Locals, Being Part of the Solution!
I have been wanting to acknowledge, several, local, and locally owned, franchises of national companies, who are, right there, lining up with the Pope, and Me:
- Drive Out Hunger: Midas Muffler, is supporting three meals, for every oil change, you and, I was going to say, I, but I no longer have a vehicle, car bombed, totally, 10,000 meals for the hungry living in the communities, that Midas serves . . . as individuals, many on limited, or normal incomes, wonder what we can do to help, someone in need . . . well, every car needs to get an oil change, and for the same price, you can, get that done, and know that there are three meals, attached to your change, that will then go to the people, who are hungry in the community! What a great way to help out. Here in Montana . . . 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry each month! And we have people like, Ted Turner, of Turner Classics, David Letterman, huge ass ranches, both of them, Justine Timberlake and Jennifer Beals, Andy McDowell, Connie Chung and Mari Povitch, Tom Brokaw, and the likes, living here in Montana, had the billionaires conference for the American Muscle and Hustlers, in Whitefish, Montana? Come on, get real, guys and gals, chicks and chaps, this is chicken feed for you guys!
- Energy Partners Propane: People who care, are people who share . . . for those of you, who want everyone, every child especially, who lives in the area, to have a warm home, to live, eat, and study in, making a huge ass difference, in the way they perform at school, you can give small amounts, or large amounts, and take some of the burden off, parents, single moms, who are not only struggling to put food on the table, but to keep their kids warm . . . Montana can get fucking cold. But, this is another way, that if you are not a billionaire, you can help, in a small way, that makes a big difference!
- SCS: I am not sure, what this stands for, because, I am not local, or still don't know my way around, and know the local programs and businesses, but for $25, $50, $100 or more, if you can afford it, you can purchase gift cards, for people, who need help with groceries and food. Sometimes, just that little amount, can make a huge ass difference, in having a decent meal, and something left in the fridge, or having nothing. Almost all working adults and teens for that matter, can purchase this small gift, and make someone's day, in a good way! Kisses, Kisses, Kisses . . . to all of you organizations, helping be part of the solution, and not part of the problem!
Some guy, just came and sat down, eating by me, wearing a black hat, with a white, symbol of the Playboy Bunny . . . Heff's boys . . . so, that is an indication, much, like the churches, there is some confusion as to who is who, and where is where; therefore, I am at the McDonald's, my home office, without an office, on Broadway, Missoula, Montana! Breast Men, this is JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., not Rachel, the family playboy bunny, Trump fan, Mo chick! my alleged twin . . . NOT! I am sitting on the west side of the fast food restaurant, in the second booth, looking at two surveillance cameras, flipping you NSA shits the bird! It is 10:53 A.M., Mountain Time (Denver). I am wearing black and teal colors, glasses, no hat, my black coat is covering my navy green and black backpack, I have a Diet Coke, sitting at my computer, with the Rolling Stone Magazine, Trumps, pissed off mug on the cover, and my personal journal or notebook, that is red, says, Live, Laugh, Love . . . I will hold them up for your to see, and verify! My little red book, has all my notes, for the last two weeks blogs, that can prove, that I am the blogger, not the playboy bunny, or playmate! NO FUCKING WAY! As if the chest is not a clue, although, when with the bunny, you don't notice her face, totally, bigger, bigger features, Roman nose, wider, longer hair, blonder, and she is fucking, 3 to 4 inches taller, still, my younger sister, by 7 years . . . I just look younger, smile!
Pope Francis (Mark) . . . Take It Away!
- For his part, the pope has maintained a relentless focus on his own obsessions--the poor and the dispossessed of the world, and how their lives are ravaged by unbridled capitalism, a grotesque and insatiable consumer culture, climate change, globalization--in powerful, plain-spoken language that is the opposite of anodyne and that oat times places him, rhetorically at least, far to the left not only of the Republican Party but of most Democrats, certainly President Obama and Hillary Clinton.
- On a trip to Bolivia in July, Francis, quoting a fourth-century bishop, referred to the unfettered pursuit of money as the dung of the devil, and blasted a new colonialism that "appears as the anonymous influence of mammon: corporations, loan agencies, certain "free trade" treaties and the imposition of measures of austerity which always tighten the belt of workers and the poor.
- Perhaps even more disorienting to the right wing, Francis also directly addressed man-made global warming in an astounding 180-page encyclical, largely a broadside against the myopic, profit-driven environmental policies threatening our planet.
- , , , with the help of scientific adviser, Francis methodically describes a crisis of global environmental deterioration, and sets the blame squarely upon human greed and shortsightedness, compulsive consumerism and a throw away culture, which affects the excluded just as it quickly reduces things to rubbish.
- (You think the Mormon Church, is not doing exactly what I said they are . . . think again!). It's a far cry from the recent past, when conservative U.S. bishops have effectively worked as unofficial dirty-tricks operatives for the GOP, denying Communion or issuing warnings to pro-choice Catholics like John Kerry, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.
- People can distort the Bible any way they want to, but when you have science and religion on the same side of a question, there's no place for fundamentalists to go. You speak against the pope at your own risk.
- The oppressed workers, above all, ought to be liberated from the slavery of greedy men, who inordinately use human beings as things for gain.
- The core of the Gospels, as Francis reminds us, is mercy, kindness, caring for the poor, "judge not, lest ye be judged", . . . There is nothing about gays in the Gospel, but this stuff is very explicit.
- Something exists that is owed to man just because he is man . . . he noted that the church has always, distanced itself from capitalistic ideology, holding it responsible for grave social injustices.
- Pope Benedict . . . called for a redistribution of wealth in a 2009 encyclical.
- He, referring to Francis, understands that capitalism succeeded where Marxism failed when it comes to pushing God to the sidelines. Instead of erecting one giant God in the form of the party, we do it with a million little Gods in the aisles of the department store.
- Rush Limbaugh and others have mischaracterized Francis' message . . . "A man of religion, the Vicar of Christ, seems to have fallen in with the Communist way of doing things. . . . You gotta keep on giving until you're no longer rich!" What did Christ say to the rich young man, in the New Testament . . . when he asked, what he could do to follow Christ, after doing much, Christ said, give all your money to the poor and come follow me . . . and the young man, turned and walked away. (I couldn't help adding that, lol, I was going to get a master's in ancient scripture study, so . . .)
- What has the right so jumpy about Francis is the size of his bully pulpit, which even unlimited spending might not be able to counter. Consider, for instance, the 24/7 global media coverage Francis' U.S. trip will receive. When else would an economic message as critical of capitalism as Francis' be granted such a stage?
- I think the pope is challenging all of us . . . He ain't a Democrat.
- . . . It made me realize that if you're going to be a faithful Catholic, it's going to put you at odds with both conventional American liberalism and conservatism. (Kind of like the Constitution? Preamble . . . God's Gospel in law! Smile . . . too conservative for liberals, and too liberal for conservatives, right in the middle, where the Constitution should be, a compromise, what politics is! Like I said, me and the pope, got it goin' on.)
- This month, (September issue . . . remember, I have to wait for donated Rolling Stone issues, living at a homeless shelter! Old news, still good news, and new to most of you!) Francis further startled conservatives by announcing that, during the church's upcoming Holy Year of Mercy--a special yearlong jubilee focusing on themes of forgiveness--priests could absolve women who'd had abortions, noting he was well aware of the pressure that has led them to this decision.
- All politicians are going to try to get some of the Francis shine on them . . . The thing I'm more interested in is the effect Francis will have on the American laity. I like to think American Catholics and Christians will be willing to listen to what the pope has to say and be challenged by it. But, I don't know if we're that kind of country anymore. I don't think liberals or conservatives are ready to make any big changes based on what he says. But more than that, Americans are so individualistic, and he's got a very big job to break through that. Whether it's individual sexual morality or the free market economy, we want what we want and will figure out how to get it, and how to rationalize it.
- Our goal is not to amass information or to satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and thus to discover what each of us can do about it.
I Think That Pretty Well Sums It All Up . . . You Are Either a Disciple of Christ, or You are NOT!
P.S., Just today, on the radio, I heard, there is a new, WAR ON POVERTY . . . the original war on poverty was declared by Lydon Johnson, I believe, around, 1964, so, what happened? Not, committed yet?
P.S. II, Democratic presidential debate, tonight, 9 E/T, 7 M/T, 6 P/T PM, NBC . . . get educated on issues!
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