Boss of Bosses . . . God Father, Castellano . . . Respect or Fear?
This was a look at the rise and fall, of the most notorious and prosperous time, the hay day, if you will, for the mob, moving from street thugs, to getting into more legitimate businesses, basically, construction, and bringing in a new era and changes in the tactics for making money, coming under the direction of Paul Costello, bringing together, all the mob families, across the east at least, and setting the ground rules for his rule, on the streets. I found it to be particularly informative, seeing that, the super mob, that has stolen my son's music, starting way back in 2000, taking out both parents, so a 17 year old, baby music protege' and genius, would be fodder and prey, for the super mob, to use monies, illegally gotten, for political gain and power, working to get, Mormon, Mitt Romney, as seen in the front page article, in the Salt Lake Tribune, the day, in March, 2012, when Mitt got the nomination, strong arming, many Ron Paul supporters, breaking knuckles, and stealing party delegate votes, at the convention, calling, Mitt's nomination as, and very telling, a Mormon Moment, not a conservative moment, not a Republican moment, not an American moment . . . but a Mormon moment, with plans to make Mitt, the Mormon President for the World, when America, and the new world order, collide, making us a third world country, under the British monarchy and a Mormon president, with the military and the CIA, over the American president, Pentagon and the FBI, not to mention Congress and the Supreme Court was completely, left out of the new order, because, Republicans, look at many of the most controversial, rulings, abortion among, them, the 12 or Dirty Dozen United States Supreme Court cases. But, this mobster, lays out the formula, that just hit me as the blueprint for the super mob . . .
Preying on the Misery of Others, Satan Seduced You, Like Wild Animals in Africa . . . Catholic Priest To a Young Pauley Castellano
Back in the day, the FBI, whom Costello feared, as being more ruthless, than the mob, were larger predators and riding the asses of the mob, but those days are long gone, and the two have, become partners in crime, with mobsters allowed to work, as long as the feds get a cut of their action, and with so many deals cut, the lines of demarcation between law enforcement and breaking the law, is one and the same! So, here is the plan, that Costello, the new God Father, in New York, I believe laid out:
- we are going into the business of construction, in New York
- we are going to control all construction, in the city . . . we will be central to all construction
- we will own the New York skyline
- controlling all construction, will be kept under the wire
- there is to be no cops killings, or civilians killed by the mob
- no member of the mob families, are to get involved in the lucrative, but illegal drug business . . . you deal drugs, you die . . . get rid of renegades (easy for Mormon, no drinking, no smoking, pot . . . okay in the super mob, all key old retired feds, all use marijuana, as do many of the younger ones)
- our way will be the business of an empire
- all unions will come to us and be, beholden to us
- one day, it will be the President of the United States . . . we are here folks!
Castellano's wife, about her children, to her husband . . . you keep our children clean, you never involve them in that filthy business! Old school, FBI, doing surveillance on former mob boss . . . he is going to die perfectly in his sleep, a millionaire. Pauly was made the new God Father, because he knew how to hide the money! FBI--they are have the toughest mob in the world, and don't ever forget that . . . too bad the FBI has forgotten which side they are on! Casetllano, went on to tell the other family mob capos, that they, referring to the FBI, will crush me like a cockroach! The mob, after Castellano's death, being gunned down, by younger mob members, wanting to get involved in the lucrative drug trade, has never been the same. Two FBI agents, are out in the van, doing surveillance on the lottery of mob meetings, and one says to the other, when we catch this guy, the mob will just have another mobster to take his place. Then what are we going to do? We will catch him too. That was back in the good old days, with purer lines between the mob and their predators, the FBI!
Running Scared . . . Undercover FBI, 12 Years, Takes Down the Russian and Italian Mob! Fakes Death
This FBI agents, is my hero, and I hope there is someone around like him, to bust this thing wide open. But, in the begging of the movie, several masked men, interrupt a huge transfer and drug exchange, between mobsters and thugs, doing the work, cutting the deals, taking the risks, and then, these new masked invaders, come in for the steal and the kill. After this huge ass gun battle, leaving the thugs dead, with the mobsters surviving, barely, and three masked men dead, a cop badge, is exposed, on one of the corpses. Dirty cops, are the ones cutting in on the deal. They check all the other dead men, and they too, have badges. We used to have a saying at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, that cops were just the flip side of the bad guys . . . and, it is predator, feeding on predator. I just saw another, movie, can't remember the name, but it involved the DEA and DIA agents, intercepting and allegedly stopping drug trafficking from coming up over the boarder of Mexico. And, as you watch, the government guys, involved in the drug interdiction programs, appear to be, just, that, the flip side of the coin, preying on the drug lords, as the drug lords, prey on dealers, who in turn, prey on drug dealers, just as brutal and loving the hunt, hopefully on the right side . . . but, same tactics, often, recruiting those involved in the mob or trafficking drugs, and granting them immunity and commuting sentences . . . all in a game of cat and mouse, predator, psychopath vs. psychopath, one, using those traits and skills, in a socially acceptable way, but, being the flip side of the same coin!
There is one part in the movie, a conversation between the undercover agent, who has to get dirty, to expose the inside workings and organization of the local mob, who works with or tolerates, Russian mafia members, sharing the same turf, on some things, or crossing each other's paths, but she, is as cool as he is, gong to the rescue of her Russian neighbor's son, who is accidentally, found by child sexual predators and traffickers, hiding in the back of their van, as he runs from his Russian step-father, who is trying to cut a deal with the cops, to find out where a gun that killed the three dirty cops came from . . . as other kids are discovered by this sick couple, the wife returns home, now, knowing what true evil looks like. And she tells her husband, that she has turned her head, time and time again, and looked the other way, said he was misguided, hung with the wrong crowd, and saw him make mistakes in his life, but, she knew, the man she married, was not an evil man. And you can see what good guy, good father, good husband he is, trying to play in two worlds. Just before he is getting ready to die, with a mob leaders standing over him, the young FBI agent, reveals that he has been wired, all this time, of late, and at that time, the FBI rushes through to the ice hockey rink.
Tough show to watch, but in shows the dirty side of law enforcement, trying to break the mob . . . good flick. I liked the movie, first, because, it exemplified, the fact that, we should not give automatic credibility to cops . . . fuck, but for them, none of this could have happened to me, used as battery systems by the super mob, to run me ragged, leave me Running Scared . . . sort of . . . for four years! After having me blog blocked, three times, entire blog erased or yanked, in Whitefish, I hit, Missoula, and could tell that shit was brewing, same feeling in Butte, so I hit the road to Billings, new territory; although, the Yellowstone Sheriff's Department, smoke stack was pumping, almost in a symbolic furious pace, as I walked up 3rd street past the bus terminal, to downtown, trying to find the locally owned, yummy breakfast place that was near the old, bus terminal . . . new one is very nice, but not as accessible to good eating, so I found Denny's, and partook of breakfast there, good also, and with Internet, always a must. I am not being blocked, so, the super mob, doesn't know I am here yet. I left Butte at 1:10 A.M., just, trying to stay alive! Nice lyrics, so many people love you baby, that must be what you are . . . gratefully, I feel the love, that drives me, because, I sure as hell, and not making any money, and spending all I have to stay alive, so I can write about what I know, a rare insight for sure!
The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Family Gets Lost In Desert, Monsters From Government Nuke Testing in the 1950's, Prey and Feed on the Family!
Monsters are real, ghosts are real . . . they exist in the hearts of men!
Now, I searched for true crime movies, based on true events? I was using my guest browser, so as not to alert the NSA, that I was on my computer and giving them knowledge of my location, so I didn't use the normal, custom made movies, YouTube, recommends, so . . .? This movie was terrifying, and at first, seemed very plausible; however, as the movie went on, the deformed, men, women and children, flesh feeding, remains of a community, who refused to close up and pack it in, when the monstrosities, of the nuclear fall out, and the long term effects, were still not fully known, but in this movie, became evident, appearing more like a Zombie movie, than reality, I hope . . . but, a family, is celebrating their parent's anniversary, and the father, a retired detective, former military tough guy, who sees his, non-violent, son-in-law, a Democrat, as somewhat of a pansy, one of the few to survive, including the macho father-in-law, but I could appreciate the interchange between the two, clash of culture, politics and feelings on guns, in light of my own husband and father, taking me back in time and memory, smiling, but the dad, wants to go through the desert, gets gas in an old abandoned town, another survivor, who was old enough to not be as affected by the nuke fall out, tells the family, that there is a short cut . . . remember what I said and this movie shows it, there are no short cuts to success, and this is evident, as one of the monster men, puts a mean ass spike, out on the dirt road to nowhere, causing a wreck that totals the Suburban and trailer, leaving the family stranded, without cell service, and totally out of the way, for ever being found, by someone who could help them, leaving them breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus, the young women, sexual attractions for the more powerful and dominate men, truly monsters, the fear of all women, art mirroring life? Anyway, the movie, is maybe an overstatement against nuclear weapons of mass destruction, by some creative, Hollywood screenwriter! but, very clearly makes a statement!
My Mental Analogous Comparison Between the Monsters In the Movie Who Destroy a Beautiful Family, Making Them Nothing More Than Prey! and the Real Life Monsters I Have Been Talking About in this Blog, and No Less Horrifying! Hillary is Lucky She has a Former Prez. To Defend and Support Her Against the FBI Monsters I Believe She is Just Starting to Deal With!
In the movie, the wreck is bad enough. The father goes to get gas and help, a tow truck, and he finds the gas station attendant, who knows damned well, what is waiting for the family, up in the, oh, I just remembered the movie name . . . The Hills Have Eyes! The scenery, looks much, like that of the desert, just outside of St. George, Utah, the epicenter of the crimes against me and mine, and the landscape, as unforgivable, people, while dressing and looking, normal, have the souls of these beasts, and are just as ravenous and brutal to the family, without even a tender heart for the young couple's baby, only to be saved by a female monster, who has a heart. The psycho bitches, in my horror film, are just as relentless and mean as are the male counterparts, if not more so, with, no understanding or tenderness, or familiarity with what it must feel, like to not only have someone first, poison you in the height of your career, robbing you of your earning potential, youth, beauty, telling you, or giving you a death sentence, with no cure, telling you, you'll never work again, leaving you wondering how to cop with the tragedy, telling your two daughters serving their country, and your young sons, not even out of their teenage years. One would think that bad enough, but not for these fuckers . . . they have not, as the monsters in the movie, not stopped, not until they are completely defeated, with barely any remains of the family left.
Psychopaths and this is why I mention them so much, have NO EMPATHY, NO SYMPATHY, and NO REMORSE, no code of ethics, no wrong or right, so how do you deal with them? Basically, you do as the family, in this case did, you fight for your life, and for the lives of your loved ones, watching, as one by one, they are beaten, burned alive, shot, molested, raped, bludgeoned, scared, chased, robbed, until, they barely escape, as far as I know, the film just up and closed. Just when you think, you have relented, first to giving them, or allowing them to take your house, your cases, your law practice, and moving to Montana, to find, they have followed you up there, to cut in on your name and taking credit for whatever you do, touch or earn again. Someone the other day, said, that I needed to reinvent myself . . . seriously, this is the 4th or 5th time, moving city to city, friend to friend, project to project, to have them devour it, like it is a feeding frenzy, with total law enforcement authorization, not only taking all that is yours, or your children's, but, treating you, a daughter, mother, grandmother, in the most brutal and inhuman manner, that is basically, incomprehensible, to the normal person, who, sees these actions by family members, good church going people, grandparents, and parents themselves, as being so outlandish, that I must be lying . . . but I am not!
Monsters are Real, Ghosts are Real . . . They Can Be Your Parents, Siblings, Husbands, Lovers, Children, In-Laws, Clients, Cops, Prosecutors, Judges, Legislators, Feds . . . Because, They are Monsters and Ghosts In Their Hearts! and They are No Less Menacing, Dangerous, Deadly, Ravenous, Brutal, and Ugly as the Monsters, Created, Ironically By Government Testing . . . This is Fringe Government Shit, Just Like the Nuke Testing of the 50's, Making Me a Human Guinea Pig!
P.S., much like Prescott Bush and his rich, Skull and Bones buddy, who funded both, sides of WWII against Hitler, you will find, that there is likely a staff member, on both sides, Republican and Democrats, claiming to be me, because, I try to be, truly, balanced and fair, in looking objectively at the elections and the candidates. So, I would assume, that older sister Shelley, is working for Hillary, while Sue Schmidt and husband are working for Trump. I don't exist, in this mafioso family, of Southwicks, therefore, it will be claimed that either Rachel, the Booby Prize, or baby sister, Tiffany, are sitting right here, in Billings, Montana at Denny's Restaurant, writing this blog, claiming they are the real McCoy, in fact, in the credits of one of the movies, I saw this morning, there was the name, Matt McCoy, my Intel man, God, is telling me, that the reason that I had not been blocked from writing my blog, is because, these blogs on the American election cycle, will be of global interest, giving insight and foreshadowing of what they might get, by way of the new most powerful man or woman in the world, President of the United States, and don't kid yourselves . . . any wonder, Mormons want access to this blog, will take credit on either side of the isle? It is hard to have, 5 sisters, you have to battle, taking out one ugly head, only to have the next ugly head, or snake's head, pop up, with the NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, DEA, ATF, etc., all on their side, deciding, they, can take or even love my work, my kids and my grand kids and all my ideas; however, they have decided to demonize me for one thing, other than life long jealousy, envy, and hate, but, in their minds, Trump can shoot someone, and 40% of the sane population, said they would NOT vote for him, as he claimed they would, but, and this is where it gets sick, and where these inroads, of bull shit thinking, that has created the climate for these monstrous atrocities to be played out, in front of, and with the support of law enforcement and the very agencies that should be investigating, charging and prosecuting, these crimes of all shapes and sizes, plus normal, allegedly rational thinking people, who seems so appalled at this or that, yet, turn a blind eye to crimes, murders, and brutality beyond, waterboarding and torture, and think nothing of it . . . 31% of the people said, they would still vote for Trump, if he shot someone, bragging people would still support him, and then 30% were undecided . . . this was an actual poll, after Trump made that asinine statement!
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