With the Trumpster Out of the Way . . . What About the Rest of the Crew?
- Kasic . . . he makes sense, he is trying to lead the party into a more cooperative position, reaching across the isle, working together to take on the hard issues, not as American combative warrior, the angry American presidential candidate, but, someone, who has seen, government stand off and holding the budget, or the work of America, going about the business of handling issues, in a workable way . . . however, other than that, I didn't see, deep solutions, a cogent solid plan for the issues, the country needs to work on, and what his ideas are?
- Christie . . . playing the tough guy, mean guy, Jersey Boy, image, going to prosecute Hillary, and cut funding for Planned Parenthood, pandering to the lock stock and barrel, of the Republican, hot topics, the Clintons, the Obamas, and calling women who have abortions, which, news flash, Gov., abortion is legal in this country, and you are acting as if, women, should not have control over their own bodies, a battle that was fought, fucking 40 or 50 years ago! We need a president, who represents, not just the Republican loonies, who want to take women back a few centuries, and even entertains, vaginal probes, totally, acting like their are not Republican women, just Republican brutes who want to force women to do their bidding, and forced to have their babies, they run as did Trump, from taking responsibility for being part of . . . men get the fun, then run, women, you are going to have these babies, whether you like it or not! Women like sex too!
- Bush . . . taking the family line, allying himself with daddy Bush, and big brother, then hiding behind, mama Bush's skirt, doing more defending his family name and legacy, bragging about his pedigree, rather than talking about the issues. His focus was bantering about Trump and the Bush family? So, what do you feel about the hard issues?
- Rand Paul . . . trashing Hillary, saying she should not be responsible for her husband's indiscretions, and she should not, so why is it an issue? Then he goes on and tries to denigrate her ability to speak or work for women's issues? The rational behind that? She is a woman, she, knows what it is like to be a woman, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, plus, a woman, who has broken the glass ceiling, in the political arena, a woman, in her own right, separate and aside from her husband, to be distinguished from him, yet able to draw on his experience and contributions! He, in true, doctor style, not attorney style, makes the statement, not true by the way, that any CEO of a company would be fire, had he had sex with his female subordinate . . . are you fucking kidding me? Companies will make the choice to defend and protect, whom ever is seen as the most valuable to the company, to stock holders, who has the most power, and influence, and that is generally, the man! Hillary is the best person, as president, to change, male perspectives and long held prejudices, if not down right hatred for women, and create a new, nicer, more friendly workplace, home, and country! We have not arrived yet! Believe me, taking if from a woman, who has been beaten to a bloody pulp by the local, state, and national battery systems, dominated by men, threatened by a female, who has achieved far more than they ever will, in ten millenniums! The time has come . . .
- Rubio and Cruz, at least, are taking out the boxing gloves and taking each other to the mat, fighting in the political ring, taking pot shots at least other, but they are dealing with the issues, their differences, their voting records, and the ramifications, that those positions might have on the American public! Hopefully, the Republicans will vote for a politician, not a TV personality. I don't really like one or the other of them, they need to work on their personalities a bit more, but, at least, they understand the issues, rather that darting and dodging the issues! At least we have a race!
- Carson . . . is a smart and thoughtful man, but he is too meek to be president, and lacks in my mind the leadership skills, necessary to do the job. EXPERIENCE MATTERS!
A revengeful man, is an unpredictable man!
Some woman, who attended the Trump carnival side show, said that she like Trump because he is unpredictable, that she thinks he watches TV all day, and then does the unpredictable. An angry, vengeful, anti-establishment, but, very swishy if you will, on the issues, so, what are you voting for?
This same woman, admitted, that she had narrowed down her vote to Hillary and Trump, but her reasons for voting for Hillary, had substance and reason to it, rather than, just going for the freak show! She acknowledges that Hillary, is the most experienced, the best qualified, and would do the best job . . . and so, what is the dilemma, in who to vote for? What are your qualifications for who you vote for?
As a rational thinking person . . . Hillary is the logical choice and not just because, she is a female! Trump has called people, fat, ugly, disgusting for having normal bodily functions--silicone barbies don't, I guess?, and Ted Cruz's opening statement, or imitation of Trump, is correct, including calling a great neurosurgeon, lacking . . . and, you are seriously considering voting for him?
Trump, I could shot someone, and not lose a vote? Definitely a Republican stance . . . that would not be considered murder, but having a legal abortion, is murder? Seriously?
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., attorney for the outraged . . . the rational reporter, and your voice of real reason, not TV ratings, hanging on the Trump American Road Show, failing to be where he should have been, taking on the questions, Megyn Kelly throws at him! Fucking chicken shit! Reporting from, the Sleepy Inn, room 118, Missoula, Montana, having left, Whitefish, seeking warmer weather, and bracing for a new segment of society, ski bums, going back, up, to Whitefish for a fun filled spring and summer, at least that is what I think now, but you never, ever, know, and neither do I! LOL! It is 1:23 A.M., Mountain Standard Time, not Pacific Time, this is the real JoAnn, writing, don't be fooled again!
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