Nooky at Imagine Nation Brewery!
Shit, I heard about the nooky and sex launch talks at the local brewery, actually right across from the Poverello, where I currently a resident, so convenient, fun topic, one I wanted to report on; however, the movie, I was going to finish watching while at the break, with my fake, Diet Coke can, one I bought, at the Break, a day or two ago, was so, right, spot on, that, I could not wait to write a blog, about Brothers of Justice, with their secret society of right intended, young men, to start with, that turned into a vigilante group of personal vendetta's, deciding, who should be on their, personal "hit list" with no rhyme or reason to that, no law, no due process, no equal protection, no laws or rules whatsoever, eventually leading to stabbings, burning cars, vandalizing vehicles, and even considering assassinations, just shortly, before, getting ratted out, by their leaders, Keanu, who had the decency, to stop the bull shit, little mini-cop force, stupid teen justice boys, fraternity, on raging hormones, small slights, expected privilege, and spoiled ass ideas, of justice! But, I did, however, try to sign up on facebook, but, the techo retard I am, I mixed my phone number, and got confused, as to whether, I should use my hotmail account or my gmail, and I was not sure if I was suppose to use my email passwords, or set up an account?
Sorry, I missed, 10 hears of technology, when I was given a death sentence in 2000, waited to die, for 9 years, then, signed up for use of campus computers, in 2008, December, 2009, when, I realized, I had gotten all my mental capacities back, and hit politics big time, with the NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, on my ass, from the start, knowing, that if I got connected again, they had trouble again . . . and, they fucking do, so, obviously, they were not successful in those early days, of blocking my constitutional analysis, for new upstarts, like, the Tea Party, etc. . . . WOW! Mormon talk show host, Glenn Beck, was using my stuff and skyrocketing in the TV ratings, until a friend told me, and she questioned his manager, who promptly, stopped pirating my shit, and he went down hill, to crazy-ville, even getting fired by FOX OPINION! LOL! HISTORY . . . Open your mouth as say . . . ahhhhh!
I did, however, take it upon myself, to look up the definition of nooky, the nerd in me, wanted to make sure, that I didn't, say or write something asinine, at the presentation and launch . . . as any reader, knows, I have strong opinions on sex, and I wanted to get up to speed, on what the scoop was, on the subject, and see how ancient, my ideas are. Nooky . . . top definition . . . the act of getting it on, making whoopie, doing the horizontal boogie or simply fucking. That's kind of what I thought it was. An interesting, side note, Shelley, had a German Shepherd, when my 40 year old daughter, was a toddler, barely able to talk, that was named, Nooky . . . no wonder, the boyz sex clubs, like her better than me! LOL! She had sex on her mind, when she named the dog, and I had for kids, before I knew what 69 symbolized, and after taking an anthropology class, hearing about a professor, who had a monkey, who would give him blow jobs, in the shower . . . and as my very liberal, reformed, Mormon husband, begged me for a blow job, after two kids--a compared it to me, masturbating on his on his nose, but promised, I would buy him a monkey for a Christmas present . . . at least, I am consistent! LOL! History . . . oh, a funny, mom story; one time, Greta, was under my parent's table with Nooky, the dog, and Greta, bumped her head, when she was coming out from under the table, and she, very pissed at this dog, said, mom, tell Nooky to stop laughing at me!, as his tongue hung out and he was panting! LOL! Fun, times, precious memories!
Nooky, Nooky . . . Use of Symbolizing . . . The Way FEDS Communicate . . . I Just Happened to Be an ENGLISH Major, and Use Symbolism Naturally, for Dream and Sign Intel . . . Born at Port Hueneme, Navy Base, CA, While My Father Was a Spy for the Air Force, I Come By It Naturally!
I am damned sure, that Shelley took credit for, my visit to the brewery, back when it opened, and I described the interior, old world gold walls, book shelves, big windows into the brewery tanks, awesome patio, with bright colorful, orange, yellow, and green chairs, cool flower boxes, overlooking the stream and the wild life, out in the meadow! This is Elliot's crow, age, the owners, and the type of people, who would like his music . . . proud, aunt, stepping in to cover, her ass, for stealing, God's Revolver, CD, western epic, that is as cool as their brewery, and would rock the joint. No, if, Nooky, was Shelley's idea, and she is claiming both the blog, and the backpack, you got the wrong gal. I slipped in with my Indian friend, Sandra, who, bought us both a soda, while she ate her hot dog, from the summer vendor, the chick, I got the information on the brewery from . . . good friend, loyal customer, running the custom dogs, for her male friend. I am still at the Poverello, have been there off and on, since, June, or whenever that was . . . could look up on my blog. But, of course, Shelley has my white ACER . . . and I will ACE THAT BITCH! God, can you imagine a sister, like this? FUCK . . . THAT SORRY, JEALOUS CUNT! GOD! EXECUTION IS THE ONLY THING, THAT JUSTIFIES THIS SHIT . . . GOD DAMN IT, LEAN OF MCCLINTOCH, he's a Mo, born and bred, he will SQUEAL!
Mila, the Russian, I met at the Pov., just came in, and took pictures of me, looking very scholarly, writing my blog, and I know, she is on their, the mob's payroll . . . taking pictures, for hit men, snipers, assassins, or to lie for Shelley . . . it is getting dicey bitch! What could I have done, without these fuckers, blocking, stealing, lying, burying me, and what could my son's music have done, without the same shit . . . FUCK, Prez., Congress, Gov.?, fuck, two years out of law school, someone saw my 7 page, curriculum vitae, a more up scaled version of a resume, and he said, Why aren't you the governor? At the time, we had a insurance salesman, Mikey Leavitt, who made it to being the director of Health and Human Services, back in DC! Go figure, and now, Utah has a real estate salesman! God, what I could have done . . . but, my blog, does more, I can pass on 20 years of law and government work, the knowledge gained from, my constant, intellectual curiousity, as in taking 32 pages of notes, in Senate Confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justices, and then doing follow up study, for stuff that was new! That was probably one of the best, refresher courses, on constitutional law, that I have ever had the privilege of listening to . . . where I picked up her phrase . . . fidelity to the law!
And from anything, I could see, study, read, she was damned, right . . . too bad, the rest of the judges, in America, only to be on the bench, in good behavior, under Article III, on the judiciary, the judges, section, OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE COURTS, who put up with Judge Lyle Anderson's LIES, not even understanding the right to an appeal, locking me up for first exhausting all remedies for this fucked up judge, who would say, Shelley did my LEVIN case, that Pat Barthalemew was murdered to COVER his fucking LIES, and he was on the damned, Civil Procedure Committee? and Judge Michael G. Westfall, my downfall, in his lies, who was the deputy director or the second in command of that office, under, Judge Christine Durham, whom, I have met and at least sat in front of, during the Farely Anderson, unanamous ruling in his favor, a third party candidate, as well as dealing with electronic filings for obtaining signatures . . . I am sure this is, the CLUBS, trophy, now, not that YOU, who wrote the decision, using my last minute brief! on what I have written, a ton of times, on statutory interpretation, which you used, and MY NAME, JOANN S. SECRIST IS ON THE ATTORNEY ENTRIES . . . FBI, FUCKING BUREAU OF INSTIGATION, pull your fucking noses, out of NOOKY, and get this straight, I am fucking on the Pov. surveillance camera, I even waived, at the camera, in the lobby of the Pov. at roughly 7:00 A.M., black coat, black gloves, green and black replacement backpack! This so fucking easy, get it right, get it, use it, dig it and lock up the FUCKING MOB! GOD! Don't expect, staff to help, they are on the fucking payroll, as evidence in aiding and abetting the theft and cover up of my backpack!
Mila, the Russian, I met at the Pov., just came in, and took pictures of me, looking very scholarly, writing my blog, and I know, she is on their, the mob's payroll . . . taking pictures, for hit men, snipers, assassins, or to lie for Shelley . . . it is getting dicey bitch! What could I have done, without these fuckers, blocking, stealing, lying, burying me, and what could my son's music have done, without the same shit . . . FUCK, Prez., Congress, Gov.?, fuck, two years out of law school, someone saw my 7 page, curriculum vitae, a more up scaled version of a resume, and he said, Why aren't you the governor? At the time, we had a insurance salesman, Mikey Leavitt, who made it to being the director of Health and Human Services, back in DC! Go figure, and now, Utah has a real estate salesman! God, what I could have done . . . but, my blog, does more, I can pass on 20 years of law and government work, the knowledge gained from, my constant, intellectual curiousity, as in taking 32 pages of notes, in Senate Confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justices, and then doing follow up study, for stuff that was new! That was probably one of the best, refresher courses, on constitutional law, that I have ever had the privilege of listening to . . . where I picked up her phrase . . . fidelity to the law!
And from anything, I could see, study, read, she was damned, right . . . too bad, the rest of the judges, in America, only to be on the bench, in good behavior, under Article III, on the judiciary, the judges, section, OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE COURTS, who put up with Judge Lyle Anderson's LIES, not even understanding the right to an appeal, locking me up for first exhausting all remedies for this fucked up judge, who would say, Shelley did my LEVIN case, that Pat Barthalemew was murdered to COVER his fucking LIES, and he was on the damned, Civil Procedure Committee? and Judge Michael G. Westfall, my downfall, in his lies, who was the deputy director or the second in command of that office, under, Judge Christine Durham, whom, I have met and at least sat in front of, during the Farely Anderson, unanamous ruling in his favor, a third party candidate, as well as dealing with electronic filings for obtaining signatures . . . I am sure this is, the CLUBS, trophy, now, not that YOU, who wrote the decision, using my last minute brief! on what I have written, a ton of times, on statutory interpretation, which you used, and MY NAME, JOANN S. SECRIST IS ON THE ATTORNEY ENTRIES . . . FBI, FUCKING BUREAU OF INSTIGATION, pull your fucking noses, out of NOOKY, and get this straight, I am fucking on the Pov. surveillance camera, I even waived, at the camera, in the lobby of the Pov. at roughly 7:00 A.M., black coat, black gloves, green and black replacement backpack! This so fucking easy, get it right, get it, use it, dig it and lock up the FUCKING MOB! GOD! Don't expect, staff to help, they are on the fucking payroll, as evidence in aiding and abetting the theft and cover up of my backpack!
I Think I Should Join the Missoula Citizens' Law Enforcement Academy! Experience the Difference! A Biology Major, Passing for a Fucking Constitutional Law Attorney, on Steroids!
And, Humanities, English Department, and others, who are looking a jobs cut in those areas of the U of M, think, Shelley trying to trump, English, distance herself from the Humanities, where I have my major and minor, in her ever, anger, never ending, battle to trash me, so she can save her sorry ass, claiming MY son, RED HAIRED . . . hers are dirty brown or dark brown, all three of her shit faced, ugly sons . . . I am sure, back in the early days, I referred to, when I had not touched a computer for fucking 9 years, basically, and Shelley has been on her since the inception of PCs, me old fashioned and refused a PC, like I did, blow jobs . . . consistency, consistency, consistency, Jesse, who, is alleged dead, BULL SHIT, assassin's creed, that little shit, Isaac, closest cousin, lazy ass as his mother, like mother like son, get things the MOB way, steal it, with the help of the FBI and CIA, mo shit agents . . . and then, Tyrone, nerdy little fuck, looking himself, all three with different daddies! bitch in heat, NOOKY, was no mistake, everything is symbolic! Here is my son:

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