Politics are Fun and Addicting! We Have A Race, By George!
It was fun to hear all the political pundits, chew the fat, or look at all that happened last night, and on the campaign trail, that is about to go from entertainment to hot topic debate and vote, as the Iowan's cast the first ballots, in the first of the state caucuses, Monday night--the time to tune in and join the fun. A truck that just went past the Trailway Bus terminal in Butte, along Harrison Blvd., downtown Butte, had a great slogan on it . . . Find the Hero in YOU! There are positive things going on everywhere, look for them, enjoy them, let them inspire you, and keep you going! Anyway, back to the elections, originally, there was a field of about 22 people interested in running for president--pretty amazing the interest, giving the clawing and scratching one has to do to get to the top of that heap, but we are getting to the point, after 6 some odd, Republican debates, and I think four, Democratic debates, with Hillary, tempting and prodding Bernie, to another debate, before, the Monday vote . . . or at least, that is what I thought I heard, as I was getting ready this morning, taking a shower, putting on make-up and streamlining what I am willing to haul around with me, as I go dirt bagging around the state, one last time, hopefully.
Generally, it will be, two or three top contenders, that will surface on the Republican side, and Hillary and Bernie are neck and neck. Now, this should be, as interesting, if not more so, to you, that a horse race, Nascar Race, or a downhill ski race, and it will affect you much more than any of those races, so join in and you will end up addicted, and go through withdrawals, after the elections are over. I can't get enough of the activities, starting, late fall, the year before, and ending, on the first Tuesday in November, of 2016. I can't stand to watch the news, for about 6 months after the elections are over, because, all the fat chewing pundits, go back to their blogs, or their statistics, and their normal work . . . the campaign trail, dies, the excitement of election eve is over, and it gets down right boring to me, for a while! I think the top number of viewers, in a Republican debate, was roughly 24 million, and the top for the last, Clinton, Sanders and O'Malley showdown, had about close to 28 million viewers. However, if I can remember, the viewing audience for the Super Bowl, was 111 million! Which sport, do you think, is going to make more difference to your life?
Political Strategies of the Trump Solo Veteran Fund Raising, Campaign Stunt, Challenging the Spotlight Against Fox News, Competing for Nelson TV Ratings? Good or Bad? Smart or Not So Smart?
The political hacks, analyzing the move, used anything from TV ratings, a rather shallow indicator, to determine the traction, of the rebel show, because Trump was being treated unfairly by Fox, and I missed the comment, he was pissed off about, saying he had to take a stand, so I am not sure, what exactly prompted this move? Others, used computer chasing analysis to watch, which candidates in the Republican field of contenders, moved up or down, according to the statistics, and movement on social media indicators, with Trump, holding fast at the top, while, the other top candidates, moved up and back, forward and backward, according to how well, people either agreed or disagreed with their positions and the stance they took. Ted Cruz, second place, going into last night's debates, by all comments, including the Des Moines Registry, or the largest newspaper, in the state of Iowa, who just last week, endorsed, Hillary Clinton for the Democrats and I think, Marc Rubio, for the Republicans, cutting Ted Cruz, who, after last night debates, took a plunge in the political polls, mainly do to his sarcastic and whiny comments and remarks.
What these debates, indicate, and one of the reasons, that Trump's move, is looking not so good, is the fact that, presidential material, looks good under pressure! If a candidate, can't take the heat, of a Fox News commentator and questioner, they sure as hell, can't handle the pressure of the office, dealing with clown ass leaders, with trigger happy nuke goals, like North Korea's Kim Hung Um or the leaders of ISIS, just wanting to get America into a fight, and it seems they don't give a rat's ass, that our military prowess if engaged fully, could wipe out the whole fucking planet. The president, has his finger on the red button, that could nuke ISIS or the world to smithereens! Iran is taking some in-your-face American stances and actions, buying planes and military equipment from countries other than the U.S.A., after we just cut a nuke deal with them . . . this stuff is real world of War Craft! Who we enjoy in a debate, is different, that who has their hands on the red button, and who commands the War Room at the White House . . . scary stuff! A rational, calm, cool thinker, is necessary, in a world, where often it is hard to tell, whom we should support or give weapons to in a civil war, like in Syria, going on to Libya, and who we should not. This person will be commander-in-chief of the armed forces, as a world power . . . we don't need a hot head, ego maniac, in office, or we might be real fucking sorry! and so could the rest of the world.
People have complained about President Obama, being slow to act, slow to enter and engage our troops, while Republican front runners, and several last night, are trigger happy, loons, itching to built the military, and put our young men and women, resources, full engagement, to take out ISIS . . . which is exactly the mentality, that fucking created ISIS! So, think wisely, who can sit down with a room of 150 world leaders and come to an agreement on a clean power plan for the earth? Does this person even see there is a problem? What kind of environment do we want for our children. This shit matter, a hell of a lot more than the fucking Super Bowl! This is the real SUPER BOWL and the rest of the world is watching and foreign citizens, often, know more about our American elections and the candidates than most of US! And that is pathetic, but they know, that who we elect, will determine much of what their country, gets into as well . . . we are all connected, through the web, commerce, environment, human needs, living with dignity, thriving rather that dying, in a planet filled with filth! dirty water, air and oceans! This shit matters.
On a Top Election Year . . . Only About 40% of the Adult Population Gets Out And Votes! Your Vote Counts! Seriously! Why Not 80 to 100% Voters?
Bernie Sanders, is a man after my own heart, but, I believe many of his ideas and social changes, while needing to be done, need not be mandated by law, or taxed, and prefer, that other candidates and people listen to his message, and start acting accordingly! Billionaires, the rest of the American population gives 3% of their income to charity, a billionaire, gives 1%. Education is the best way to insure a great future for America, giving our all for young, creative, genius, that can save all of us! Rather than tax the rich to death, which we don't do, anyway, they, in all patriotism, might consider, setting up scholarships, foundations, grants, pay for 1,000 worthy young scholars, to get an education, that will bless them, their families, and the nation! We must have a society of people who can rise to the challenges of a new technological world, where robots and computers will leave, man and women behind, without jobs; therefore, job training and upgrading skills, in professions and technical areas, will make people prepared to fill those jobs, that are going wanting right now! My son is in college, and tuition is ridiculous, and I don't know how he is doing it, but Elliot, bass guitarist for bands, like God's Revolver and The Ditch and the Delta, a music major, is paying what to most kids would be low ball tuition, of about $3500 per semester, fuck it was $400 per semester when I went, while he was a baby! And I am proud to announce that he is just two classes short of graduating, and considering law school! Screammm!
Several years ago, Elliot was accepted to the Berkeley School of Music in Boston, back when, his lawyer mother thought, she would actually get attorney's fees from the nearly settled, or cases that got stolen, and be able to pay for his tuition, of $40,000 per year! Not unheard of and about normal for ivy league colleges and universities. Are we going to compete in this global economy, or fall behind, letting brilliance and genius, go wanting, for tuition money? I would hope not. The college age young person, should care about this stuff, many supporting Bernie and others, but when it comes to voting, they do a NO SHOW! Your VOTE matters . . . one person, one vote! The Golden Generation, vote at a pretty high rate, around 60 to 80% of them, so, young people, you are in a competing position, with the senior citizens, and their programs are protected, because, the candidates and elected officials, know, that if they don't cater to their needs and protect their interests, they will not be elected, or they will be voted out of office! If you want social change, get your friends, plan to go to the polls at your local precincts and plan to go get dinner after . . . make it a social activity! Make is fun! The Super Bowl, is happening, starting Monday night, going until, November, so pull up a chair and get engaged, be informed, and get smart!
America Is In Trust Bankruptcy Right Now!
You Need a Point of Reference, a Starting Point And None Better Than Right Now!
P.S., one of the political pundits, made a great statement, on the Couch, on Fox . . . I watch all news channels during the elections, MSNBC, FOX, CNN, as well as other news sources, because they all have a different slant, going from conservative to liberal, and I like to get all sides of each issue, but this chick, very smart, was thoughtful, when she said, all the debate, last night of one candidate, attacking the other, one on their voting record, is basically worthless, or at least should be, taken for what it is worth, given the time, the issue, and the context of say a Congressional vote, or a stance, taken, say by Hillary, as Secretary of State, an appointed position with an obligation, to support the administration she is working for, and we all know, that on several occasions, Hillary differed somewhat from President Obama . . . and she took heat for it. I have worked with in a political appointed position in a state's attorney generals office, and I was NOT free to do what I wanted, within reason, and I had to take the party line, often saw things differently, but I was hired, to take the programs, and positions of the elected official, the people voted in to represent them. We have a Republic, or a system that is one of representation . . . the people elect, whom represents them best, and then this person, is beholden to the people. At times, one an issue and on a vote, the representative will, through added insight, get information the people are not privy too, committee meetings, testimony, witnesses, and that may change an elected officials position and vote, often, taking the lesser of two evils, rather than getting to vote as they would like to.
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