Someone, who might read this blog, and know my kids, please tell them, that in all the excitement last night, always leaving my cell phone battery out, so the cops, can't track me, I got up at 4:18 A.M., to check the time and put the battery back in for a second, and when I went to text my daughters, daughter-in-law, and future, possible daughter-in-law, something nice to HONOR, them for MOTHER'S DAY, I could not find my cell phone battery, which is extremely puzzling, wondering if it is not a God intervention safety precaution, knowing I would be on the phone, much longer than normal with kids, so it just up and disappeared from my front pocket of my backpack, leaving me dazed and confused, till not understanding who it up and jumped out of the designated slot, where I always put it, even out of the larger area? My kids, understand, so, I LOVE YOU, I AM SO PROUD TO BE YOUR MOTHER . . . as are all the fake ass bitch mothers, that cops want to be your moms, because they raised shit! OH, the pain of facing your own lives, your own posterity, your own value system . . . moms, you only have one chance with your kids, not that you can't change, but children's personalities are formed by the time they hit, 5 years old! Don't fuck it up, you neither, dads! But, let my kids know, I could not have done a BETTER job, they are PERFECT TO ME! YOUNG, so somethings will, have to develop, understandings, mature, but over all, you all ROCK IT FOR MOM!
Getting Your Property Back, When Their Are Issues, and Property is at a Third Parties Place?
Here is copy of an email, I started with, in my search for the right way, the simplest way, the least expensive, and the safest way, to proceed, with the fact pattern, that is all too familiar!
Retrieval of Personal Property--Mother with Restraining Order--Daughter/Son- in-Law
9:55 AM (2 hours ago)
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Dear P.D.,
This is JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., down in Missoula, MT, and this morning an acquaintance of mine, found out I am an attorney, and she said, she needed me to help her get her property back from her daughter and son-in-law's house, where it is stored, but she has a restraining order against her; therefore, she contacted the police department to see if she could get an officer to accompany her, so she could peacefully, enter the property, where her stuff is, and pick it up, without: (1) violating her restraining orders; and (2) obtain her property peacefully without an incident, requiring cops come after the fact, or if there is trouble that arises, from entering the property without an escort by the cops.
My friend told me she contacted your department, and asked to have a cop come with her to get her property, but the dispatch or whomever she talked to, told her that they were just to busy to take the time, to go with her, and they told her to just pull her Uhaul up to the house and unload her property. I am not so sure this is a good idea, given the fact that she can get in legal trouble, entering the property, in violation of the restraining order, and I would assume that there might have been a physical confrontation, or she is in fear that one will arise, which would only complicate the situation further. I told her I would look online and see if there was some form, she needed to file or fill out, to request an officer accompany her, and I didn't find one . . . perhaps, I need to look at court forms, or the sheriff's website.
If you have any suggestions, could you please, email me back, and let me know the proper safety precautions, and procedure to obtain her property.
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.
Sorry, I guess the blog spot, is not wide enough to put the whole email, down, but, at times, if the cops,
who, may not know of me personally, but they know my name, and have for 20 years, see that I am on
the case, they will just help the woman, escort her to the property, to safely retrieve her stuff, fast, easy!
Oh, you may call your local sheriff's office and see what they suggest, short of this process? Sheriffs
traditionally, were hired to protect citizens' property, while they were away, and that expanded to their
their jobs now, not only to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens, but to deal with property
issues, mainly through civil service, preacipes, notice, writs of possession and attachement, or exection,
as officers of the court, they do civil process serving of court documents and notices . . . but the form for
PRAECIPE or LETTER TO THE SHERIFF, is online, and it will cost, $100 to file the letter with the
COURT, but if you are indigent, like my friend, may or may not be, she has a $31,000 car, a job,
so? but for a homeless person, or if you lack the funds, you can request a form of indigency,
and get court costs, waived! The COMPLETE packet of material and documents, you will need,
especially, if there are issues, like in this case, with a restraining order, out on mom, with
possible physical threats of violence, that I know, even come between the most loving, mother
and kids, always taking your life in you hands, when the in-laws enter the picture!
- contact either city cops or sheriffs, depending on if the property is in the city or the county,
- see if they will just come to the place the property is, without all the court shit!
- if all is going well, and all parties, have an understanding of who's property is who's
- then, make sure, it is okay to leave, and all will go well, with no call backs, or issues
- or if the cop has time, they should just stay and see the repossession of property and transport
- to the end, jsut for upholding the peace, acting as PEACE OFFICERS, not law enforcement
- next, if that doesn't work, either get online, or just go to the court, and get the packet of forms
- you don't need an attorney, to do this! but fill out the form, and file it with the court
- the Praecipe or Letter to the Sheriff, giving him/her the parties, names, addresses
- I would imagine, listing the property to be possessed, date, time of pick up
- at the point of service by a sheriff, the daughter, may just arrange for a pick-up
- sometimes, just the legal process, clears things up, and rights are protected
- the other two court forms, are NOTICE OF THE WRIT and THE WRIT OF POSSESSION
- fill the forms out, Montana district courts, have legal people on the premise to help pro se
- or litigants who do the work, themselves . . . or do the best you can, and ask the clerk
- if you have questions, they are very knowledgable people, and helpful!
- a lot of times, these writs, either of possession, or of attachment, are related to
- landlord tenant disputes, but, sometimes, like case in point, issues, arise that
- are handled, as if there was a landlord/tenant, relationship
- your in a gray area, that doesn't clearly fall in one category or another
- if things can't be resolved, and things go to court battle, over disputed property, it happens
- the court will hold a hearing, decide who's property it is, or how much you can take
- a JUDGEMENT and EXECUTION by the Sheriff, will be ORDERED BY THE COURT!
- case in point . . . one time, my son-in-law, came to my house, and saw a 70's funky pillow
- I don't know, exactly why he took the pillow, because, my client, gave me his house, for defending
- him on murder charges, getting him three years probation, rather than 45 years in prison
- earlier, I told Greta, she and Dallas could come take anything they wanted--I just remembered
- MY BAD . . . but, I assumed that free taking was, for a specific time period
- and I was shocked, that months later, after, the pillow was part of my decorating
- it was off limits, to family, friends, or foe!
- either Dallas, didn't think, or he didn't see, that it was a part of my room design
- he took the pillow, and I was PISSED, didn't notice the pillow, was gone, until days later
- I actually, happened to see the pillow, just laying in Dallas's garage?
- Why the fuck did he take it? Just to piss me off? cop?
- mom's, you and your daughters, may have the closest of close relationship, until, love, marriage
- changes the dynamics! and when mom, is pitted against husband, YOU LOSE!
- and rightly so, Greta, sided with Dallas, whom I may have called a thief?
- my beautiful, loving daughter, actually called the cops, when I went to get the pillow!
- to this day, I am shocked and dumbfounded, and we have never talked about it!, what was that?
- I have learned by at least two of my children, marriage, sex, lovers, are thicker than blood!
- a man should leave his father and mother, and cleave unto his wife, and via versa!
- okay, okay . . . hands off, but my room, doesn't look the same! I bought an oil painting to match
- miscommunication is the RULE, communication is the exception
- DUE PROCESS = NOTICE + A HEARING . . . and for damned good reason! IT'S MINE! LOL!
- this is not my area of law, but, this might, get you going in the RIGHT direction
- MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE . . . true crime episode . . . daughter, mom close
- boyfriend, comes over and messes with religious and ritual house warming
- boyfriend moves in daughter's new apartment, mom helped decorate
- when boyfriend starts to abuse daughter, mom comes to her resue
- boyfriend, rips off shirt, in an act of aggression at meddling mother bear
- when he grabs, battered and beaten daughter, pulls her way from mom
- mom grabs, the cleaning supplies on counter, bleach and hammer
- she tosses bleach in boyfriend's eyes, and takes on swing, to defend her daughter
- boyfriend dies from the blow to the head!
- mom is in prison for 25 years, said she would do it again, for her abused daughter
- she said the system failed her daughter, failed the dead boyfriend, who
- should have been arrested on the times daughter called cops
- the system failed her, not arresting him, before the abuse excalated
- boy would still be alive, had he spent a few days in JAIL!
- this started out with the boyfriend, messing with property, then daughter, then mom
- these issues are real, there is a reason, for the law, sheriffs, cops, use them
Your Days Will Be Long on the Land!
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