard . . . A Different One, Than I Have Seen All Last Week, Is Sitting Right By Me . . . Dream Must Be Future Tense! LOL!
When I walked in the library, I noticed this older gentleman, different than the two, security guards, I saw all week, at this very amazingly, state of the arts, new library, so cool, so high tech, and yesterday, while I was trying to figure out how to Skype, the library IT or office administrator, over all the computers, just happened to be walking by, after I had set up my account, and I asked her if she knew how to use Skype . . . my very tech savvy kids get bugged that their mother doesn't know more about computers, and is a technological retard, when it comes to anything like this, being change adverse, having to learn the computer, while in law school, and later, after missing 10 years of technology, that changes every 3 days, having to file a $357 million, securities case, as the same time, I am learning 281, last I checked, pages of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, while learning to electronically file, in the U.S. federal district court! No easy feat, and I would like to see my kids do all that! LOL! But, this wonderful, employee of the library, sat down and took, about an hour, not only going through, all the apps, which I don't even know what they are, but, after all her work, found out that my acer, Google chromenotebook, was not compatible with Skype, owned and operated by Microsoft, she set me up, and showed me how to use, Hangouts, and even got into the blood and guts of my notebook, and put my gear in sync, so that, if I were smart enough to use a Smartphone, or an Ipad, or any of the normal, stuff that people, now days use, to need to put something in sync, she would do that also! So nice, so helpful, and today, I am going to try to see my baby grand-daughter, on Hangouts!
Anyway, the security guard, could tell, that I was not budging from my work, doing this blog, a world to save, and he finally got up and left, but he struck me as a retired, cop! maybe they all are! LOL! He's gone now, and I am no one to mess with either, a seasoned attorney, with a background, to scare, about any cops, prosecutor or judge and with a reputation, that proceeds me, and that starts from 20 years ago, and I am way more deadly, NOW! So, their fear is rightly taken, but, so is mine, falsely arrest and incarcerated twice and chased through all 5 western states, well more than that, but, from the second, I got sworn in, the cops in Washington, D.C. were on my ass too, feds and all! on my phones, on my computers, and it has been war ever since, that fateful day, or great day, back in 2012! So, this is the background, to show you th magnitude and grandeur of this dream, and a very simple dream at that . . . a picture is worth a thousand words! So, what 800 plus blogs, trying to guilt cops, trash them, conjole them, threaten them, through sticks and stones at them, and nothing has worked . . . until, I switched, not necessarily tactics, but, moved from politics to the scriptures, did this miracle happen!
Simple Dream . . . Me and Several Cops, Hanging Out . . . One Was Washing His Cop Truck, and His Red, White and Blue, Cop Signal or Flasher Lights, Were Removable or Velcro, He Was Taking Them Off to Clean, and Then Reattaching Them
At first, I thought, that is fucking weird, me hanging out with cops, and it was very, fun, we were all enjoying the great weather, and having a great time, just chilling with each other, and watching the one cops clean his truck. As I pondered over the meaning, at first just thinking, it had to do with, the first dream, of me, getting all my money stolen, I thought, maybe, they are helping me, but that didn't seem to be the case, due to the activity of washing the cop truck, so, maybe the symbolic, notion of washing their squad or cops vehicles . . . that through all the bull shit, all the battles, all the screaming, all their chasing, intimidating, and whatever, leaving both sides, battered and battle weary, it was the scriptures, LOVE, understanding, vision, taking a better approach, that made the difference, a cleansing in each other's eyes, or just Jesus . . . we are projects, a work of art, and God is in the process of purifying us, to be used as his tools, for his GLORY, not our own! And perhaps, just writing about the 10 Commandments, made a difference, seeing that I am not after them, never have been, and my purpose in coming to Montana, was to get a fresh start, not have the same losers, follow me to this new and beautiful state, bringing the same shit, and maybe they realized that I was telling the truth, that I am hear, to check out your city and expose the surroundings, local haunts, fun vacation spots, and love and brag on Montana, who has really, clothed, feed, sheltered me, for the last four years, and God has continued this very tough customer's, change of heart, giving her the heart of love, rather than brutality, revenge, ranting and raving about the injustice, and letting God work his vengeance, where he sees it is deserved, and not taking it out on the whole nation of cops.
Even yesterday, I thought, man, the Constitution, is a big stick, but the Gospel is even bigger to beat the shit out of my enemies . . . and then the thought came to mind, love those who dispitefully use and persecute you, don't return evil for evil, turn the other cheek; although, I was thinking, I have longed passed the forgiving of 70 X 70, seeing this whole war started, back in 1997, almost 20 years ago, times, 365 days a year, and sometimes, 1 to 4 assaults or sting ops, by the cops, in one day . . . come on, Lord, who fucking much do you want me to take, get real! Even my roommates, reading my blog, are like, how are you keeping sane? I guess I would say, my faith in GOD, and that is it, believing that I am doing a good work, a worthy work, and making a difference, which was my goal, even from my first resume, listing under personal interests, saving the world! And I truly believe, that the living BIBLE, the word of God, through, Jesus and his Disciples, can, CHANGE THE WORLD!
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