They Don't Get to Take My Marriage . . . HAVE IT!
Brett and Kay, maybe because of watching this whole, Washington, D.C., scandal, unfold, back in 2003, were jealous, of the Wilsons, an elite D.C. couple--interesting choice of characters, Sean Penn, exactly where Brett, the husband should be, and Naomi Watts, or Name O. Me, Wads! This is fucking, serious business, Brett, likely a serial killer, and Kay, a petty, weak attorney, through, my name, family, became, one of the most powerful couples in Washington, D.C., fooling, the Mormon Church, alleged elite, the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, and others, using, Mormon church, intelligence and D.C., connections, to almost take down the hold fucking, UNITED STATES! but for the real, JoAnn S. Secrist, not willing to let the country, become a fucking colony again, nor turn in Mo or Moron, or go back to the British monarchy system, with a MO world president, allowing secret CIA wars, stealing a billion dollars? WHAT THE FUCK! And where was American intel, where were background checks, where was suspicion, that she lacked the background, or a growing suspicion that shit didn't know jack shit about the government? DA! Dumb ass for Bad Ass Con Law Chick . . . as yourself, WHY? Then bringing in other Mo Muffins? Supported by the U.S. Attorney General, the President, Congress? YOU HAD TO HAVE KNOWN, and if NOT, WHY?
In the movie, at the Wilson home, the camera, kept, panning to a MASK, much like the mask, used by Jim Carey in the movie, the MASK, or one that looks, much like the face mask used to muzzle, Leonardo DiCaprio, in the movie based on the Prince and the Pauper(s), or the whole substitute crew, and I found that very telling, and a strange, thing for set designers, to include, unless, it was an actual mock up of the couple's home? Because, it sure was symbolic to me, and very telling, of the fraud broads, and bastard ass, Bush henchmen, who brought the government hookers, into to cover various aspects, of the stuff I was doing, all having used, my name. You see, I have no jealousy for any of these women, or men, they are like pimples on the ass of the universe to me! I have no problem, with the government, seeing, some very smart, or so, they say, using all my WORK, women, and promoting them under their names! The reason they didn't, is because, their names, are NOT muscle names, like MINE IS! I have long, been known for fighting, the good fight, taking on the powers that be, having done all in my power, to be true to the country and my oath of being an attorney, in preserving, protecting and defending the United States Constitution, to the best of my understanding and capabilities, that have been hampered by enemies of this country, this crew! and the Bushes, in MY LESS THAN HUMBLE opinion!
Joseph C. Wilson Gives a Great Speak to a College Class . . . One, I Have Not Only Wrote About In This Blog, But Fulfilled Personally!
At the end of the movie, after Scooter Libby, the one who put two and two together, realizing that, the spouse of a CIA agent, could travel abroad, on alleged, American interests, having been a former, emissary or ambassador for the State Department or the government with prior relationships with a countries leaders, to do a fact, finding mission, which he did, and found, no foundation to the Bush rational to go to war with Sudam Hussain, and Iraq. Valerie Plame is having a difficult time, with Joe, who has a history of being very opinionated, and perhaps, less than objective, and is the one, to start, write the Washington Post, I think article that sparks the controversy, and she is much, more staide and quiet, with what is going on. Eventually, she gets pissed and leaves to go stay with her parents, who are amazed at her strength . . .
As my parents are, proud of me, but don't want that credit to go to their already bloated and overqualified troll of a daughter, afraid of nobody . . . they want, to not only spread my wealth of knowledge, blog, and my son's money, with their, more meek daughters, more the Mormon image, controlled by daddy and mommy, but, they want, anybody, outside the Secrist, family, with four children that are going to, be and do, bigger and better things than mom or father, starting, with military service, music, and character worth, being a president, the next generation, is a concern, politically and power wise, and had to be brought under the thumb of these anti-constitutional theocracy with a world vision and goal, that Mormons would rule, the world through Mitt Romney and the CIA, FBI and other cop agencies.
But, Elliot's bands, ALL 4 of them, were already compromised, with Isaac, Shelley's and Brett's bastard, the favored son and grandson, with grandma and pa, raising Shelley's kids, as did the rest of the family, the Welfare Queen, exchanged for the CONSTITUTIONAL LAW QUEEN, they tried, and are still, trying to pawn her shit kids off on me . . . I love'm, but, they hate us, cause they ain't US! I only take responsibility for the children, I RAISED! I saw a picture in the newspaper this morning, of the new kids programs at the YWCA, and some kid, looking like Scotty, Rachel's youngest son--who is a good, 15 years younger than Elliot, with tons of issues, as the rest do too, laying in a clowns barrel, being rolled along the floor! The red-headed shit, or Schmidt bitches, are being passed off as Greta and Nicole Secrist, married to Dallas and George, all compromised by this bull shit . . . my daughters have done monumental things, the shit bitches, very average, more done in revenge, challenge, competition, but not really used, in their work . . . take credit for MY daughter's supremacy or the Schmidt chicks, allegedly Elloit's sisters . . . FUCK THAT BULL SHIT! They stole, millions, if not billions, from between 2000, when both, Secrist parents were taken out of the game . . . FAIR GAME? are you shitting me?
How many of you know the last 16 words, that President Bush, said in his State of the Union address? No students raised their hands. How many of you know my wife's name? All but a few hands go up. Since, why are we going to war, changed to who is this man's wife? What was done to Valarie Plame, revealing her name, confidential and classified, trashing her stellar reputation, firing her, and then acting like 18 years of great service to her country and the citizens of this country, was nothing and could be dismissed, by law breakers, and cover-up. This was not just committed against her, but against all of you--misrepresented--DO SOMETHING! Joe Wilson, goes on to tell the students, that one of the founders and signers of the new at the time, Constitution of the United States, Benjamin Franklin, was passed on the streets by a woman, who stopped him and said, What manner of government did you give us? A Republic mam, if you can keep it?!
The responsibility of a country is not in the names of a privileged few . . . we are strong and we are free from tyranny, as long as each one of us, remember his or her duty as a citizen, whether it is to present a pot hole at the top of the street, or exposing lying at the State of the Union address, SPEAK OUT! Ask those questions; demand the truth! Democracy is not a free ride, man. I'm here to tell you, but this is where we live, if we do our jobs, this is where our children will live!
P.S., in the credits, like I said, the names, were most revealing, to my case, in this misrepresentation . . . a republican form of government, that Ben Franklin was talking about, is a representative form of government. Do you think, liars, actors, actresses, frauds, shame players, lesser people, literally, people of the lie . . . the name of a popular book, back in the mid-seventies, but so, appropriate here . . . do, you want, people of the LIE? to represent you? The screenplay writer, ironically enough, was, Jez Butterworth and John-Henry Butterworth. Now, the significance of that, is, that Kay Burningham, whom I could eat for dinner, as I ate ham last night, at the Pov., wrote a screenplay, and her married name, was, Buttars, when she was married to David Buttars. Therefore, the name, "J" for JoAnn, "ez" for easy, or attorney, for attorney, both graduated from the same junior high schools and high school, and the same law school, but that is about where the similarities, stop . . . she was a torts attorney, I focused on government, constitutional law, worked in 5 statewide jobs, taught at three universities, had award winning manuals, published in scholarly magazines, did criminal, civil, administrative, family, securities, patent law, worked, at their request for three law professors, exposing me to issues like weather modification, water law, public interest law and education, working in Chicago, doing legislative work, trial work, lobbying, legal analysis on water compacts, wild burros and horses, medical marijuana laws, and tons of other issues. Fair game, to switch me with a torts attorney, ambulance chaser, the scum of the legal field, with nothing of note, other than fucking her opposing counsel, minutes after taking depositions, going after her friend's husband, in an adulterous affair, something, she, Shelley, Rachel are all fine with!
Fair game . . . getting rid of both Secrist parents, to get at rock star son, then stealing his music to give to a bastard fuck, lazy ass, like his mother? Poisoning the real JoAnn S. Secrist, taking her out of the game for 9 fucking years, pushing meds to make her put on weight, having her arrested, time and time again, using cops, nationwide, even in Washington, D.C., to harass and stop from contacting Congressional delegates, with Kay already ME! FAIR GAME . . . running me ragged, attempted murder, hits, targeting me, for Rachel's DUI's, Shelley's warrants, framing me for murder? Forcing me into homeless shelters, blocking jobs, apartments, cars, stealing backpacks, money, and anything they can get their DIRTY hands on . . . buying off, with MY MONEY, clients, friends, acquintences, staff at shelters, etc.? STEALING $357 to $700 million in cases, the fame, exposure, press, credibility, then BULLYING ME OUT OF MY HOMES, STATE, etc., Blowing up cars, sabotaging trucks, going after my KIDS CAREERS, Falsely accusing them or taking credit for their work too, stealing grandkids, loyalties of in-laws?
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