Colorful People--Colorful Art--Pov's Got Talent--Magic Music!
The Poverello Center, Has Started Art Classes and This Piece Was on Display In the Office Window! So Cool! This is a colorful sun--reminds me of my very colorful son, Elliot Taylor Secrist, bass guitarist for Parallax, Maraloka, God's Revolver--Hard Rock Band (2008), The Ditch & The Delta, Worst Friends! I would add family too, WORST! LOL! I just got on my new computer, and that bitch, Kay, had changed my whole fucking screen savers, background, time, some lame ass planet was on the background--I hate fucking sci-fy, and all my emails missing, 'til I got in to change the time, to 24 hours, the only way I can keep Mountain Standard Time . . . FUCK YOU BITCH! NOT YOUR BABY, YOU HAG! My copper colored, Prometheus, Stole FIRE from the gods, eye-balls pecked, flesh eaten by vultures and Vulcan's, daily, for his punishment! Tough, being a musical genius! KISS! Elliot has a sleeve tattoo on his left arm, that is a colorful as this picture! Wins artist wins, tat contests with it!
Gun Crazy, Flying Books, Militia, Annie Oakley, My Gay Buddy! LOL!
I swear--you know that, but this is a different kind of swearing--this book, entitled, The Face of Fear,. a paperback, keeps ending up on my bed! For the last three or four nights, as I have retired to bed, I find this book, either on my pillow, hanging off the side of the bed, or dropping from Mary's bed above me to mine! Although, I keep, putting the damned book, back up on the corner of her bed, or on the mattress or pillow, and last night, as she laid there reading another paperback book, I tried to get her attention, without hitting her or yelling, to see if she was missing this runaway book, that keeps magically, finding its way to my bed . . . and I couldn't get her to respond, even though she was wide away, or appeared to be, with her own book, in her hands and up in the air, a position she could read it from! LOL!
Finally, I figured, it was a sign or title, my Intel guy, God, wanted me to have, because, I sure as hell, can't get it back to the perceived owner, no matter what measures I take; therefore, I would assume, that the reason, I have been a POW, allegedly MIA or Missing In Action, which, is what the same crew that is switching my computer, stole or paid someone to steal my computer, and stole the rest of my fucking life, in addition to burying my kids alive with me! But, fuck, yeah, I have known for a long time, that, I have had incredible success, in every endevour I have engaged in, be it, kids, legal work, killing or passing legislation, doing constitutional analysis, lobbying, or blogging, I seem to have the Midas Touch, as do my children! But, is that justification, for, the government, the Moron Church, cops, family, political enemies to bury me in the deep end of the sea, and take credit for anything I do, or my kids do, or even, now grandchildren? I don't think, a person, sane person, thinking, rational person, reasonable person, would agree with this tactic, even if they didn't agree with me! I felt this strong urge to put, this hideous selfie of me, taken at Christmas, in the same lobby, that the colorful picture, hangs in, but the pic is, seen, as you enter the Pov., going in or out, not, seen the main lobby where this pic is taken . . . verify, verify, verify, boys and girls! I am wearing the same hat, orange, Pov. fundraising hat, with a fly fishing line, and a trout, appropriately, called, 5th Annual Poverello "Double Haul" a Fishing Fundraiser! I got this and the black on, I always wear, from dumpster diving, in the old/new garbage can, where chick, leave their discarded stuff! Now the envy of staff and residence alike . . . not for sale, PRICELESS! History, now . . .
Colorful Conversations, Last Night and This Morning!
- a former wife of a big time militia member in Colorado, so much so, that after 27 of separation from this guy, Mary has to be on the NO FLY LIST, due to the government knowing, the leanings and men, she hangs with . . . so, miss, colorful, herself, warned me about, corset wearing, low cut, leather, layered, shirt and dress, ANNIE OAKLEY, who dropped in the Pov. the other night . . . she is trouble, she is trashing this place, and she got in the face of staff . . . I know, the staff she is talking about, and I put my bets on the staff chick, all about business and good for her, she needs to be, and Annie Oakley, probably is a foot taller and out weighs her by about double! LOL! I said, I think, staff can handle the situation, she is tough, and good, no nonsense, she is not going to put up with shit! She warned me again . . . I said, like, water off a duck's back, from any of this crew! LOL . . . she told me, that Annie, wanted to hook up with some militia dudes, from Montana, and Mary didn't think they would accept her, nor welcome her in, very secretive, and selective . . . hey, she gamy meat! LOL! From what I can tell, any chick, who breathes is hot shit around this stuff, at lunch, I sat by a cowboy, who wears his, Rodeo Finals leather jacket, cool, cowboy . . . but all a rodeo cowboy has to show after playing the circuit for a while, is every bone in their body broken, and a divorce! LOL! But, this chick is not pretty, she is pregnant, and I don't think with his kid, with her 7th, fucking kid, living in a shelter, nice as it is . . . and this nice guy waits on her hand and foot, and she is a bitch! He gets too trays at lunch, and she bitches and moans, about, every damn thing on the plate . . . get me ranch dressing, and picks up the salad without dressing, because he is afraid she is going to bitch him out, for getting the wrong dressing! then she throws the three cookies, she doesn't need any more than I do, and she gets disgusted, and puts them on his plate . . . I am trying to defend him, against her bull shit, totally bad attitude, and he tries to warn her, that if she is abusive, or swears one more time, they are going to get kicked out . . . yahoo . . . he is cool, and was here long before her grumpy, shit ass showed up! Women are in a shortage around this place, and have their pick and there are some really stand up guys! The one, I do the dining room floors at night with, has it for a blonde, cute, fun, staff, chick, and I told him, that he can't date staff, and he got all personally offended, and said, this is the first time I have been homeless, I worked for the salmon fishing industry up in Alaska and they stiffed me out of my last months pay check . . . that is just how easy it it to end up homeless! I said, well, that should motivate you to get a job and get out of here--he just looked at me in all his justified, pride, and didn't dignify my remark with an answer . . . this guy is all about, ripping up those floors, he has the huge ass, dining room, swept, all the chairs and tables folded, while I take my time checking in, and sweep about, 1/3rd, by the time, he mops the whole fucking floor, while I tell him, I will check in for both of us . . . the least I can do! LOL! The guy is rock solid, cool, and Mr. High Energy . . . when I start stressing out about our job, he keeps reminding me, putting it in perspective for both of us, I'm not vested in this floor! YOUR RIGHT! LOL! Back to Annie Oakley, the wanna be mountain, woman, I think, that tiny tough staff chick, kicked her out, because I don't see her, but the first night she came, she was wearing a bright blue hat, tons of make-up--don't think that is conducive to mountain man/woman life style, but I am no, fashion statement chick myself, but, as she sashaded past, me and some guy, looking at each other and not saying anything, but knowing well, what we were both thinking . . . like, ah, here we go again, but he whispered in my ear, to make sure she didn't hear . . . I'm afraid of that chick! LOL! They call, Missoula, Zootown, and the Pov, is the Zoo of Zootown! LOL!
- so there is this perfect, guy for Annie Oakley, were talking, total, Pov matches, from the little old match maker me . . . this guy, who I have seen, for the last two years, as I have tripped in and out of the old Pov. and the new, alike, and this guy is all about, mountain man, style, looks, backpacks, but, I never see him roughing it, like some of the slighter built and not so macho looking guys around here, but he and Annie are perfect for each other! LOL! This morning, I was just chilling, listening to rock, on my two bit, radio, and earphones, and mountain man, is walking in front of me, and suddenly turns to the guy behind him, just one step, right on his trail, and he says, LOL, Look, if your going to be my protege', you don't have to follow me! Yes, I do, dude, I have no where else to go! LOL! The dude behind him, is as colorful, as the rest of the crowd, lol, I can see his blue tooth, light, shining from his ear, his too cool, shades, sunglasses, in the gray cloudy day, and he took full advantage of all the coats, hats, scarfs, gloves, pants, sweaters, that all the, must be, very stylin' donations, with shoppers and consumers, because some of this stuff, looks brand, spanking new! but this guy was duded up! Mary even laughed, when I told her what the one, turned and said to each other . . . and the two could not be more different! But, hell, I have Mr. GQ as my oldest son, a dresser, and then his beast of a brother, rocker, and wild man, and they are the closests of close bros!f LOL, go figure, total opposites! but the biggest fans of each other! Sunday is tough, for everyone, because, half don't have cars, the buses are not running, and nothing is open! So, dudes statement was even more funny, because, it is so TRUE! LOL! I'm okay, if I have money, but if I don't, I am bored stiff!
- this resident gay guy, is everyone's favorite, as swishey as you can get, thin, tall, funny, classic, but a fighter for civil rights, employment rights, and has written a book, and I should have gotten the name, because, it will, most likely be as fun as he is . . . so we are sitting there, and I dig talking to him, but he wants, James Kennedy . . . keep your hand's off bitch! LOL, he is good humored, and hilarious to talk to. So, he got arrested the last time I was here, and after playing Trivial Pursuit, with him reading and taking editorial license with the cards, funnier than hell, I said, so, what were you arrested for . . . he laughed and said, disorderly conduct, because he made some lame ass, gay comment to the cops, after told him to must calm down, and he would not, and after the third chance, they handcuffed him and arrested him! LOL! I said, How was jail? He said, the sheriffs were really nice to me, and when I had to get in the, you know that orange jumpsuit, they gave me my privacy, you know . . . I said, yeah that sucks to have someone, watch you, and I told him, when they arrested me, same gig, the day the sheriff's took my truck, and I was driving a borrowed, piece of shit, beater, car of my clients, driving around Cedar City, looking for my stolen truck, with one cop stopping me, as both headlights, turned off, simultaneously, go figure, and the cops told me, twice not to drive . . . all I could think of was leaving my husband, and getting the fuck out of Dodge, but, on the third time, trying to sneak out of town, without lights, with only me and the cops, out at 3:00 A.M., in the morning, fat chance I was going to sneak out, but I had just had a 42 ounce Diet Coke and I didn't want to waist, the night by sitting and staring at the stars, I just wanted to get the fuck out of town, before I went postal! but, the last cops, who had conference after conference, about what to do with, not necessarily, my light situation, but my attitude, still pissed at the sheriffs, who decided to give me a warning, and I told them to take that warning and just, hustle down the the Iron County Sheriff, and serve it on Mark Gower, the Sheriff! k They decided, much, like my gay friend, three warning were enough, and so they arrested me, and I fucking deserved it . . . but, while I needed an attitude adjustment that night, SO DID THE COPS FOR STEALING MY TRUCK! I am still more pissed about that, than them taking my TWO HOUSES AND A CABIN! They took my FREEDOM! So, me and my little buddy were on the same page, and understood, exactly why we were arrested and both agreed with the officers, in hauling his skinny ass and my fat ass to jail. I asked him, if they checked for drugs and gave him a butt cheek test, or a cavity search, and he said . . . well, no, and I wonder why they didn't? I said, I think they thought you might like it! LOL. Maybe . . .? We both laughed and he is a kick, but this is the type of stuff that happens, daily, noonly, and nightly . . . people watching is, just as, or more entertaining, than going to the ZOO! were are there! LOL, dig it!
- Mary missed her calling in life, as a spy, she also warned me, of the gossip, and the fact that the older woman, who sticks to herself, and eats strange shit, wears a scarf over her head, Muslim style, so not surprising . . . I thought she was up from the polygamist community, down the way, from Missoula, but, no, gossip central said, no she is Muslim, avowed and is a member of ISIS! Mary, in a hushed, militia member herself, tone, said, or whispered, I think she ought to keep that to herself . . . might be a wise thing to do! LOL . . . all colors, all flavors, all kinds, and interesting study in human development.
- I sat by one guy, who heard that I am an attorney, and said he needed me to help him with his divorce--the reason he is at the Poverello, he lives in St. Regis, and can't get a job, so the wife, kicked him out, because of that and his drinking. I sympathized with him and said, well, St. Regis is not the job mecca of Montana . . . No. I asked him, if he was still in love with her? He assured me that he was and they had a 4 month old son together, and he missed him. I advised him, to swallow his pride, get on his knees, kiss her ass, and beg to come back or get a job in Missoula and bring her down here where he can get a job. I never saw him again, and I think, he got a quick job, to get her down here to a motel, like he said he wanted to, and that was that! Some people, are here, little more than 24 hours, figuring out what they are about, and need to do, which direction . . . takes enough pressure off them, and as soon as they get it figured out, past a rough patch, as they refer to it as . . . just a bump in the road, and then they are on there way! I guess I lost everything I had, still alive, still unbroken . . . Lynyrd Skynyrd! I'm out here on the streets, still alive, still alone, still UNBROKEN! I'm not home, not lost, ain't much left, still alone, still alive, still unbroken! So, many times, my background music, at just the perfect time, comes to consciousness, and is spot right on!
These damned, motherfuckers, who take control of my cell phone and computer . . . I took the coolest, starkest, dreary, forlorn, depressing, picture, just up Broadway, across the street, from the Fresh Market, of a bunch of ravens, crows, in the leafless, shadeless trees, about 50 or 60 black birds, on the black trees and branches, with the gray, river, white snow, gray mountains, with snow capped white, the gray cloudy sky, a really cool, contrast and comparison to the colorful atmosphere in the Poverello Center, looking at the alternative, just out the front door, sad, dreary, lonely, and cold. But, I am sure that the dumb asses, that, are claiming, my blog, my life, my son, and the fact that, I am there at the Poverello, but, hell, do you think it is hard to get a bunch of homeless people, without a dime to take some money to lie and say that it is Rachel,. not me that is there, or poor student staffers, who just paid tuition? or some undercover cops, taking double pay, from the cop shops and the tax payers? Fuck, all I have, is to rely on their, sense of justice, their integrity, and their morals, and this is not a crowd, that can sacrifice money, for a sense of values! Fuck!
A cop, did drive by me, as I walked up the street, went over to the diagonal, came back, along Broadway, and drove past me a second time, watched me, as I wrote down the words off the purple, Animeal , sign, just up the rode from where the birds were resting in the trees, a scene right out of the movie, The Raven, a play on the poem, by Edgar Allen Poe, the early American spooky stories, writer, that I loved to read to my kids, to the dark nights of October, with only the lights of the candles, in the carved jack-o-lanterns, as they lay on sleeping bags, while I held a flashlight, to see the words, of the Black Cat, Tell Tale Heart, The Mask of the Red Death, and other haunting stories, adding a bit of Herman Melville, from, The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner . . . English major stuff, cool stories, fun development of imagination! Anyway, as always, I live an interesting, adventuresome, entertaining life. I noticed, that Garrison Keller, of the Prairie Home Companion radio and book, Lake Wobegon, Love You . . . and another one, coming soon to the University of Montana, fun stuff, cool stuff, homegrown fun, stuff . . . just like Montana stories!
A cop, did drive by me, as I walked up the street, went over to the diagonal, came back, along Broadway, and drove past me a second time, watched me, as I wrote down the words off the purple, Animeal , sign, just up the rode from where the birds were resting in the trees, a scene right out of the movie, The Raven, a play on the poem, by Edgar Allen Poe, the early American spooky stories, writer, that I loved to read to my kids, to the dark nights of October, with only the lights of the candles, in the carved jack-o-lanterns, as they lay on sleeping bags, while I held a flashlight, to see the words, of the Black Cat, Tell Tale Heart, The Mask of the Red Death, and other haunting stories, adding a bit of Herman Melville, from, The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner . . . English major stuff, cool stories, fun development of imagination! Anyway, as always, I live an interesting, adventuresome, entertaining life. I noticed, that Garrison Keller, of the Prairie Home Companion radio and book, Lake Wobegon, Love You . . . and another one, coming soon to the University of Montana, fun stuff, cool stuff, homegrown fun, stuff . . . just like Montana stories!
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