"Power of Attorney"--Great Burn!
Grab'em by the balls, and their hearts and minds will follow . . . let the war begin!
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., reporting, from her makeshift office, McDonald's on Broadway, Missoula, Montana, 8:47 A.M., Mountain Time. This morning, writing about a killer, good, old movie, the kind you can get free, on YouTube . . . funny, I used the title from the Adam Saddler, movie, The Despicable 6, to emphasis a point, about all the fraud broads, who have stolen my identity, taking credit for, stuff, like what I just wrote about, my GoArticles, that are as fun and timely, if not more, than they were when I wrote all of them, in about a two day, writing spree, being inspired by the Senate Confirmation hearings of both, Hillary and Sonia, at the same time, as Sarah Palin, fresh off the loss, with Senator McCain, in the 2008 presidential elections, had just resigned from her post, as the Governor of Alaska, all within, I believe a week or so, of each other . . . Hillary, breezed through her, day long, grilling by the Senate Committee members, without even a speed bump, pretty impressive, as was her tenor, as Secretary of State, and this morning, on the radio, and to the shock of the announcers, talking about the new Star Wars, taking over, first money making spot, from Avatar, then mentioning, that this Adam Saddler, movie, hilarious, was viewed, more than any other movie, of all times, now on Netflex . . . I wonder, if, a billion readers, had anything to do with that? Ego check! LOL!
Anyway, the movie, I believe, from 1995, as I recall, Power of Attorney, was awesome . . . oldie moldies, can be goodies! timely, spot on, as this one is . . . I have written, that what I am dealing with, and my children, is the super mob, government, family, church, law enforcement, community, friend, clients, etc. But, this movie, will help, you see, the difficulties, of dealing with those who, steal, ill gotten gains, and the power, money buys them, not only on the streets, but in the courts, and in the communities, they live in, and the extra-difficulty, in bringing them to justice . . . this show, demonstrates that point. Hopefully, it will give insight, into the type of people, you are dealing with, Ruthless People, to name another comedy, with Danny Divito, but, there is great frustration on my part, having been the one, targeted, and I am sure, great frustration, on the part of law enforcement, trying to prove the protected crimes, bring the protected, to the top tiers of government, community, state, to justice . . . but, it can be done . . . we are as smart, if not smarter than, fucking criminals, the mob, gangsters! Take'm out!
The Feds Will Cut A Deal, Faster Than a Two-Bit Whore
I am just going to give you a skeleton sketch of the movie, and over-view, and then, in true, law school, fashion, taking notes on fucking everything, even movies, I am going to bullet, some of the classic lines, that are so true to law, the practice, the differences, in legal backgrounds, and training, as you will see, one attorney, doesn't fit every legal situation, any more than one law, applied to every state! In this movie, and I believe, that it is based on a true crime, story, because, those are the one's, I generally gravitate to, when narrowing my search for good movies, based on true events . . . although, Hollywood, generally takes, literary and license, to make it more dramatic, or in some cases, less dramatic, and traumatizing, given the facts of the true events, and the graphic depiction of those events. But, the movie, starts, with a cocky, good looking DA or District Attorney, in New York, probably one of the largest districts, in the nation, if not the largest, and it is the prosecutors, up against a local, mobster. In typical, attorney, posturing, the cocky attorney, assures his boss, the actual district attorney, or his boss, that, he has this bad guy in the bag, not to worry, and to just relax, while the jury is out deliberating.
Shock of shocks, the jury finds the mob boss, the godfather, not guilty, and acquits him of the crime . . . the cock of the rock, is devastated, and let me tell you, there is nothing worse, that waiting for the jury, especially, when you are dealing with, dirty, courts, bullied witnesses, jury tampering, bogus warrants, threatening witnesses, and the likes, that I have dealt with, even to the point of, telling the press, that they can't report my win, and having three secret prosecutors, on short circuited TV, the courtroom packed with plain clothes, undercover, and uniformed police officers, and behind the defendant and me, in what is allegedly, and constitutionally to be a public trial, having three cops, turning friends and family away, with 60 cop vehicles, of varying flavors and sizes, surrounding the courthouse, watching the short circuit TV, on their computers! Magically, with me, the prosecutor, and the judge, the ONLY parties, to be involved, allegedly, in drafting the jury instructions, as we had, and all agreed on 9 jury instructions, the invisible prosecutors, drafted, 14 more, to counter, each one of my arguments, even going to the extent, to beat me, by telling the jury, they could not consider any constitutional arguments . . . fuck, that is what the Bill of Rights, protects, nor could they consider, MY ARGUMENTS . . . what the fuck, did we just have a two day trial for? Why didn't you, just throw my clients, set up by the cops, narcotics cops. out naked in the courtroom, to defend himself!!!!! So, believe, me, I understand, the frustration, when you prove your case, beyond a reasonable doubt, and have it shot down by a jury, with squirrelly reasons, or better yet, stared down, by a powerful county attorney, glaring at the jurors, like . . . YOUR NEXT, intimidation always works!
The Weapon is the Law . . . the Bullet is Justice . . . Or it is Suppose to Be!
The district attorney, is pissed, his fears, being more experienced, dealing with mobsters, their smarmy attorneys, dead witnesses, and a body count attached to each prosecution and trial, gives a lecture about rights, the power of the law, justice, which is the prosecutor's ultimate objective . . . they have the power to either decline to prosecute, or proceed with prosecution--they are the gateway to justice, as I call it, having been legally trained, unlike, cops, they are the ones to call the shots, looking at the evidence, at the law, seeing if, the evidence, can prove, all the elements of the crime the defendant or suspect is being charged with, the either asking the cops for more evidence, or proceeding with what they think will convince the jury of the guilt of the defendant. The DA, decides, since his elected office, depends, on getting this fucking gangster, to retry the case, and get him. In the mean time, based on the egos involved, and the DA's lack of trust, or being, not impressed with the deputy DA, the good looking, cocky attorney, is approached by the mobster, he just lost his case to, to come work for him, and go against his old boss at the DA's office, and like all good, bought and paid for top end law firms, where right and wrong, has nothing to do with whether or not to represent, a person, and only the ca-chink, a-chink, of money, in the firms coffers, is the determining factor, and the godfather, gets the attorney, hired at the high priced law firm with, a restaurant and gym, in the high rise, law firm, with a nice, Harvard law grad, female to sweeten the deal! Reluctantly, he goes, along . . . money, money, money . . . law is a business too!
Muscle Memory, Local Muscle
The mob boss wants the former DA, not only because, he is cocky, but he is a good attorney, as well, with 8 years experience, working for the government and the DA, prestigious, in position, while, not always lucrative, and as well paying, as a private law firm, but, as I always said, and taught, at BYU, speaking along side, San Francisco 49er, Quarterback, Steve Young, a year or so, after graduating, that there are two tracks in the law, as I saw it, one is for money, and the other is for power . . . working for the government is RAW power, as I learned being a former, assistant attorney general! And the wanna be's, seeing the power of attorney, ragingly jealous, and private attorneys, envious, of what that former distinction and job, could do, the carry over effect, going from government to trial work, in the area of civil, criminal defense, and civil rights, giving you such a great overview of not only the law, but the workings of the whole fucking state, and arms of the state, in so many ways, and being exposed to so many issues, ventures, and projects, in addition to the legislative and executive branches of the government, in addition to the judicial . . . fucking, INVALUABLE!!!!! There is nothing, more powerful, that a government attorney, turning, against the government they used to work with! You know, all the due process, that is demanded of the government, as well, as many of the players, making it even more dicey, if you switch sides, you are like an insiders trader in the stock market!
My two clients, Brock and Rice, both, having been wealthy men, were like church mice, when dealing with the government! The government, former, assistant attorney generals, and attorney generals, had, meeting after meeting, at the Capitol, to see how they were going to beat me, and stop the $357 million lawsuit against the state of Utah . . . I learned that, very satisfactory morsel of information, through, Tom Roberts, more than just an acquaintance, but, an attorney, who was now, counsel for the Governor, and also, had trained me, taking over all the DUI's, representing the Division of Motor Vehicles for the state of Utah, so this was now, up close and personal! These guys knew me, knew what I was capable of, and they were going ballz out, to stop this lawsuit, strategizing, scheming and planning! LOL! I can dig that . . . cheating, taking me out, stealing my identity, a bit below the belt, and not fair play! Any dumb ass, can get in deep shit with the government, especially, in regulatory issues, like securities, but, not just any attorney, can get your sorry out of the shit! And there is nothing like, a former assistant attorney general, going against the litigation division, full of assistant attorney generals, who all know you! LOL! Once, New York Investment News reporters, Jessica Martinez, and others, plus, reporters from the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News, learned Brock and Rice were being represented by a former assistant AG, they no longer, interviewed my clients, with pictures and huge ass spreads, in the first article, with merely a line, dedicated to me, but, not failing to mention the title, the press, only contacted me for follow articles . . . motive to ditch my ass, once I won the case? Image . . . sub me in for the thin, bitch, the tort attorney! Ha! This is a CON law case, not a negligence case, not all attorneys are created or trained equally! LOL!
Ms. Harvard, Law Partner . . . But, I've Never Argued a Criminal Case Before . . . Never a Better Time Than Now to Learn!
The mobster, is rearrested, on some additional charges, a few murders, and the female honey trap, is to defend the godfather, with the new attorney, in the firm, and the first appearance in court, Ms. Hot, sex, but shitty, criminal defense attorney, freaks out, does a shitty job, and eventually, the former DA, at the back of the courtroom, just observing, steps up, and fills in for the civil attorney, without a clue, what the fuck, she is doing, and does a great job, he knows, this shit, as I did . . . my Brock securities case, took someone, who knew, constitutional law, securities law, administrative law, criminal law, and civil law . . . a fucking RARE attorney, to say the least. One of the employees, in the Brock Financial Firm, looked at me, and said, You never doubted for a second that you could win this case, did you? NO. So, bringing in a skinny bitch, after I win the case, for the photo shoot, is fucking bull shit, and taking her to the top of the government is treasonous! She doesn't know jack shit, about the government, nor constitutional law, and probably advised the President on these fucking 23 unconstitutional gun restrictions, he can't do! Attorneys, mommies, are not inter-changable . . . you don't let one win the case, and let, the other get credit, nor can you raise 4 children, and give credit to a bitch who let, non-English speaking illegal aliens, raise your children, and then turn around, and take MINE in their 30's and 40's, proven, ELITE!
So, of course the mob boss, is impressed with the former DA, and compliments him on what he had done in court, stepping up to the counsel table, and taking over, without a thought! Experience the DIFFERENCE! The next day, as if, the gangster owns the attorney, now, and I think, the attorney, is offered, partner status, maybe that is after the trial, but, as all good mobsters do, they, make you offers you can't refuse, and there in lies the rub, for anyone, who sleeps with the devils, there are strings, you, are indebted to them, as this attorney, is starting to see, he is trapped, working late, girlfriend is pissed, hot female attorney to sooth the bumps with girlfriends, hot sex, nice new digs, and a girlfriend, constantly reminding him of morals, the danger in working with the fuckers, and leaving him, to pay that price alone . . . but, he demands, that the attorney come to the groundbreaking ceremonies for a new cancer wing, of the hospital his has just paid for . . . believe me, this, tactic is as old as the mafia, itself, buy, the loyalties of the community you work in, so people, think your a great guy, an upstanding member of society, and an all around stand up guy, so you don't see the crime, the murders, the hits, the body count, the damage this type of mob family can reap on a community, costing more than a new wing of the hospital!
New Game, New Price . . . You Don't Whack the Brother of a District Attorney, But a Two-Bit Whore in a Fancy Suit?
The mobster, is going to show this cocky, new upstart, now working for me, more than the firm, he controls, and takes him out to the country, and his private hunting and shooting range. As the attorney, ordered to meet the mob boss, in this deserted place, comes upon the designated meeting spot, he is greeted with, the predator, shooting as his prey, leaving the attorney, suit and all, dancing and dodging bullets, and wondering what the fuck is going on. The godfather, now his master, walks up and picks up, a rat, he shot, allegedly, shot, near the feet of the former DA, and says, if you don't kill all of them, or each one of them, you will have 10 more tomorrow! An implied threat, that if you are a rat, and expose the inner workings of Satan and his band of mobsters, not only are you a dead man, but, there are 9 more family members, who will be dead also! Is the money, seriously worth it, and the attorney is asking himself this same question. The young attorney, who made it out of the hood, is starting to get the picture, of what he should have known, when he was going after this guy, the game, the stakes, the power, the connections, the threats, the body count, and all, that is going to soon, take its toll, on his own family. And I will leave the story at that, and you will have to watch it . . . just a teaser! Some cool quotes from the opening statements of the DA and the former DA:
- this man has made a joke of this trial, a joke of the laws of this country
- there is an epidemic of corruption in this country, and it is like a disease
- it has the power to infect and destroy all of us, no matter who we are
- rights are what this country is about . . . where does this corruption lay?, in the government, in business, in our own hearts, in the minds of all of us?
- before you pass judgement on Scassi, you have to ask yourselves, is his corruption any different than mine?
The Sins of the Fathers . . . Take Him to the Marsh With the Rest of the Rats! For We Remain At War--A Weapon is the Law and the Bullet that Enforces It . . . Gangster Uses the Words Against the Attorney, Mob Rules!
You can never, ever win with these guys! Calculate the price, the strings, the eventual connections, the potential to harm, the devastation, the wide spread destruction, the paranoia you live with, the compromised morals, that will eventually, be your down fall.
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